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Professor in Marketing


 PROFESSIONAL +33 (0)4 91 82 79 82

2006 Postdoctoral lecture qualification (HDR) at the I.A.E. Aix-en-
1998-2001 Doctorate in Marketing at the I.A.E. Aix-en-Provence/France and the
University of Augsburg/ Germany with honors
1997-1998 Doctoral studies qualifiers (DEA) in Management Science (Marketing)
with honors at the I.A.E. Aix-en-Provence/France
1994-1995 Diploma in International Management at the I.A.E. Montpellier/ France
1990-1995 Master Diploma in Management/Marketing at the Fachhochschule
Augsburg/ Germany


Courses taught
2011-2016 Structural Equation Modeling, PhD
2009-2016 Marketing Research with SPSS, Master
2004-2021 Customer Relationship Management, Master
2007-2021 Consumer Behavior, Master
2003-2010 Principles of Marketing, Master & Bachelor
2006 Services Marketing, Master
2006 Management of Service Innovations, Master
2005 Tourism Marketing & Destination Branding, MBA
2004 Marketing Plan for Export Marketing in Developing Countries (MBA)
2004 Marketing Management (MBA)
2003-2005 Marketing pour les services financiers, Bachelor

Research Activities
Publications will be listed at the end
Other Academic Activities (Program Committees, Links with the Business
Community and Institutions of Higher Learning)
2018-2021 Research program funded by SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada: Understanding the Changing Cyberspace:
Mobile Consumers and Insight Communities, in collaboration with:
Concordia University, John Molson School of Business (Lead); KEDGE
Business School; California State University; Laurentian University;
SUNY Polytechnic Institute; Université du Québec à Montréal.
2016-2019 Director of the Marketing Center of Excellence at Kedge BS
2010-2015 Ph.D. Program Coordinator (PhD UNIVERSA Ecricome)
2011-2012 Research project funded by the Oxford University (Said Business School),
Centre for Corporate Reputation: Return on reputation: How does
customer-based corporate reputation affect key performance metrics of
service firms?
2010-2012 Research project funded by FEMISE (Forum Euroméditeranéen des
Instituts de Sciences Economiques): Consumer Well being and Quality of
Life in Mediterranean Countries: Measurement and Benchmarking
2007-2008 Program Committee Member: 1st International Workshop on Computer
Users’ Behavior (CUB08), Politecnico di Torino, University of Zaragoza
2007-2008 Program Committee Member: 1st Conference on Trust Management on the
Internet, Aix en Provence Graduate School of Management, France
2006-2007 Visiting Professor at the Kansai University in Osaka/Japan
2005-2008 Advisory Board of the Localization Certification Program at Chico,
California State University & Europe at Euromed Management
2001-2013 Member of the CERGAM research pole in Aix/Marseille


Positions held
2006-2011 Occasional lecturer at the St. Gallen Management Institute, Zurich
2005-2007 Academic consultant and lecturer and for COPCA (Consorci de Promoció
Comercial de Catalunia). Trade Enhancement Program (TEP) of the
European Commission
2002-2003 Lecturer at the Chamber of Commerce of the city of Augsburg

Courses taught
2006-2011 Mastering Marketing, Executive
2005-2007 Marketing Plan for Export Marketing in Egypt, Executive
2002-2003 Marketing Research, Executive

2014-today KEDGE Business School: Professor of Marketing
2006-2014 KEDGE Business School: Associate Professor of Marketing
2003-2006 KEDGE Business School: Assistant Professor of Marketing
2002-2003 Allianz Life Insurance: Product Development
1997-2002 Signal-Iduna Insurance: Sales Trainee, Doctoral Thesis Preparation
1996 –1997 Cancom IT Systems: B2B Sales Manager


2007 MICIMMO: Marketing & Media Plan
2004 Municipality of the City of Marseille: Marketing study on the influence of
the America’s Cup on the tourism image of the City of Marseille

Bartikowski, B. (2002). Kundenzufriedenheit. Verfahren zur Messung der Indifferenzzone,
Lohmar (Diss.).
Chapters in Books
1. Cleveland, M., & Bartikowski, B. (2021-forthcoming). Consumer Dispositions and
Product Connections to Places: From Parochialism to Cosmopolitanism and Beyond. In
N. Papadopoulos & M. Cleveland (Eds.), Marketing Countries, Places, and Place-
Associated Brands: Identity and Image: Edward Elgar Publishing.
2. Chandon, J. L., & Bartikowski, B. (2017). Comparabilité et équivalence des mesures dans
les études cross-culturelles : Des enjeux pour la recherche en logistique. In N. Fabbe-Costes
& G. Paché (Eds.), “Images de la logistique: Éclairages managériaux et sociétaux”
3. Bartikowski, B. (2015). Ethnic Minority Consumers’ Responses to the Web, in The
Routledge Companion to Ethnic Marketing, ed. Ahmad Jamal, Lisa Peñaloza and Michel
Laroche: Routledge.
4. Bartikowski, B.; Spencer, R. (2006). Equivalenza tra culture e marketing euro-mediterraneo:
teoria et quiestioni di misurazione, in: Caru, A.; Cova, B. (eds.), Marketing Mediterraneo.
Tra metafora e territorio, p. 179-195.

Articles published in refereed journals

1. Yoganathan, V., Osburg, V.-S., & Bartikowski, B. (2021). Building Better Employer Brands
through Employee Social Media Competence and Online Social Capital. Psychology &
Marketing, 38(3), 524-536.
2. Bartikowski, B., & Berens, G. (2021). Attribute Framing in CSR Communication: Doing
Good and Spreading the Word – but How? Journal of Business Research 131, 700-708.
3. Bartikowski, B., Fastoso, F., & Gierl, H. (2021). How Nationalistic Appeals Affect Foreign
Luxury Brand Reputation: A Study of Ambivalent Effects. Journal of Business Ethics, 169,
4. Osburg, V. S., Yoganathan, V., Bartikowski, B., Liu, H., & Strack, M. (2020). Effects of
Ethical Certification and Ethical eWoM on Talent Attraction. Journal of Business Ethics.
164 (July), 535-548.
5. Bartikowski, B., Gierl, H., & Richard, M. O. (2020). Effects of "Feeling Right" about
Website Cultural Congruency on Regular and Mobile Websites. Journal of Business
Research, 121, 420-428.
6. Evanschitzky, H., Bartikowski, B., Baines, T., Blut, M., Brock, C., Kleinlecher, K., et al.
(2020). Digital Disruption in Retailing and Beyond. Journal of Service Management
Research, 4 (4), 187-204.
7. Bartikowski, B., Fastoso, F., & Gierl, H. (2019): “Luxury Cars Made-in-China:
Consequences for Brand Positioning.” Journal of Business Research. 102, 288-297
8. Jamal, A., Yaccob, A., Bartikowski, B., & Slater, S. (2019), “Motivations to donate:
Exploring the Role of Religiousness in Charitable Donations”. Journal of Business Research,
103, 319-327.
9. Bartikowski, B., Laroche, M., & Richard, M. O. (2019). “A Content Analysis of Fear
Advertising in Canada, China, and France.” Journal of Business Research, 103, 232-239.
10. Papadopoulos, N., Cleveland, M. & Bartikowski, B. (2018), “Introduction to the Special
Issue. Beyond Country and Brand “Origin”: Product/Brand Place Associations and the Role
of Place Image in Behaviour and Strategy”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 27
(7), 733-734.
11. Papadopoulos, N., Cleveland, M., Bartikowski, B., & Yaprak, A. (2018). “Of Countries,
Places and Product/Brand Place Associations: An Inventory of Dispositions and Issues
Relating to Place Image and its Effects”. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 27 (7),
12. Fastoso, F., Bartikowski, B., & Wang, S. (2018). “The “Little Emperor” and the Luxury
Brand: How Overt and Covert Narcissism Affect Brand Loyalty and Proneness to Buy
Counterfeits”. Psychology and Marketing, 35 (7), 522-532.
13. Bartikowski, B., Laroche, M., Jamal, A. & Yang, Z. (2018). “The Type-of-Internet-Access
Digital Divide and the Well-being of Ethnic Minority and Majority Consumers: A Multi-
Country Investigation”. Journal of Business Research, 82 (1), 373-380.
14. Cleveland, M. and B. Bartikowski (2018). “Cultural Antecedents of Opinion Leadership.
Comparing Chinese at Home and Abroad”. Journal of Business Research, 82 (1), 354-363.
15. Bartikowski, B. & Cleveland, M. (2017). ““Seeing is Being”: Consumer Culture and the
Positioning of Luxury Cars in China”. Journal of Business Research, 77, 195-202.

16. Bartikowski, B., Taieb, B., & Chandon, J. L. (2016). “Targeting without alienating on the
internet: Ethnic majority and minority consumers”. Journal of Business Research, 69 (3),
17. Bartikowski, B., & Merunka, D. (2015). “Modeling the effects of the three dimensions of
trust towards the e-vendor on online consumer behavior.” Systèmes d'Information et
Management, 20 (1), 1-22.
18. Singh, N., Park, Y.-H., Tolmie, C. R., & Bartikowski, B. (2014). “Green firm specific
advantages for enhancing environmental and economic performance.” Global Business and
Organizational Excellence: A Review of Research & Best Practices, 34 (1), 6-17.
19. Bartikowski, B., & Walsh, G. (2014). “Attitude toward cultural diversity: a test of identity-
related antecedents and purchasing consequences.” Journal of Business Research, 68 (3),
20. Bartikowski, B., & Walsh, G. (2014). “Attitude contagion in consumer opinion platforms:
posters and lurkers.” Electronic Markets, 24 (3), 207-217.
21. Bartikowski, B., & Singh, N. (2014). “Doing E-Business in France: Drivers of Online Trust
in Business-to-Consumer Websites.” Global Business and Organizational Excellence: A
Review of Research & Best Practices, 33(4), 28-36.
22. Walsh, G., Bartikowski, B., & Beatty, S. (2014). “Impact of Customer-based Corporate
Reputation on Non-monetary and Monetary Outcomes: The Roles of Commitment and
Service Context Risk.” British Journal of Management, 25(2), 166–185.
23. Bartikowski, B., & Singh, N. (2014). “Should all firms adapt websites to international
audiences?” Journal of Business Research, 67(3), 246–252.
24. Walsh, G., & Bartikowski, B. (2013). “Employee emotional labour and quitting intentions:
moderating effects of gender and age.” European Journal of Marketing, 47(8), 1213-1237.
25. Walsh, G., & Bartikowski, B. (2013). “Exploring corporate ability and social responsibility
associations as antecedents of customer satisfaction cross-culturally.” Journal of Business
Research, 66(8), 989-995.
26. Bartikowski, B., Walsh, G., & Beatty, S. (2011). “Culture and age as moderators in the
corporate reputation and loyalty relationship.” Journal of Business Research, 64(9), 966–
27. Hamzaoui Essoussi, L., Merunka, D., & Bartikowski, B. (2011). “Brand origin and country
of manufacture influences on brand equity and the moderating role of brand typicality.”
Journal of Business Research, 64(9), 973–978.
28. Chandon, J. L., & Bartikowski, B. (2010). « Les risques liés à la transposition culturelle d’un
questionnaire ». Humanisme et Entreprise, Novembre/Décembre(300), 5-16.
29. Bartikowski, B., & Walsh, G. (2011). Investigating mediators between corporate reputation
and customer citizenship behaviors. Journal of Business Research, 64(1), 39-44.
30. Bartikowski, B., Kamei, K., & Chandon, J.-L. (2010). A verbal rating scale to measure
Japanese consumers’ perceptions of product quality. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and
Logistics, 22(2), 179-195.
31. Bartikowski, B., Chandon, J.-L., & Müller, B. (2010). Mesurer la confiance des Internautes
par rapport aux Sites Web marchands : Adaptation de McKnight, Kacmar et Choudhury
(2002). Journal of Marketing Trends, 1(1), 11-21.

32. Singh, N., H. S. Alhorr and B. Bartikowski (2010). "Global e-commerce: a portal bridging
the world markets." Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 11(1): 1-5.
33. Bartikowski, B., D. Merunka and P. Valette-Florence (2009). « Les villes ont-elles une
personnalité ? » Revue Française de Gestion 35(197): 49-64.
34. Singh, N., B. Bartikowski, Y. K. Dwivedi and M. D. Williams (2009). “Global Consumer
Trends and the Web: Convergence of Globalization, Networks and Innovation.” The DATA
BASE for Advances in Information Systems 40(4): 14-27.
35. Busch, K. G., R. J. Zagar, et al. (2009). “Looking Forward in Records of Young Adults
Convicted of Sexual Homicide, Rape or Molestation as Youth: Risks for Reoffending.”
Psychological Reports 104(1): 155-184.
36. Singh, N. and B. Bartikowski (2009). “A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Print Advertising
targeted to Hispanic and Non-Hispanic American consumers.” Thunderbird International
Business Review 51(2): 151-164.
37. Zagar, A. K., R. J. Zagar, et al. (2009). “Cost Comparisons of Raising a Child from Birth to
17 Years among Samples of Abused, Delinquent, Violent, and Homicidial Youth Using
Victimization and Justice System Estimates.” Psychological Reports 104(1): 309-338.
38. Zagar, R. J., A. K. Zagar, et al. (2009). “Accepted Legal Applications of Actuarial Testing
and Delinquency Interventions: Examples of Savings in Real-life Situations.” Psychological
Reports 104(1): 339-362.
39. Bartikowski, B., D. Merunka, et al. (2008). "L’attitude vis-à-vis des destinations touristiques
: homogénéité de la pensée et diversité des préférences." Revue Management et Avenir 19:
40. Gierl, H. et B. Bartikowski (2007). Using Verbal Qualifiers in International Marketing
Research. Der Markt 46(182): 115-124.
41. Bartikowski, B.; Braunmüller, P. (2006): Critical events and next best activities in
relationship marketing: Best practices beyond advanced analytics, in: Global Business and
Organizational Excellence: A Review of Research & Best Practices, Vol. 26, No. 1, p. 65-
42. Bartikowski, B.; Chandon, J.L.; Gierl, H. (2006): L’utilisation des échelles de mesure
sémantiques pour les recherches interculturelles, in: Décision Marketing; Vol. 43-44, p. 207-
43. Bartikowski, B.; Fassott, G.; Singh, N. (2006): L’acceptation des sites web à l’international.
Une étude Franco-Allemande, in: Revue du Management Technologique, vol. 15, n° 1, p. 5-
44. Bartikowski, B.; Llosa, S. (2004): Customer satisfaction measurement: Comparing four
methods of attribute categorizations, in: The Service Industries Journal, vol. 24, n° 4, p. 67-
45. Chandon, J.L.; Bartikowski, B. (2004): Une échelle ordinale permettant de classer les
répondants en satisfait, indifférent et insatisfait, in: Recherche et Applications en Marketing,
vol. 19, n° 1, p. 39-53.
46. Gierl, H.; Bartikowski, B. (2003): Ermittlung von Satisfiers, Dissatisfiers und Criticals in der
Zufriedenheitsforschung, in: Der Markt, 42. Jg., 1/2003, S. 14-34.
47. Gierl, H.; Bartikowski, B. (2002): Eine Skala zur Identifikation zufriedener, indifferenter
und unzufriedener Kunden, in: Marketing ZFP, 23. Jg., S. 49-66.

Articles published in other journals or magazines

1. Bartikowski, B. and K. Kamei (2009). “A Thurstone Scale to Measure Consumers
Perceptions of Product Quality in Japan”. Journal of Informatics (31): 107-113.
2. Bartikowski, B. and K. Kamei (2009-forthcoming). “A Thurstone Scale to Measure
Consumers Perceptions of Product Quality in Japan.” Journal of Informatics.
3. Bartikowski, B. and Kamei, K. (2008): New perspectives on marketing localization: The
influence of cultural Web site design adaptation on consumer online trust, in: Journal of
Informatics, vol. 28, n°. 2, p. 63-75.

Communications published in conference proceedings

1. Bartikowski, B., Larochge, M., Gierl., H. (2021). Semantics in Episodics in Virtual Reality
Advertising: When Consumers Assess What They Can Read but Cannot See. Paper
presented at the 15th Royal Bank International Research Seminar: Culture and the Wired
Consumers, Montreal.
2. Bartikowski, B., Richard, M.-O., Gierl, H., Fastoso, F. (2021). Fit and Misfit of Culture-
Laden Website Design: Conceptualization, Scale Development, and Validation. Paper
presented at the 15th Royal Bank International Research Seminar: Culture and the Wired
Consumers, Montreal.
3. Shirdastian, H., Bartikowski, B., Laroche, M., & Richard, M.-O. (2021, August 4-6, 2021).
App Atmospheric Cues and Cultural Congruency in Location-Based Mobile Ads. Paper
presented at the 2021 AMA Summer Academic Conference, Virtual.
4. Shirdastian, H., Bartikowski, B., Laroche, M., & Richard, M.-O. (2021, June 2021).
Destination-Based Advertising: The Role of Destination Congruity. Paper presented at the
2021 AMS Virtual Conference.
5. Gierl, H., Bartikowski, B., & Fastoso, F. (2021). Risk Proneness as an Alternative
Explanation for the “Sex Sells” Hypothesis in Relation to Luxury Brands. Paper presented
at the Monaco Symposium on Luxury, Monaco, France.
6. Shirdastian, H., Bartikowski, B., Laroche, M., & Richard, M.-O. (2021). Destination-Based
Advertising: Altering Planned Behaviors. Paper presented at the 2021 AMA Winter
Marketing Educators Conference (AMA).
7. Cleveland, M., & Bartikowski, B. (2020). The Antecedents of Global Brand Advocacy for
Home and Overseas Chinese. Paper presented at the 2020 Global Marketing Conference,
Seoul. [Best Conference Award]
8. Fastoso, F., Bartikowski, B., & Wang, S. (2020). The Narcissistic Desire for Original
versus Counterfeit Luxury: Self-Expression or Ego-Enhancement? Paper presented at the
2020 Global Marketing Conference, Seoul.
9. Baszok, D., Fastoso, F., Bartikowski, B., & Gierl, H. (2020). Should Brands Take a
Political Stance? - How Brands Political Associations Affect Brand Attitudes and Perceived
Authenticity. Paper presented at the 2020 Global Marketing Conference, Seoul.
10. Bartikowski, B., Richard, M. O., & Gierl, H. (2019). Cultural priming and the malleable
self: Differences between Ethnic Minority and Majority Consumers. Paper presented at the
13th Royal Bank International Research Seminar, Montreal.
11. Yoganathan, V., Osburg, V. S., & Bartikowski, B. (2019). Effects of Company Reputation-
Related Social Media Competence on Psychological Contracting. Paper presented at the 13th
Royal Bank International Research Seminar, Montreal.

12. Fastoso, F., Bartikowski, B., & Wang, S. (2019). Why Narcicissists prefer Original over
Counterfeit Luxury - The Role of Authentic and Hubristic Pride. Paper presented at the AMS
Annual Conference, Vancouver.
13. Cleveland, M., & Bartikowski, B. (2019). A Serial Mediation Model of Identity and
Acculturation Antecedents of Market Mavenism among Chinese Immigrants. Paper presented
at the EMAC 48th Annual Conference, Hamburg.
14. Bartikowski, B., Evanschitzky, H., Gillison, S., Beatty, S., & Herhausen, D. (2019). Towards
a Measure of Brand Age. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management 2019
Conference, Birmingham, UK.
15. Bartikowski, B., & Berens, G. (2019). Message Framing in CSR Communication: Do Good
and Spread the Word – But How? Paper presented at the 2019 AMS World Marketing
Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland.
16. Osburg, V.-S., Yoganathan, V., & Bartikowski, B. (2018). The Influence of Ethical Market
Signals on Attracting Talented Employees. Paper presented at the 13th Global Brand
Conference 2018, Newcastle upon Tyne.
17. Osburg, V. S., Yoganathan, V., Bartikowski, B., Liu, H., & Strack, M. (2018). Attracting
Job Candidates Through Information about a Company’s Ethicality: The Effects of
Certification and E-wom. Paper presented at the 2018 Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo.
18. Bartikowski, B., Fastoso, F., & Gierl, H. (2018). Luxury made-in-China and consumer
culture positioning of premium cars. Paper presented at the Monaco Symposium on Luxury,
Monaco, France.
19. Gentina, E., Bartikowski, B., & Richard, M.-O. (2017). Youth Culture and Materialism:
Conflicting Paths to Life Satisfaction. Paper presented at the 12th Royal Bank International
Research Seminar, Montreal.
20. Cleveland, M., & Bartikowski, B. (2017). Global Brand Ambassadors: Antecedents of In-
group and Out-group Global Brand Advocacy among Chinese at Home and Abroad. Paper
presented at the EMAC 2017 Conference, Groningen.
21. Bartikowski, B., Gierl, H., & Laroche, M. (2017). A Metacognitive Analysis of Ethnic
Minority and Majority Consumers’ Evaluations of Website Cultural Congruency on Regular
and Mobile Websites. Paper presented at the 12th Royal Bank International Research
Seminar, Montreal.
22. Bartikowski, B., & Fastoso, F. (2017). Materialism and consumer culture brand positioning
of premium cars in China. Paper presented at the The Mystique of Luxury Brands
Conference 2017, Seoul.
23. Bartikowski, B., Evanschitzky, H., & Beatty, S. (2017). Perceived brand age: Item
generation and initial validation. Paper presented at the Paper presented at the 2017 Winter
Marketing Educators Conference, Orlando.
24. Bartikowski, B., Laroche, M., & Richard, M. O. (2016). Fear Appeals in Magazine
Advertising: A Comparison of Chinese, French, and U.S. Magazine Advertisements. Paper
presented at the 11th Royal Bank International Research Conference, Wuxi, China.
25. Jamal, A., Yaccob, A., Bartikowski, B., & Slater, S. (2016). Charitable Donation Behaviour
and Religious Self: The Case of British Muslims in the UK. Paper presented at the 11th Royal
Bank International Research Seminar, Wuxi, China.

26. Bartikowski, B., & Cleveland, M. (2016). “Seeing is Being”: Consumer Culture and the
Positioning of Luxury Cars in China. Paper presented at the Monaco Symposium on Luxury:
Emerging Challenges in Luxury Marketing, Monaco, France.
27. Jamal, A., Yaacob, A., Bartikowski, B., & Slater, S. (2016). Charitable Giving and
Corporate Reputation: The Case of British-Muslims. Paper presented at the British Academy
of Management 2016 Conference, Newcastle, UK.
28. Berens, G., & Bartikowski, B. (2016). Message Framing in CSR Communication: Do Good
and Spread the Word – But How? . Paper presented at the 10th International Conference of
the Corporate Identity / Associations Research Group, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, UK.
29. Bartikowski, B., Laroche, M., Jamal, A., & Yang, Z. (2015). The Digital Divide and the
Well-being of Ethnic Minority and Majority Consumers: A Multi-Country Investigation.
Paper presented at the 10th Royal Bank International Research Seminar, Montréal, Canada.
30. Cleveland, M., & Bartikowski, B. (2015). Cultural Antecedents of Opinion Leadership.
Paper presented at the 10th Royal Bank International Research Seminar, Montréal.
31. Bartikowski, B. and Cleveland, M. (2015). Ethnic Minority Consumers as Brand
Ambassadors: Culture, Adaptation, and Global Brand Advocacy of Chinese Migrants in
Canada and France, in 2015 AMS World Marketing Congress, Bari.
32. Bartikowski, B. & Gierl, H. (2014): Consumer Responsibility Attributions and Monetary
Remedies as Alternative Recovery Strategies. 2014 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’
Conference, Orlando.
33. Taieb, B., & Bartikowski, B. (2014). La Congruence Culturelle du Site Web Influence-t-Elle
les Réactions Affectives Envers le Site ? 13th International Marketing Trend Conference,
34. Bartikowski, B. & Taieb, B. (2013). Targeting without Alienating on the Internet: Ethnic
Majority and Minority Consumers. 9th Royal Bank International Research Seminar.
35. Merunka, D., Bartikowski, B. & Sirgy, J. M. (2013). The Impact of Consumption
Deprivation and Materialism on Perceived Quality of Life, 38th Macromarketing
Conference. Toronto.
36. Taieb, B. & Bartikowski, B. (2013). Les effets de la congruence culturelle du site web destiné
à un pays multiculturel, in 12th International Marketing Trend Conference. Paris.
37. Bartikowski, B. & Walsh, G. (2012). Cultural diversity seeking: a test of antecedents and
consequences. 8th Royal Bank International Research Seminar. Shanghai.
38. Merunka, D., Bartikowski, B. & Sirgy, J. M. (2012). How Do Availability and Affordability
of Basic, Leisure, and Status Goods and Services in the Local Community Influence
Consumers’ Subjective Well-Being? 37th Macromarketing Conference. Berlin.
39. Bartikowski, B. & Singh, N. (2011). Should all firms adapt websites to international
audiences? 7th Royal Bank International Research Seminar. Montréal.
40. Merunka, D. & Bartikowski, B. (2011). Consumption and Well-being in the Euromed
Region. FEMISE Annual Conference, Marseille.
41. Walsh, G., Bartikowski, B. & Halstrup, D. (2011). Does ‘Service with a Smile’ Lead to
Higher Employee Turnover? AMS World Marketing Congress, Reims.

42. Bartikowski, B. and Walsh, G. (2011). How Online Consumer Reviews Influence Brand
Preferences: Differences between Lurkers and Posters. AMS World Marketing Congress,
43. Walsh, G. and Bartikowski, B. (2010). How Corporate Associations Affect Customer
Behavior: A Cross-Country Investigation. Corporate Associations in Turbulent Times.
Creating and Sustaining Ethical & Success Promising Corporate Identities K.P. Wiedmann,
T. Brown and P. Dacin eds. Hannover.
44. Taieb, B. and Bartikowski, B. (2010). Acceptation de Sites Web Congruents avec la Culture
de Minorité: Proposition d’un Cadre Conceptuel. Rencontres Internationales sur la
Diversité. Corte.
45. Bartikowski, B. and G. Walsh (2010), “The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on
Customer out-Comes: The Moderating Role of Culture”. in Royal Bank International
Research Seminar. Tokio.
46. Bartikowski, B. and Walsh, G. (2010). The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on
Customer Out-comes: The Moderating Role of Culture. Royal Bank International Research
Seminar, Tokio.
47. Hamzaoui Essoussi, L., D. Merunka and B. Bartikowski (2009). Creating Consumer-Based
Brand Equity: Should You Know Who Engineered it or Who Manufactured it? Royal Bank
International Research Seminar. Globalization, Culture and Marketing Strategy, Montreal.
48. Park, J. E., N. Singh and B. Bartikowski (2009). A Framework to Localize International
Business to Business Web Sites. 25th IMP Conference: Handling Plurality of Relationship
Forms in Networks: from Clans to Clubs, from Cliques to Communities, Marseille.
49. Walsh, G., B. Bartikowski and S. Beatty (2009). Why customer-based corporate reputation
affects customer loyalty – the moderating role of national culture and relationship age. Royal
Bank International Research Seminar. Globalization, Culture and Marketing Strategy,
50. Taieb, B. and B. Bartikowski (2009). Le design des sites web Tunisiens - Identification des
marqueurs culturels. Cinquièmes Rencontres Internationales de la Diversité, Corte.
51. Bartikowski, B. and G. Walsh (2009). How Customer Commitment and Service Type affect
Links between Customer-based Corporate Reputation and Non-monetary and Monetary
Customer Outcomes. The La Londe International Research Seminar in Marketing:
Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior. La Londe les Maures.
52. Bartikowski, B., Singh, N. and Merunka, D. (2008): Web site cultural adaptation as a driver
of online trust in global e-commerce; 50th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International
Business, Milan.
53. Bartikowski, B., Singh, N. and Merunka, D. (2008): Conceptualizing Effects of Cultural
Web Site Design Adaptation on Consumers’ Online Trust; Academy of Marketing Science
2008 Annual Conference, Vancouver.
54. Bartikowski, B., J.-L. Chandon et B. Müller (2008). Mesurer la confiance des Internautes
par rapport aux Sites Web marchands : Adaptation de McKnight, Kacmar et Choudhury
(2002). 7th International Marketing Trends Congress. Venice.
55. Bartikowski, B.; Merunka, D.; Valette-Florence, P. (2007, forthcoming): L’attitude vis-à-vis
des destinations touristiques : homogénéité de la pensée et diversité des préférences,
Troisième rencontres internationales de la diversité, Corte.

56. Bartikowski, B.; Chandon, J.L.; Gierl, H. (2007): Calibrating verbal rating scales for
measuring customer attitudes across cultures, in: The La Londe International Research
Seminar in Marketing: Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior, La Londe les
57. Singh, N.; Bartikowski, B. (2006): Importance of website cultural adaptation and trust on
international website usage, in: International Business & Economic Research Conference,
Las Vegas, NV.
58. Singh, N.; Bartikowski, B.; Fassott, G.; Chao, M.; Hoffmann, J. (2006): A cross-national
analysis of global and national identity as a basis for explaining international website usage,
in: 2006 AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, Chicago, MI.
59. Singh, N.; Bartikowski, B. (2006): Exploring Hispanic cultural values: A comparative
analysis of Hispanic and general U.S. market print ads, in: 2006 AMA Winter Marketing
Educators' Conference, St. Petersburg, FL [Award for Best Paper].
60. Singh, N.; Bartikowski, B. (2005): Website cultural customization: Targeting international
online consumers, in: Academy of International Business, Northease USA Chapter, 2005
Annual Conference, Cleveland State University, Ohio.
61. Bartikowski, B. (2005): Measuring the zone of indifference in customer satisfaction
judgments, in: La Londe International Research Seminar in Marketing: Marketing
Communications and Consumer Behavior, La Londe les Maures.
62. Bartikowski, B.; Chandon, J.L.; Gierl, H. (2005): L’utilisation des échelles de mesure à
l’international. Une étude cross culturelle, in: 21ième Congrès international de l'Association
Française du Marketing, Nancy.
63. Bartikowski, B.; Chandon, J.L.; Belaid, S. (2005): Calibration de la mesure de la satisfaction
du consommateur en France et en Tunisie, in: 3ième Colloque International de la Recherche
en Marketing de l’Association Tunisienne de Marketing, Hammamet.
64. Fassot, G.; Bartikowski, B.; Singh, N. (2004): Consumer acceptance of international
websites: European evidence, in: 46th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International
Business, Stockholm.
65. Fassot, G.; Bartikowski, B.; Singh, N. (2004): Consumer acceptance of international
websites: French-German evidence, in: 20ième Congrès international de l'Association
Française du Marketing, Saint-Malo.
66. Bartikowski, B.; Llosa, S. (2003): Exploring the convergence of four methods of
categorizing attributes in relation to overall customer satisfaction in services, in: 2003
American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators Conference, Chicago.
67. Bartikowski, B.; Chandon, J.L. (2002): Les problèmes sémantiques de la mesure de la
satisfaction des consommateurs, in: 18ième Congrès international de l’Association Française
du Marketing, Lille.
68. Bartikowski, B.; Llosa, S. (2001): De la théorie du poids fluctuant des éléments dans la
satisfaction à la mesure. Comparaison empirique de quatre méthodes, in: 17ième Congrès
international de l’Association Française du Marketing, Deauville.
69. Bartikowski, B.; Chandon, J.L. (2000): Proposition pour une mesure de la zone
d’indifférence dans les jugements de satisfaction des consommateurs, in: 16e Congrès
international de l’Association Française du Marketing, Montréal.

70. Bartikowski, B.; Chandon, J.L. (2000): Measuring the zone of indifference in customer
satisfaction judgments, in: The Eric Langeard international research seminar in service
management, La Londe les Maures.
Communications and/or presentations
1. Bartikowski, B. (2016): Disruption et transformation digitale : les 9 défis pour votre
marketing en 2017: TopTIC Solutions Digitales, Octobre 2016, Marseille.
2. Bartikowski, B. (2009): Global Megatrends and the Business School 2.0.: LIFT France 09,
3. Bartikowski, B. (2006): Exploring cultural vales in advertising, in: 3ième Journée d’Etude sur
le Marketing Méditerranéen, Marseille.
4. Bartikowski, B.; Spencer, R. (2005): Équivalence interculturelle: pré requis pour la
recherche euro-méditerranéenne, 2ième Journée d’Etude sur le Marketing Méditerranéen,
Technical Reports or major consulting reports
“A Cross-Country Assessment of the Impact of Consumption on Subjective Well-Being in the
Euromed Region”, hardcopy available from FEMISE (Forum Euroméditerranéen des Instituts
de Sciences Économiques)


Languages spoken, written and read
German (mother tongue)
English, French

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