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JANUARY 16-18, 2019

Name: _______________________________________________________ Score: _____________

Teacher: Ms. Sarah Joy P. Lugtu Parent’s Signature: _________________

I. Match the term in column B with its description in column A. Write only the letter that
corresponds to the correct answer.

Column A Column B
1. It lives in muddy canals. a. tilapia
2. This fish lives swamps, canals and ponds. b. fish culture
3. This includes snail, clams, oysters, squids
and green mussels.
4. A type of animal that breathes with gills. c. carp
5. It is synonymous to fish farming or agriculture. d. fingerling
6. It is a cold blooded vertebrate that is born in water. e.
7. This is a large freshwater fish, a fast grower
and a vegetarian.
8. This common carp has double barbells at the mouth.
9. A young fish especially one less than the
size of human finger
10. This is a hardy fish that attains maturity at about
four months from fry stage.

II. Fill in the black. Complete the tips in raising catfish.

1. Do not over ______________the pond.

2. ______________the catfish like a ______________ but do not overfeed them.
3. Do not stock ______________ with other fish.
4. Do not ______________ a catfish ______________.
5. ______________ not let the ______________ reproduce in the ______________.

III. Enumerate the following.

1. Components of a family budget
a. ____________________________
b. ____________________________
c. ____________________________
d. ____________________________
e. ____________________________
f. ____________________________
g. ____________________________
h. ____________________________
i. ____________________________

2. Types of expenses
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
3. Examples of human resources
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________
d. _______________________
e. _______________________

4. Examples of nonhuman resources

a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________
d. _______________________
e. _______________________

5. What are the classifications of fish species.

a. _______________________
b. _______________________


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