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Name of work SIDA

Name of Agency Prompt Structure & Geo Consultants
Calculated by Mughis Ahmed


Particulars Dia Total Weight Remarks

(mm) (kg)

12 1528.12326
Footing Steel 16 1102.83852
20 32532.5426
Total for Footing Steel 35163.50

Stich Slab Steel 10 4103.7037

Total for Stich Slab Steel 4103.70

10 1888.70
Foundation Beam Steel
25 7021.60
Total for Foundation Beam Steel 8910.31

8 3547.50
Floor to
20 1106.17
Column Steel (Basement) Floor Height
25 6913.58 considered
32 4652.25 5.1m
Total for Column Steel (Basement) 16219.50

8 2111.60
16 56.89 Floor to
Column Steel (G floor) 20 829.63 Floor Height
25 2407.41 considered
32 758.52
Total for Column Steel (G floor) 6164.05

8 4223.21
Floor to
16 379.26
Column Steel (1st+2nd floor) Floor Height
20 2148.15 considered
25 5787.04 3m
Total for Column Steel (1st+2nd floor) 12537.65

8 4223.21
Floor to
16 568.89
Column Steel (3rd +4th floor) Floor Height
20 3777.78 considered
25 2777.78 3m
Total for Column Steel (3rd +4th floor) 11347.65

8 1988.15
12 42.67 Floor to
Column Steel (5th floor) 16 341.33 Floor Height
20 1377.78 considered
25 625.00
Total for Column Steel 5th floor) 4374.93

8 556.65
10 3921.65
12 4.11
Basement Floor Roof beam Steel
16 800.89
20 3637.52
25 6987.62
Total for Basement Floor Roof beam Steel 15908.43

8 1228.11
Basement Floor Roof slab Steel
10 7685.14
Total for Basement Floor Roof slab Steel 8913.25
8 594.95
10 4246.30
12 4.11
Ground Floor Roof beam Steel
16 861.57
20 3722.06
25 7661.54
Total for Ground Roof Floor beam Steel 17090.53

8 1813.08
Ground Floor Roof slab Steel 10 6753.61
12 4437.60
Total for Ground Floor Roof slab Steel 13004.29

8 2379.80
10 16985.21
12 16.43
1st+2nd+3rd+4th Floor beam Steel
16 3446.29
20 14888.25
25 30646.16
Total for 1st+2nd+3rd+4th Floor beam Steel 68362.14

8 7252.33
1st+2nd+3rd+4th Floor slab Steel 10 27014.43
12 17750.40
Total for 1st+2nd+3rd+4th Floor slab Steel 52017.17

8 551.03
10 3501.04
12 4.11
5th Floor beam Steel
16 804.53
20 3195.47
25 5991.61
Total for 5th Floor beam Steel 14047.78

8 1428.42
5th Floor slab Steel 10 3570.67
12 4437.60
Total for 5th Floor slab Steel 9436.69

10 946.08
Staircase Steel
12 1190.62
Total for Staircase Steel 2136.70

8 3579.38
RCC wall Steel
10 3432.22
Total for RCC wall Steel 7011.60

TOTAL STEEL (KG) 306749.89

TOTAL AREA (sq.m) 5075.22

TOTAL AREA (sq.ft) 54629.66

Overall Average steel (kg/sq.ft) (including RCC wall) 5.62

Overall Average steel (kg/sq.ft) (excluding RCC wall) 5.49

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