Chem Lab 6

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Name:Rupert Sean L.

Panuncio Course/Year/Section: BS Score:

Instructor: MS. ANELINE Group: ACIDS Date: Oct.17, 2022

1.           Describe the principle and process/techniques involved in solvent extraction.

Solvent extraction operates on a very simple principle. A target molecule or
collection of chemicals must be dissolved in a liquid (solvent) in order to be washed out of
the solid plant material. The solute is then concentrated after the solvent is separated from
it. This kind of extraction is done whenever there are mixtures that are both made of only
small molecules.This process separates water or aqueous solvents from the organic
solvents. The liquid which contains both the solvents that are to be separated should first
be partially filled in a separator funnel. Whether the solvents react with water or ether (or
non-polar solvent) determines their position in the separation funnel. They separate into
two phases, creating a heterogeneous mixture. The lower layer is the aqueous layer, which
contains all the water and the solvent that dissolves and dissociates with the water while
the upper layer is the organic layer, which contains the non-aqueous solvent. Organic
solvents float to the top because they are less dense than water. Due to the some situations
where one can have higher density than water, organic solvents like halogenated solvents
will sink in specific situations. We then separate the two solvents by draining the aqueous
layer at the bottom and pouring the organic layer (using different exits) into two different
flasks. In simple solvent extraction we can then use a hot plate to evaporate the solvents to
get your desired substances. There are some cases where the compounds have similar
solubilities and one will have to determine what compound reacts with an acid or base in
order to successfully separate them, while also using a stopper and shaking the separatory
funnel to insert pressure (while also opening the stopcock to vent some gas that builds up
that will produce an audible sound).
2.        When extracting an aqueous solution with an organic solvent and after agitation
and settling, the two layers are of very similar appearance. You know that the organic
layer contains your product and the aqueous layer is the waste layer, but you are not
100% certain which layer is which. What simple test might you perform to determine
which is the organic layer?
We can use the water drop test to identify the organic layer by simply adding
distilled water to the separatory funnel. The density of the organic solvent determines
which organic layer is at the bottom or top of the layer. At most times, the aqueous layer
is at the bottom because it is more dense but there are some cases where that is not the
case. So when doing the test, if the water dissolves into the upper layer then it is the
aqueous layer, while if the water simply passes through then the lower layer is the
aqueous layer. In summary the organic layer will be at the bottom if the density of the
organic solvent is higher than that of water while if the organic layer's density is lower
than that of water, it will be on top.

3. Prepare a schematic diagram of how to separate the mixture of       

a.  cholesterol and sodium chloride          

b.  Benzoic acid, Aniline and 1,4-Dibromobenzene.  

4. Which layer (upper or lower) will each of the following organic solvents usually form when
being used to extract an aqueous solution?                                                                            
                     A.  Toluene               B.   Hexane               C.  Acetone
Both Toluene and Hexane will be in the upper layer as they are organic solvents
that will be passed through by water that will settle as the lower layer. Acetone on the
other hand would completely dissolve in water, which makes only one layer. The only way
an organic solvent would be in the lower layer is if it is more dense than water or the
aqueous layer. Because both Toluene and Hexane are less dense, they will end up floating
on top of the aqueous layer, while Acetone only has one layer because it can mix in the
aqueous layer.

5.   You weigh  out exactly 1.00 mg of benzoic acid and dissolve it in a mixture of 2.0 mL of
diethyl ether and 2.0 mL of water. After mixing and allowing the layers to separate, the ether
layer is removed, dried, and concentrated to yield 0.68 mg of benzoic acid. What is the Kp value
(ether/water) for this system?
 Volume of water: 2.0 mL Mass of Benzoic acid and diethyl ether: 0.68 mg
● mass of benzoic acid in water: (1.00- 0.68) mg = 0.32 mg
● concentration of benzoic acid in diethyl ether: 0.68 mg /2.0 mL = 0.34 mg/mL
● concentration of benzoic acid in water: 0.32mg / 2.0 mL = 0.16 mg/mL
● Kp= 0.34 mg/mL / 0.16mg/mL = 2.125

Based on the results, what can you conclude?

Based on the results we concluded that the solvent is separated from the solute
before it is concentrated. When mixtures consist only of tiny molecules, this type of
extraction is used to separate the water-based or aqueous solvents from the organic
solvents. Also, simply adding distilled water to the separatory funnel will allow us to
utilize the water drop test to determine the organic layer. Which organic layer is at the
bottom or top of the layer depends on the density of the organic solvent. In conclusion,
the organic layer will be on top if the density of the organic solvent is lower than that of
water and at the bottom if the density of the organic solvent is higher.

In short, solvent extraction, also known as liquid-liquid extraction, refers to the

method of chemical separation from a solution through its extraction into a different
solvent. This is beneficial to recover valuable substance from an original solution. It can
also purify it as it can eliminate an undesired component. The higher the solubility of a
substance, the greater its partition coefficient. The higher the partition coefficient, the
higher the substance permeability to the content. The three shows a directly proportional
relationship to one another.

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