Flynn Rochford - Questions On Feedback Communication

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Questions on feedback communication:

Name of peer assessed student: Flynn Rochford

Name of peer assessor: Cameron Harper
Date of peer assessment: 17/10/22

Was the feedback presented in a clear manner? Give at least three examples of why/why not.
I can see clearly by the checkpoint document that my assessor has given his verdict on if I
have done the work set

He has also shown information about the references that I have used 3

My assessor believes that my work was very organised and it was easy to spot

Was the feedback presented in a polite manner? Give at least three examples of why/why not.
My assessor gave his feedback in a very polite and calming manner

He presented his way of feedback with a show of support and a way of how to try and
improve my work in the future

My assessor gave constructive feedback in where I can now look at how to improve my

Was the feedback accurate? Give at least three examples of why/why not.
I believe that the feedback was accurate and can now help me in the future with what to
improve on

The assessor was accurate as he pointed out small pieces of detail that can be worked on
in the future

He also gave me the right information on how I can improve abut still gave me more
positive feedback than negative
What suggestions were given for completing/improving the work? Give at least three
examples and say whether you understood them fully or not.
One improvement was to highlight at least one skill in every box which I understand as I
did not highlight a skill in a few boxes due to my honest opinion on them.

Another improvement I was asked of is to make sure that I can try and add a little more
detail into why the selected skills were either Red or Amber

Finally, 1 More improvement was to try and put more effort into the last task with the 20
skills where I could’ve put selected skills into a different scenario

Write a little about how the experience of getting peer feedback could have been
improved by the person delivering it? Think about the questions above if this helps.
(Minimum 200+ words)
The experience of getting peer feedback helped a lot with me being able to now reflect on
what I can do better with my previous task. This will help try and improve my quality of
work when moving onto the next piece of work that I do. It also means that I can always
look back at my previous work and then self-reflect and self-assess on what tasks I
struggled with. As well as this I can also look to different peers who might have a different
thought on my piece of work and take in more responses for my next piece of work.

Another way that peer feedback has helped is that my assessor gave me constructive
criticism. This means that I can now look to motivate myself when going onto my next
piece of work. The use of peer feedback is able to help the student in question and it has
helped me with where I can take my next steps and try develop my work that extra bit

With the help of peer feedback I can now look to try and help other students as well with
assessing their work if they ever need a hand. This means that I can try and be more
interactive with other students by helping them with their work

And finally, think about how the experience of both delivering and receiving
feedback/verbal/written communication can be applied to Esports. Think about team
dynamics, fostering a positive environment, giving clear and measurable targets, etc.
(Minimum 300+ words)

The experience in delivering feedback was actually pretty normal for me. I’m someone
who’s always tried to help others as best as I can and by doing peer feedback it gives me
the ability to offer constructive criticism and also highly praise someone’s work when they
have made a really good piece of work. Delivering peer feedback also gives myself a
reflection on how I thought I delivered the feedback, and can also look at the body
language and expressions of the student to see if they understand where I’ve made my
points and for them to stay motivated and complete their piece of work at a better quality
the next time round. The ability to try and give reasonable and realistic objectives for
their next piece of work lets me try to offer support to the student in question and let
them know where I think their mistakes can be erased and how we can see an
improvement next time.

However, the experience of receiving feedback was a little different to delivering. This is
because I’m now on the back end of being given criticism and how that can be improved
upon. Luckily my assessor was extremely helpful and gave information in a basic but
detailed manner. This meant that I was able to understand him instantly whilst looking at
my errors and where I went wrong in my two tasks. He communicated clearly both
verbally and written. This helps me out as I can take in the feedback he’s providing me
with at a more quicker rate

Overall, I enjoyed the experience of delivering and receiving feedback as it was letting me
be supportive towards another student whilst he does the same thing back. I’m hoping to
do more feedback forms and help a student with their work in the later future as I found
the task a good experience

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