2 of Eso 1st Term 3

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Physical Education in English

IES Mediterrà nia-Benidorm

Mr Tejada

Group: 2ND of ESO C
1st term 21-22
All the following words are very useful when you are in the class. Check these expressions you might
find or need in your classes. All the general keywords are written in bolt and the examples are marked in

Attendance: asistencia. Attending your PE classes is a must.

To check the register: Pasar lista. The teacher is checking his register
To be late: Llegar tarde, retraso. Don’t be late or you won’t pass P.E.
To be missing: Faltar (a clase). She is missing because she is at the doctor.
To skive or skive off: "pirarse" (una clase). Marc is always skiving off, he is going to fail.
To be truant: saltarse una clase. Don’t be truant or your parents will leave you without your mobile.
To behave means comportarse. We must behave well in all our classes. Sometimes your teacher might
ask you to behave well if you are not doing it. Read these expressions you can hear in class.

Pay attention: prestar atención. If you don’t pay attention you’ll never know how to do this.

To keep silence: guardar silencio. Please, keep silent!

To raise your hand: levantar la mano. To speak in the class you have to raise your hand first.

To raise your voice: levantar la voz. You must raise your voice or they won’t hear you.

To speak lower: hablar más bajo. Sometimes it is important to speak lower.

Group work is an important part of the Physical Education classes. Make sure that you remember these

Pick a partner: Escoger un compañero (pareja) Pick a partner quickly, we’re going to start this game!

Change your partner: cambiar de compañero. Now change your partner, please!

Make groups of ...: Hacer grupos de... You must make groups of five people!

Make a line: Hacer una fila. Try to make a line here, one after the other.

Make a circle: formar un círculo. To start the game you have to make a circle first.

Get close: acercarse. You must get close to Juan to defend him properly

Get away: alejarse. Don’t get away from Alina or she will score a goal

When you have Physical Education you need to know some things:

Warm-up: Calentar, calentamiento. To warm up is important to not get injured when you are training.

Change your t-shirt: cambiarse la camiseta. You must change your t-shirt every day after the class.

Trainers: zapatillas deportivas. Ops! I’ve forgotten my trainers!

To take sports clothes: llevar ropa deportiva. You won’t do the class, you are not taking sports clothes.

To pick up the material: recoger el material. Everybody must collaborate picking up the material after
the class

To tide up: ordenar. Tide up this or the teacher will get angry with you.

Do you remember the cooperative games classes. We used some PE

specific vocabulary then. Here you have 10 of the words used in those
classes. For each one, you have to make up one sentence. Try to make
easy sentences, using the meaning given and related to PE. The first one
is given to you as an example

1. (Example) To pass: Pasar. I need to pass the ball harder

2. To Hop: Saltar.      
3. Rope: Cuerda.      
4. To Spin: Girar, dar vueltas.      
5. Hurdle: Valla.      
6. Grab: Agarrar.      
7. Bench: Banco.      
8. Catch: Atrapar.      
9. Hoop: aro.      
10. Step: Pisar.      
11. Fat Mat: Quitamiedos.      


As we have seen in the class running is one of the best ways to get fit (ponerse en forma). We have used a
bunch of nice words related to fitness. Do you remember all of them. If you need it, you can use a
dictionary to solve the quiz. Here you have one of my favourites online dictionaries. The first one is given
to you as an example.

1. Run. F_________ A. Paso de zebra

2. Jog.       B. Carril Bici
3. Breathe.       C. Talones arriba
4. Rithm.       D. Respirar
5. Keep the distance.       E. Estirar
6. Cicle lane.       F. Correr
7. Zebra cross.       G. Pasos rusos
8. Heels up.       H. Rodillas arriba
9. Knees up.       G. Ritmo
10. Russian steps.       H. Mantener la distancia
11. To Strech.       I. Trotar

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