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Finite-strain elastoplasticity within the logarithmic strain framework

Technical Report · April 2020

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22169.98405

0 106

2 authors:

Jeremy Bleyer Thomas Helfer

École des Ponts ParisTech Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission


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Finite-strain elastoplasticity within the logarithmic strain framework

Jérémy Bleyer, Thomas Helfer


1 Logarithmic strains 1

2 MFront implementation 1

3 FEniCS implementation 2

References 5
This demo is dedicated to the resolution of a finite-strain elastoplastic problem using the logarithmic strain framework
proposed in Miehe, Apel, and Lambrecht (2002).
Source files:
• Jupyter notebook: mgis_fenics_finite_strain_elastoplasticity.ipynb
• Python file:
• MFront behaviour file: LogarithmicStrainPlasticity.mfront

1 Logarithmic strains
This framework expresses constitutive relations between the Hencky strain measure H = log(F T · F ) and its
dual stress measure T . This approach makes it possible to extend classical small strain constitutive relations to a
finite-strain setting. In particular, the total (Hencky) strain can be split additively into many contributions (elastic,
plastic, thermal, swelling, etc.). Its trace is also linked with the volume change J = exp(tr(H)). As a result, the
deformation gradient F is used for expressing the Hencky strain H, a small-strain constitutive law is then written
for the (H, T )-pair and the dual stress T is then post-processed to an appropriate stress measure such as the Cauchy
stress σ or Piola-Kirchhoff stresses.

2 MFront implementation
The logarithmic strain framework discussed in the previous paragraph consists merely as a pre-processing and a
post-processing stages of the behaviour integration. The pre-processing stage compute the logarithmic strain and its
increment and the post-processing stage interprets the stress resulting from the behaviour integration as the dual
stress T and convert it to the Cauchy stress.
MFront provides the @StrainMeasure keyword that allows to specify which strain measure is used by the behaviour.
When choosing the Hencky strain measure, MFront automatically generates those pre- and post-processing stages,
allowing the user to focus on the behaviour integration.
This leads to the following implementation (see the small-strain elastoplasticity example for details about the various
implementation available):

@DSL Implicit;

@Behaviour IsotropicLinearHardeningPlasticity;
@Author Thomas Helfer/Jérémy Bleyer;
@Date 07 / 04 / 2020;

@StrainMeasure Hencky;

@Algorithm NewtonRaphson;
@Epsilon 1.e-14;
@Theta 1;

@MaterialProperty stress s0;

@MaterialProperty stress H0;

@Brick StandardElastoViscoPlasticity{
stress_potential : "Hooke",
inelastic_flow : "Plastic" {
criterion : "Mises",
isotropic_hardening : "Linear" {H : "H0", R0 : "s0"}

3 FEniCS implementation
We define a box mesh representing half of a beam oriented along the x-direction. The beam will be fully clamped
on its left side and symmetry conditions will be imposed on its right extremity. The loading consists of a uniform

Figure 1: Plastic strain on the deformed mesh

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from dolfin import *
import mgis.fenics as mf
import numpy as np

import ufl

length, width, height = 1., 0.04, 0.1

nx, ny, nz = 20, 5, 8
mesh = BoxMesh(Point(0, -width/2, -height/2.), Point(length, width/2, height/2.), nx, ny, nz)

V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 2)
u = Function(V, name="Displacement")

def left(x, on_boundary):

return near(x[0], 0) and on_boundary
def right(x, on_boundary):
return near(x[0], length) and on_boundary

bc = [DirichletBC(V, Constant((0.,)*3), left),

DirichletBC(V.sub(0), Constant(0.), right)]

selfweight = Expression(("0", "0", "-t*qmax"), t=0., qmax = 50e6, degree=0)

file_results = XDMFFile("results/finite_strain_plasticity.xdmf")
file_results.parameters["flush_output"] = True
file_results.parameters["functions_share_mesh"] = True

The MFrontNonlinearMaterial instance loads the MFront LogarithmicStrainPlasticity behaviour.

This behaviour is a finite-strain behaviour (material.finite_strain=True) which relies on a kinematic description
using the total deformation gradient F . By default, a MFront behaviour always returns the Cauchy stress as
the stress measure after integration. However, the stress variable dual to the deformation gradient is the first
Piloa-Kirchhoff (PK1) stress. An internal option of the MGIS interface is therefore used in the finite-strain context
to return the PK1 stress as the “flux” associated to the “gradient” F . Both quantities are non-symmetric tensors,
arranged as a 9-dimensional vector in 3D following MFront conventions on tensors.
material = mf.MFrontNonlinearMaterial("../materials/src/",

At this stage, one can retrieve some information about the behaviour:
print(material.get_gradient_names(), material.get_gradient_sizes())
['DeformationGradient'] [9]
print(material.get_flux_names(), material.get_flux_sizes())
['FirstPiolaKirchhoffStress'] [9]

The MFrontNonlinearProblem instance must therefore register the deformation gradient as Identity(3)+grad(u).
This again done automatically since "DeformationGradient" is a predefined gradient. The following message will
be shown upon calling solve:
Automatic registration of 'DeformationGradient' as I + (grad(Displacement)).
The loading is then defined and, as for the small-strain elastoplasticity example, state variables include the
ElasticStrain and EquivalentPlasticStrain since the same behaviour is used as in the small-strain case with
the only difference that the total strain is now given by the Hencky strain measure.
In particular, the ElasticStrain is still a symmetric tensor (vector of dimension 6). Note that it has not been
explicitly defined as a state variable in the MFront behaviour file since this is done automatically when using the
IsotropicPlasticMisesFlow domain specific language.

Finally, we setup a few parameters of the Newton non-linear solver.
problem = mf.MFrontNonlinearProblem(u, material, bcs=bc)
problem.set_loading(dot(selfweight, u)*dx)

p = problem.get_state_variable("EquivalentPlasticStrain")
epsel = problem.get_state_variable("ElasticStrain")

prm = problem.solver.parameters
prm["absolute_tolerance"] = 1e-6
prm["relative_tolerance"] = 1e-6
prm["linear_solver"] = "mumps"

Information about how the elastic strain is stored can be retrieved as follows:
print("'ElasticStrain' shape:", ufl.shape(epsel))
'ElasticStrain' shape: (6,)

During the load incrementation, we monitor the evolution of the vertical downwards displacement at the middle of
the right extremity.
P0 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
p_avg = Function(P0, name="Plastic strain")

Nincr = 30
load_steps = np.linspace(0., 1., Nincr+1)
results = np.zeros((Nincr+1, 3))
for (i, t) in enumerate(load_steps[1:]):
selfweight.t = t
print("Increment ", i+1)

results[i+1, 0] = -u(length, 0, 0)[2]

results[i+1, 1] = t

file_results.write(u, t)
p_avg.assign(project(p, P0))
file_results.write(p_avg, t)

This simulation is a bit heavy to run so we suggest running it in parallel:

mpirun -np 4 python3

The load-displacement curve exhibits a classical elastoplastic behaviour rapidly followed by a stiffening behaviour
due to membrane catenary effects.
plt.plot(results[:, 0], results[:, 1], "-o")

Miehe, C., N. Apel, and M. Lambrecht. 2002. “Anisotropic Additive Plasticity in the Logarithmic Strain Space:
Modular Kinematic Formulation and Implementation Based on Incremental Minimization Principles for Standard
Materials.” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 191 (47–48): 5383–5425.

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