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Questions on feedback communication:

Name of peer assessed student: Cameron Harper

Name of peer assessor: Flynn Rochford
Date of peer assessment: Monday 17th October 2022

Was the feedback presented in a clear manner? Give at least three examples of why/why not.
1. I can clearly see the ticks so I can see what he has confidently chosen.

2. The Ticks are bold and not faint so there doesn’t seem to be doubt in the written

3. It is very clear what is wrong on the piece of paper so I was told what I did wrong
without a word being said.

Was the feedback presented in a polite manner? Give at least three examples of why/why not.
1. Very positive and kind words.

2. Helpful and informative.

3. Was not harmful with their words at all during criticism.

Was the feedback accurate? Give at least three examples of why/why not.
1. It was very accurate as I was instantly able to tell what he meant when
feedback was given.

2. He criticised what I was exactly thinking about and therefore it was right on

3. The checkpoint document filled in matched up completely with my work.

What suggestions were given for completing/improving the work? Give at least three
examples and say whether you understood them fully or not.
1. I was suggested to organise the 3 colours for my skills much better and maybe in a
traffic light colour pattern. I fully understood immediately.

2. I was suggested to add more research and references to my work. I understood

well enough.

3. I was suggested to place my descriptions for a highlighted skill beneath the boxes
in an organised fashion. I understood completely.

Write a little about how the experience of getting peer feedback could have been
improved by the person delivering it? Think about the questions above if this helps.
(Minimum 200+ words)
I personally think not only the person delivering it but me as well could have discussed
this much further as we could have had more to say about how well done our feedback
was. I feel as if there was a lot more to talk about in terms or both task 1 and task 2 and
how we could give feedback to each other and assess each other on it. I know for sure
that I could have definitely written a lot more than just about a sentence or two for each
example on this feedback communication sheet. This is because I have only made one
point for each example and I think to improve this work, I could make more than one
point for each example. So, what I am saying in simple terms is that the feedback could
just be extended and have more points, views, and places to work on. This way, a lot
more can be said about the feedback and also, I could have prepared better and more
detailed answers for this sheet as well as detailed answers. If this were to happen, my
work could be seen as more professional and overall, just much more of an improvement.

And finally, think about how the experience of both delivering and receiving
feedback/verbal/written communication can be applied to Esports. Think about team
dynamics, fostering a positive environment, giving clear and measurable targets, etc.
(Minimum 300+ words)
Firstly, feedback in esports is a very good thing since it allows team members in esports
teams for example to learn from their mistakes and overall become better at their craft
and improve as a player. It can also be applied to other members of esports such as
coaches and casters to improve what they do on a day-to-day basis. Verbal
communication is crucial for esports teams as they will need this for many various things
such as checking up on what others in the team are doing in the present moment, tackling
objectives and setting targets. Verbal communication can also be used to exchange
feedback and tips as previously mentioned before. Written communication can be a way
of sending messages across to each other through most commonly the internet for people
in the esports industry to communicate through the distance. It can additionally be used
to provide feedback and tips in advance to any work or games that may occur later on. If
feedback is given in a nice and non-harmful way, it can lead to not only improvement in
performance, but also the environment as it can turn out to be a very positive
environment. It can even also heavily boost team dynamics to an amazing level. Verbal
communication can also give quite the positive environment since everyone talking to
each other can make everyone feel wanted and have them be included. Written
communication is also an amazing way for people distanced within the esports
community to keep in touch through the internet and social media which is quite
amazing, and also heavily increases the positivity of the environment since people are
talking to each other and caring for each other and even improving each other. So in
conclusion, feedback, verbal and written communication can be applied perfectly to

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