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Prelim Recitation

Marlaurence Abraham T. Marco

CBA BS Accountancy

Right now, I have started my own small online business, which is making
handmade products, specifically crocheted products. It started on August 6, 2022, so
my business will be 2 months in less than a week.

Because I am the only staff in my business, I am the one who does all the work
needed. This takes time, and time is very essential in this kind of business. Since I am
also a college student, one of my weaknesses is time management. It is very hard to
manage time especially if I am running on deadlines both in my business and in school.

Also, the lack of space to properly work and do my business. I am currently

having my business only inside my room, the making of the product, packaging, and
promoting online. All of it happens in my room. This is also one of my weaknesses
because I feel isolated and it prevents me from working properly and creates a division
between work, personal life, and studies.

These weaknesses will stay as weaknesses if we don’t think of solutions to

overcome them. For me, in order to overcome the first weakness, I need to schedule the
things that I do. Properly make use of time management. Set dates on when to do this
and that in order for me to not get crammed and rushed. As for the second weakness, I
just need to find a place where I can be separated from studies and work, for example
another room. By having a separate place for work, it gives me more creativity and less
stress, and also it prevents me from getting lazy.

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