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MARCO, Marlaurence Abraham T.

Based on what you have read from defining the problem and gathering data to
implementation, describe in 200 words how operations research/management science
systematically worked?

From defining the problem and gathering data to implementation, management

science is a very tricky but fulfilling system that people should know about. First is
defining the problem and gathering data, which is the first step in operations research.
Next is formulating the mathematical model, which discusses the process of how to
formulate a business model for the operations of a certain company and how this model
will be transformed into workable mathematical equations; and deriving solutions for
the model, which discusses the procedure on how to develop an algorithm for solving the
derived mathematical model, which usually comes up to the development of computer
applications for a specific algorithm, such as an application for solving a linear program.
The next ones are testing, which provides a confirmatory process of whether the
developed business model really works, and preparing to apply the model, which
provides a discussion of the different preparations needed before finally implementing
the business model, which include a computer-based infrastructure, a decision support
system, among others. The last step is implementation, which is needed to make sure that
model solutions are accurately translated into an operating procedure and to rectify any
flaws in the solutions that are then uncovered.

Select a footnoted article in the chapter and summarize the background that led to
undertaking this study.

In not more than 200 words discuss the historical development of management science as
described in the OER site.

The foundations of management science go back to F.W. the founder of scientific

management, Taylor. Taylor is renowned for his methodical management style
development, which he began at the Midvale Steel Company in Philadelphia in the early
1880s. Taylor developed the four principles of management which is research,
standardization, control, and operation. In a nutshell, management science refers to a
comprehensive strategy for operational control built on the application of scientific
research techniques to commercial issues. Industrial engineers and quantitative business

analysts still use a systematic approach to problem-solving today, which was first
popularized by Taylor's scientific management movement. This methodology of
consecutive investigative steps defines this strategy.

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