Grammar Unit 4 2 Star

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Unit 4 Grammar

Conditionals 2 We might have phoned for help if our phones

________________________ a signal, but we
1 Complete the text using the verbs and types of couldn’t. (have / a hypothetical situation in the
conditional in brackets. present with a past consequence)

If you ever find yourself lost out in the wild, these

simple survival tips may save (save / first
as long as, even if, provided that,
conditional) your life. unless
Remember the letters PRWF. They mean 3 Complete each sentence with an appropriate
Protection > Rescue > Water > Food. If you are lost conditional linker.
in the wild, your top priority (1) ____________ (be /
1 __________________ you can stay calm, you
zero conditional) to find shelter to protect yourself should be able to survive until you are rescued.
from the cold or wet, or from the heat. Remember
2 To survive, you should try eating insects,
that if you make a shelter somewhere visible,
__________________ you are vegetarian –
rescue teams (2) _________________ (be able / hopefully it will only be for a couple of days.
first conditional) to find you more easily.
3 You should be able to drink any water you find
Try to make a fire to keep you warm and use it to __________________ you boil it first.
boil any water you find. If you boil water, you 4 You won't survive __________________ you
(3) _____________________ (not get sick / first find water or fluids to drink.
conditional). If you (4) _________________ (not
have / second conditional) any matches or a lighter Wishes & regrets
with you, then you’d have to try rubbing two sticks
together – it does work! If a person lost in the wild 4 Rewrite the sentences using If only or I wish.
hasn't made a fire, it (5) _________________ (be / 1 I’d rather be at home.
first conditional) very difficult for rescue teams to _____________________________________
find them. 2 I shouldn't have come on this hiking trip.
Next, you must find some water. If I was lost in a _____________________________________
jungle or forest, I (6) _________________ (search / _____________________________________
second conditional) for water which had collected 3 It’s so annoying – the guide keeps telling me to
on leaves. Also, try to find a food source – one of hurry up.
the most protein-rich foods is insects. If you _____________________________________
(7) _________________ (look / first conditional) _____________________________________
carefully, you will find them almost everywhere.
Finally, don’t panic, and do follow this advice. Consolidate
If people who had been lost in the wild
(8) _____________________ (not follow / third 5 Choose the correct options.
conditional) these survival tips, they may not have 1 We ought / should / could to build a shelter.
survived. 2 I can hear a plane – someone must / must have
/ mustn’t sent out a rescue team.
3 May / Could / Ought you light a fire?
Mixed conditionals
6 Rewrite the statements in reported speech.
2 Complete the mixed conditional sentences
using the verbs and information in brackets. 1 Polly said, ‘It was the most terrifying moment of
my life!’
1 If we’d brought a box of matches, we _________
____________ a fire easily. (make / a
hypothetical situation in the past with a present
2 Jo said, ‘I’m never going to do an extreme sport.’


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