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classmate. ined as the tid! Potential sue -peren at point is. dd wore done in. bring!ng unit positive charge grom iyintey to chat point. q@hich ts under the electarc fe i polnts in an electric Porential al ease berween tao work done to jeld may be depined as the as ositive charge fre electwoalaric qe one tbate moving a unit to they other against porencieut = @ork done su gE PR CHA Pes ee ve = fs vor. tle agereos* si it paren dais ay een wore done tn charge fra Japinite ecrxic (fae Seren lng ing re ch font iy! eee oh Lew “ed & capichtence (O , LLC (¢? ine ra ii | e oe Lectare. eaenas due 1049 e1ectaic culpoie Consider an electrical Cipde of length 2a. -@ and 49 i charge. ie or pointA_g8. Ge eoetea A_Point p ——|hich_pdiar aes Cr,@) where. we wount to E ind the electaie dipore. the distance of Pf Point os =f Charge ind +0. ge are m and rs res ae ———|| Electrica oe Qt_peint_p. due to -% Charge —S OS Electricar forential_at/point_e due to +0 charge eee 7 : % Eh E- Se ea A rom i J pi =. (050 = lose 0A dren. ONS = one ose. 2B oso. (2 t-abvoe-6) = Kaa) cose (5*-a2 cost6 psp Saez) aces ez 40° (os 40" =D ee g, Colueie the amount of work deme in _brin Gg me ait gol on_equalorial foe ae i -ths cL ole - z Vs) Cage IL = electaic pono sp foe che 3 = fs NG = ixtexiole 1-6 x ip !4¢ age 10 x19! a_oand cj 15 Ine) @ | Tn Niacl the distance between Na ond ct fs toe | ther i nticl_of the 10 Cfn_fram fal“and eq wcorial tine - ___ Pe axeq = Lex ?8om be 10cm > 10m : mato) Nn axic ine a ees gn vg vig 2 NGG x Jol f ON equa oriay line Veo i a a a | (onside 1100 flat A dnd 6. meee ae fez f ¢2€9n) 4 qo = ~%WEdx _ ci) Or ie 4 i ee Cletrxie past ——$— a 4 w= at {pean e9- chy and _q-cii) = : } 4o dy: -IEdze j I dy = - Ede aie at z-dy | 4 | dz] } : € =. -dv : A_meiauiie yodias 1p cm potenti erm i “ late the patentiana! B a _dittants ivs_Centie (ye Vez ¥5) | $1 Equiporenrial surfer = ~ e_electilt potentiat ut ae ae Sam. — a ee that pee on vit 1s caned- Set Se at VU __#1| Properties s = - oe _a test over an ~ ese thonge0uee-an iy No ork i6 done ining | equipotential aur ace oe 1} _apark = _ charge x dv—= Civ) __ Gi) | Equipsteniia suyace 4 400 no eqn 9 And psi cag : ____|| Etecrnic.diipate ete “ 7 — _ This shocos- iat pe then it ___ _then rid constant __Que_to pe age a ee nst ant — is. epherical— cen, einen pon poe urn : | Lecinic potential energ of Systema. dee pointchasge a _| Te make cg Suet urges the Gmount = : | @orkdone in__ bringin Sane very Close to~ | eachother fiom ing init 1S Stored In electaic [Potential aa | for and a_ System can charges consider a int charg uy tsa -at point o. at the fT distance trom the. bpoint_o—a— paint —p\. The electric jf poeconid Ole palniapEdve to charge 4 Is iven ae Pi Oo oA My = KL | s =a “the amount 4 Coork done fn bri ie a point Charge Gta ftom. -lopinitise to _ at-a point po Zs Worn = Charge X_porential 7 Sanita - a iat ne porkdone tore in its electrical Potential ca d Ue kG zl Vy. eT %s : seg tp cies dipele jn uniLorm elector ¢ ~~ [nfbnsider a _elecrricdipate o Po 24_plaiced “in_electric geld [| *_un_anyle 8_cpith_theV am aoe Tk_experignte aera Ts,.Pesing ——ch — The amount —of- toorke done 10 — | retati 1 the~ dijale Small —_— | crngutar dlistcs etre rel rT Sue eee aia Ee —* ie nesamaust_g oes sone 0 “i e dipae Wee CED EOD Net work cae = sh | tte a i ~ - Oy | ye ; =| pesinad@ i ell | Oy e. ! < Pe {sinade EP 6 a a 2 Pe C-unsele> ES PERpievose weicasieJe see a Rec The amount wor . é A ie is Wp at faye ar a amare Sts in sta fei ido ge te Le = “| 4 a eee cig te eS i Bee et ae hes pcr? We ks =& a woken a_tonducior ts charge its potential “cai _giao—inceease __—buppanse_o_tonductar- charge_by. GQ charge and. ee i oto y then = = > — | se i | Here “cis orional panwamey 98 9 _kNoOWN a4 a oer ea (eld Joa — i, Surrounding mediwe—————————— ee it. geo 4 ae a sins — sepia “the conductor) 13 _the rutio yb eg the pol ential — by @hen ue voit then C= @ equal. (eee The capuditcince 2 conductor is mine aca ot i b a. i Lat | | | charge Given to. Conductor to increase MS pobeatiay ; | 1 voit ‘ Cdpacitance of a isointed metatnic Sphere (A~Oir I Consider GO metattic heel radius Rg fisted tn Vie. q itis ehoiceecl by +4 charge. Total | Charge Unj¢orment dist#ibute On its Surtace.-. [= atl ce jae as a_equrpetenttat ei “A we a that fi Gappreeeatee Sur crvin jetc| rine nor 4 elecixic. leis lines_Gre drag __ _buckcoaral _ they meet at 0 -poinn So (we — onsides totat charge * as _18_Cenixide- Tait ere eae The electric | tential on the 6.urgace el Vek@ ~=— iy eee I a | Accoraifeg 10 Mod Hr —_ ese oa Guz &. z= Qx¥ ae mr r Kg tay = ) ne ia Tt is clear ram @q-tli)_the. copucitance i Is “es TAS (OS am = Eup clad coclse “4 cohen Sphere pS mn. dietectx1% medium poi 2s OTE Dia (me qneyeor (2 fc a Eo ‘tis _ placed In cljetectric_ medium its Copacitance is : : ‘ DiS nice ca eeeee 4h {3 i= sian oie sai AVES. A © 42, The mpacitan or is .50 PL. How Wiig charee Us. - meee iT fs vention) . LodoVv, J eee ts 45cm then caleulate 118 a jCapicitance 4 cab ais! t ee Se @-t C= S C= 50xJo't — ve looov zs i 2 ee Nesey. 4 © Saxtolt xtoy 2 5.8 Sphere then calculate _ —10 rise the potential co nluttor is_loem andi is situate in atr tetprien t Y a i Jo pe ce 8 lis — roatus Bee ee Mest —Capicitance ———— median —lo P¢ ant ae R2.6-4x106 m,, e- GNEoxe ! Srtnsh ix 6-4 x 406 qxX104 2 64 x10°4 = Fl x104 7 “3 R=locm < 10xI02m Ki V = 1000 v i i youas C2 t0 be calculated C= GNEox R [eae aaa SUX ig! A ¥ 104 | @2toHe =toxtoF&o a dyer simon shelf es Gm 2 ACK Ey -axin = toxin x gy Pegs Stree dO he condens®l Princtpuls | C | Que to fnducrion the inner ee ie, Qupucitors inh Dis device Which 15 Used tO Store-sthe epee In thesonm % electrostatic. Ln Capacitor increase othe papeidsuncte. 4 d Condudor Without increase its geometwicel Ze. eras: ( Conduttor A 16 connected with jane termina! battery: Positive charge Ho} eanaclyy disiaibuted on it a An cinother plate B pny to nean the. plate 4- pice B become hegative and outer sgurjace become tv¥e “eae charge o plate 8 decrease the potential 4 A. Gnd Fve bales ie qj picie.B increase the yeuieneie d Conduttor A- so outen Surgace 4 Conductor B tonnected) with carth.. Toval positive towards to earth. Oni negative charge de 8 move Inner Surjace 0 Conductor 8 bounded With attra clon wate A Which reduces the net orentiat at that pee rn Op hve charge Bhp 0 We give more charges +0-0ccurs Other coord we Increase the Capacitani-ef Conductor 2 OWL Cuusive dic tail ion oy the — ali cic oe fe he | ¢ (fd bensee _pidte_is th - 7a | db | j eet | Suppose the Area_ Of i: | ALand distante oe acces nid. hen posising |Z —| distal buted. On it Supoce._I | Cletexi - Tie siason device sohich fs -Usecl—to ore the electeoaiari, | Ln a paraiuel— peas sapociton— tu large _plune pura lie, plate Separated ee, “distance crion dp euch= plute is Lqcharge gicen_th. pitst— plate ye_total_ charge uniformaiy Que to fndudien the cca Surjoce become -ve and —outer— tye Outer, eae a : | Connected +a_easth Ba tninl AM charge epeve Fomor produce between the to earth. An been t i ¢_tohich is {ndicored by =paucoisel electri t¢ jeid “tine dre aa ‘Given ay BvenoaE A — ae ‘charge tho ! charged. piste} the_ copacitos: ecules 9} the V diced aie Mediu. arisec| cDhich cause the —Bupjace become — 4o tye plates o} the capaciton — ' __=ve and Suyoe opposite th -ve aa plete 5 capai bee ti x ome. AN eleeraic” ied faduce ee tothe applied aUattae || Net electric ficial is: E- fos NS an Potential sedtence clecmecnse due ¢ —} qecaease in tntensitu ee t pees in pevegarcl Ue thtrease 10 esa a H 8 apactany pocauel pale Sa : wlth di- electric medium Bewaeen | the wpieres Cross thickness the churge the dieiecisic the auriace in te pacl tor became -ve 4t¥e__An electric oppasite to appl ied ¢lectaic_ “field: etecisic | Leis ah ce chars oe span! go SPA ¢ a ite __to. ede i dielectric in paraitet plate Capacitor cred ise Gi kitonce |) yesvair + Vmed — ane at er spatensiar: tigen between flee ge as leech Cig Gd) e medi sae meena: (d+) + Oe x re a a Goud a PQ Ba at = 21g (igor pe bo L éx Bis remor ilec af vgs @ ae eo pote ag “ peeO 3 ont di) = G es ce ae Series combination- e Ss Cel aes st) cohen the | | Connectecl +0 said to be con: to fee ME each a \ necteot__(h_purauiel. _ i Consides theee Capacitor i > q C3 cen in piaet-a Ueno aon | ms is—appued & e ol hut elias 2 Ae Doe y |} — tha : ge given tay, —__ - a mye Oy} —— i Filipe, St cit = | _Tatal_chanqe_ stosed fn Combination ia QU= IG Et aG sees eo ek eels lth ptpng enc ric WAG, yeni tar NG eA ifiulch i cpr 9 Ma eee ae — = ae Ie E ot a cid eres fae v z Y- Hs gquiatent_apactoace a potaitel_combineuion _then, Qzctv Zi = (G1) eae: = vi ee — Uinlps @) ae aa fin an 2 tandensors qu cv = D ee. ileal : bila pense — oe iit ays —_— It ei po iil nd = U- o oa = 1 ee ape ie id ee ae Citte EE = = | £ perential of 1 disiance_ fea Sphere i aii ye kg 2 oa neo ee ee | then fz along, pho TU = 1 H Sie ea ey a : ae —_ af centre 2 aX vase — ae * Capatone ie a Néo 7 |) —bertrare in paral a Vaal Zi Zz 2X Aeo =f = eas Cite fe gate gel edt pad esis: Cnet 2 4 ne) aC k, = = aie ue a I | Cnet Te tig eg Se ie ati) i ra ender id «=e _Atok, 2heok2 yA

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