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‘QUALITY PLANS / PROCEDURES / INSPECTION REPORTS SS) PRASHANTH PROJECTS LIMITED QUALITY PLANS PROCEDURES INSPECTION FORMATS CLIENT é M/S. HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED. CONSULTANT : PROJECT = FABRICATION, ERECTION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF STORAGE TANKS. AT KADAPA. P.0.NO : 11000066-0Q-10002 JOB NO. : 860 0 | Tssued for Approval 19102011 Rev Alteration Date ‘Checked Remarks This document is the property of Prashanth Projects Limited. It must not be copied, lent, nor the information contained be disclosed to any third party without the written consent of Prashanth Projects Limited, Mumbai, India. QUALITY PLAN CIVIL, ee) PRASHANTH PROJECTS LIMITED CLIE! M/S. HINDUSTAN roe PROJECT FABRICATION, ERECTION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING \GE TANKS P.0.NO + 11000066-09-10002 JOBNO. 860 DOC.NO. 860-0201 | Tssued for Approval 19103011 Rev Alteration Date ‘Checked Remarks This document is the property of Prashanth Projects Limited. It must not be copied, lent, nor the information contained be disclosed to any third party without the written consent of Prashanth Projects Limited, Mumbai, India, $10) eof RPT doy Jo adoyg, 191. / BNC sjonoy -q| 3 Uonepunog A wonrodsuy | _parouddy foaing adeys ve | joSuideys | ez “ody pus, CW %S6. a Suyte WN “B | wnuanyay/pues | TT 3 4 A EOE “e ing Sumas | rz uno Pl HULL Jo wononasUo:y | OZ SHON, 4 0002-95 ¥'S1 404 KERNS 2218AN | 6 ‘Suoneaytoads 40 001/08 dSV TOI - 4 wid 02 * 001/08 apess wowing | $1 ‘weAUOIO.T % 7 /uDgay Pile pug “Sys, w wid, sSQL MW | 4D 9821 SI OLW soyvas Jo aay) a7Z15 aeqoy | LL “padg iapual | iymiam Aq %Or KEL WORMIOSGE ISTE A 18mq WE F (wu LX PLL X 672) soourdug uwwaiog | -vodoy qeyy| —posorddy suossuswtc] a At, wonaedsut 2101 SL ISL PT SPU SSEIO SL MNBUENS Buys) UE | OL POP | kepImoDg | ANBUNIOG | srUNDOGT wondhossa | ON saueydoooy | souaiajy | _ 4991 Jo od Paysay SNsHAIEIEY:S isuanoy | “3s (IAI) = NVWALIIVAD OF Aaa 10-20-098? ON 900 GALIWT1 NOLLY8OdUOD WAT TOU LA NVLSAGNIN ‘Si + Nari? ‘WNINWAL VdVAV LY SHNVL ADVYOLS AO ONINOISSIWINOD ¥ ONLLSAL ‘NOLLDAAA ‘NOLLVONAGVA + LarOUd GALINI SLOarodd HINVHSvad SiS) $40 7a8td sua Fumes 0 Unduanig anissaudio sour go13Hf8395 | uopwoys!o0ds Altes oyfoods ZL ST u ie) tod se yuouiay | 61 apourdug a ie) pues | yt s0ulsg w wo) aywantty | eo) ‘sou sooursug orpesiyioodk : HG | Sarsoyoo 9697 my axow jou SurureIUOD (onsvig, a WAI WATS, suodoy Jepual ogy a4f “fenstA | WMIPOWN) L104 Z 40 (ONSHLd MOT) L OF 1 JO Ie aunainyy |Z "S505 opin. ap0ulsug wourasog, suodoy, yea uondiosqe 2144 Ra AID, HAD wonsodsuy | __parouddy fenst / 1eo1scud Aypenb poo® pus (urs wiwop or 91) a21§ | auors pouysmag | 11 senor wey | OT Tapa | A pomaqeg | swwounseq | Swusumo0g wondiiasaq | ON way. "dd | souerdasay 2OUdI9JIY. aay yo adc. ayo SsLaEIEYD sayy | as. (AID) NVTd ALTIVAD 098 ONAOF ovorel: ava oF Aa GALIWIT NOLLVHOdxOD WNAIOULAd NVLSNGNIH ‘S/W? 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LIILOUd ALIN SLO3POdd HINVHSVad GS) CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS: | Pre PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD CLIENT: PROJECT: Fabrication Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa CLIENT: Mis. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited PURCHASE No: 11000066-09-10002 yon Now 860 860.02-03 | 19102011] ISSUED FOR APPROVAL | M.EJ| SAM | BSR REv| DATE DESCRIPTION REP. | CHECK.| APPR. REMARKS ited. If must not be copied, lent, nor the information This document is the property of Prashanth Projects Li contained be disclosed to any third party without the written consent of Prashanth Projects Limited, Mumbai, India. | INDEX SR. DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. 1.0 | FOUNDATION 3 20 FABRICATION 4 ‘TESTING AND CALIBRATION CONTRACT Nox Pre PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD 11000066-00-10002 860.02.03, Page 3 of 25, [iiTLE: CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS This document outlines the general procedure to be adopted for construction of Vertical Cone Roof / Floating Roof / Open Top Storage Tanks by Jacking Method. The tank constructed by this method is not build in a conventional manner wherein the tanks are constructed starting from the base to the top and are rather constructed from top to bottom. That is initially the first two/three shell courses and the roof and roof structure is erected. Thereafter after jacking up the. tanksethe=subsequentelower courses are erected. The advantage in,using'this procedure is that work is carried out at the grolinéilevel, thereby avoidiig scaffolding. Further since the work is carried out at grade level it is safer and'also easier to maintain @ check on the quality of works. 1.0 FOUNDATION 4.1. Foundation will be as specified on AFC drawings. An inspection must be made by the qualified. civil, Engineer or other to determine if it is satisfactory. An inspection form is furnished and must be filled ‘out completely and approved by CLIENT before any erection work is started. 4.2. Foundation is usually flat with a slight crown in the center so liquid will drain to OlifSide-edge of tank. The tanks may have 1:50 or 1:100 slopesdépending on diameter of tank and" Or®customersrequirenénts. Occasionally, bottoms are lower in center and drain to a center located ump, 1.3 In checking foundations special attention should be given to make sure dimensions are correct and that at the area where edge of tank rests, the foundation is in level. Levels should be taken at from 2 to 3 meters intervals around entite circumference of tank. 1.4 Occasionally, tanks have sloping bottoms towards one end with clean out manway. As the first ring of the shell is fabricated to fit the slope, it is of utmost importance to make sure the slope is correct and uniform. 1.5. If the foundation at edge of tank is not supported on concrete, the tank edge may settle unevenly as the shells are erected. After each ring is erected, Project. Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commisioniag of ‘Storage Tanks at Kadapa CONTRACT Nos Doe Not Re. | 0 PP PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD 11000066-00-10002, 60.02.03, Page 4 of 25 "TITLE: CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS, | foundation must be checked and if settlement has occurred, foundation at edge of tank must be re — leveled. The easiest method is to take out the sand or gravel under the high points to allow tank to settle. In some cases it may be necessary to lift the edge of the tank with jacks or other methods. Top of each ring must be in level before fitting the next ring. 1.6 Where tank's edges rest on concrete walls, steel shims should be used for leveling bottoms after firstiringuis' placed:imposition.. Subsequently grout or other material" to be placed under edge of tank & the steel ShiMseremoved as otherwise the concentrated load of the tank at the points where shims"are placed may cause the walls to crack. 1.7. If tanks are supported on steel| columns, the bottoms of columns must be supported on steel Shims|to, correct elevation. ‘These Shims aré)to remain in place and grout installed around them after erection of tank is completed and anchor, bolts tightened. 2.0 FABRICATION 2.1 Bottom, Afinular, Shell & Roof Plates are to be marked as per approvéd'drawing. 2.2 The diagonals of the Shell plates marked ar to be checked to ensure that the plates are rectangular. 2.3 The plates are to be cut and beveled as per approved drawing either by by using oxy acetylene process or plasma cutting (SS). The fuel used for the oxy acetylene process might be acetylene or LPG. 2.4 The edge preparation of the plates are to be as per approved drawings. The same is to be checked using a bevel guage. 2.5 The Shell Piates are to be rolled to the required curvature using plate bending machine of appropriate capacity. PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD Project Fabri Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks st Kadapa CONTRACT Nos Doe No.: Rev. ° 11000066-09-10002 Page $ of 25 TITLE: CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS: 3.0 The following should be the sequence of fabrication works: i. Bottom & Annular Plates shall be fabricated as per approved cutting layout drawing and sandblasting & painting of underside of bottom plate carried out as per painting specification ii, Fabrication & rolling of top three shell courses. ili, Roof Structure fabricationséwelding. iv. RoofiPIatés fabrication. V. Wind Girders fabrication. vi. Fabrication & rolling of balance courses. vii. Fabrication of Floating Roof vil, Manway & Nozzies fabrication. ix. Stairways Structure & Platform Fabrication: x. Other Appurtenances ERECTION PridFtoxerection, the foundation levels shall be checked and:leVéls along the periphery noted and recorded Slope"ot the’ bottom also needs to be checked for conformance with the approved drawing 3.1 Annular Plate 3.1.1 Annular plates with backing strip attached to end shall be laid abutting one another to form a ring with the outside diameter as specified and orientation as per approved drawings. 3.1.2 Annular plate butt joint shall be welded as per approved drawings and WPS. initially altemate annular joints need to be welded and subsequently balance joints should be welded leaving one make-up joint Project Fabrication, Erection, Testag & Comnisioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa PIP>p CONTRACT No Doe No: | Rev. 0 PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD 11000066-00-10002 860.02-03 Page 6 0f25 TITLE: CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS open to cater to weld shrinkage. The make up joint should be welded after completion of all annular joint welding. (See Sketch - 1) 3.1.3 To control distortion, weights shall be placed on either side of the joint during welding or the joints may be raised about 50 mm bya steel rod and welded with the joint peaking up and the rod subsequently removed after the welding. 3.1.4 The Annularsbuttewelds"shall 6E" radiograph as per Fequirement of API 650 (ie. For double-welded butt joifitSimone spot radiograph shall be taken on 10% of the radial joints & for single weld&d butt joints with or without permanent backing strip one spot radiograph on 50% of the radial joints with the location of the radiograph preferably being at the outer edge of the joint) ANNULAR P. ETCH. TE WELDING SE E Fabrication, Erection, Testing © Commisioning ‘Tanks at TITLE: CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS 3.2 Bottom Plates 3.2.1 Bottom sketch plates shall be laid over the foundation with the plates lapped as shown on the approved drawings. The plates shall be joggled for correct fit-up at three plate lap joints. 3.2.2 For Bottoms sloping towards the periphery, the bottom sketch plate shall be laid working from the periphery towards the center. Whereas for \ttom sketch plate all be laid working from the center towards the pepe 3.2.3 To thermal dis ensuring sufficient lap as per approved drawings. All short seams are to be then welded. (Joints 2) On completion of welding of short seams, the long seam between two successive rows shall be fitted-up and welded, working from the center towards the periphery. To reduce the heat input and consequent bulging it is recommended that step back sequence of welding (Stepping back 24° to 30°) be followed. 3.2.45 Long seams are to be welded alternatively leaving one seam free to cater for any shrinkage. If need be necessary channels could be fitted across the long seams to arrest bulging of bottom. Project. Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa CONTRACT Nos PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD TITLE: CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS of shell to bottom weld. This seam is to be kept locked in place using C clamps and wedges only. 3.3 SHELL PLATE ASSEMBLY [Top Three / Two Shell Courses] 3.3.1 Shell plates are to be stacked on saddle / supports to avoid change in rolling radius 3.3.2 The insidewand” Outside Circumference OF thertank,shall be marked and punched on the annular plate as per approved drawings. Spacer.blocks having 300 to 400 mm height shalll be placed on the circumference around the tank at every 2.5 mtrs Interval and tacked to the annular / bottom plates (Sketch — 3). The Cireurnference.punch.mark shall be transferred from the bottom onto the Spacer Blocks. Starting point of shell first course shall be marked. 3.3.3. Vertical'angle/channel stoppers are to be welded altematively adjacent to the inside dia. & outside dia punched on the spacer blocks as shown. SPACER ~ CLEATS ANNULAR , PLATE $ INSIDE RADIUS SPACER \ ANNULAR PLATE SKETCH ~3 SPACERS ON ANNULAR PLATE Project, Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commibsioning of Tanks at "TITLE: CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS Care is to be taken to ensure that while carrying out bottom plate welding the welding current is maintained within the specified current range only. Welding carried out using high current would increase the heat input and consequently the bulging of bottoms. 3.2.48 The Typical sequence of welding of bottom plates is outlined in JOINTS ARE BE WELDED SERIALLY, Th M PLATE WELDIN 3.2.5 Water Draw-off sump shall be fitted and welded to bottom as per orientation indicated in the approved drawings. Dye Penetrant testing of the sump has to be carried out prior to installation. 3.26 The peripheral seam between sketch and the annular plate (Joint 10 in ‘Sketch — 2) shall be left open and should be welded only upon completion Project Fabrication, Erection, Teaing & Commbsioniag of ‘Storage Tanks at Kadapa PIP CONTRACT Nos Doe Nos Rew. 6 ssamporntenciectnes: 11000066-09-10002 60.02.03 Page 10 of 25 TITLE: CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS: 3.3.4. Erect the First Plate of third shell course (3% / 2™ shell course from top of tank) on the spacer blocks and lock the same in position as shown in the sketch —4. 3.3.5 Support the plate at the center from the bottom using channeV/angle as shown. CHANNEL SLBPORT. TOSHELL! Ay BORTOM bE PLATE ANNULAR PLATE ‘SKETCH = # SHELU ERECTED ON SUPPORTS 3.3.6 Check the radius on each end of the plate to the center of the tank. 3.3.7 Check the chord dimension of the plate. 3.3.8 Erect the second plate adjacent to the first in a similar fashion as detailed in 3.3.4 through 3.3.7. 3.3.9 Fit the second plate with the first using jigs and fixtures as shown in the Sketch — 5. 3.3.10 Pullipush the plates using the fixture to achieve the necessary root gap. Project. Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa CONTRACT No: Doc No.: Rev. ° 11000066-00-10002 Page 11 of 25 ssh Root_ear ence I. ff lau z x i 1G eihre OF AN = 3.3,11 Ensure the top and bottom of the plates are in the same line/and there is no offset. Check the chord jength and if excessively out correct the same. 3.3.12 Tack the'second plate with the first at the bottom only: 3.343 Erect the balance plates of the strake as outlined in 3.3.8 through 3.3.12 3.3.44 In case the make up plate has been cuit to correct size, on placement of last plate the same should fit perfectly. If you have a run over/ overlapedo Foticut.the plate and readjust the other plates to accommodate the make- up. If you have a shortfall'then pull the other plates to complete the shell course. However if the make up plate has been kept in excess of the circumference, on placement of the last plate, measure the total length of the plates erected and mark the required circumference of the strake on the make up plate and cut the excess. The make up plate is to be fitted to the first plate as outlined earlier to complete one strake. 3.3.16 All vertical joints tacked at bottom earlier are now to be tacked completely. It should be ensured that the overlap and root gap are within tolerance. Any misalignment is to be rectified using appropriate jigs and wedges. 3.3.16 Gauge Plates are to be fitted on the inside of the shell to maintain the curvature and minimise distortion during welding (Sketch 6). Project! Fabrication, Erectioa, Testing & Commisloning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa Page 12 of 25, suet SSS wEDGE—7 \ GaueE PLATE cc y an sem Gquce PLATE | 3.3.17. Vertical Seam Welding The vertical seams are tobe first welded from the outside. Start welding at the top of the joint about five to six inches from the top of the seam and weld towards the top edge of the.seam. ‘8:3:47.3, Now move down on the seam at least 14"-below the point where the first weld Was Commenced and weld upwards towards the first weld removing spacers if left in the seam. Now move down further 14” below the second weld and weld towards the previous weld. Continue welding by the above back step procedure (Sketch 7) until the seam is completed. Project: Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commisioning of ‘Storage Tanks at Kadapa CONTRACT No DocNo: | Rev. ° 11000066-00-10002 00.03 Page 13 of 25 Clean the weld of slag and spatter. Subsequent weld pa are to be welded as enumerated between 3.3.1 3." ¥ p m . ck step length for subsequent runs could be increased to 24 to 30 inches. For very thin plates the vertical joints could be bowed out slightly before welding from outside to minimize distortion. On completion of welding from outside, the reverse side of the weld shall be ground to sound metal to remove slag pores and any lack of fusion. The weld to be examined to ensure that no slags/poreslcracks are left on the weld. 33.17.10 Weld from the inside by back step method from top similar to the welding carried out from outside. However after completion of outside welding if the vertical joint has peaked in excessively, Project Pabrication, Erection, Testing & Commbsioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa CONTRACT Nos 11000066-00-10002 Page 14 of 25, TITLE: CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS while weld from inside weld continuously from the bottom of the ‘shell to the top rather than back step welding. If additional weld passes are required as per joint design and if the weld seam is still bowed in weld the subsequent pass too continuously. Complete the welding from inside in the manner indicated above. the 3.3.18 The vertical joints of the top shell shall be welded as per procedure indicated in 3.3.17. 3.3.19 On completion of the vertical welding the horizontal seam shall be aligned and fitted-up using spacer plates, jigs and fixtures to ensure proper root gap and alignment. Project Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks af Kadapa CONTRACT No 11000066-09-10002 Page 1S of 25 PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD TITLE: CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS 3.3.20 Horizontal welds shall be welded from outside first. The welding is to be carried out by dividing the number of welders on the job uniformly around the circumference. 3.3.21 On completion of welding from outside, the reverse side of the weld shall be ground to sound metal to remove siag, pores and any lack of fusion. 3.3.22 The back chip is to be examined to ensure that no slags/pores/cracks are left on the weld. 3.3.287H@ banding and verticality of shell shall be checked" pfiomto_and after welding of the seam to confirm that they are within the permissible limitsiof API 650. 3.3.24 Therefore similar to the 2™ strake from the top erect the top most shell as given in points 33.17 to 3.3.23 3.3.25Radiography test of weld seams shall be carried out as per the requirement of API.650. (Radiography has to be. carried. out in parallel as the tanks is jacked and should not be left il the very end. 3.4 Roof Structure 3.4% Top curb angle rolled to correct profile shall be fitted-up.enstiting minimum possible gap and avéiding flat'spots hid Welded to the top shell course. 3.4.2 A layout for truss, cross girders and any other structural assemblies shall be made and checked for proper dimension as per drawings prior to fabrication of all truss, rafters and such assembly. 3.4.3 The trusses, cross girders, etc are to be placed inside the tank prior to commencing structure erection 3.44 Initially the center drum is to be erected in the center of tank on derrick pipe/channel support at the appropriate height as per approved drawing and guyed using wire rope (Sketch 9). ~ [Fe ea on Te a Comeieteetey off ices semetyy | mm [a] + | manne? —_— TITLE: CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS CENTRAL DRUM_ ASSEMBLY TEMPORARY PIPE/ pproved drawings using rricks. (Sketch 10) 3.4.6 The roof structure shall be clamped and tacked at both ends, that is. ‘drum and the shell. Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Tanks TITLE: CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS, 3.4.8 The balance trusses are to be erected in a similar manner in a sequence indicated in Sketch 12. using pulleys and chain ‘$ in sequence shown in Sketch 13. Project Fabrie rection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa PIP CONTRACT No: Docno: | Rev | 0 FRA uaRRPRORETSLTD. 11000066-09-10002 40.02.05 Page 19 0f 25 ‘SKETCH — 13 Erection Sequence of Cross Girders 3.4.10 Secondary & Tertiary Rafters, Wind bracing, ete shall be erected after erection of cross girders to complete the roof structure. 3.4.11 Alternatively the entire roof structure could be assembled and welded in the bottom and hoisted using multiple cranes. 3.5 Roof Plates & Appurtenances 3.5.1. On completion of erection and welding of roof structure the roof plates shall be erected 3.5.2 The roof plates shall be laid and welded in a sequence similar to that indicated for bottom plates. 3.5.3 The circumferential weld connecting the roof plate to the curb angle shall be welded only upon completion of welding of short and long seams of roof. 3.5.4 The size of circumferential weld shall be strictly as per drawing, especially for frangible roofs. Projet Fabrication, Drection, Testing & Commissioning of orage Tanks at Kadap TITLE: CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS 35.5 Roof manways and nozzles shall be fitted-up and welded to correct orientation as per approved drawings. 3.5.6 Roof circumferential handrail shall be erected and welded as per approved drawings. 3.5.7 Spiral stairway shall be installed progressively downwards from top landing Platform in of Balance Shell Course Jacks with a safe working capacity of 12 MT. shall be installed along the SE Pea OF Nk, Ir PITCH OF APPHGN. | NTRS SKETCH 14 - JACK INSTALLATION IN TANK eo PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD. Project Fabrication, Erection, Tong & Commissioning of ‘Storage Tanks at Kadapa CONTRACT No Doc No: | Rev. ° 11000066-09-10002 Page 21 of 25 TITLE: CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS 3.6.3 3.6.4 3.6.5 The three shell assemblies along with the roof and roof structure shall be raised by the jacks in multiple strokes of 100 mm through a distance equal to the height of the next course to be erected plus 50 mm. (Sketch 15) While jacking the tanks care is to be taken to ensure uniform lifting of tanks. In the event of uneven lifting, the jacks of the area where excess lifting has occurred shall be shut of and the balance jacks that are lagging shall be operated.tosbring) all thesjacks:to.the same level. This operation ‘Might have to be done after every 250mm of lifting. ‘On completion of the jacking operation the lower shell course shallibe erected on the spacers as indicated in 3.3.4. through 3.3.17 (Sketch 15). 3.6.6 3.6.7 3.6.8 [SKETCH 15 - JACKING OF TANK The tanks are then to be lowered by the additional distance initially jacked and made to rest on the lower shell. The horizontal seam shail be fitted-up and welded as per Para 3.3.19 through 3.3.23 mentioned above. The spiral stairway is continued progressively downwards. Storage Tanks at Kadapa Page 22 of 25 PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD TITLE: CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS 3.6.9 The lifting lugs, cleats etc, shall be removed and welded to the shell that was last erected. Grind the left out welding / burring to achieve ground surface on plate. 3.6.10 The lifting arm of the jacks is now locked once again onto the newly welded lifting lugs. 3.6.11 The tank is once again jacked and the next course erected as per Para as 3.6.2 through,3. 3,6:12THE balance shell course shall be erected as per procedure. indicated above till all the shells are erected. 3.6.43 test_of_weld is_shall_be carried _out_as. Tequirement of AP! 650. (Radiography has to be carried out in parallelas the tanks is ind should not be left till th 3.6.14 Brackets for Water m1. im System, etc is to be erected in para he app te shell as per appro ng 3.6.15 While jacking for the bottom most shell the tank is to be jacked upto a height equal to the lowest shell course less the height of the spaces on which the tank was resting. 3!6M16.During the jacking process, the wind girder as per_drawin@s" shall be assembled aiid’ Welded:to-the:appropriate’SHell Course prior to the jacking up the particular shell course. 3.7. Shell to Bottom Welding & Shell Appurtenances 3.7.1 On completion of erection & welding of all the shells the shell to bottom shall be fitted up and welded. 3.7.2 The shell to bottom shall be lly welded from outside. 3.7.3 Kerosene chalk testing of the shell to annular root shall be carried out and defects if any rectified. 3.7.4 On completion of Kerosene chalk testing the shell to bottom shall be welded from inside to complete the shell to bottom weld. fas) “cowrnacttes PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD “TITLE: CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS 3.7.5 On completion of shell to bottom welding the annular to sketch weld shall be completed. 3.7.6 The shell appurtenances shall be marked and installed as per approved drawings to correct dimensions and orientation. 3.8 FLOATING ROOF TANK * Sequence of fabrication of annular, sketch and shell plates shall be same as for fixed roof including stairways, stiffeners and wind girders. * An opening in the first shell for access shall be made for deck and pontoon assembly * The annular to sketch plate welding shall be completed and vacuum test of welds shall be completed before the installation of the temporary staging on the bottom plates. The dimension of the staging especially with regards to its horizontal levels for the center deck slopes and pontoon boxes shall be checked for single deck roof. Projet Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of] Storage Tunks at Kadaps: CONTRACT Nos Doe Now Rev. 6 PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD 11000066-00-10002 Page 24 of 25 TITLE: CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS + The deck plates shail be laid and welded in a sequence similar to the bottom plate to ensure it is flat with minimum buckling (center deck for single deck and the bottom deck of double floating roof) * Dimensional checks of stiffener rings, trusses, rafters bulk head compartment, bafiles etc. Shall be carried out. * All weld seam on the center deck in case of single deck and bottom deck in the case of double deckeshallibe vacuumiboxitested for leaks. +,eiThe"ircumterential welds connecting the bottom deck or centéfideck with bulk heads or outer and inner rims shall be tested by oil chalk method. » Pipe supports and sleeves, articulated drain, rim vents etc shalll be installed as, per approved drawing. + All roof appurtenances shall be fitted up and welded as per approved drawings and applicable WPS. * The :rolling»ladder:from top landing shall be:fabricatedyand:installed as per approved drawings. » The foam seals shall be fabricated and installed as per approved drawings. + The roof shall be raised by water/air pressure/Hydraulic” its maintenance level. * The temporary stagings shall bé removed. * All shell appurtenances shall be installed as per approved drawings. * On completion of all mechanical works the tank shall be cleaned from inside and outside. * Hydrotest of tank shall be performed as per approved procedure after obtaining clearance from client. + Roof test shall be carried out as per API 650 floating roof. PIP PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD Projet: Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commbsiouing of Storage Tanks at Kadapa CONTRACT Nos Doc No. Rev. ° 11000066-09-10002 360.02-03, Page 25 of 25 "FUTLE: CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE FOR VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS: 4.0 Testing & Calibration ‘On completion of all mechanical works, the tank shaill be cleaned from inside and outside. Inspect every inch of the bottom weld as well as shell to bottom welds to make sure there are no unwelded areas. These areas may have been left unwelded to allow watentoidrain off oronaccount of fit up channels / cleats. ‘SWEEP entire bottom clean and inspect every plate for possiblesfractures or holes. A bracket or a roof structural member may have fallen and, in striking bottom, punctured a hole. Occasionally, a careless welder may have burned a hole in the bottom. Inspect all locations whére fit up lugs may have been welded!)\Chip off any burrs and inspect for undercut or cracks. Reweld undercuts and any spots where. evidence that. objectional defect ‘Vacuum Box testing of the bottom is to be carried out to check for any leaks in weld and defects if any rectified. Testing of bottoms is done with a Vacuum ‘Boxsto.a vacuum of 3ibffin’. Clean and remove slag fromall'Séams before testing, Pneumatic test of RF Pads of nozzles are lo be carried out and defects if any rectified. Hydro test of tank shall be performed as per approved procedure after obtaining clearance from client. The tank should be stage wise loaded as per the hydrotest procedure. During Hydrotest the strapping and calibration of tanks shall be performed in accordance with the relevant codes. RADIOGRAPHY TEST PROCEDURE PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD Pre CLIENT: PROJECT: Fabrication Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa CLIENT: M/s. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited 11000066-09-10002 360 DOCUMENT No: 860-02-04 0 | 19102011] ISSUEDFOR APPROVAL | MES) SAM | BSR REV | DATE, DESCRIPTION PREP. | CHECK. | APPR. REMARKS It must not be copied, lent, nor the information This document is the property of Prashanth Projects Limited. contained be disclosed to any third party without the written consent of Prashanth Projects Limited. Mumbai, India. Tropa Fibnion, Ercan, Testng & Commintoaing =] Strige Tease Katape PIP coummsctse: | meena: [ine | 0 venasnanr provecrsro iaoss.og.10002 | — sonos Page 20f6 "TITER RADIOGRAPHY TEST PROCEDURE >] INDEX SR. "DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. “4 scope - | 3 [2 PURPOSE | 3 3. SOURCE™ | 3 | [4 | _MateRar ie ee | os TYPE OF WELD | 3 t [fe TECHNIQUE 7 or | 7 SOURCE TO FILM DISTANCE | 3 | le TYPE OF FILM | > | 9 LIMIT OF FILM COVERAGE PER , EXPOSURE | 10 EXPOSURE TIME 3 | cin INTENSIFYING SCREEN | 4 | | 12. “PSaRENETRAMETER rn i | 43 | PLACEMENT 4 14 | IDENTIFICATIONS IN RADIOGRAPHS 4 15 SeNSTIVITY “ae | DENSITY — 17| PROCESSING DETAILS 48 | ACCEPTANCE STANDARDS — 19. REPORTING 20 QUALIFICATIONS SAFETY NUMBER & LOCATION OF RADIOGRAPHS ae) | = “A PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTO Storage Tanks at Kadapa Project! Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of CONTRACT Now Doc No.: Rev. ° 11000066-00-10002 860-02.05 Page 3 of 6 TITLE: RADIOGRAPHY TEST PROCEDURE 1 SCOPE 2. PURPOSE 3. SOURCE 4 MATERIAL 5, TYPEOF WELD JOINTS: 8 TECHNIQUE SOURCE TO FILM DISTANCE 8. TYPE OF FILM LIMIT OF FILM 9. COVERAGE PER EXPOSURE 10, EXPOSURE TIME This procedure describes the methods for : radiographic examination of fusion-welded butt joints in steel up to 50 mm thick, In accordance with ASME B13.3 or ASME V. ; To determine the qualityrofiwelds and check their conformance to API 650 + tridium 192 : Carbon Stee! Based on Joint Designieither single’side or double + side welded. Double wall single image & Single wall®single * image. S.F.D. shall be maintained in order to ensure that . the geometrical sharpness (Ug) does not exceed * 0.5mm and the density variation across the radiographs are within limits. : AGFA D-4 or equivalent As per specifications. * As per calculation. PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD a brication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of ks at Kaddapa CONTRACT No. Doe No. Rev. o 11000066-09-10002 80-02-04 Page 4 of 6 TITLE: RADIOGRAPHY TEST PROCEDURE 4 INTENSIFYING SCREENS 12. PENETRAMETER 13. PLACEMENT 14, INDENTIEICATIONS IN RADIOGRAPHS 15, SENSITIVITY 18 DENSITY : WIRE (DIN). : Lead Screens (0.1mm Front and Back) : Film side for DWS! & Source for SWS. Equipment No., Job"Now=Welder No., Date and Coverage of Weld Location and JointiNo. 17. PROCESSING DETAILS : As per table T-276 OF ASME Sec. V-2001. . Shall be ensured with use of calibrated * Densitometer as per ASME Sec. V-2001. a) Pro¢éssing.would be in a dark room away from radiation,,fumé, Moisture & dust. b) Safe lamp would be checked for leakage. ©) Fog level would be controlled below 0.3. d) Chemical level in the tank and concentration would be maintained as per recommendation given by the manufacturer. e) Maintenance of Dark Room Temp. 18°C to 24° C. DEVELOPING STOPBATH FIXING DRYING : Five Minutes at 20 °C : One Minute. Double of Cleaning Time. In dark room atmosphere. Project Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at PIP ; - CONTRACT No.: Doe Now: Rev, o eGo RT “7 wwemooiven | wo | ragesore TITLE: RADIOGRAPHY TEST PROCEDURE TIME / TEMP. TIME 18° 20° 22 | ae DEVELOPING 6 Min. 5 Min. 4 Min. | 3.5 Min. TIME ACCEPTANCE 5 18. STANDARD ! ASME Sec IX / APT 650 . Radiographs would be submitted with 1 REPORTS * interpretation report from ASNT level II personnel, Radiographs would be taken by qualified 20. QUALIFICATIONS radiographers certified by Baba Atomic Research Center (BARC). Radioactive Isotopes are to be stored in separate pits in locked Radiography Rooms confirming to BARC norms. Radiography personnel. shall:weat a TLD badge and-a charged pocket dosimeter whenever in a 21 SAFETY radiation area. They shall have an operable radiation survey meter. The area where radiography is being performed shall be cordoned off and display necessary red light and waming symbols to prevent unauthorized entry. sbrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning i ks at Kad PIP CONTRACT Nos Doc No ° PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD 11000066-0Q-10002, 1960-02-04 Page 6 of 6 TITLE: RADIOGRAPHY TEST PROCEDURE 22. Number & Location of Radiographs _ Annular Plates i. Double Welded Butt Joints — 10% of the Joints ii. Single Welded Butt Joints — 50% of the Joints © Size of Film - To exhibit 6” of Weld Length * Location of Radiographs preferably at the outer edge of the joint at the intersection of the shell and annular plate. Shell Plates 7 Thinner ‘Location Plate Number of Radiographs Thickness 1. 1 spot for 1" three meter for each thickness for each weldery ii. Thereafter 1 spot for every 30 m irrespective of the number of welders t<|i” Atleast 25% of the above joints should be at “T” (Intersection 6f Vertical & horizontal) joints. * The films to be placed vertically while radio graphing the “T” joints with minimum 3° of Verital vertical and 2” of horizontal weld on each side | aie of the vertical being visible. TP Sinilarto t= 10 mm ii, Additionally all “T" joints 10=25 i. Fully Radiographed | No distinction i, One Spot Radiograph for the 1* 3 mtrs. per Horizontal on antum thickness: without regard 6, the number of Joints | radiographs |_ ji. Thereafter 1 spot for every 60 m irrespective of based on | the number of welders. | Lo VACUUM BOX TESTING PROCEDURE Pre PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD ‘CLIENT: PROSECT: Fabrication Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa CLIENT: ‘M/s, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited PURCHASE No.: 11000066-09-10002 | sopno. 860 DOCUMENT No: 860-02-05 © | 19102011] IssUEDFOR APPROVAL | M.EJ| SAM | BSR REV | DATE DESCRIPTION PREP. | CHECK. APPR. REMARKS This document is the property of Prashanth Projects Limited. It must not be copied, lent, nor the information| contained be disclosed to any third party without the written consent of Prashanth Projects Limited, Mumbai, India. se AP SrnaA00 050 otabet unter in eqs tntes blow) oh Tak botiom 10 mm ('") < PLATE THICKNESS $26 mm (17) | -s0mmery fe 4-2} {} 4} \ 1 28 ami) fa} fa] ay fa]_I fA_[e i aime q fe} 14} fs} 144 }- 14 4 j okt PLATE THICKNESS > 25 men (17) Notes: 4 Vercal spt radiograph in sccondence with, tiem a: one Inthe frat 3m (10 f) end one fn each 20 m (100 8) ‘hereater, 25% of whic shale at niersectons. oxaontal spot raclographin accordarca wit 8.12.3: cne nth frat3 m (10) and coe in ach 60 (200) jrreater. ‘Yertica pot racograph in each vercal sear in the owes! course (soe 8.122, lamb). Spot radiographs that satety Pus requirements of Note 1 forthe lowest course may be used o sail tis requirement. ‘Spot mcographs ofl intersecsons over 10 mm Gin) (see 8.1.22, tam). ‘Spetradegraph of baton ofeach verical seam in lowest shall cour over 10 mm (/) (000 8.1.22, om B), ‘Complteraclograph ofeach vrtcal seam ove 25 mn (1 in). The complete adogragh nay nde the spot racographs, ofthe intersections Hf he mas mim wih of 100 mm (Ain) (988 8.1.22, am Figure 6-1—Radiographic Requirements for Tank Shells eae ep SSR ne frpegeerryrn ce Project, Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of ‘Storage Tanks at ‘CONTRACT No.: 11000066-0Q-10002 INDEX SR. DESCRIPTION Project Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissi Storage Tanks at Ka ‘ Spe CONTRACT No: peenos | re] 0 WL ing of PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD VACUUM BOX TESTING PROCEDURE 10 vacuuw rum, { ' 4) Scopes This procedure establishes the method of examining of bottom welds to ascertain their soundness. 2) Purpose:- ‘The vacuum box testing is a non d8strUctNe testing method for detecting pin holes, cracks & ‘otner detects on bottom / shell to Bottom & root welds as required by API 650. 3) Procedure:- ‘The following materials are required for carrying out the test . ‘Vacuum box (Size 150 mm X 750 mm long ) with clear glass . Soap solution . Clay / Flour . Vacuum pump * Vacuum gauge / Combination Gauge (Range 0 to 60 kPa Vacuum) SIE commmerses | owns [en] | W PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD Project: Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of ‘Storage Tanks at Kadapa 11000066-00-10002 860.0205 Page 4 of 4 TITLE: VACUUM BOX TESTING PROCEDURE 10. 18 12 13. Weld to be tested by vacuum box shall be cleaned thoroughly for dirt, grease or any other foreign ‘materials by brushing/lin free cottons cloths, After cleaning of weld joint, apply soap solution (Ensuring there are no pre-existent foam / froth) to the weld joint Place the Vacuum Box on top of the weld joint keeping the joint in the centre. ‘Seal the box all around with a temporary dam of mud clay or flour or any other suitable sealing ‘compound. Conneét’ vacuum Pump along with vacuum gauge and shut off the Véfitivalve to the vacuum box. Create'a partial vacuum of 3 Ibf in*or’20 kPa in the vacuum box: ‘Close the shut off vaive connected to the pump and hold for at least 5 seconds / the time required to visually inspect the weid, Observe through the sight glass for any bubbles that may be formed on the weld joint. Sufficient lighting (min 1000 Lux) to be provided to ensure that the weld being examined is clearly visible. If any bubbles'/ foarare!formed on the weld joint tHese'atélindicativerOf defects & need to be marked and repaired. Move the box to the next location and fepeat steps 1 to 9. Maintain an overlap of 2° on weld joint while checking ‘imcase any defects are noticed then the defective portion is to be repaired:by"Gfinding and re welding Re-check all defective portions as indicated in steps 1 to 9 tll the joint is free from all defect. Maintain records of all test in inspection Reports. LIQUID DYE PENETRANT EXAMINATION PROCEDURE Pre PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD ‘CLIENT: PROJECT: Fabrication Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa CLIENT: Mis. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited. PURCHASE No: 11000066-0(-10002 JOBNO.: 360 DOCUMENT No: 860-02-06 _ REV| DATE DESCRIPTION PREP. | CHECK.| APPR.) REMARKS: This document is the property of Prashanth Projects Limited. It must not be copied, lent, nor the information| contained be disclosed to any third party without the written consent of Prashanth Projects Limited, Mumbai, India. PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD Project: Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kaday CONTRACT Nos Doc Nox Rv. | 0 11000066-00-10002 00-02-06 Page 2 of S [TITLE: LIQUID DYE PENETRANT EXAMINATION PROCEDURE INDEX | SR. DESCRIPTION | PAGE NO. 1.0 | SCOPE | 3 2.0. I PURPOSE OO = 2 | \ 3.0 ‘PROCEDURE | 3 A. PENETRANT APPLICATION | 4 8 DEVELOPER APPLICATION i 4” | — * Cc INTERPRETATION 5 Project! Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadap. PI CONTRACT Nos Doe No. Rev. 0 PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD hannah hase somes Paged ofS [[AFTLE: LIQUID DYE PENETRANT EXAMINATION PROCEDURE, 1. Scope: This procedure establishes the method of examining the welds and surface of steel by liquid dye penetrant method to detect the surface defects/discontinuity of welds and surface of steel. The dye penetrant examination is to be generally carried out as per ASME'S86V Articlé’6 2. Purpose: This, Dye-Penetrantprocess is a non destructive-testingmethod for detecting discontinuities that are open to the surface, such as cracks, laps, cold shuts, laminations and pores as required by API 650 This test is used for: > Inspection of completed welds of stress relieved assemblies > Permanent and Temporary attachments welds to Group IMeIVA V & VI materials: Shell to Bottom Weld in lieu of Penetrating Oil Test > Non Structural Structural attachments such as insulation clips (not supports) studs and pins not welded by capacitor discharge. Unless e tested by magnetic particle. 3. Procedure: The following materials are required for testing by solvent removel penetrant technique. * Solvent Remover/Cleaner. PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTO Project: Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa CONTRACT No Doe No.z Rew, o 11000066-0-10002 $6002.06 Page 4 of $ TITLE: LIQUID DYE PENETRANT EXAMINATION PROCEDURE Red Dye Penetrant * Developer. The materials shall be from the same manufacturer or same family of applicable material recommended.byathe manufacture..DPT material used should be of teputed’approved make with proper certificates. ‘The|Suirce of the [parts "Welds tobe "exalted '@ré 6 be | thordughly cleaned free of Oil, Grease, Corrosion, Weld Spatter and dust. A, Penetrant Application The liquid penetrant is applied on the surface to be examined by brush or spray. ‘The'penetrant is left for a minimum dwell time (usually;five'to ten minutes) as specified by the manufacturer to allow the penetrant to enter into the discontinulties. After completion of dwell time, any penetrant remaining on the surface is wiped clean using lint free cloth. Due care is to be taken to minimize removal of the penetrant from the discontinuities. B. Developer Application The developer shall be applied as soon as possible after penetrant removal. The time interval shall not exceed that established in the procedure. The Project: Fabrication, Erestion, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa CONTRACT Nos Doc No.t Rev, 0 Pre ss ge Sof 5 SMART RRRIESS LTS 11000066-09-10002 860402406 Page 5 of [iene DIQUID DYE PENETRANT EXAMINATION PROCEDURE developer should be applied uniformly over the surface to be examined. Insufficient coating thickness may not draw the penetrant out of the discontinuities while excessive coating thickness will mask indications if any. The developer functions both as a blotter to absorb the penetrant that has been trapped in the discontinuities and also as a contrasting background. In case of to,bottom initial weld pass, as an alternative thespéhétrant is applied to one side of the weld and thédeveloper is applied to the other side as provided in API 650. The minimum dwell timéefor the penetrant in this case is one hour. C. interpretation The Examination of the weld / part shall begin as soon as developer coating is dry and before 30 minutes after application. The final interpretation shall be made within 7 to 30 minutes of application of ‘developer. Surface discontinuities are indicated by a-red"indication on the developer. Acceptance of the rounded / linear indication are in accordance with the applicable code & ASME Sec V. Defects if any shall be removed by grinding / gouging and repaired thereafter. All repaired portions shall be re-examined by repeating the test procedure indicated above. REINFORCEMENT PAD PNEUMATIC TEST PROCEDURE Pre PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD ‘CLIENT: LW PROJECT: Fabrication Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa CLIENT: ‘M/s, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited PURCHASE No: 11000066-00-10002, JOBNOu 860 DOCUMENT No: 860-02-07 0 | ssao201] assueproRAPpRovaL | mes] sam | BSR REV| DATE DESCRIPTION PREP. | CHECK. | APPR. REMARKS: This document is the property of Prashanth Projects Limited. It must not be copied, lent, nor the information| ‘contained be disclosed to any third party without the written consent of Prashanth Projects Limited, Mumbai. India. Project’ Fabrication. Erection, Testing & Commissioning of ‘Storage Tanks at CONTRACT Nox Doe Now 11000066-09-10002 TITLE: REINFORCEMENT PAD PNEUMATIC TEST PROCEDURE INDEX SR. DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. | 1.0 SCOPE 2.0 PURPO: ROCEDURE Project: Fabrication, Erestion, Testing & Commissioning of ‘Storage Tanks at Kada PIP contacto: | daeno: | Rew RAST RBCS UE 11000066-00-10002, Page 3 of 4 1) Scope:- This procedure establishes the method of examining of Reinforcement pad welds to ascertain their soundness and detect leaks, 2) Purpose:- ‘The Pneumatic testing is a non destructive testing method for detecting pin holes, cracks & other defects on Reinforcement pad as required by API 650. PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD. Project: Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa Ea CONTRACT Now Doe Nox 0 WY 11000066-0Q-10002 1360-02-07 Page 4 of 4 TITLE: REINFORCEMENT PAD PNEUMATIC TEST PROCEDURE 3) Procedure: The following materials / equipments are required for carrying out the test Air Compressor Soap solution / Linseed Oil Pressure Gauge (Rarge,0t0.200 kPa) Weld to be tested by Pneumatic testing shall be cleaned thoroughly for dirt, gf@ase,or any ‘other foreign materials by brushing. ‘After cleaning of weld joint, apply soap solution (Ensuring there are no pre-existent foam / froth) to the weld joints both inside ang outside the tank. Connect air hose along with pressure gauge. Create a pressure of 15 psi gauge pressure (100 kPa) between the tank shell and the Teinforcement pad_using the telltale hole. (Close the shut off vaive connected to the ait compressor. Observe thoroughly for any bubbles thet may be formed on the weld joint If any bubbles are formed on the weld these are indicative of defects & need,torbé marked ‘and repaired In case any defects are Noticed ther the GEFECHVE portion is to be repaired by grinding and rewelding Re-check the defective portion as indicated in steps 1 to 8 til the joint is free from all defects. L PENETRANTING OIL EXAMINATION PROCEDURE, PIP PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD CLIENT: PROJECT: Fabrication Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa CLIENT: ‘Mis. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited PURCHASE No.: 11000066-09-10002 JOBNO.: 860 DOCUMENT No: 60-02-08 © | 19.102011| ISSUEDFOR APPROVAL | MEJ| SAM | BSR (Rev “pate DESCRIPTION, PREP. | CHECK. | APPR. REMARKS This document is the property of Prashanth Projects Limited. It must not be copied, lent, nor the information| contained be disclosed to any third party without the written consent of Prashanth Projects Limited, Mumbai, India. Project:_Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of TITLE: PENETRANTING OIL EXAMINATION PROCEDURE INDEX SR. DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. PROCEDURE Project: Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioni Storage Tanks at Kadapa commmacrses [meses [nm] 0 0-00-08 3 pramunenitpaosecieure 11000066-09-10002 860 Page 3 of 4 TITLE: PENETRANTING OIL EXAMINATION PROCEDURE, 1. Scope: This procedure establishes the method of examining the welds to detect pin holes, surface defects/discontinuity. 2. Purpose: Penetrating Oil_test_is_a_non destructive. testing method for detecting discontinuities that are open to the surface, such as pin holes. cracks, laps, cold shuts; laminations and pores as required:by API.650; This test is used for: > Inspection of Shell to Bottom Welds > Compartment Plate Welds > Deck Seams and Cone Roof welds (If required to be air tight) unless tested by Vacuum Box Testing > Rim Plates to.Deck Welds, 3. Procedure: The following materials are required for testing by penetrating oil. * High Flast Point Penetrating Oil such as Light Diesel. Chalk Powder PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD Storage Tanks at Kadapa Project: Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of CONTRACT Ne: PF Doe No.: Rev. © 11000066-0-10002 1860.02.08 Page 4 of 4 TITLE: ENETRANTING OIL EXAMINATION PROCEDURE, The surface of the parts / welds to be examined are to be thoroughly cleaned free of Oil, Grease, Corrosion, Weld Spatter and dust. Ahigh flash point penetrating oil such as diesel / kerosene is to be applied to one side of the weld and left to stand for at least 4 hours. Thesoth@r side of the weld should be applied with a thin pagtiof.chalk powder to provide contrast. In case of any discontinuity / pin holes, etc in the weld the penetrating oil would pass through and be observed on the other side of the weld. Observe'the other side for leakage which would:be:indicated)as blots against the white chalk powder background. HYDROTEST PROCEDURE Pre PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD ‘CLIENT: PROJECT: Fabrication Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa | CLIENT: M/s. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited PURCHASE No.: 11000066-00-10002 JOBNO $60 © | 19102011] ISSUEDFOR APPROVAL | M.EJ | SAM | BSR REV) DATE DESCRIPTION PREP. | CHECK | APPR. REMARKS If must not be copied, lent, nor the information| This document is the property of Prashanth Projects Limited. contained be disclosed to any third party without the written consent of Prashanth Projects Limited, Mumbai, India. Project Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadap, INDEX SR. "DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. 1.0 | SCOPE 3 2. POSE 3.0 REQUIREMENTS | 3 40 Project: Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissi Storage Tanks at Kadi PI EP CONTRACT No.: Doe Newt Rev. 0 PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD 11000066-09-10002, 1860-02-09 Page 3 of 7 TITLE: HYDROTEST PROCEDURE 1.0 2.0 3.0 Scope: This procedure establishes the method of testing the completed Vertical Storage Tanks for leaks as per the requirement of API 650. The settlement of the tank is also checked at the time of Hydrotesting. Purpose! Hydrotest is essential on vertical tank to demonstrate the integrity of the tank. It is also emphasized that the first Hydrotest is carried out under controlled condition with appropriate safety precautions. Requirements: The following equipment’s are necessary to carry out the hydro testing at ‘atmosphere pressure and the cone roof by pneumatic pressure, «A suitable pmprelectrical/diesel. drivenshaving"Capacity of 50 to 100 M°hr Rate of flow. ‘Sufficient length of Hoses/ Temporary piping with necessary end connections and valves. * Water source (Freash / Tankers / Corrosion Inhibited Sea Water) * Required number of blind flanges and valves. © Transparent PVC tube for level indication. PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD ject: Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa CONTRACT Now Doe No Rev. ° 11000066-0-10002 3000209 Page 4 of 7 TITLE: HYDROTEST PROCEDURE 4.0 Procedure On completion of all welding works on the Tank. The tank shall be cleaned from inside for debris and clearance for proceeding with Hydrotest obtained. ‘The required number of valves and blind flanges shall Be"installed on Shell Nozzles for filling and draining. A suitable fixed reference point nearest to the tank shall be located and marked and this reference mark shall be transferred on the tank by water level at every 10 meters of the tank circumference. For ease of monitoring, If required a PVC transparent tube shall be installed on any flange by suitable nipple arrangement for the purpose of level indication. On obtaining the mechanical clearance for Hydro testing, the water filling shall commence. The rate of water filling shall be restricted as under: I Water Filling Rate 1 Bottom Course Thickness ‘Tank Portion Maximum Filling Rate Top Course 300 mm (12°) /hour Less than 22 mm —— — | Below Top Course 460 mm (18”) / hour Top 173 of tank 230 mm (8°) / hour 22 mm and thicker Middle 1/3 of tank | 300 mm (12”)/ hour Bottom 1/3 of tank | 460 mm (18") / hour Project: Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at PIP CONTRACT Ne: Doc No. Rev. ° peas Rovere ETO: & 11000066-00-10002 36002409 Page $ of 7 TITLE: HYDROTEST PROCEDURE, g. The tank shall be filled with water upto 25% of tank capacity and allowed to settle for 8 to 12 hours after which the settlement shall be checked on peripheral points marked (at least 8 points) with reference to the reference mark. h. The differential settlement between two consecutive points shall not be moré than 13 mm (1/2"). The uniform settlemént'6fithe tank should not exceed 50 mm (2") i. In case the differential settlement between two consecutive points is more than 13 mm (1/2°) or the uniform settlement more than 50 mm (2°), then the Hydrotest shall be suspended and investigated before proceeding further. The. settlement reading shall be noted. in. the. Hydrotest format. i If the settlement readings are within limit then the tank shalll be filled further upto 50% of capacity and held for 8 to 12 hours and the settlement checked. k. During the filling of water the tank shall be visually inspected at all welds for signs of leaks upto the water level. Sweating from any joints will be an evidence for leak. I. If settlement readings are within limits and also no leaks observed, the tank filling shall continue to 75% capacity and tank settlement checked as per Para g, h &j above. m. _ The entire tank surface and welds shall be checked for leaks, by hammer test. Any leak observed during hydrotest shall be repaired after draining Project: Fabrication, Erection, Te Storage Tanks at Kadapa CONTRACT Now: Doe Not Rew. ° 11000066-09-10002 $0002.09 Page 6 of 7 PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD TITLE: HYDROTEST PROCEDURE the water to at least 300 mm below the area of defect. On completion of repair the water shall be filled and repaired area retested n. The tank shall be kept in water filled condition for a period upto which the settlement is less than 2mm per day. The total maximum settlement shall not exceed 150mm (6) oO. Manhk Strapping for Calibration is to be carried out. Additional Reaui fit Pp. While filling the sooner the deck floats, the upper side of the bottom deck and ‘compartments are to be visually checked for any leakage..The, appearance of a would. signify leakage. If any leaks observed the water to be drained to 2 point where there is no contact between the water and the deck and repairs carried out. q. “"The,max and minimum annular space between.thesoutér rim and shell shall be recorded prior to"initial floatation and at the maximum fill level. after hydrotest. 1. During hydrotest the roof drain nozzles is to be kept open and observed for leakage of tank contents into the drain. Any water from this nozzle would signify leakage in the roof drain pipeline. s. Upon completion of hydrotesting the decks to be checked for floatation under the following conditions: i Single Deck Flooding the single deck with water to the extent the pontoons are submerged and filling any two adjacent pontoons with water. Storage Tanks at Kadapa Project: Fabrication, Brection, Testing & Commissioning of CONTRACT No Doe Not Rev. ° 11000066-00-10002 60-02-09 PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD Page 7 of 7, TITLE; HYDROTEST PROCEDURE ii. Double Deck Filling two adjacent pontoons with water 5.0 Draining a. On Satisfactory completion of testing the tank shall be depressurised and Roof Nozzles and manhole covers, shall be.removed first before draining the water from,tank? b. The water from the tank shall be transferred or disposed as per Client's instructions. € On draining bottom calibration is to be ¢artied out using a calibrated flow meter and thereafter. the water. drained. d. On completion of draining of water the tank bottom shall be cleaned. The hydro testingrand settlement check of tank shall be recorded on.approvéd format, CAUTION: Care is to be taken to ensure that while filling and draining of water the roof manhole / nozzles are kept open to facilitate breathing out / breathing in of the tank. Failure to observe this could lead to roof blow out / tank collapse. BLAST CLEANING & PAINTING PROCEDURE Pie PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD CLIENT: a PROJECT: Fabrication Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa (CLIENT: Mis. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited | PURCHASE No. : 11000066-0Q-10002 sow x0 00 DOCUMENT No: 860-02-10 0 | 19102011] ISSUEDFOR APPROVAL | M.EJ| SAM | BSR REV| DATE DESCRIPTION PREP. | CHECK. | APPR. | REMARKS, This document is the property of Prashanth Projects Limited. It must not be copied, lent, nor the information| contained be disclosed to any third party without the written consent of Prashanth Projects Limited, Mumbai, India. Faia bag, Bacio Teg © Comming = coxrmcrxs: | ones [am] pessenemsmectecee 11000066-0@-10002 4042-10 Page 2 of 6 TITLE: BLAST CLEANING & PAINTING PROCEDURE | INDEX SR. DESCRIPTION | PAGENO. | (40 | SCOPE — 3 | | 20.0e"PURPOSE ; Re 3.0 MATERIAL | 3 40 | EQUIPMENTS a so | TESTING AND MEASURING . | 6 ENVIRONMENTAL GONDITIONS a 7 SURFACE PREPARATION Bikes: 8.0 | PAINT APLICATION 8 9.0 | STORAGE/HANDLING | Oe 10.0 | INSPECTION — ee ie | : _— . | Pre PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD Projet! Fabrication, Erecion, ‘Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa CONTRACT Now DocNo: | Rew] 0 11000066-0@-10002 360-2-10 Page 3 of 6 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 TITLE: BLAST CLEANING & PAINTING PROCEDURE Scope This procedure establishes the method for painting Storage Tanks. Purpose To protect and prevent corrosion and enhance the service life of the Storage ‘Tanks. The tank surfaces are to be cleaned by sand blasting and a coat of primer applied followed by intermediate and finish paint’asper the tender specification. Material The primer and paint shall be directly procured from the manufacturer /“Authorized:dealer-corifiiming to the relevant grade & specification as required by contract agreement. Equipments Compressors Blast Pots Conventional sprayers iv. Airless sprayers v. Airless Pump All equipment at site will be in good working condition and shall meet project safety requirements. PIP PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD Project: Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of ‘Storage Tanks at Kadapa CONTRACT No: Doe Now: Rev, 0 11000066-00-10002 860402410, Page 4 of 6 TITLE: BLAST CLEANING & PAINTING PROCEDURE 5.0 —Testin: Measuring In: ni Surface profile gauge or ‘press-on’ films and micrometer. Coating Thickness meter. Hygrometer. Magnetiosteel:thermometers Digital surface temperature Thermometer W.E.T- gauge 6.0 Environmental Conditions Environmental conditions generally applicable for good industrial painting practice will be maintained and monitored during the course of surface preparation and paint application. Dew Point No blasting operations will be carried” out if surface temperature is less than 3°C above the dew point. Dew point will be measured using hygrometer. Relative Humidity Coating shall not be applied when the relative humidity of the air exceeds 85%. Humidity levels in atmosphere will be measured using hygrometer before commencement of blasting and coating application. Surface Temperature Blasting will not be carried out if surface temperature is not 3° C above the dew point. In any case, substrate temperature will Project: Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of ‘Storage Tanks at CONTRACT No.: Doe No 11900066-09-10002 TITLE: BLAST CLEANING & PAINTING PROCEDURE, be ensured at a minimum of 10°C & a maximum of 50°C before any blasting operations take place. Surface temperature will be monitored through out the course of work. ¢ Inclement Weather Blasting will not be carried out during rains, fog etc. e Air Qu: Air used for blasting will be free of oil & technical specifications. ¢ The blasted surface shall be cleaned and primer applied within 4 y hours. Area not primed within 4 hours shall be sweep blasted to remove any flash rust on surface. 8.0 Paint Application ¢ The number of coats & DFT of individual coats & overall paint shall be as per approved painting scheme. 11000066-09-10002 | 60-02-10 Page 6 of 6 TITLE: BLAST CLEANING & PAINTING PROCEDURE * The primer and paint shall be applied evenly ensuring that no sags, lumps and runs are prevalent, sags runs & lumps if any shall be removed and touched up. © The DFT of primer, subsequent coats & final coating shall be checked using DFT meter and recorded. units, with produ ptic sling, printed on containers. Coating materials will be kept indoors and within manufacturer’s normal ambient temperature. No coating material will be used after the expiry of shelf life. 10.0 Inspection * Painted surfaces will be visually inspected for appearance continuity, uniformity of coating etc. if excessive spray dust/orange peel is visible this will be corrected by scrapping and touching up the affected areas with finish coat. WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION TE (E6013) Pre PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD PROSECT: & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa CLIENT: Mis. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited PURCHASE No.: _ 11000066-0Q-10002 JOB NO: 860, |__DOCUMENT No 860-02-11 7 © | 19.10.2011 ISSUED FORAPPROVAL | M.E.J | SAM BSR REV| DATE DESCRIPTION PREP. | CHECK.| APPR. | REMARKS, This document is the property of Prashanth Projects Limited. It must not be copied, lent, nor the information| contained be disclosed to any third party without the written consent of Prashanth Projects Limited, Mumbai, India. Project: Fabrication, Storage Tanks at Kadapa, Erection, “Testing & Commissioning of CONTRACT Nos Doe Nos 11000066-09-10002 TITLE: WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION — PLATE (E6013) Revision No. 0 Type(6) Marui Welding Process(es). SMAI JOINTS ( QW-402 ) Joint Design. Single 1" Groove eld We Fon puts orto tan (Refertoboth backing & retainers) eancy yi, a4me wat, ‘Welding Procedure Specification No. 0860-02-11 Date. 19.10.2010 Supporting PQR No(s) Tobe Established (Automatic, Manual, Machine, or Semi-Auto.) 460-564 FILLER METALS (QW-40) ‘Spec. No.(SFA) ; ___SkASp@ss AWS No. (Class) + F.No. 2 ANo : i Size of Filler Metals: BISA rome Project: Fabrication, Erection, Testing @ Commisioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa CONTRACT Now Electrode-Flux ( Class ) Fluy Trade Name. Groove: 476 mm—20 mm AN Thickness NA NA POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT (QW-407) Current AC or DCC ‘Amps(Range) 70-190 Amp ‘Tungsten Electrode Size and type Mode of Metal Transfer for GMAW Electrode Wire feed speed range ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (QW-409) Polarity Straight —__ Volts(Range) NA NA, NA, 15 10300 Project! Fabrication, Erection, Testing © Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kaday Kee 11000066-09-10002 TITLE: WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION — PLATE (E6013) ‘TECHNIQUE (QW-410) String or Weave Bead or We Orifice oF Gas Cup Size ~ Initial and Interpess Cleaning (Brushing. Grinding, etc.) __ Brushing & Or Grinding Method of Back Gouging Grinding or Air Carbon Are Gougin 10 Weld ler hers (@, Remarks, Layer(s) Rang ‘Comments ete) Gass [Din | Type | Amp. polar_| Range 1 | SMAW | E6013 | 315mm | DCEN | 70140 | 1530 100-135 2 | SMAW | E6013 | 315 mm | DCEN | 100180 | 1530 100-135 3__| SMAW | E603 | 40mm | DCEN | 130190 | 1530 130-200, No.of Runs as per + [| SMAW | E603 | 40mm | DCEN | 130-190 | 1530 150-200 Thickness Reverse Side 1 | SMAW | E6013 | 315mm] DCEN | 70140 | 1530 | _l0ni3s 2__[SMAW | E6013 | 40mm | DCEN | 130-190 | 1530 | 150200 PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION — PLATE (E7018) PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD Pe Fabrication Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa PROJECT: CLIENT: ‘M/s. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited PURCHASENo,: —11000066-09-10002, JOB NO. 860 DOCUMENT Neo: _ 60-02-12 | o | 19102011] IssUEDFOR APPROVAL | MEJ| SAM | BSR REV| DATE DESCRIPTION PREP. | CHECK.| APPR. REMARKS It must not be copied, lent, nor the information This document is the property of Prashanth Projects Linited. contained be disclosed to any third party without the written consent of Prashanth Projects Limited, Mumbai, India. Project: Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Conmissioning of CONTRACT Nos, Storage Tanks af Kada 2 11000066-0.10002 seo.2.12 [TAITLE: WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION — PLATE (E7018) ‘Welding Procedure Specification No. _0860.02-12 Date. Revision No, 0 Type(s) Welding Process (es). SMAWT JOINTS (QW-402 ) Joint Design. Single v Groowe Weld Backing (Yes) Backing M Weld Metal (Refer o bom bucking & reainers) Pipe Dia. Range, Other. —— 12.10.2011 Ssppoting PQR No(s) Tobe tstabished Mama (Automatic, Manual, Machine, or Semi-Auto:) | ta wep RengroRceveNt Farr TPT Zo 6g SERTICAL Jt 2.5m wax FILLER METALS (QW-404, ‘Spee, No. (SFA) 5 __Se43& 55 AWS No. (Class) + &-7018 Fo: 4 AN: L Suze of Filler Metals: BIS&4 mm Project, Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadape f= eR) contacto: | pens Groove: 476mm 20 mm NA ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (QW-409) (Current AC or DC__De. Polarity _ewerge Amps(Range) 140-210 Amp Volis(Range) 15 10.30 ¥ “Tungsten Blectrode Size and type WA Mode of Metal Transfer for GMAW NA Blectrode Wire feed speed range NA Project: Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of ‘Storage Tanks at Kadapa CONTRACT No.: Doe Now: String or Weave Bead Orifice or Gas Cup Size TECHNIQUE (QW-410) Initial and tnerpass Cleaning (Brushing, Grinding, ct.) of SN SUES 10 Brushing & Or Grinding 21 Gas] Dia | Type] Amp. polar_| kange T__| SMAW | E7018 | 313mm | DCEP [120-169 | 1530 To0-1s 2 [| SMAW | E7018 | 315 mm | DCEP | 120-160 | 1530 100-125 3 | SMaW | EvoIe | 40mm | DCEP | 140210 | 1530 BEI80 Nbcof Rakes per ¢__[SMAW [E7019 | 40mm | DCEP | 140-210 | 1530 130-180 Thickness Reverse Side T__[SMAW | E7018 | 315mm | DCEP | 120-160] 1530 100-135 2 | SMAW | E7018 | 40mm | DCEP | 140-210 | 1530 100-180 WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION ~ PIPE (E6013) PIP PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD CLIENT: 7 PROJECT: Fabrication Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa CLIENT: Més. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited PURCHASE 11000066-00-10002 JOB NO: 360 DOCUMENT No: _ 860-02-13 o | 19102011! ISSUEDFOR APPROVAL | MEJ| SAM | BSR REV | DATE. DESCRIPTION PREP. | CHECK.| APPR. | REMARKS This document is the property of Prashanth Projects Limited. It must not be copied, lent, nor the information| contained be disclosed to any third party without the written consent of Prashanth Projects Limited, Mumbai, India. Frost, Fabien, Erection, Tutng & Commissioning. of] ranks a ==) PIP) | la pnasiarraproscersio | | \WE/ TITLE: WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION — PIPE (E6013) | ‘Welding Procedure Specification No, _O860.02:13 Date. 1902011. Supporting PQRNo(S) Tobe Kstblited Revision No. Typets) Marcil (Automatic, Manual, Machine, or Semi-Auto.) ‘Welding Process (es). SMAW DETAILS. JOINTS ( QW-402) res 60°45: Joint Design. Single Y* Groove Weld -_— YY Backing Specification type and 239, sand grade $4 106 Gr.B /1S 1239 /18 3589 Base Metal: 178 mm wo 142mm Pipe Dia. Range: Groove _216" uid ahove Fillet _Allthickness Other. a FILLER METALS (QW-403) Spec. No.(SFA) : ___SEAS1@$$ 0 AWS No. Class) E-6013 Nos 2 AN + 1 Size of Filler Metals = 25104 mm Project: Fabrkcain, Erection, Testing, & Commissioning of ranks at PRASHANTH PROJECTS LTD TITLE: WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION — PIPE (E6013) Weld Metal Thickness Range : 138 mm—14.2 moe AD Thickness Preheat Maintenance Ne (Continuous or special eating where ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (QW-409) Cument AC or DC__DC Polarity _Siraigéy Amps(Range) 60-160 Amp VoltsiRange) 15 10307 ‘Tungsten Electrode Size and type WA Mode of Metal Transfer for GMAW NA Electrode Wire feed speed range NAL Project: Fabrication, Erection, Testing © Commissioning of Tanks at CONTRACT No: Doe No issue eee) 2p iinicisien | woos aides TITLE: WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION — PIPE (E6013) ‘TECHNIQUE (QW-410) String or Weave Bead We Orifice of Gas Cup Size Initial and Interpass Cleaning (Brushing, Grinding. et.) Brushing & Or Gritaling “Method of Back Gouging Grinding or Air Carbon Are Gougit 60'S" LU 5 ir = 3.2 = bo ‘Weld Layer(s) polar | Range | _ Koo | SwAW [Boos | 25mm [DCEN | 60-90 [1530 30-100 T_[SMAW | Eoo1s | 40mm | DCEN | 1iS160 | 1530 120-150 No.of Runs per 2 | SMAW | E6013 | 31S mm | DCEN | 100-130 | 1530 100-135 ‘Thickness 3 SMAW | E6013 | 31Smm | DCEN | 100130 | 1530 100-135 Project! Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at CONTRACT Now Doe No Rev, ° Report No. 11000066-09-10002 Date: PPL Inspection Engineer Client Project’ Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Tanks at Kad; — CONTRACT No. Doc No. Rew. o 11000066-09-10002 TITLE: TOPOGRAPHY LEVEL SURVEY REPORT [Tank Tag No. [Diameter Height | o W w | o F =| in pl T 0° | \ 90° 180° ‘TYPICAL NOMENCLATURE FOR THE GRID, MODIFY TO SUIT THE NUMBER OF READINGS BASED ON TANK DIAMETER Project! Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tanks at Kadapa eS) covmmactaee | bones [am] Report No. PROJECTS LTD 11000066-0Q- 10002 IR/CIVAL TITLE: TOPOGRAPHY LEVEL SURVEY REPORT ‘Tank Tag No. [Diameter Height ] Established Bench Mark (BM) Elevation BS (Back Sight) Grid Pitch (M) HI (Height of Instrument=BS+BM Elevation) Reading of Formation / Layer Location] FS ELEV | Location] FS | ELEV | Location] FS | ELEV GIFS) (BLES) (HL-FS) Acl A2 A3 PPL Inspection Engineer Average Elevation Client Project, Fabrication, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Storage Tass at. Se) HOE) cowinactno: | ema [am] Ee Report No. a WY 11000066-09-10002 micvion TITLE: SIEVE ANALYSIS REPORT Aggregate Type Aggregate Source Sample Weight % 4 ‘Cummulativ , Weight lat | youve IS Seive ' e Weight, % . Designation bind Retained | CBM, | Passing Requirement (ems) ‘ca 20mm 40 mm 100. 20mm 93-100 10 mm_ = 3.75 mm 30.50 2.36 mm 60-95 _| 75-11 S100 | 118 30-70_| 55-90 _| 75-100 L.GeA FONE MOHD souySug vonsedsu] “Tdd sored sora Vid / LNAI 20 Idd ‘onwactam | YML/4Nario D0 Idd AONVAVATO TWASIA OTA SONVAVATO dO Lit Was: LYOdTA ONIGTAM F dN. ALY Td AV TINNY 1ooaWwaL 20001-O0-99000011 “oN undo o | “su FON 900 | YON LVALNOD depos ye syuus, sB0s01s Jo Buyuoyssyewsy y BoNso4,oRD944 “uNEOHAgE, HP>SfONL

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