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Session # 20

LESSON TITLE: Role of Nursing in Disaster Response Materials:

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Book, pen and notebook

Upon completion of this lesson, the nursing student can:

1. Discuss the role of public health nurse (PHN) within a References:

multidisciplinary emergency response team. Veenema, T.G. (2019) Disaster Nursing and
2. Understand the principle of PHN and their application Emergency Preparedness for Chemical,
to practice during a disaster. Biological, and Radiological Terrorism and other
3. Acknowledge the importance of the PHN in the early Hazards 4th Edition
detection of emerging infections resulting in rapid
identification, containment, and response within the


Instruction: Explain the health effects of radiation exposure.

MAIN LESSON (40 minutes)

Specific Areas of Public Health Responsibilities

1. Community Preparedness
2. Community Recovery
3. Emergency Operations Coordination
4. Emergency Public Information and Warning
5. Fatality Management
6. Information Sharing
7. Mass Care
8. Medical Countermeasure Dispensing
9. Medical Material Management and Distribution
10. Medical Surge
11. Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions
12. Public Health Laboratory Testing
13. Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation
14. Responder Safety and Health
15. Volunteer Management

The ICN Framework for Disaster Nursing Competencies:

1. Risk Reduction, Disease Prevention, and Health Promotion
2. Policy Development and Planning
3. Ethical Practice, Legal Practice, and Accountability
4. Communication and Information Sharing

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5. Education and Preparedness
6. Care of Communities
7. Care of Individuals and Families
8. Psychological Care
9. Care of Vulnerable Populations (Special Needs Populations)
10. Long-Term Care Needs

Role of the Public Health Nurse in a Disaster

Healthcare providers are often first responders and frequently first receivers of victims in times of disaster and public
health emergencies. These events mandate that all healthcare providers have the appropriate education and training to
deal with unusual challenges and use resources effectively

PHNs are prepared to do the following in an emergency response effort:

• Assess the needs of the whole community, including potentially at-risk populations, as the event unfolds based on
the information available.
• Conduct surveillance activities within the health department as well as in cooperation with in-hospital infection
control practitioners to control the spread of communicable disease.
• Assure the health and safety of themselves as well as their fellow responders.
• Maintain communication with local, state, or federal agencies, assuring the accurate dissemination of information
to colleagues and the public-at-large.
• Operate points of distribution (POD) mass countermeasures centers as needed.
• Provide on-site triage of victims as needed.

Role of the PHN in Prevention and Health Education

PHNs will proclaim that prevention and health education make up the greatest portion of their work on a daily basis. Thus,
prevention and education in preparation for disasters in the community should be a primary focus. The PHN may play a
leadership role in the development of community disaster plans and in educating the public about disaster preparedness

The PHN must be sensitive to the variety of groups within the community and design the appropriate level of education
and training for each of these target groups:
• Families
• Community Groups
• Primary and Secondary Schools
• Faith-Based Groups
• Correctional Institutions
• Vulnerable Populations

Role of the PHN in a Biological Event

The scope of the practice of PHNs can extend from community pre-event planning, surveillance and detection,
delivering care during an event, to post disaster evaluation and recovery. This expanded scope of practice is what makes
the PHN such a valued and integral member of an effective disaster response team. PHNs are accustomed to infectious
disease management strategies, have pre-existing collaborative arrangements with other community agencies, are used
to working with other healthcare professionals in primary and acute care systems, and may be familiar with local law
enforcement personnel. Specific role of each PHN during a biological event is a function of national competencies for
public health preparedness, state and local regulations, and his or her home agency’s preparedness plan specific to
bioterrorism and emergency preparedness competencies

Role of the PHN in an Infectious Disease Emergencies

PHNs are educators who consistently provide information to their communities to prevent or stop the transmission
of infectious agents. Outbreak risk from vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles may be reduced through PHN
community education and support.

Determinants that influence the resurgence of both old and new infections include:

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• Ability of the microbe to mutate and adapt to the prevailing treatment protocol; immune suppression of patients
due to treatments or other immune compromise.
• Climate and ecosystem changes.
• International travel, allowing for rapid transmission of existing illness or the introduction of specific microbes into a
new environment.
• Increasing numbers of citizens living at or below the poverty level.
• General lack of funding or breakdown of the public health system.

Role of the PHN in a Chemical Disaster

A chemical emergency occurs when a hazardous chemical has been accidentally or intentionally released and has the
potential to harm the health of people.

PHN may be called on to do the following:

• Follow agency protocol and report to duty site.
• Don appropriate PPE before approaching disaster site.
• Establish the role of the PHN within the response team.
• Act quickly and assess the status of the victim’s airway.
• Loosen any constrictive clothing and advise patient to sit upright if possible.

Role of the PHN in a Radiological Event

When large doses of radiation are released accidentally (nuclear power plant) or deliberately (terrorist act), there is
significant increased risk that adverse health conditions may develop

The PHN should be aware of the following:

• Being available to help others will not occur if you do not take steps to protect yourself first.
• If by chance you are near the release site, move away from ground zero immediately.
• In the event that you are in the area when the event unfolds, minimize your exposure by increasing your
distance from the source of radiation and put a shield between you and the source, such as a nearby building.
• PHNs working in a receiving station should assume that all victims have been exposed to or contaminated by
radiation and should notify the HAZMAT team and don the appropriate level of PPE in advance of people
• Once home, remove and bag your clothing before entering your home and shower thoroughly using soap and
water. Eyeglasses may be decontaminated by vigorously washing them with soap and water, but contact
lenses should be thrown away.


You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct
answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed.
You are given 10 minutes for this activity:

Multiple Choice
1. Who has the primary responsibility for safe guarding the workplace, or community against a bioterrorist attack?
a. The local department of public health
b. employer
c. law enforcement
d. all of the above
ANSWER: ________

2. A nursing student is studying about disasters and emergency preparedness. Which of the following statements by
the nursing student depicts a correct understanding of the difference between a disaster and an emergency?
a. “Disasters are man- made only.”
b. “An emergency is an unforeseen combination of circumstances calling for immediate action for a range of

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c. “Man- made disasters are intentional only.”
d. “Emergencies are caused by acts of nature or emerging diseases.
ANSWER: ________

3. A military nurse is working in Iraq. Because of the potential threat of hazardous gas, which of the following should
be worn when working in a dangerous war zone? Select all that apply.
a. Gas mask
b. Surgical mask
c. Protective clothing
d. A hood, helmet, or headgear
e. sunglasses
ANSWER: ________

4. Responsibility for securing the scene, preserving life and treating the wounded is the responsibility of:
a. First responders
b. Mental health professionals
c. Social workers
d. All citizens
ANSWER: ________

5. A newly graduated nurse is learning about the nurse’s role in disaster relief as part of an orientation to the
hospital. Which of the following concepts is accurate?
a. Learning about the prevention and mitigation of disasters is nice to know, but not essential.
b. Nurses take a passive role in helping others to save lives and fulfill an important obligation.
c. Applying advanced skills can be very helpful until help arrives.
d. Nurses may have to assume expanded roles in making decisions for the most appropriate treatment of
ANSWER: ________

The instructor will now rationalize the answers to the students. You can now ask questions and debate among yourselves.
Write the correct answer and correct/additional ratio in the space provided.
1. ANSWER: ________
2. ANSWER: ________
3. ANSWER: ________
4. ANSWER: ________

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5. ANSWER: ________

LESSON WRAP-UP (5 minutes)

You will now mark (encircle) the session you have finished today in the tracker below. This is simply a visual to help you
track how much work you have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.

You are done with the session! Let’s track your progress.

AL Activity: Minute Paper

1) What was the most useful or the most meaningful thing you have learned this session?
2) What question(s) do you have as we end this session?

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