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Another point is that housing as a form of saving can be too much of a good thing. It is
estimated that some 96% of China's urban households, who form around 60% of Chinese
people, already own at least one home, yet there has been no abatement in demand for
houses. The total value of houses and builders' inventory in China is over $50 trillion, which
is way more than the value of bonds and stocks. Such concentration of savings in a single
asset makes it a potential source of systemic risk.


FinTech companies follow different sources of revenue models.

Some of them include:

 Subscription Fees: Annual or monthly payment to use their services.

 Third Parties: FinTechs pull in clients and direct them to third parties (like insurance
companies), who offer percentage of their revenue to FinTechs.
 Advertising: Customer data or attention is sold to advertisers or business partners,
who pay Fintechs for reviewing & promoting their products.
 Application Programming Interface: Allow data to flow more securely and allows
companies to build products through partnerships.
 Interest Income: Relevant in case of lending FinTechs.


In such a competitive industry, evaluating financials and growth

segments are not enough. A more holistic evaluation entails looking
at following metrics

 Acquisition measures how many new users are onboarded. It includes number of app
downloads and new user creation rate.
 Activation indicates the number of people who actually start using the service. For
example, Monthly Active Users (MAUs) and app/site traffic.
 Retention rate evaluates the number of people that keep using the product and can be
gauged using active accounts & returning customers.
 Referrals refer to customer willingness to further recommend the product/ service,
which can be evaluated through the number of social shares.
 Revenues can be evaluated using daily revenue and number of transactions.
 Marketing metrics evaluate the effectiveness of customer attraction technique,
specially as businesses grow and costs magnify. These can be measured using
conversion rates, web traffic sources, cost per lead and customer lifetime value.
 Technical metrics indicate how smoothly the tools and app performs. These include
page load times, rates of timeouts and number of simultaneous connections.

There is still a vast section of unbanked Indian population. And a lot of people, especially the
older generation, prefer cash transactions over online transactions. FinTech companies are
required to adhere to strict regulatory and compliance laws which might further dampen the
activities of FinTech startups. They also face high risks from cyber attacks, leading to
resistance among customers.


FinTech sector in India is fairly under-penetrated. With growing

penetration in categories like online lending, insurance tech, wealth
management platforms, credit and lending, the sector is poised to
witness huge growth in the coming years.

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