Ramos, Charity Rose Case Study (QFD)

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Philippine Christian University


2nd Floor. Administrative Bldg., 1648 Taft Avenue corner Pedro Gil St., Malate, Manila
Telephone: (63-2) 8521-5045


Charity Rose Ramos
MBA Candidate
Philippine Christian University

Dr. Jay Sario

Philippine Christian University

It is important to be successful product development and the ability to respond quickly to customer demand
in a company. Quality Function Deployment (OFD) is applied by companies to plan activities to meet
customer requirements in a products/services design process. QFD provides a competitive advantage to a
company according to customer expectations of products/services by reducing development time in the
industry. The purpose of this paper is to answer customer requests for product/service and to increase
customer satisfaction/loyalty under the bed of QFD methodology. In this paper, QFD application was
performed on Monte’s Meat Restaurant (MM) to make assessment that depending on the opponents and to
discover existing requirements according to current customer demands. The practicality of QFD was applied
on a MM restaurant. This company may considerably represent traditional manufacturing environment at the
global level. Quality house was evaluated where made of QFD application to MM restaurant. As a result,
giving some suggestions about healthy product, useful equipment, and customer relationships for how to
satisfy customer demands which considering the fact that the current state to the MM restaurant.

I. Introduction
QFD is a comprehensive quality system that systematically links the needs of the customer with
various business functions and organizational processes, such as marketing, design, quality,
production, manufacturing, sales, etc., aligning the entire company toward achieving a common
goal. It is also used for developing product and
design quality in the service industry (Chan and Wu, 2002a; Akao and Mazur, 2003; Vinodh and
Chintha, 2011)

Nowadays, the more important point is that customers have vital importance to provide
satisfaction and loyalty in food and beverage managements. QFD is a widely used method of
improving the design of products/services in accordance with customer requirements. The main
reason for using QFD is the period which gives priorities to the customer satisfaction, especially
at decision making process and provides using management performance efficiently. The
relationship between customer requirements and business needs, significant competitive
reviews, priorities, and ability of management capabilities can be evaluated at the quality house
which is created by method of QFD.

In this paper, QFD method which is based on four staged product was adapted on a three staged
model to be applied on MM restaurant. In this paper firstly WHAT’s, HOW’s and matrices of
relationship are determined among them and after the quality house which will be used for
uncovering the technical requirements was created for the MM restaurant. And then the data
transferred to the Quality House that was assessed and some suggestions have been done
about the issues such as customer relations, healthy products, and useful equipment to improve
the management. As a result, giving some suggestions about healthy product, useful equipment
and customer relationships for how to satisfy customer demands which considering the fact that
the current state to the MM restaurant. In this paper, innovation and regulation are more
important where the implementation was carried out for service industry.
Philippine Christian University
2nd Floor. Administrative Bldg., 1648 Taft Avenue corner Pedro Gil St., Malate, Manila
Telephone: (63-2) 8521-5045

II. Theoretical Framework

"Quality Function Deployment" concept had emerged between the years 1960-1965 as a result
of implementations of “Total Quality Control" technique. QFD is a method, which works to adapt
the customer demand for most appropriate product/service sensibilities (Mazur, 1996). In the
first process, the relevant schemes and the use of case studies have led to development the
idea of "business functional deployment". The concept here in QFD has been shaped by the use
of process schemas (Mazur, 2008). The purpose of QFD has been in the direction of orientation
and realization with listening to the voice of customers at different parts to improve a new
product/service according to customer demands (Khoo and Ho, 1996).

QFD application has three main aims (AUT, 2011):

• To prioritize customer demands which was mentioned/unmentioned,
• To convert these demands into operating characteristics,
• To provide realizing of quality product or service supply all of departments which are
focus on customer satisfaction.

In the literature, many applications can be based for their different characteristics in different
areas are QFD model. These models are created, not intended to be applied one to one of any
models. One of the QFD application model based on them, depending on the characteristics of
the area being redefined matrix presented in this model, some of the matrix by removing or
changes can be made adding new matrix model (Cohen, 1995. p. 310). Therefore, only the
underlying structure of the quality house matrix which formed the main structure of QFD process
is given in university implementation.

III. Application
This research study is conducted on a local food SME, Monte’s Meat Restaurant. Monte’s Meat
started out as distributed of smoked meat, which later on developed into a restaurant. This study
aims to educate small business owners the improve product quality and business continuity by
taking QFD.

To establish a more effective communication between functions it is required to have an effective

QFD Team. The owner/manager is selected as leader of QFD team in processes that will done
about QFD implementation. The head Chef, 1 kitchen staff and public relations officer are also
part of the team.

The process started with conducting surveys about their existing products. Then followed by
suggestions on what additional products customers would likely to order that are not yet on the
menu. During the survey, the team were able to identify what products are of high demand, what
customers like about their products and services and how likely are they going to dine in again.
From the gathered data, we are able to identify the “What’s”. What do customers like, what they
expect, what kind of service is appealing, etc.

Upon identifying the What’s, the team worked on the How’s. The team discussed and planned
how they will be able to meet customers’ demands. They strategize on how they will implement
changes at the soonest possible time with the limited resources they have.

IV. Conclusions & Recommendations

It is undeniable that QFD is an essential part of every company. In the case of Monte’s Meat
Restaurant, this is the best time to start applying QFD in the business process as they are still
starting, and this will be the foundation of their core business values. This will help them figure
out the things they needed to attract and retain customers.

While there was limited time and resources for this study, it is highly recommended that Monte’s
Meat continue with what they have started in QFD application. They should also continue with
creating the house of quality and be more familiar with customer demands (WHATs) and
technical requirements (HOWs) as well as the correlation between the two.
Philippine Christian University
2nd Floor. Administrative Bldg., 1648 Taft Avenue corner Pedro Gil St., Malate, Manila
Telephone: (63-2) 8521-5045

Akao, Y. & Mazur, G. H. (2003). The leading edge in QFD: Past, present, and future. International Journal of
Quality and Reliability Management, 20 (1), 20-35.

AUT (Auckland University of Technology) (2011). Quality function deployment, Relative Industries Research
Institute in New Zealand. http://www.ciri.org.nz/resources.html 01.07.2011

Chan, L. K. & Wu, M. L. (2002a). Quality function deployment: A comprehensive review +of its concepts and
methods. Quality Engineering, 15 (1), 23-35

Cohen, Lou (1995). Quality Function Deployment: How to Make QFD Work for You

Mazur, G. (2008). Modern quality function deployment introduction. ABD: QFD Institute.

Mazur, G. H. (1996). Doubling sales with quality function deployment, Proceedings of the 5th Annual Service
Quality Conference, (16-17 September 1996, Las Vegas)

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