Planet X Newsletter Vol.17

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Planet X NewsLetter - Issue #17 By: Chris Thomas Wakefield July 11

The story of Planet X in a nutshell
Our solar system is part of a binary star system that includes
Nibiru or Planet X (Px) as a sling-orbiting body between the Sun
and it's dead twin in the direction of the Orion constellation about
110 billion km away. Px is not just a planet, it is also a highly
magnetic small brown dwarf star with a huge tail of accompanying
moons and debris. Px completes it's orbit approximately every
3,637 years.
The denizens of Px!, named by the Sumerians as the Annunaki,
inhabited Earth for many thousands of years prior to modern history
and left Earth about 6,000 years ago. The Egyptian pyramids were
built by the Annunaki as sighting devices to determine the exact
time of the passage of Px, whereas the Mayan calendar is the
legacy of the time table that was used until was within it's close
approach of our solar system. For the Annunaki, the arrival of
Px! required a great deal of preparation, as it's passage causes
crustal-shifts, otherwise known as pole-shifts. Pole-shifts are highly
destructive to cultural infrastructure, and there was no way to know
how much breakage would occur as !"!#$%&'(! Px makes it's
passage, pole-shifts occur but in varying intensities. Pole-shifts
cause Massive flooding, 600 foot world-wide tsunami, global scale
changes to geography such as mountain-building and the sinking
and rising of continents, thus the Annunaki calendar and pyramids.
The Annunaki use Px as their home planet which bleeds it's heat
and light into space as it orbits between the Sun companions. As
our Sun is )'& and it's twin is dead, this makes the journey between
cyclic visits to our solar system "!#$ cold. Light on Px is generated
by exposed magma deep within oceanic crevices and planetary heat
is *+&,#+))$ exuded by the continental crust. The Annunaki use
Molecularized gold dispersed in their atmosphere as a heat and light
saving measure.
When most of the gold on Px was mined-out by the Annunaki
they ventured out to mine it elsewhere, it was then they discovered
that Earth was laced with Gold and set
up mining settlements here.
There are many peculiar land marks
on a vast scale embedded into Earth's
surface, most under water, that prove
the existence of prior civilizations on
Earth capable of space travel. It is
these markings that were created and
used by the Annunaki as identification
markers by the returning crews from
Px after a pole-shift.
Many excellent detailed cave
drawings of alien beings are found on
every continent spanning millennia,
these are proof of the manifold
geneologies of ET visitations. The
open visitation status of Earth was
halted just after the -./0!))1crash.
Since then, ET contacts are only known by recent memory and not
direct experience. This is why the UFOs do not just land in plain
sight today and why ET contact is often remembered like a dream.
Simply put, the ETs are here to help humans by telepathically
warning humans of the impending cataclysms with fly-overs and
crop circles while assisting Earth's transition through the pole-shift
in esoteric and beneficent ways.
As for our current human civilization, evidence of Px was
discovered over 200 years ago by William Hershel with the
discovery and study of perturbations in the orbit of Uranus.
Eventually this led to the discovery of two more outer planets:
Neptune and Pluto. Yet, the search continued for the cause of the
perturbations in the orbits of these new .,&!# planets as well.
Several studies were launched by various astronomers, notably Dr
Robert Harrington who was killed by U.S. black ops for his efforts.
By now, the approach of Px had piqued the interest of NASA and
related black ops U.S. Agencies. In August of 1938, NASA started
launching the Pioneer series of space probes, of which Pioneer 10
and 11 were most successful, yet NASA is /&'))1'*1&2!13+#4 today
about the trajectory and behavior of Px. The Zetas of ZetaTalk fame
have said that ever since the pioneer days, every satellite and space
mission has included a secret agenda of studying Px.
Prior to about 1983, public discussion of Px was not censured, it
was shorty after that the cover-up machine put a stop to it. Since
those days, the use of the internet has exploded into modern culture
whereupon an extension of the Px cover-up duties was added: the
circulation of disinformation propaganda aimed at distracting and
confusing the general public regarding Px. This was to counter the
truth about Px as delivered by ZetaTalk which came on the internet
scene in 1993. Also, there are many genuine ad-hock videos of Px
on Youtube in the last few years, of which many we find have been
removed by the user a few days after public awareness, this is
pressure applied by the powerful cover-up machine.
As of this writing, Px is on our doorstep and Earth-changes are
afoot. Calmly get prepared now while you still have the time.
To subscribe: chrismwakefield(
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Planet X NewsLetter - Issue #17 By: Chris Thomas Wakefield July 11
To subscribe: chrismwakefield(
Crop Circle depicts passage of Planet X
A crop circle in Oudenbosch,
Holland has been commented on
by the Zetas, saying that it
represents the planetary
dynamics involved in the !"#$% &
'()! of the passage of Planet X
through our solar system.
Reported on May 12
2011 and
laid down in tall grass, this crop
circle is another of several previous crop circle Planet X overviews.
As humans need repeated messages to *+% the message, an outline is
offered again by the circle maker ETs of the Planets most directly
involved in a passage of Planet X from the standpoint of the human
The above image is obviously notated, but I will add my
interpretation of the Zetas on this crop circle. Planet X (Px)
approaches from the right of the Sun, it's passage is slowed by
Earth, Venus and EDT (Earth's Dead Twin) and the particle flows on
the ecliptic forcing it to slow it's progress. The spiral next to the
planet grouping within the Sun indicates the particle flow crowding.
This is caused by the close proximity of these planets in a particle
flow cup where they sit until the last weeks before the pole-shift
when Venus and EDT are released. The dark circles at the top left
indicate three snapshots of it's quick disappearance into the outer
solar system.
The Pole-Shift Reveals the True Nature of People
It is not the social status, the amount of
money, how a person dresses, what they do
for a crust or who you consort with that
makes a person who are they are, but how you
Love and protect those under your care that
shows your true nature.
When a friend mentioned to me that the
Oueen of England is making a trip to Ireland
in May of 2011, I responded by saying that the
Oueen doesn't do anything without a secret
agenda. Being a shame that she used Croke
Park as an excuse, there hasn't been a British
Monarchy visit to Ireland in 100 years. What
would precipitate such a move like this at a time like this? Surely the
Monarchy is aware they are unwelcome by the majority of the Irish?
According to the Zetas, the Oueen is shopping, but what would you
want to buy when you already have everything? The Zetas have
explained upon occasion that she plans to abandon England without
a word to her people prior to the pole-shift ",&)"+-&.! a safe location
within England herself.
Adding to the intrigue, we notice that Obama was also making a
trip to Ireland days ahead of the Oueen's public agenda there. The
Zetas reveal that the Oueen, although originally and rightly rebuffed
by Obama for help with a safe location for the pole-shift and a place
to live in the after-time, was having her staff secretly meet with
Obama's staff to push her selfish agenda once more.
Cosmic Rays reveal the Presence of Planet X
This is the kind of story I
really enjoy: one that is
reported by scientists in a
genuine effort to
understand the Universe,
yet unbeknownst to them
it pierces the
establishment's cover-up
of Planet X.
A May 3
2011 article at recounts
a discovery by a team of
researchers from University of Wisconsin, working at the
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in a neutrino observatory
dubbed IceCube which is embedded deep within the Antarctic ice.
Although the observatory studies neutrino's
striking the antarctic ice it is also capable of
detecting cosmic rays. Cosmic rays have always
been experienced by human scientists as a
Universal homogenous background of an
extremely faint wind of energetic particles.
(This is analogous to daylight on a cloudy day,
the light is diffused and seems to come from
every direction). These cosmic rays are
composed of very fast moving particles, mostly
protons or hydrogen nuclei that originate from stars in the extreme
reaches of outer space.
This new discovery is that of cosmic rays being emitted from a
$/+0"!"0&$.-#0+1/.",% beyond Earth 2"%'",&3435&)"*'%&6+(#$&.! &
7(#%'8. Not only are cosmic ray hot spots being noticed but cold
spots as well. This upsets the orderly apple cart that human
scientists have carefully packed with their tidy little theories.
The Zetas confirm that these hot source-points of cosmic radiation
are being emitted by Planet X, /#+$-9(:)6 the cold spots are a dearth
of cosmic rays but filled with particles unknown to man.
This side-by-side discovery of ,+(#:6 cosmic ray hot and cold
patterns and Planet X spawns another story of a Sun-side breach of
Earth's magnetosphere (image below) announced as occurring on
Dec. 16, 2008, NASA erring greatly here, attempting a cover-up
against the breach saying it was caused by a CME from the Sun a
;(6 later on August 1st, so when you consider it takes as long as a
day for the CME energy to
reach Earth, that would make
the Planet X cover-up reason a
la NASA arriving of August 2
, about 2 days )(%+.
NOTE: (This is adapted from
Nancy Lieder's ZetaTalk
<=0+>-:+8&$+,$.#? &
Planet X NewsLetter - Issue #17 By: Chris Thomas Wakefield July 11
To subscribe: chrismwakefield(
Fort Worth, TX, the Dramatic Earthquake Lights
On May 10
2011 Forth Worth Texas experienced a massive hour-
long display of brilliant light flashes during a !"#$%&'' storm. The
amazingly luminescent flashes were caused by lightening, the arcing
of transformer fuses and &"!()*+",&-%#.)('. The above image is
that of an earthquake light-flash.

The Zetas explain that the continent of North America is under
Herculean stress as it is being drawn like a bow where the center of
the bow the poised arrow as-it-were is at San Diego and directly
eastward we find Fort Worth that is standing next to ()&-/"%01$&'-
2'0"!34&$(56)&!&-()&-!10,-'(!"("-0)"$.&'-7!14-1%8&!-!10,-(1-'17(&! -
41!&-!&0&$(-!10,9. At this juncture where we have the east-side
young softer rock being dashed against the old hard rock of the
Balcones Escarpment west-side.
This Magnetosphere breach facing the Sun south of the
Equator is indeed caused by Planet X. Awareness of this
started on June 3rd, 2007 when NASA's THEMIS
satellites detected a hole in the bubble of magnetism around Earth.
By December 16
2008 it was noted as being 71+!-(#4&-6#8&!-()"$-
2"!()-#('&%7. Consider that Planet X is 29 times the mass and 71+!-
(#4&'-()&-'#I&-17-2"!() and is a magnetic powerhouse. The Zetas
explain here that Earth's magnetic field is being forced to merge with
Planet X. The Zetas make the case of the blindness of human science
due to classic tunnel vision and it's inability to connect the event-dots
and construct a coherent picture as to what is happening to Earth.
Update on the Surviving Roswell ET
ZetaTalk Refers to the being in the
image to the left as EBE
(Extraterrestrial Biological Entity).
The U.S. Military uses skinny Bob
as a name, but whatever you call him,
the video of the single surviving ET
from the Roswell crash has generated
much love since the footage was
released on the Internet Early May 2011. According to the Zetas,
some reactions have been of shock but the dominant response has
been very positive which was not what the U.S. Military machine
was expecting. The Zetas: J,#$$;-/1H-)"'-H&&$-6&%014&8-6#()-
13&$-"!4'-&K&!;6)&!&9-L&-#'-0)"!4#$.5-1HK#1+'%;-$1$C"..!&''#K&5 -
"$8-"%%16#$.-)#4'&%7-(1-H&-7#%4&8-6#()1+(-!&'&$(4&$(9 The Zetas
finish this piece with a tantalizer: M+!#1'#(;5-"-8&'#!&-(1-'&&-41!&5 -
71%%16N (ZT).
Indianapolis man hole fires
In Planet X NewsLetter Issue #13 I
covered a story about exploding
manholes in New York City. The
identical thing has begun to happen
in Indianapolis, Indiana. Early on
the 30
of January 2011, 3 manhole
covers blew off in a series of
Looking at the map image on the
left, you can clearly see that the city
of Indianapolis is dead center in the
middle of the New Madrid fault line
area. This is more evidence that this
fault line is getting ready to make
it's big adjustment predicted by the
Zetas. This 7-out-of-10 event
series is Zeta-predicted to happen
after the Southern then the Northern Japan earthquake series. Many
of us feel this will happen late this year or early next as it is now
June 2011 and the Earth change scale is not up-to-speed yet on the 7-
Planet X NewsLetter - Issue #17 By: Chris Thomas Wakefield July 11
To subscribe: chrismwakefield(
This is rock in a vise-grip responding electrically to the great stress
as earthquake lights we see in the image (top of previous column).
The Zetas say that there were many skyward bolts of lightening
during the storm and that electrical transformer fuses were being
blown , but how do we distinguish the difference between lightening,
arcing transformer fuses and earthquake lights? Lets get
transformers out-of-the-way first. Electrical distribution transformer
fuses only blow once with a very short single-event blue flash and a
bang. Lightening is known to have extremely powerful and
incredibly quick flashes that appear and disappear in the wink of
eye. Earthquake lights have a different signature altogether. When
viewing the flashing in this video (click on the image above or
below to see the video) it is clear that these are not lightening events
as they emit from single point(s) for several seconds at time in many
iterations at those same locations. Electrical transformers are
dispersed throughout a community so it cannot be a series of those
either, these are earthquake lights.
There are some unique aspects to the Fort Worth liqnr storm. I have
noticed that earthquake lights are capable of displaying all the colors
of the visible spectrum (sunlight that the Human eye can see) in a
single event (above image). Another is that the storm itself was
devoid of rainfall which I have seen myself in Victoria in the spring
of 1999 (a monster electrical storm), so this is not in itself unique.
The light-flash patterns are extraordinarily unusual, so when all
these features are combined it should raise the eyebrows of most
people who stop and think about a fantastic display of such
luminescent power.
Imagine the scale of this event: the entire continent of North
America twisting, stretching and compressing the rock on opposite
sides of fault lines like the two heads of a vice. This is so
monumentally severe as to create an intense light-storm from the
atomic particles streaming from beneath the surface of the ground.
This was the Fort Worth TX light storm.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 bc to 63 ad) Also
known as Seneca the Younger was a Roman
philosopher who is quoted as saying: Luc| is wnor
noppens wnen prepororion meers opporrunirv. The
pole-shift is an immense opportunity and porenriol
luck is in your hands right now.
The Dogman of Michigan
The Dogman of Michigan, also
known as The Beast of Bray
Road, is recorded as being
sighted as far back as the 18
century: a french fur-trader in
1794 had noted in his diary
while in Michigan to have
encountered a Loup Garou
which means werewolf.
Additionally, the Chippewa
tribes of the Ottawa area in
Canada have also described an
odd wolf-like creature they
named: Wendigo.
The Zetas explain that the
Dogman is a type of bear and
shares similar tenancies of shyness and to sometimes to walk on it's
hind legs. The Zetas added that there are hundreds of creatures not
known (or admitted to exist) by man thereby having the myth status.
Here is a purported video of a
Dogman, (which is possibly a
hoax). Terry Pressman of the
Eastman Kodac labatories
confirms this film to have been
shot on kodac film in the 70ies.
We know that the film was shot
by a young man perhaps about
20 years old (he is visible in the
film at one point), and thatthe
Gable Film (how it is known)
appears to be a series of short
shots of various activities in
what looks like winter
somewhere in the Great Lakes
Regardless of the video linked
in this article, the Dogman does
exist according to the Zetas.
I reviewed the video many times and it looked real to me. However
this illustrates how careful one must be when observing what is read
and viewed on the internet and what is reported by the news media,
etc. This emphasizes the skill and the resources of those who work
for the disinformation machine in the cover-up over the existence of
Planet X in the solar system, for example.
So view the video linked earlier and draw your own conclusions on
it. Ultimately, it does not matter
whether the video is a fake or
not, the Zetas have confirmed it's
existence and that is the bottom
line and if the video is a hoax,
well let this stand as proof as to
how important it is to take
information from ZetaTalk if you
want the truth of Planet X.
To|en in Ouebec, ConoJo neor o worer[oll
in o por| nomeJ: "Porc Des Sepr Cnures"
To|en bv o rroil com 6 [eer obove rne
qrounJ (rnis oin'r no beor) un|nown
pnoroqropner cloims rnis is o Joqmon.
Doqmon [oorprinr - reJ irem is o spenr
snorqun corrriJqe obour S" lonq.
Planet X NewsLetter - Issue #17 By: Chris Thomas Wakefield July 11
To subscribe: chrismwakefield(
Earth - Planet X Plasma Displays Seen by the Ancients
When somebody takes the time and effort to carve, scratch or paint
a conceptual representation onto a rock surface I think that is
significant. People are really not so different today as they were in
the Neolithic or Early Bronze Age as these petroglyphs in the above
image are dated. Yes there will be some differences in beliefs and
customs, but as to behavior, intent and essential values? No, we are
still essentially the same. Just as we write books or blog about
aspects of living we feel are important today, certainly these patterns
represented something very important to the culture at the time and
very likely was a reflection of a life-changing event such as a pole-
During the last weeks or days leading up to a pole-shift, Planet X
passes close to Earth. The Zetas have said that Planet X will pass
within about 13 million miles of Earth !"#$%!#&'. On a planetary
scale this is (')* close. Static electricity will be generated by the
charged tail of Planet X so close to Earth and a discharge path to
Planet X is sought out by the built-up charge. But the electrical
discharge signature is very different from what we see as lightening
strikes between the clouds and Earth (opposite direction).
Lightening strikes are air molecules providing an electrical pathway
between the cloud and Earth's ground resulting in a lightening
display and a thunder clap. But in the upper atmosphere we have
highly rarefied air so there is no actual flash of light or thunder, but a
plasmic display of the very same process, yet it has a very different
Plasma is actually a state of matter like a solid, liquid or a gas, but
it is formed under certain conditions. For example, our Sun is a ball
of plasma, lightening is a plasmic display +#!"#,%-.)%/!&-$0"')' and
the Aurora Borealis is an example of a plasmic cloud (the cosmic
wind from the Sun) interacting with Earth's magnetic field lines and
the ionosphere. One &#1"! say that the Aurora Borealis is a slow and
beautiful 2-)& of space-lightening as similar ingredients are
involved but in very different conditions.
Plasmic displays take on &/,* different forms depending upon
ambient conditions and in fact will morph into different shapes as the
event progresses, however there are a few signatures that are
commonly known. In the image below, left-to-right we have a
common plasmoid signature as it would be depicted in 2D, next we
have a cut-a-way profile of that same shape, next the basic 2D
petroglyph shape is overlaid on an actual Arizona petroglyph pattern
with the original on the far right.
The central shaft is the plasma conductor, the bell shapes (top and
bottom) interface with the electrodes and the center toroid is known
as synchrotron!radiation: radial directed charged particles through a
magnetic field, which was named by a General Electric device used
in it's discovery in 1946. This is one of the core patterns found
throughout the many iterations of plasmoids.
The man behind the main body of research into these petroglyphs
against plasma discharge signatures is Anthony Peratt. He is the
world-leading research scientist on high energy Plasma physics.
Several books and major studies by other scientists as well have
come to the same conclusions about these petroglyphs and their
remarkable similarity to plasmoids. Numbering over 80 signatures,
many of these plasmoids were supercomputer rendered shapes,
current existent plasma events in deep space or actual laboratory
created plasma experiments. Thousands of petroglyphs found on
every continent dating back to about 9300 BC are evidence that the
ancients observed very high-energy plasma discharges in the sky.
The Zetas confirm the
conclusion that these
petroglyphs reflect actual
observation of plasmic displays
high in the atmosphere during
the last weeks prior to the pole-
shift and this is we are expected
to experience at that time.
Planet X NewsLetter - Issue #17 By: Chris Thomas Wakefield July 11
To subscribe: chrismwakefield(
Earth Wobble Generates Tornadoes
The Zetas have said on many occasions since ZetaTalk began in
1993 that tornadoes will become more frequent and intense as we
move towards the pole-shift, plus they will form in areas outside of
the expected norms. One example is the recent June 1
2011 seven
tornado outbreak in central Massachusetts. A video of the tornado
that formed within the city limits of Springfield Massachusetts can
be seen here.
Tornadoes can begin to form when hot moist air is over-layered by
cool dry air, the higher the contrast in temperature, the more
potential for an intense interchange. Tornadoes form when the
spiraling and falling cooler air meets with the rising warm air to
naturally combine and form a funnel of rapidly spinning air. The
tornado is kept alive with ground level warm air rushing in to fuel
the updraft of the funnel.
We are focusing on North America for a good reason, as these
increasingly unusual occurrences of tornadoes are due to the current
position of the Magnetic North Pole between Northern Canada and
the Geographic North Pole.
The Zetas explain that as the Earth
rotates, the offset Magnetic North Pole
comes into the view of Planet X once
every day causing their magnet fields to
clash. This culminates at noon since
Planet X is in the same direction as of the
Sun. To satisfy the respective magnetic fields, the lessor magnet
moves it's North Pole away from that of the greater: Planet X. This
means that the Earth tips it's normal rotational axes so that the
magnetic North Pole is over the horizon. This happens on-the-fly
scribing a figure 8 that the pathway of the rotational geographic
North Pole makes in it's daily adjustment.
In the main image on the previous page, I have !""#$%&'!()* the
figure 8 pathway of the Geographic North Pole, so it only should be
seen as a visual aid to one of the complex magnetic influences of
Planet X on Earth at this time. In addition, this image only shows
the influence of the push-away of the Magnetic North Pole and not
the full dynamics. However, the figure 8 Magnetic North push-away
still remains a somewhat dominant influence in the current Earth-
wobble regime (June 2011). Also, any idea the reader has about the
old axial tilt of Earth against the Sun of 23.4 must now be tossed
out with the trash, as that went by the wayside on December 24
2003 when Planet X entered our solar system. In fact this old 23.4
axial tilt will never return as a norm, the influences of the pole-shift
will bring a new norm of about 30. The main image is also set as a
North American continent predawn timing with the Sun to the right
of the image.
ZetaTalk has covered at least three major magnetic
influences that are causing the Earth to wobble, the
figure 8 being the original influence, another is the
influence of the Southern portion of the mid- Atlantic
rift that provides it's own upset to the attitude of Earth
against the daily revolution status quo. Next is the
temporary +)!,-($-(.)-+)/( which is shown in the main image. This
is caused as Planet X slowly tips it's North Pole in the direction of
Earth's North Pole during it's first 270 roll which causes it's own
push-away of the 0!1,)(&2 North Pole as distinguished from the
wobble. Sometimes however, Earth will attempt to tip ($3!#*4 Planet
X as well. The last influence I can comment on, is that of the
buffeting of the other planets in the Particle flow cup. All this results
in what the Zetas call a rattled wobble that is unpredictable and
becoming more violent as Planet X proceeds in it's out-bound path.
When Earth leans or rolls it's Magnetic North Pole away from the
Sun, land under normally warmer air is thrust underneath a layer
from a cooler Northern climate, conversely, the Southern
Hemisphere in experiencing the same thing. An indeterminate
period of time later that same geographic area is quietly slid under
warmer air again as now Earth is re-aligning to the Sun's magnetic
field or responding to some other magnetic influence. Of course the
rattled wobble does not just move up and down (longitudinally), it
also moves in diagonal vectors as well.
It is these abrupt and aberrant Earth axis gyrations that are setting
up these supernumerary tornado outbreaks.
Planet X NewsLetter - Issue #17 By: Chris Thomas Wakefield July 11
To subscribe: chrismwakefield(
The U.S. PLAN: Example of Good Leadership
Announced May 10
2011 by the
Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) is a U.S. citizen alert system
called P.L.A.N. !"#$ is designed to
send warnings consisting of three levels
to the U.S. Population via %&'() phones.
The three levels are Extreme, Severe and
Amber. Although the author cannot stand
acronyms used for names of '*+ program
(apparently in the dusk of human civilization we are saddled with
this The Canadian Government does this too), however the ,-'*
is a good one according to the Zetas: ./)01%2301'1*4)56(781/)1/%1
%2(;/;'-13'&,%81)041%'<41(6'91)612%41504*1&/:(')/*:16(1)(';4-/*:8 1
'*9150')1'(4'%1)61';6/91<6(150')4;4(1(4'%6*> (zt) The idea is that
during a disaster someone will have a smart phone that can inform
others in the group.
Agreement is with the Zetas that this is a good scenario, but my
personal focus is on what good leadership 3'*196 when you have an
Eagle leading instead of a seagull. The world saw what happens
when a seagull, well in fact a do do bird was in the White House:
George W. Bush (speaking of #1 only - they were three identical
brothers, #2 hidden and #3 the now public George W.,
remain alive). Beginning on August 23
2003 through to
about August 29
Hurricane Katrina caused a great deal of
damage to the Southern U.S., unfortunately the damage
was considerably worsened by FEMA's lead feet: a lack of
intelligent direction from a pathetic White House
presidential incumbent.
P.L.A.N. Is scheduled to be fully available by April 2012: ?44150') 1
Eurasian After-Time Settlement Favors Altai Mountains
Much like Colorado in the United
States, the government of Russia has big
plans for the Ural Mountains
(!"#$%&'()*+%*). The Zetas have
suggested that wherever you see a
government installation, to go the other
way. The other way and a good way for
Eurasians are the Altai Mountains of central Eurasia (#*),-%'
1CD041#-)'/1&62*)'/*%81-/741)041E('-%1'(41%)'F-41'*910/:01:(62*98 1
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Hackpen Crop Circle Depicts Magnetic Trimesters

A New crop circle was
discovered on Hackpen Hill
in Wiltshire, England on
May 30
2011. According to
the Zetas, the message here
refers to the magnetic
trimesters: the constant
emission of intense magnetic
energy from the core of the
Sun that advances the planets
of our solar system in a anti-
clockwise orbit of the Sun.
This magnetic particle flow
takes the form of sweeping
arms that both radiate and
rotate at the same time
pushing the planets before
them -/741-/))4(1/*1'1
In the image to the right I
have overlaid a drawing
oriented as a circular calendar with the months in a familiar position
and labeled the circles accordingly. April is the most quiescent 4
month trimester, followed by August as the most intense trimester
and December being the second-most intense period. S'37,4* shows
us by the off-set compression of the concentric inner circles of
August and December, that it is at the end of each trimester where
the influences are peaked.
Why are the magnetic trimesters so important that ETs will travel
quadrillions of miles to lay down a graphical message in a wheat
field for humans to see? The Earth has been wobbling since about
2004 due the magnetic north pole being off-set from the
geographical North Pole interacting with the magnetic field of Planet
X twice a day (facing the Sun and facing away 12 hours later) The
wobble has increased in severity as Planet X has moved closer to
Earth plus it's north pole is increasingly pointing toward Earth as
The peak influence of the August trimester is /*1'99/)/6* to this
increased pressure of Planet X. S'37,4* is emphasizing this.
Planet X NewsLetter - Issue #17 By: Chris Thomas Wakefield July 11
To subscribe: chrismwakefield(
Planet X?
These images were presented to the Zetas during the June 11
ZetaTalk session as possible candidates for new pictures of Planet X.
The Zetas confirmed that these are genuine captures. The orb in the
4:00 O'clock position (center inset for a close-up) is seen here a
having a very round and smooth appearance, this is due to the Sun
reflecting off the dust cloud that shrouds the entire of Planet X. The
orbs above the Sun in these pictures are but a few of the many moons
within the tail of Planet X.
The Puppet Master's Plan
The Zeta's often refer to an
individual with so much money,
power and influence on Earth
today, they call him: The Puppet
Master. The Zetas do not say
who he is, but he is !"#$%&'()&* the
male head of a family like the
The Puppet Master follows ZetaTalk very closely and according to
the Zetas, he had +&,-# in place against the possibility that the
unfolding of the 7-out-of-10 Earth-change event scheme (details
here) were to break the cover-up of Planet X. Although this drama is
still unfolding, it has not yet reached full swing prompting the
Puppet Master to push his agenda to simmering on the back burner.
What plans? The Zetas say that he +&,-#%$"%+.$%/)$,0,&(%,-1%
3"!'-8%$#.-,!': The Zetas do not say whether he shares these plans
with world government heads, regardless, such a plan would put
tremendous pressure on the Establishment's system of cover-up over
the existence of Planet X.
The term ;#$,9&'#4!)-$ refers to the societal upper-heirarchy
echelons of the very wealthy, the political incumbents and the
abiding regimes of the political, military and the covert strong-arm
government agencies. The dominating consciousness is only that of
self-preservation and of this system
they are so identified with. This is the
singular point-of-view of the Service-
to-Self status quo orientation.
The Zetas remind us that the
establishment has long intended to use
the Sun as an excuse for the Earth
changes in the lead-up to the pole-shift.
Global Warming, otherwise known as
GW Theory, was also invented to this
end. NASA issues false stories almost
daily about near-earth asteroids intended as a cover for increased
fireball activity, both current and the expected increase, as the tail of
Planet X wafts nearer to Earth. Additionally, declarations of CME
and solar flare activity of the Sun suggest calamity just around the
corner are intended as a general cover for the 2012 buzz in the ear
of the public.
The Zetas also explain that there is a deadlock between the honesty
camp and the Planet X cover-up camp keeping the status quo of the
current cover-up in place. The increasingly erratic weather combined
with the Sun and Moon being out-of-place is eating away at the
cover-up excuse machine looking more and more the fool. Yet the
Zetas explain that little support for the upcoming cataclysms are to
be expected, with token efforts at implementing additional tsunami
early warning systems and disaster readiness exercises, the surviving
public at large will be left to fend for itself amongst the piles of
wrecked debris.
%Consider these trends as $4)%67'$'-8%"-<$4)<6,&&, as clearly the
establishment's nose has grown quite long in the last two decades
and we cannot expect honesty from them. Prepare -"6 before it is
too late.
China's Land-Grab of the U.S.
Here is a story put to the Zetas in
the June 11
2011 ZetaTalk of a
Chinese national company in the
negotiating stages of setting up
manufacturing facilities within
special free trade zones in the
U.S. This state-owned company
called Sinomach, would be setting
up a self-contained city with
manufacturing facilities,
warehouses, retail centers and
large numbers of homes for
Chinese workers all within
approximately 30 square miles. A
chunk of Boise, in safe high-ground Idaho is first on the list at 2,700
feet above sea level (hello?), with Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan
in the queue.
The Zetas: ='-3)%>4'-,%3".&1%!,-.?,3$.7)%'-%>4'-,5%6'$4%$4)'7%
?,3'&'$')#%'-#'1)%$4)%@=A%07,1)%9,77')7#%,7)%"-)%7),#"-5%$4)%?),7%$4,$ %
Planet X NewsLetter - Issue #17 By: Chris Thomas Wakefield July 11
When you analyze the obvious international
moves demonstrated of by the respective world
leaders with the knowledge of what a pole-shift
can do, you can see the obvious pattern: discreet
talks and not so discreet acts of encroachment are
in preparation against a vastly changing
environment, both geographical and political.
Israel's Netanyahu has been making a land grab from the
Palestinians for years and is trying to hold out until the pole-shift.
China's aggressiveness against Vietnam is another example of the
big and mighty strong-arming smaller countries to gain a foothold
before the pole-shift (ZT).
The Zetas say that China is indeed hoping to have a high-land
foothold in the U.S. prior to the pole-shift for a power play in the
after-time, yet they will not succeed as they underestimate how
global cataclysms will effect technology a reset back to global
pre-industrialized societies.
Heads up on the New Madrid - European Tsunami for
Northern Europe

The Zetas in the June
ZetaTalk session
have issued very
important information
on how to reliably
watch for the trigger
that will unleash the
European Tsunami on
Northern Europe. The
timing of when the
Zeta-predicted New
Madrid fault line
adjustment is set in motion is obfuscated by a confusing build-up to
the trigger itself, so is hard to determine !"!#$%& earthquakes were
being honestly reported.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has proven itself
compromised by the establishment's cover-up machine for years
now by down-grading earthquakes and even omitting earthquake
events. As the Zetas say: '()!$*+,+$-./#012-!3$245.36$244 $
&1.5$6)!%1$-262=23!3>? The Zetas report that there is a way to do an
end run around the reporting system: ()83$%6$%3$#.6$/)26$6)!$*+,+$
A%33%33%;;%:$6)!$%5;2<6$.#$6)!$<%6%!3$24.#0$6)!$+!2/2@:$2#-$/)!6)!1 $
The Zetas also make another important point: that the New Madrid
area in the U.S. Is highly populated making it almost impossible to
prevent earthquakes from being reported in the U.S. news media.
This is concomitant with reporting on the conditions of the
Mississippi bridges. Another sign that B!/$A2-1%- is immanent,
are the southern, 6)!# northern Japan quakes. So rather than
watching the news for single events around a narrow area or topic,
watch for a broader pattern of Events for easier recognition:
1. - Southern Japan earthquake series 1!;.16!- as in the 8 range,
2. - Northern Japan earthquake series, 8 range as well,
3. - Simultaneous with # 2 --- The Victoria-Juan de Fuca
earthquake-slosh and the Tsunami heading for North America,
4.- The New Madrid build-up series to major adjustment,
3. - Simultaneous with # 4 --- The European Tsunami.
Given that the Mississippi ranks the 4
longest River in the world
and there are 221 bridges spanning it's girth with many levees,
locks and damns along it's continuance, there will be ample disaster
events reported in the local news media to alert those watching
from northern Europe. Undoubtedly every bridge spanning the
Mississippi will be entirely destroyed during the New Madrid series
of earthquakes leading up to this major slip-slide adjustment.
The Zetas predict that B!/$A2-1%- will be actually several 8 to 9
scale earthquakes in a series, that the Mississippi will expand to CD$
5%4!3$/%-! in the state of Mississippi to more-or-less complete this
stage: the unzipping of North America. The Zetas ()83$%6$%3$#.6 $
/)26$6)!$*+,+$32@3$6)26$3).84-$=!$/26<)!-:$=86$6)!$<.#-%6%.#$.& $
Full readiness for the pole-shift <2# include the whole person and
not with just food, equipment, tools, clothing and location. Spiritual
assistance is forthcoming for those who would reach out for this.
When you contemplate that this is the run-down to the final pole-
shift of our old Earth and an !"!#6824 segway to a renewed Earth
emerging into the 4
dimension, this can be seen as the great
spiritual juncture it is. The Hermetic saying: As above, so below
suggests a convergence of spiritual power
and opportunity that comes with
spectacular events. The vast increase of
visible UFO assistance 2#- the hidden as
exposed by ZetaTalk underlines this, but
also reveals the Truth that all levels of
Life are involved in this transition giving
us the opportunity to personally align
with this process. !"#$%&'()*%&+*,-.$-/0
To subscribe: chrismwakefield(

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