Agency Cases b1

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EUFEMIA EVANGELISTA, MANUELA intent to divide the profits among the contracting


vs. . The first element is undoubtedly present in the
case at bar, for, admittedly, petitioners have agreed
to, and did, contribute money and property to a
common fund. Upon consideration of all the facts
G.R. No. L-9996, October 15, 1957 and circumstances surrounding the case, we are
fully satisfied that their purpose was to engage in
real estate transactions for monetary gain and then
divide the same among themselves, because of the
following observations, among others: (1) Said
Petitioners borrowed sum of money from their common fund was not something they found
father and together with their own personal funds already in existence; (2)They invested the same,
they used said money to buy several real not merely in one transaction, but in a series of
properties. They then appointed their brother transactions; (3) The aforesaid lots were not
(Simeon) as manager of the said real properties devoted to residential purposes, or to other
with powers and authority to sell, lease or rent out personal uses, of petitioners herein. Although,
said properties to third persons. They realized taken singly, they might not suffice to establish the
rental income from the said properties for the period intent necessary to constitute a partnership, the
1945-1949.On September 24, 1954 respondent collective effect of these circumstances is such as
Collector of Internal Revenue demanded the to leave no room for doubt on the existence of said
payment of income tax on corporations, real estate intent in petitioners herein. For purposes of the tax
dealer's fixed tax and corporation residence tax for on corporations, our National Internal Revenue
the years 1945-1949. The letter of demand and Code, includes these partnerships
corresponding assessments were delivered to

petitioners on December 3, 1954, whereupon they
instituted the present case in the Court of Tax with the exception only of duly registered general
Appeals, with a prayer that "the decision of the co-partnerships
respondent contained in his letter of demand dated
September 24, 1954" be reversed, and that they be —
absolved from the payment of the taxes in question. within the purview of the term “corporation." It is,
CTA denied their petition and subsequent MR and therefore, clear to our mind that petitioners herein
New Trials were denied. Hence this petition. constitute a partnership, insofar as said Code is
Issue: concerned and are subject to the income tax for
Whether or not petitioners have formed a
partnership and consequently, are subject to the tax
on corporations provided for in section 24 of
Commonwealth Act. No. 466, otherwise known as
the National Internal Revenue Code, as well as to Sec 24, of NIRC
the residence tax for corporations and the real
estate dealers fixed tax.
Held: YES.
The essential elements of a partnership are two,
namely: (a)
an agreement to contribute money, property or
industry to a common fund
; and (b)
LIM TONG LIM vs. PHILIPPINE FISHING GEAR an intangible like credit or industry. That the parties
INDUSTRIES, INC. agreed that any loss or profit from the
317 SCRA 728, G.R. No. 136448, Nov. 3, 1999, sale and operation of the boats would be divided
Panganiban, equally among them also shows that
J .:p they had indeed formed a partnership. It extended
FACTS to the fishing nets and the floats, both
: Antonio Chua and Peter Yao bought nets of essential to fishing, which were obviously acquired
various sizes and floats from Philippine Fishing in furtherance of their business
Gear (PFG) for Ocean Quest Fishing Corporation .
(OQF), saying that petitioner was also involved with Petitioner’s defense that he was a mere lessor does
OQF despite not being a signatory to the not hold water. In effect, he would
agreement. like this Court to believe that he consented to the
They failed sale of his own boats to pay a debt of
to pay the purchase price, hence PFG filed a Chua and Yao
collection case against OQF. , with the excess of the proceeds to be divided
PFG also alleged that OQF is a non among the three
-existent corporation by virtue of a certification by of them.
the No lessor would do what petitioner did. Indeed, his
SEC. RTC issued the writ of attachment on the consent to the sale proved that there
nets, and was sold at a public auction with was a preexisting partnership among all three.
the proceeds deposited to the court. RTC ruled Corporation by estoppels: Although the
there was partnership between the three partnership/corporation was never legally
(Chua, Yao, Lim) anchoring on the Compromise formed for unknown reasons,
Agreement they executed in the civil this fact alone does not preclude the liabilities of the
case filed by Chua and Yao against Lim for the three
declaration of ownership of the fishing as contracting parties in representation of it.
boats, among other things. CA affirmed. Clearly, under the law on estoppel, those
acting on behalf of a corporation and those
ISSUE: benefited by it, knowing it to be without valid
Whether or not by their acts, Lim, Chua, and Yao existence,
are deemed to have entered are held liable as general partners.
into a partnership.

: Yes. A partnership is a contract where two or more
persons bind themselves to
contribute money, property,
or industry to a common fund, with the intention of
the profits among themselves. The three engaged
in a commercial venture for commercial
fishing and contracted loans to buy two fishing
boats, and the nets and floats needed to
operate the fishing
business. In their Compromise Agreement, they
revealed their intention to pay the loan with the
proceeds of the sale of the boats, and to
divide equally among them the excess or loss.
These boats, the purchase and the repair
of which were fin
anced with borrowed money, fell under the term
"common fund" under
Article 1767. The contribution to such fund need not
be cash or fixed assets; it could be
SUNGA CHAN V CHUA shares in the partnership, petitioners failed to
Summary: comply. Petitioner Lilibeth allegedly continued the
On June 22, 1992, Lamberto T. Chua (hereafter operations of Shellite, converting to her own use
respondent) filed a complaint against Lilibeth Sunga and advantage its properties.
Chan (hereafter petitioner Lilibeth) and Cecilia
Sunga (hereafter petitioner Cecilia), daughter and On March 31, 1991, respondent claimed that after
wife, respectively of the deceased Jacinto L. Sunga petitioner Lilibeth ran out the alibis and reasons to
(hereafter Jacinto), for "Winding Up of Partnership evade respondent's demands, she disbursed out of
Affairs, Accounting, Appraisal and Recovery of the partnership funds the amount of P200,000.00
Shares and Damages with Writ of Preliminary and partially paid the same to respondent with a
Attachment" with the Regional Trial Court, Branch promise that the former would make the complete
11, Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte. inventory and winding up of the properties of the
business establishment. Despite such commitment,
Doctrine: petitioners allegedly failed to comply with their duty
The Civil Code expressly provides that upon to account, and continued to benefit from the assets
dissolution, the partnership continues and its legal and income of Shellite to the damage and prejudice
personality is retained until the complete winding up of respondent.
of its business, culminating in its termination.
The trial court rendered its Decision ruling for
respondent which the CA affirmed.
The failure to register the contract of partnership
does not invalidate the same as among the Hence, the petition. The petitioner insists, among
partners, so long as the contract has the essential others, that laches and/or prescription should have
requisites, because the main purpose of registration extinguished respondent’s claim. The petitioner also
is to give notice to third parties, and it can be questioned the validity of the oral partnership
assumed that the members themselves knew of the between respondent and Jacinto, maintain that said
contents of their contract partnership had initial capital of P200,000 so it
should have been registered with the Securities and
Facts: Exchange Commission (SEC).
Respondent alleged that in 1977, he verbally
entered into a partnership with Jacinto in the Issues
distribution of Shellane Liquefied Petroleum Gas
(LPG) in Manila. For business convenience, Whether or not the oral partnership between
respondent and Jacinto allegedly agreed to register respondent and petitioner is valid although not
the business name of their partnership, SHELLITE registered with the SEC.
GAS APPLIANCE CENTER (hereafter Shellite),
under the name of Jacinto as a sole proprietorship.
Respondent allegedly delivered his initial capital
YES. Although Article 1772 of the Civil Code
contribution of P100,000.00 to Jacinto while the
latter in turn produced P100,000.00 as his requires that partnerships with a capital of
counterpart contribution, with the intention that the P3,000.00 or more must register with the SEC, this
profits would be equally divided between them. registration requirement is not mandatory. Article
1768 of the Civil Code explicitly provides that the
Allegedly, from the time that Shellite opened for partnership retains its juridical personality even if it
business on July 8, 1977, its business operation fails to register.
was profitable.
In the case at bar, non-compliance with this
Upon Jacinto's death in the later part of 1989, his directory provision of the law will not invalidate the
surviving wife, petitioner Cecilia and particularly his partnership considering that the totality of the
daughter, petitioner Lilibeth, took over the evidence proves that respondent and Jacinto
operations, control, custody, disposition and indeed forged the partnership in question.
management of Shellite without respondent's
consent. Despite respondent's repeated demands
upon petitioners for accounting, inventory,
appraisal, winding up and restitution of his net
PRAUTCH v. DOLORES HERNANDEZ DE associations referred to in No. 2 of the foregoing
GOYENECHEA + article, shall be governed by the provisions of their
articles of associations, according to the nature of
Article 35 of the Civil Code provides that the
the latter."
following are juridical persons:
The corporations, associations, and institutions of
public interest recognized by law. It becomes necessary to know what partnerships
are civil and what ones are mercantile in order to
Their personality begins from the very instant in
know in a particular case by what provisions of law
Which, in accordance with law, they are validly
the partnership there in question is governed. Is a
commercial partnership distinguished from a civil
The associations of private interest, be they civil, one by the object to... which it is devoted or by the
commercial, or industrial, to which the law may machinery with which it is organized?
grant proper personality, independent of each
member thereof.
the former distinction is the true one. The Code of
Article 36 is a follows:
Commerce of 1829 distinctly provided that those
"The associations referred to in No. 2 of the partnerships were mercantile which had for their
foregoing article, shall be governed by the object an operation of commerce. (Art. 264.) The...
provisions of their articles of associations, present Code has not in our opinion made any
according to the nature of the latter." radical change in this respect. Article 123 provides
that mercantile partnerships may be of any class
Facts: provided that their agreements are lawful and their
The court below having allowed Prautch, Seholes & object industry or commerce.
Co. as a juridical entity to recover, the defendant mercantile and industrial partnerships are
objected to the judgment on this ground merchants. It does not say that all partnerships are
This partnership Prautch, Seholes & Co. was merchant even if organized under this Code. It is
engaged in the business of buying and selling true that article 118 provides that the contract of
cows, woods, bricks, and the products of the partnership shall be mercantile... whatever may be
country. The proofs show that it never attempted to its class provided it is organized in conformity with
comply with any of the requirements of the Code of the requirements of the Code.
Commerce. it can not be construed as indicating that a
Assuming, without deciding, that civil partnerships partnership organized for a purpose not connected
are also juridical persons, did Prautch and Scholes at all with industry or commerce shall be a
not having complied with the Code of Commerce mercantile... partnership, thus rendering useless the
nevertheless become a civil partnership and thus whole of article 123, and unnecessary the words
acquire a personality of its own? "mercantile and industrial" in article 1, 2. The
present Code does not therefor allow partnerships
Article 35 of the Civil Code... corporations, not included in article 123 to organize under it. That
associations, and institutions of public interest permission is, however, given td'them... by article
recognized by law. 1670 of the Civil Code.
personality begins from the very instant in Which, in article 1670 is entirely inconsistent with the idea
accordance with law, they are validly established. that civil and mercantile partnership are
distinguished only by the methods of their
associations of private interest, be they civil,
commercial, or industrial, to which the law may
grant proper personality, independent of each
member thereof.
Civil partnerships, on account of the objects to to... devote to a common purpose either money,
which they are devoted. property, or labor with the intention of dividing the
The author of that Code when writing... article 1667,
having in mind the provisions of the Code of The partnership of Prautch, Scholes & Co. was a
Commerce, did not say that a partnership may be typical commercial partnership... buying personal
organized in any form, which would have repealed property with the purpose of reselling it in the same
the said provisions of the Code of Commerce, but form at a profit.
did say instead that a civil partnership may be
It is therefore the purpose which determines the
organized in any form.
character of a partnership as civil or mercantile. The
If that section includes commercial partnerships, mercantile form assumed by a partnership whose
then such a partnership can be organized under it purposes are of a civil... nature is not sufficient to
selecting from the Code of Commerce such of its give it the character of a mercantile partnership ; it
provisions as are favorable to the partners and will be governed by the provisions of the Code of
rejecting such as are not, and even including in its Commerce, except with respect to bankruptcy and
articles of agreement the... right to do things which jurisdiction... the contract of partnership between
by that Code are expressly prohibited. Such a Prautch and Scholes was in its nature commercial;
construction would allow a commercial partnership that under article 36 of the Civil Code said
to use or dispense with the Code of Commerce as partnership was governed by the provisions of the
best suited its own ends. Code of Commerce; that its failure to comply with...
the requirements of that Code did not make it a civil
the difference between a civil and a mercantile
partnership, and thus give it legal personality, which
partnersip: "If we can define the contract of
we have assumed such partnerships have.
partnership in general by saying that it is one by
virtue of which several persons bring... their The partners are required to state their agreements
property or industry into a common fund for the in a public writing, and to record them in... the
attainment of a common purpose by common Mercantile Registry.
means, then a mercantile partnership will be one in
That a commercial partnership which has not
which two or more persons put their property or
recorded its articles of agreement can not maintain
industry in common or both, applying them to
an action in its firm name is well settled by the
commercial transaction for the purpose... of
obtaining some profit to be divided among them.
certain formalities must be observed in order that
Companies, in order to be regarded asd mercantile,
their constitution result in legal effects.
must have for their object the realization of some
mercantile act either as a means or an end... civil decisions of the Supreme Court deny legal
partnerships will be... governed by the provisions of personality to mercantile partnerships whose
the Civil Code (1) mercantile partnerships by the articles of agreement are not recorded.
provisions of the Code of Commerce (2) and
industrial partnerships, according to their nature, The firm of Prautch, Wholes & Co. had no legal
will be subject to the provisions relative to one or personality, and this action can not be maintained in
the other of the former classes of partnerships... its name.
three classes of artificial persons of private
interest... purpose of mercantile partnerships is the
earning of a profit... industrial partnerships may
have the characteristics of mercantile or 'civil...
partnerships, according to whether they have been
established in accordance with the requirements of
the Code of Commerce or without regard to. the
latter... civil partnership is the result of the contract
of this name entered into by persons who undertake
MACDONALD VS NATL CITY BANK where a partnership not duly organized has been
recognized as such in its dealings with certain
persons, it shall be considered as "partnership by
"Since an unregistered commercial partnership estoppel and the persons dealing with it are...
unquestionably has no juridical personality, can it estopped from denying its partnership existence.
have a domicile so that the registration of a chattel The sale of the vehicles in question being void as to
mortgage therein is notice to the world? petitioner McDonald, the transfer from the latter to
petitioner Benjamin Gonzales is also void, as the
If not, is a chattel mortgage executed by only one of buyer cannot have a better right than the seller.
the 'partners' of an unregistered commercial
partnership validly registered so as to constitute The registration of the chattel mortgage in question
notice to the world if it is hot registered at the place with the Office of the Register of Deeds of
where the... aforesaid 'partner' actually reside$ but
Rizal, the residence or place of business of the
only in the place where the deed states that he
partnership Stasikinocey being San Juan, Rizal,
resides, which is not his real residence?... become
was therefore in accordance with section 4 of the
Chattel Mortgage Law.
Is a chattel mortgage executed by only one of the
as a de facto partnership, Stasikinocey had its
'partners' of an unregistered commercial
domicile in San Juan, Rizal.
partnership valid as to third persons... when that
'partner' executed the affidavit of good faith in chattel mortgage in question is in the form required
Quezon City before notary... public whose by law, and there is therefore the presumption of its
appointment is only for the City of Manila? due execution which cannot be easily destroyed by
the biased testimony of the one who executed it.
Does only one of several 'partners' of an
The interested version of Da Costa that the...
unregistered commercial partnership have
affidavit of good faith appearing in the chattel
authority, by himself alone, to execute a valid
mortgage was executed in Quezon City before a
chattel mortgage over property owned by the
notary public for and in the City of Manila was
unregistered commercial partnership in... order to
correctly rejected by the trial court and the Court of
guarantee a pre-existing overdraft previously
Appeals. Indeed, cumbersome legal formalities are
granted, without guaranty, by the bank
imposed to prevent fraud.
In view of the conclusion that Stasikinocey is a de
While an unregistered commercial partnership has facto partnership, and Da Costa appears as a co-
no juridical personality, nevertheless, where two or manager in the letter of Gorcey to the respondent
more persons attempt to create a partnership failing and in the promissory note executed by Da Costa,
to comply with all the legal formalities, the law and that even the partners considered him as such,
considers them as partners and the association is a as stated in the affidavit, to the effect that "That we
partnership in so... far as it is a favorable to third as the majority partners hereby agree to appoint
persons, by reason of the equitable principle of Louis da Costa co-managing partner of Alan W.
estoppel. Gorcey, duly approved managing partner of the
said firm," the "partner" who executed the chattel
Da Costa and Gorcey cannot deny that they are mortgage in question must be deemed to... be so
partners of the partnership fully authorized. Section 6 of the Chattel Mortgage
Stasikinocey, because in all their transactions with Law provides that when a partnership is a party to
the respondent they represented themselves as the mortgage, the affidavit may be made and
such. Petitioner McDonald cannot disclaim subscribed by one member thereof. In this case the
knowledge of the partnership Stasikinocey because affidavit was executed and subscribed by Da Costa,
he dealt with said entity in purchasing two of the not only as a partner... but as a managing partner.
vehicles in question through Gorcey... and Da
Petitioners forget that the respondent is a third
person with respect to the partnership, and the
chattel mortgage executed by Da Costa cannot
therefore be impugned by Gorcey on the ground
that there is no... partnership between them and
that the vehicles in question belonged to them in
common. As a matter of fact, the respondent and
the petitioners are all third persons as regards the
partnership Stasikinocey and even assuming that
the petitioners are purchasers in good faith and...
for value the respondent having transacted with
Stasikinocey earlier than the petitioners, it should
enjoy and be given priority.
AGAD V MABATO to any fishpond. Their contributions were limited to
the sum of P1,000 each. Indeed, Paragraph 4 of
Annex "A" provides:
Alleging that he and defendant Severino Mabato
are — pursuant to a public instrument dated August
29, 1952, copy of which is attached to the complaint That the capital of the said partnership is Two
as Annex "A" — partners in a fishpond business, to Thousand (P2,000.00) Pesos Philippine Currency,
the capital of which Agad contributed P1,000, with of which One Thousand (P1,000.00) pesos has
the right to receive 50% of the profits; that from been contributed by Severino Mabato and One
1952 up to and including 1956, Mabato who Thousand (P1,000.00) Pesos has been contributed
handled the partnership funds, had yearly rendered by Mauricio Agad.
accounts of the operations of the partnership; and
xxx xxx xxx
that, despite repeated demands, Mabato had failed
and refused to render accounts for the years 1957 The operation of the fishpond mentioned in Annex
to 1963, Agad prayed in his complaint against "A" was the purpose of the partnership. Neither said
Mabato and Mabato & Agad Company, filed on fishpond nor a real right thereto was contributed to
June 9, 1964, that judgment be rendered the partnership or became part of the capital
sentencing Mabato to pay him (Agad) the sum of thereof, even if a fishpond or a real right thereto
P14,000, as his share in the profits of the could become part of its assets.
partnership for the period from 1957 to 1963,
In his answer, Mabato admitted the formal
allegations of the complaint and denied the -“No real property involved.”
existence of said partnership, upon the ground that Articles 1771 and 1773 of said Code provide:
the contract therefor had not been perfected,
because Agad had allegedly failed to give his Art. 1771. A partnership may be constituted in any
P1,000 contribution to the partnership capital. form, except where immovable property or real
rights are contributed thereto, in which case a
Subsequently, Mabato filed a motion to dismiss, public instrument shall be necessary.
upon the ground that the complaint states no cause
of action and that the lower court had no jurisdiction *Art. 1773. A contract of partnership is void,
over the subject matter of the case, because it whenever immovable property is contributed
involves principally the determination of rights over thereto, if inventory of said property is not made,
public lands. After due hearing, the court issued the signed by the parties; and attached to the public
order appealed from, granting the motion to dismiss instrument.
the complaint for failure to state a cause of action.
This conclusion was predicated upon the theory
that the contract of partnership, Annex "A", is null
and void, pursuant to Art. 1773* of our Civil Code,
because an inventory of the fishpond referred in
said instrument had not been attached thereto.
Whether or not "immovable property or real rights"
have been contributed to the A-M partnership
RULING: -“No real property involved.”
as stated in Annex "A" the partnership was
established "to operate a fishpond", not to "engage
in a fishpond business". Moreover, none of the
partners contributed either a fishpond or a real right
LITONJUA V LITONJUA This joint venture/partnership agreement was
contained in a memorandum addressed by Eduardo
to his siblings, parents and other relatives. Copy of
Petitioner Aurelio K. Litonjua, Jr. (Aurelio) and this memorandum is attached hereto and made an
herein respondent Eduardo K. Litonjua, Sr. integral part as Annex "A" and the portion referring
(Eduardo) are brothers. The legal dispute between to Aurelio submarked as Annex "A-1".
them started when, on December 4, 2002, in the
It was then agreed upon between Aurelio and
Regional Trial Court (RTC) at Pasig City, Aurelio
Eduardo that in consideration of Aurelio retaining
filed a suit against his brother Eduardo and several
his share in the remaining family businesses
corporations for specific performance and
(mostly, movie theaters, shipping and land
development) and contributing his industry to the
Doctrine: continued operation of these businesses, Aurelio
will be given P1 Million or 10% equity in all these
Art. 1771. A partnership may be constituted in any businesses and those to be subsequently acquired
form, except where immovable property or real by them whichever is greater. .
rights are contributed thereto, in which case a
public instrument shall be necessary. From 22 June 1973 to about August 2001, or in a
span of 28 years, Aurelio and Eduardo had
Art. 1772. Every contract of partnership having a accumulated in their joint venture/partnership
capital of three thousand pesos or more, in money various assets including but not limited to the
or property, shall appear in a public instrument, corporate defendants and their respective assets.
which must be recorded in the Office of the
Securities and Exchange Commission. The substantial assets of most of the corporate
defendants consist of real properties.
Failure to comply with the requirement of the
preceding paragraph shall not affect the liability of Sometime in 1992, the relations between Aurelio
the partnership and the members thereof to third and Eduardo became sour so that Aurelio
persons. requested for an accounting and liquidation of his
share in the joint venture/partnership but these
Art. 1773. A contract of partnership is void, demands for complete accounting and liquidation
whenever immovable property is contributed were not heeded.
thereto, if an inventory of said property is not made,
signed by the parties, and attached to the public Aurelio filed a suit against his brother Eduardo and
instrument. several corporations for specific performance and
A partnership may be constituted in any form, save
when immovable property or real rights are Eduardo and the corporate respondents, as
contributed thereto or when the partnership has a defendants a quo, filed a joint ANSWER With
capital of at least 3,000.00, in which case a public Compulsory Counterclaim denying under oath the
instrument shall be necessary. An inventory to be material allegations of the complaint, more
signed by the parties and attached to the public particularly that portion thereof depicting petitioner
instrument is also indispensable to the validity of and Eduardo as having entered into a contract of
the partnership whenever immovable property is partnership. As affirmative defenses, Eduardo, et
contributed to it. al., alleged that the complaint states no cause of
action, since no cause of action may be derived
Facts: from the actionable document, i.e., Annex "A-1",
On or about 22 June 1973, Aurelio and Eduardo being void under the terms of Article 1767 in
entered into a joint venture/partnership for the relation to Article 1773 of the Civil Code, infra.
continuation of their family business and common The trial court, in an Omnibus Order dated March 5,
family funds. 2003, denied the affirmative defenses. The CA set
aside the order of the trial court and dismissed the
complaint filed by Aurelio.
Issues Ratio: WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED and
the impugned Decision and Resolution of the Court
Whether or not petitioner and respondent Eduardo
of Appeals AFFIRMED.
are partners in the theatre, shipping and realty
NO. The Court rules, as did the CA, that no valid Cost against the petitioner.
partnership existed between Aurelio and Eduardo
because the said "memorandum" is null and void
for purposes of establishing the existence of a valid
contract of partnership.
Annex "A-1", on its face, contains typewritten
entries, personal in tone, but is unsigned and
undated. As an unsigned document, there can be
no quibbling that Annex "A-1" does not meet the
public instrumentation requirements exacted under
Article 1771 of the Civil Code. Moreover, being
unsigned and doubtless referring to a partnership
involving more than P3,000.00 in money or
property, Annex "A-1" cannot be presented for
notarization, let alone registered with the Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC), as called for
under the Article 1772 of the Code.
Under Article 1773 of the Civil Code, the contract-
validating inventory requirement applies as long
real property or real rights are initially brought into
the partnership. In short, it is really of no moment
which of the partners, or, in this case, who between
petitioner and his brother Eduardo, contributed
immovables. In context, the more important
consideration is that real property was contributed,
in which case an inventory of the contributed
property duly signed by the parties should be
attached to the public instrument, or else there is
legally no partnership to speak of.
Indeed, because of the failure to comply with the
essential formalities of a valid contract, the
purported "partnership/joint venture" is legally
inexistent and it produces no effect whatsoever.
Necessarily, a void or legally inexistent contract
cannot be the source of any contractual or legal
right. Accordingly, the allegations in the complaint,
including the actionable document attached thereto,
clearly demonstrates that petitioner has NO valid
contractual or legal right which could be violated by
the respondent. (The Court concurring with the CA's

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