Business Ethics Project

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Name: Otabek Abdusamatov

ID: U1911045


Background Story
A personal dilemma is an extremely difficult situation sometimes to
handle. Everyday we meet many cases related to personal
dilemmas in our life. I was recently faced with an ethical dilemma
when I was selling my old phone to a client. I have decided to sell
my old phone because I stopped using it. Furthermore, I wanted to
earn some money for my personal expenses. I posted about selling
on OLX, our C to C ( Client to Client) service in Uzbekistan, this
market especially includes second hand goods at lower prices.
Reason to ethical dilemma was that I didn't write about the main
problem of the phone. In detail, the battery of the phone drains too
So we arranged a meeting at one point and we agreed on the
price. I sold it and came back to my home. One of the worst things
was that I didn’t warn him about battery fast draining.

7 lenses

For the first lens it is a good opportunity to make some money from
unnecessary goods. We can get rid of unusable items and take
money for this. It seems too beneficial for me.
This case is actually illegal, because in customer rights written by
the government there are some statements about it. In detail,
Sellers should inform customers about all specifications and
characteristics of goods before selling. If a customer comes to the
government with claims about the seller it would be a reason to go
to jail), if the amount of goods is big.
For the third lens it was my bad that I didn’t inform him about
problems with this gadget. I had to make him aware of all the
consequences and problems.
It is kind of disrespectful to the customer side that I didn’t give full
information. It will be harmful for him because he will not use it
properly and will face some problems.
I think it will not affect communities and the planet because trade
occurred between two people.
For future generations it will not be a reason for serious impacts,
however, this is a bad example.

Better solution

Solution for this situation should be done by the seller or by myself.

Before posting the phone on sale I would check this phone by all
functions, efficiency and give a description honestly. Write honestly
problems, bad sides, anything that will to customer satisfaction. As
a consequence, I would decrease the price respectively by its
While arranging a meeting I should ensure that customers are
aware about all problems and still want to buy it. This way we can
avoid misunderstandings and ethical dilemmas. We can call it fair
trade. If we look through 7 lenses we can know that I made the
wrong decision on the third lens because as I wrote above I didn’t
provide customers with full information and deficiencies. However,
customers must be aware of everything. Obviously, we should
consider the 4th lens also (people). Because, it can harm people for
some reasons and affect customer satisfaction.

Background Story
Investors and shareholders of Enron splittedAs more than $7.2
billion in the largest settlement in U.S. securities fraud history from
financial institutions involved in the collapse of the energy giant.

As a result of misusing special purpose organizations, or SPEs,

Enron was embroiled in an ethical accounting controversy in 2001.
Enron sought to make its losses appear less than they were, and
they "cooked the books" to make their profits appear considerably
greater than they were.

After the revelation broke, Enron's stock plunged, and the SEC
launched an inquiry.

As a result of the ethics inquiry, many Enron officials were

sentenced to prison, and Arthur Anderson's accounting firm lost all
its customers and was eventually dissolved. Enron declared
bankruptcy, and new regulations were enacted as a result of the
incident to avoid future occurrences.
Enron was an energy company that aggressively entered the
energy derivatives market. The company hid large trading losses,
leading to one of the greatest accounting scandals and
bankruptcies in recent history.

7 lenses
1. As we can see money was on priory and actually money was
the main reason for the collapse of the Enron company.
Derivatives and special purpose entities played a major role in
Enron's downfall. Enron retained the risks associated with the
transactions by hedging them with special purpose entities.
Enron was implementing their own hedges under this
2. The report suggests several avenues for criminal investigators
seeking to bring a case that Enron's myriad partnerships off-
the-books constitute possible fraud, given the company's
violation of public disclosure rules. According to generally
accepted accounting principles (GAAP), Enron Corporation
committed three major violations: (1). The off-balance sheet
arrangements, (2). The role of mark-to-market, and (3).
The manipulation of derivatives.
3. Enron collapsed and entered bankruptcy, forcing Bradley and
thousands of other employees to lose their jobs. The once
valuable stock options have since become worthless paper.
The fraud led to the imprisonment of several former Enron
4. The number of job losses has reached thousands of
thousands. As a result of Enron's bankruptcy, 4,000
employees were laid off. Only Enron, WorldCom, and Arthur
Andersen were cited by the AFL-CIO as responsible for
28,500 job losses. Totally these losses were unethical,
because all employees were shocked.
5. After this issue, the country met lots of problems, as a
consequence, it affected different communities. Because the
company has many links with social parts of the country.
6. In my opinion, there weren't significant impacts to the
7. It is important to understand that corruption is never an
acceptable thing. Cooking the books, giving wrong data,
wrong systems always will lead to collapse of any
organization. This case will stay as a great case study for
future generations.

Better solution
Overall, we can see that Enron’s leaders perpetuated a kind of
utopianism that ended up distracting them from hard choices.
Enron went into difficulty as a result of a string of poor business
decisions, but that's only half the tale. Their company culture was
severely wrong on a deeper level. They had too many individuals
assuming too much risk at all levels of the organization, from the
boardroom to the trading floors and, in some cases, all the way
down to day-to-day operations. Inside the firm, people were aware
of it, but they accepted it as part of the way things were done.

Anderson was aware of it as well, but Enron was a large customer,

and Anderson was too close to the company to be objective. Enron
purposefully drew the people and organizations in charge of risk
management into complicit relationships with the company.

If Enron had a corporate culture of honesty, integrity, and ethics, the

Enron scandal may have been averted.
1. There should have been more ethical monitoring and
management. Employees, too, should be aware of anticipated
ethical principles and strive to preserve a strong sense of company
2. There should have been safeguards in place to monitor
accounting firms' (Arthur Andersen's) operations, as they served as
both Enron's "Consultant" and "Accountant." As a conflict of
interest, these two groups must be kept separate.
3. Enron should have treated its partners and shareholders with
fairness and honesty. There were no proper disclosures,
accountability, or openness. Enron cheated its shareholders by
inflating earnings.
4. Employee goals were aligned—Enron personnel valued and
prioritized their own interests over the stock's and stakeholders'.
5. Auditing regulation - It should be reported by a statutorily
independent entity.
If employees and management had a better ethical culture and if
hubris and greed weren't prevalent among management, the Enron
affair may have been averted.
All businesses should pay attention and take precautions to avoid a
catastrophe like Enron.


Assemblyman Aziz is well-known and has served in the legislature
for recent years. He knows everyone, and everyone knows him.
He's running for reelection this year, and he asks his campaign
manager to send out an email invitation to a campaign launch
meeting in a cafe, then to go on a trip to mountains located out of
the city and a fundraising event to "everyone in the district." Farruh
is the campaign employee who is given the task. He's not sure how
he'll collect everyone's email addresses in the District. Over drinks
with his colleague Kamol, one of the Assemblyman's government
workers, he mulls over this subject. Kamol offers to assist Farruh by
providing him access to a database that contains the email
addresses of anybody who has ever emailed the Assemblyman's
government office, after first obtaining permission from the
Assemblyman. He also provides him with all of the government
employees' email addresses and information.

7 lenses
1) In my personal viewpoint, his case study cannot be looked
through the lens of first-profit, because there is no information
regarding ethical or unethical profitability of the organization or a
particular person.
2) Although Kamol got permission from the Assemblyman, I
think he broke the privacy law. I think he should have asked
permission from every citizen in the district to give their email
address to Faruh-employee of Aziz. Kamol does not fully
conceive of future consequences of his help. What if the
Faruh ‘s mindset would change to the negative side? Who
can guarantee whether people would not get malicious or life-
threatening email letters? Therefore, we may come to the
conclusion that Kamol’s help is unethical.
3) From the case study we may come to two conclusions:
Kamal Demonstrates himself as a helpful person, yet he puts
the privacy of the people under threat.
4) Kamol did not weigh options of his action. He wanted to
support his colleague in a difficult situation, but I consider that
overall put citizens' lives under the risk, because his
colleague could do anything since he has most people’s
personal information.
5) 6) 7) I think that this case does not have any impact on the
community, planet and greater good.

Participants face two disadvantages as a result of data sharing.
One concern is that their data will be linked to their identity by
someone they didn't agree to share it with; this can lead to
complications such as stigmatization and discrimination, as
well as a loss of privacy. The other risk is that participants'
data, even if not linked to their identities, may be used for
research that they did not consent to, making them complicit
in what they consider to be inappropriate study.
Giving all data to Faruh is totally unethical if others are not
warned before about sharing their personal datas. I think the
best solution is they can hire a special person who will have
all the data and can arrange meetings, make calls, send
emails. For this current situation Faruh should contact Aziz
and explain the situation that he cannot take datas and
explain that Kamol can do it because he has all datas.

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