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Hominid Biological Features and Cultural Features and

characteristics characteristics
Sahelanthropus -Skull size: like human size -Can walk like humans
-Height: similar to chimpanzees
-Brain size: 320-380 cm3
-Small teeth similar to hominids
Australopithecus -Brain size: 500 cm3 -Tool users
-Upright -Uses sticks and stones for
-Biped digging
-lives in small social groups
-food scavengers
-ate insects, eggs, plants, fruits,
and sometimes meat
Ardipithecus -Height: 4ft -Lives in the jungles like
-Weight: 120 pounds chimpanzees
-Skull size: similar to ape
-Small brain
Australopithecus afarensis -Brain size: 500 cm3 -Tool users
-Flat nose -Uses sticks and stones for
-Strong projecting lower jaw digging
-long strong arms -lives in small social groups
-curved fingers -food scavengers
-ate insects, eggs, plants, fruits,
and sometimes meat
Homo habilis -Height: 3- 4 feet -made tools like
-Brain size: 700 cm3 Oldowan(cutting tools made
from volcanic stones)
-used tools for hunting and food
Homo ergaster -Brain size: 860cm3 -used large stone tools like axes,
-Skull size: similar to human cleavers, and picks
-Legs longer than arms -might have used fire as tools
-burial rites
Homo erectus -brain size: 1000 cm3 -walks upright
-height: 5 feet

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