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GENERAL EDUCATION 4 d) must be physically fit and literate


WORLD, SOCIAL SCIENCES 8. Which of the following statements best
describe the United Nations Convention on
the Law of the Sea?*
1. How many nautical miles measured from a) All of the statements are correct
the baselines are comprised of the states’ b) The UNCLOS created the ITLOS or the
territorial seas?* International Tribunal for the Law of the
a) 200 nautical miles Sea.
b) 12 nautical miles c) This convention is where the Philippines
c) 14 nautical miles and other countries should appeal on
d) 15 nautical miles maritime disputes with other countries.
d) The UNCLOS is an example of an
2. In what region could you find Isabela, International Convention.
Nueva Viscaya and Quirino?*
9. It is a monotheistic religion developed
a) Cagayan Valley Region
among the ancient Hebrews:*
b) Cordillera Administrative Region
c) Western Visayas Region a) Christianity
d) Ilocos Region b) Judaism
c) Islam
3. This occurs when a firm or agency gains d) Buddhism
control of other firms or agencies performing
10. It is of utmost educational importance that
similar marketing functions at the same
the social basis of human nature should be
level in the marketing sequence.*
habitual when?*
a) Backward Integration
a) man resorts to war, terrorism, or violence to
b) Horizontal Integration
call the society’s attention
c) Forward Integration
b) man fails to correct some of the worst social
d) Vertical Integration
c) man rearranges social circumstances to let
4. Children learn culture from parents and
self-restraint give way to social justice
teachers. What is the process called?* d) man has to learn to fight to protect one’s life
a) assimilation and preserve one’s culture
b) enculturation
c) acculturation 11. The secret society Jose Rizal established
d) accommodation was designed to promote civic and patriotic
education among Filipinos*
5. Which of the following would refer to the
a) To the Filipino Youth
“Funnel Effect”?*
b) Compañerismo
a) every criminal would be caught and be c) Propaganda
punished d) La Juventud
b) all crimes are under the same criminal
justice 12. Democracy refers to the involvement of all
c) very few criminals are punished
citizens in the control of the government,
d) criminal justice is fully implemented in the
Philippines while an oligarchy relegates control of
government to _____.*
6. Which of the following branches of the a) an autocrat
United Nations has the main purpose of b) a select few
decision-making and upholding the c) the mother country
d) a religious group
principles of the UN through its policies and
recommendations?* 13. The following are examples of the primary
a) The International Court of Justice sectors of the economic system EXCEPT:*
b) The UN General Assembly
a) farming
c) The Economic and Social Council
b) agriculture
d) The UN Security Council
c) construction
d) mining
7. Of the following, which is NOT a required
qualification to have the right to vote?* 14. Refers to the passing of culture to the nest
a) 18 years old and above generation*
b) resides in the Philippines not less than a
a) religion
year and at least six months before the
b) education
c) language
c) citizen of the Philippines
d) arts c) provide credit facilities like loans and
15. Which of the following statements best d) provide the necessary support facilities,
describe the Exclusive Economic Zone institutions, and services
22. It is the most important basis in the
a) All parts of the sea that are not within an
EEZ, the territorial sea, internal waters, or formation of the social unit in a society*
archipelagic waters (Article 86, UNCLOS a) mutual interest
III). b) kinship
b) The sovereign right in the EEZ is essentially c) education
exclusive in the sense that no one may d) age and sex
claim it.
c) It comprised the seabed and its subsoil, the 23. These regions are also called formal
adjacent waters, and the airspace. regions wherein some trait is shared with
d) It comprised the submarine areas that relative uniformity across the space.*
extend beyond its territorial sea. a) Vernacular regions
b) Functional regions
16. What term is alternatively used to refer to c) Nodal regions
Third World countries?* d) Uniform regions
a) Superpower
b) Underdeveloped country 24. Britain, France, Germany, Russia,
c) Independent country Netherlands, Japan, and the United States
d) Developing country colonized countries and spread their
empires. These nations have created global
17. It is the societal integration within a region
economic, political, cultural, and social
and an often undirected process of social
connections around the world. The
and economic integration.*
extending of a country's power and
a) ASEAN Integration
b) globalization influence is called:*
c) regionalism a) Communism
d) global governance b) Interactionism
c) Imperialism
d) Fascism
18. The process of two cultures borrowing from
each other* 25. Social media has become a ubiquitous part
a) assimilation of daily life, but this growth and evolution
b) culture area have been in the works since the late 70s.
c) mixed culture
d) diffusion From the primitive days of newsgroups,
listservs, and the introduction of early chat
19. World body with 143 member countries that rooms, social media has changed the way
set governing rules in economic relations we communicate, gather, and share
and trade.* information, and given rise to a connected
a) World Trade Organization global society (Morrison, 2015). This
b) United Nations evolution of social media is what aspect of
c) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade globalization?*
d) U.N. Conference on Trade and a) Political
Development b) Economic
c) Sociological
20. It is the process of maintaining and d) Cultural
managing an online presence in an
organized way.* 26. Refers to the increasing reliance on
a) Network governance markets, not governments, to guide
b) complex web governance economic activity.*
c) side-by-side governance a) privatization
d) top-down governance b) deregulation
c) liberalization
21. CARP’s (Comprehensive Agrarian Reform d) globalization
Program) primary aim or purpose is:*
a) achieve a dignified existence for the small 27. Economic crisis compels countries together.
farmers An example of this is,*
b) make the tiller the owner of the land he a) When foreign currency speculators
cultivates demanded the Asian government pay back
its loan.
b) When Thailand’s economy collapsed, increase in the cross-border movement of
ASEAN countries agreed to establish an goods, services, technology, and capital.
emergency fund to anticipate the crisis Some sociologists, like William I. Robinson,
c) IMF reversed the crisis have argued that because a capitalist
d) When Vietnam invaded Cambodia
economy is premised on growth and
28. If the school is considered an agent of expansion, a globalized economy is the
social and cultural change, it should function inevitable result of ________________.*
as a?* a) Communism
a) b) Socialism
b) transmitter of culturepioneer of programs c) Capitalism
c) perpetuator of tradition d) Interactionism
d) innovator of instructions
35. It is the power of the state to impose a
29. Who theorized that the 1st World was charge or burden upon persons, property, or
composed of the "superpowers" - US, property rights for the use and support of
Soviet Union, etc; the 2nd World was the government and to enable it to
composed of lesser powers, and the 3rd discharge its appropriate functions.*
World was composed of post-colonial a) expropriation
emerging markets?* b) eminent domain
c) taxation
a) Nelson Mandela d) police power
b) Winston Churchill
c) Mao Zedong 36. It is the proneness of the governments and
d) Adolf Hitler
peoples of two or more states to establish
30. The Code of Kalantiao which was allegedly voluntary associations and to pool together
written in 1443 gave the early Filipinos resources to create common functional and
insights into ______?* institutional arrangements and a process
a) families characterized by nobility occurring in a given geographical region by
b) the formal and informal systems of which different types of actors come to
education share certain fundamental values and
c) the country’s educational system norms:*
d) personal and social relations a) Communism
b) Regionalism
31. What are the institutional arrangements c) Fascism
designed to facilitate the free flow of goods d) Socialism
and services and to coordinate foreign
economic policies between countries in the 37. A type of migration that refers to a move
same geographic region?* from one area (a province, district, or
a) Political regionalism municipality) to another within one country:*
b) Autonomous regionalism a) International migration
c) Economic regionalism b) Return migration
d) Functional regionalism c) Internal migration
d) Seasonal migration
32. Why is every government employee
required to submit an annual SALN?* 38. As an insular country, to which principle
a) to determine who deserves a promotion does the Philippines adhere when it comes
b) to determine who is fit for the job to the territorial boundary?*
c) to safeguard the people from corruption a) 350 nautical miles from shore
d) to be objective in performance evaluation b) 3-mile territorial limit
c) Archipelagic doctrine
33. With which are the words “cha-cha” and d) 200 nautical miles from the country’s coast
“con-ass” associated?*
a) return to dictatorial form of government 39. In the Hindu traditions, the doctrine of
b) division between senate and house of nonviolence and reverence for all life is
representatives called…?*
c) imposition of Martial Law a) ahimsa
d) amendment of the present constitution b) moksha
c) zen
34. Economic globalization is the increasing d) nirvana
economic interdependence of national
economies across the world through a rapid
40. When businesses want to manufacture their system of government or a communist
products at a cheaper rate, they employ the system of government?*
services from developing countries which is a) First World
possible in countries such as China and b) Second World
Cambodia, where manufacturing costs and c) Fourth World
d) Third World
wages are lower than highly developed
countries. This business practice is called 47. Of the branches of the government, which
____________.* has the responsibility to formulate laws?*
a) local employment a) cabinet
b) networking b) judiciary
c) freelancing c) executive
d) outsourcing d) legislative
41. When recession gets prolonged resulting in 48. Which is the Independence Law of the
a slump in business activity, we are in a Philippines?*
period of ______?* a) Tydings-McDuffie Law
a) deflation b) Cooper Act
b) economic boom c) Jones Law
c) inflation d) Hare-Hawes-Cutting Law
d) depression
49. Which of the following is not included in the
42. This is one of the progressive values/forces areas encompassed by regionalism?*
that are considered as products of a) Identities
globalization that is about the independence b) Sustainable Development
of nations* c) Health
a) Peace d) Ethics
b) Autonomy
c) Ecological Sustainability 50. The integration of national markets into a
d) Democracy single world marketplace where goods,
services financial capital, and technology
43. The government wants a piece of private flow unhampered between countries.*
land for a government project but the owner a) globalization
resisted, how may the government own the b) free trade zone
land?* c) market integration
a) right of eminent domain d) market liberation
b) right of habeas corpus
c) right of government ownership 51. The timeframe over which a thing is
d) right of a sovereign over the governed created, passed on to exhibit, and over the
long run removed from the world market*
44. Which statement is TRUE of the pre- a) item life cycle
Spanish Filipino government?* b) market evolution
a) there was a court created by the datu to c) product improvement
hear complaints d) degeneration period
b) the datu exercised all powers of the
government 52. It is a socio-economic and political divide of
c) laws were formulated by a law-making body countries, comprising the three worlds
appointed by the datu known as First, Second, and Third Worlds.*
d) laws were formulated by a law-making body
a) East-West Divide
elected by the community
b) East-North Divide
c) West-South Divide
45. One of the traditional challenges of a
d) North-South Divide
country is an invasion of other countries,
which is also called:* 53. This law allows college students to choose
a) social conflict among the three component programs of
b) external intervention national service namely ROTC, literacy
c) civil war
training service, or civic welfare training.*
d) military unrest
a) National Defense Service Act
46. What was the term used to describe several b) National Integrated Service Act
c) Civil Service Act
industrial countries and the majority of these
d) National Service Training Program Act
countries either practiced a socialistic (NSTP Act)
54. A form of media, such as radio and a) Globalization
television, that reach target audiences using b) Helping the bottom billion
airwaves as the transmission medium:* c) Trade Protectionism
d) Fair Trade
a) digital media
b) new media
61. The exchange rate system was all based on
c) print media
d) broadcast media the value of gold, but it was replaced by a
currency that is determined by its cost
55. Which of the following terms refer to one relative to other currencies.*
who is to be engaged, is engaged, or has a) Fiat currency
been engaged, in a remunerated activity in b) Philippine Peso
a state of which he or she is not a national?* c) Silver
d) Dollar currency
a) OFW
b) refuge
62. There are 3 fundamental human rights
c) tourist
d) migrant worker according to the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights. These are:*
56. What do you call the right of the state which a) life, dignity and security
tells that all states have a right to send and b) life, economy and self-development
receive diplomatic missions, which enables c) life, liberty, and security
d) life, security and self-development
states to carry on friendly intercourse?*
a) the right to independence 63. The following statements best describe the
b) the right to legation
purpose of the World Trade Organization
c) the right to equality
d) the right to territorial integrity and jurisdiction (WTO) EXCEPT:*
a) It operates a global system of trade rules.
57. What is meant by the statement: “The b) It promotes global monetary cooperation
Filipino has many faces.”?* and international financial stability.
c) It is the only global international
a) he lost the original Filipino traits with the
organization dealing with the rules of trade
coming of the colonizers
between nations.
b) he is so flexible that he ends up changing
d) It settles trades disputes between its
his mind again and again
c) his values are ambivalent
d) his one trait is being “doble cara”
64. The phenomenon wherein fertility declines
58. Social stratification is the system used in and life expectancy rises, the proportion of
assigning men their respective ranks in the the population above a certain age rises as
society based on the?* well:*
a) factors such as income, wealth, education, a) fertility
work, and lifestyle b) birth rate
b) acquired social and cultural heritage of his c) population ageing
society d) mortality
c) one’s social stratum to another laterally,
horizontally, and vertically 65. The term Buddha is a Sanskrit word that
d) the person’s view of his social position in means*
the society a) Awakened One
b) Blessed One
59. The member of the third rank (the highest) c) Chosen One
of the Katipunan was called ______ and d) Consecrated One
wore a red shroud and a ribbon edged with
66. In what town in Tarlac did the famous
green piping symbolizing courage and
“Death March”, which started in Bataan,
a) alipin
b) kawal a) Gerona
c) bayani b) Capas
d) kalipon c) Camiling
d) Concepcion
60. This is aimed at a more moral and equitable
67. This means delivering sufficient food to the
global economic system whereby price is
entire world population*
not set by the market rather it is
a) Digitalization
transparently negotiated by both producers
b) Sustainable Development
and consumers* c) Sustainability
d) Global Security 74. He is viewed as the sole God-creator,
sustainer, and restorer of the world in the
68. An example of a large country that has a lot Islam religion:*
of resources to dictate how it participates in a) Brahman
processes of global integration* b) Waheguru
a) Japan c) Yahweh
b) China d) Allah
c) Singapore 75. The most serious challenge faced by
d) USA regionalism*
69. The following statements are correct about a) A resurgence of militant nationalism and
globalization except for the following:* populism
a) Globalization is a process of interaction and b) Disagreement among members
integration among the people, companies, c) Financial Crisis
and governments of different nations, a d) Differing visions of regionalism
process driven by international trade and
investment and aided by information 76. In accordance to Republic Act. No. 9225,
technology. the Philippines recognizes …*
b) Globalization is a recent phenomenon that a) jus sanguinis only
traces its origin in the Information Age and b) citizenship of the parents only
thrived because of the presence of social c) dual citizenship
media and new technologies. d) jus soli only
c) Globalization represents the global
integration of international trade, 77. Who among these Philippine propagandists
investment, information technology, and
used the pennames Dimasalang and
d) Globalization is the free movement of LaongLaan?*
goods, services, and people across the a) Julio Llorente
world in a seamless and integrated manner. b) Graciano Lopez Jaena
c) Jose Rizal
70. The phenomenon of driving out the poor in d) Marcelo del Pilar
favor of newer and wealthier residents*
78. How do organizations cope with the
a) Gentrification
b) Cyberbalkanization challenges of globalization?*
c) Banlieue a) By forming eco-net
d) Splinter b) By forming political networks
c) By forming social relations
71. When one company controls the supply of d) By forming regional organizations
sugar, which term applies?*
79. The work that deprives children of their
a) monopoly
b) equilibrium childhood, their potential, and their dignity,
c) economic stability and that is harmful to physical and mental
d) inflation development is called:*
a) child protection
72. Globalization is spatial because it occurs in b) child marriage
physical places. Which of the following does c) child labor
not support the statement?* d) child development
a) Foreign investments and capital move
through cities 80. It is an environmental milestone that
b) People start purchasing high-rise requires industries to install anti-pollution
condominiums devices and ban the use of incinerators.*
c) Cities act on globalization and globalization a) the Environmental Care Act
acts on cities. b) the Anti-Pollution Law
d) More poor people are driven out of city c) the Clean Air Act
centers d) the Greenpeace Act

73. It occurs when prices among different 81. These organizations were established to
locations or related goods follow similar link together geographically and
patterns over a long period.* ideologically related states:*
a) Asian regionalism a) public organizations
b) global Interstate System b) international organizations
c) market Integration c) private organizations
d) cultural hybridization d) regional organizations
82. The theory that population increases by b) The disputes concerning the law of the sea
geometrical ratio while the means of should be solved with the aid of the
subsistence increases by arithmetical ratio UNCLOS.
c) The principle of freedom should not be
is attributed to ________?*
considered as a principle that has a huge
a) Aristotle impact on the law of the sea.
b) Marx d) The law of the sea is in accordance with the
c) Malthus International Law
d) Durkheim
89. It is a continuing process of forming regions
83. Which was well accepted by the Filipinos
as geopolitical units, as organized political
under Spanish rule?*
cooperation within a particular group of
a) the practice of polo
states, and/or as regional communities such
b) representation in the Cortes
c) employment of reduccion as pluralistic security communities:*
d) payment of buwis a) Regionalization
b) Globalization
84. The level of personal or family income c) Universalization
below which one is classified as poor d) Internationalization
according to governmental standards:*
90. The following statements refer to the history
a) Social Class
of the United Nations, EXCEPT?*
b) Poverty line
c) Income matrix a) It is established during World War II.
d) Lifestyle reference b) 193 country's representatives met and held
the United Nations Conference
85. According to some scholars, the oldest c) United Nations means Allies to fight against
the Axis Powers
living religion on Earth is ______:*
d) the United States President Franklin
a) Hinduism Roosevelt coined the name United Nations
b) Islam
c) Christianity 91. Why do countries form regional
d) Buddhism
86. The measurement of the total value of a a) Military Defense
b) Economic Plan
country’s economic production.*
c) Civil War
a) Net National Income d) European conflict
b) Gross National Product (GNP)
c) Per Capita Income 92. What does “presumption of innocence”
d) National Income
mean in so far as human rights are
87. Which of the following statements best concerned? A suspect _____?*
describe Multinational or Transnational a) is considered guilty unless proven otherwise
b) remains innocent until proven guilty
Corporations (MNCs or TNCs)?*
c) has the right to legal counsel
a) These are countries that remain d) has the right to remain silent
economically dependent on the core in
several ways that tend to reinforce each 93. Which of the following statements is not an
Aim of ASEAN?*
b) They often locate their factories in
countries which can provide the a) Accelerate the economic growth
cheapest labor to save up for expenses b) Promote Southeast Asian studies
in the making of a product. c) Originates and deals in ideas as a broker
c) They work with the private sector for d) Promote regional peace and stability
investment and policy reforms to promote
private sector expansion. 94. A product that was bought from the global
d) Corporations that provide technical services market.*
and products not for profit but overall a) souvenir
economic development. b) trade
c) export
88. Which of the following statements does not d) import
describe the law of the sea?*
a) It is a body of international rules that binds 95. The preservation and development of
states and other subjects of international Filipino culture should be one of the
law in their maritime affairs. responsibilities of the state as provided in
the Constitution to promote _______.*
a) historical awareness
b) national interest
c) national identity
d) international recognition

96. The term used to describe the role of media

in promoting transparency in public life and
public scrutiny of those with power through
exposing corruption, maladministration, and
corporate wrong-doing:*
a) Underdog
b) Sheepdog
c) Watchdog
d) Lapdog

97. Which is the fundamental law of the state,

indicating the framework of the government,
its powers, the rights, and responsibilities of
the citizens?*
a) preamble
b) civil code
c) constitution
d) omnibus code

98. The voyage of Ferdinand Magellan is

considered the greatest single achievement
in the history of sea exploration for it*
a) made Spain the mistress of the sea
b) marked the discovery of a westward route to
the East
c) marked the first circumnavigation of the
d) proved the Earth is not flat

99. This can be defined "as a moral and ethical

disposition that can guide the understanding
of individuals or groups of local and global
contexts, and remind them of their relative
responsibilities within various
a) Sustainable Development
b) Global Security
c) Digitalization
d) Global Citizenship

100. Which of the following statements is

true about the effects of globalization?*
a) Globalization promotes interconnection
among diverse national economies.
b) Globalization has influenced the standard of
life and personal satisfaction of people and
families throughout the world.
c) Globalization creates a more level playing
field between nations and businesses.
d) All of the choices.

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