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Quiz 2 for SEM117, SEDE-B

Choose ANY FOUR (4) from the items below, and discuss your answers. A rubric for

scoring your work is provided at the bottom of the quiz. Good luck.

1. In The Knight’s Tale, why did Emelye marry Palamon, eventhough Arcite won the

tournament for her hand?

2. How are men depicted in The Miller’s Tale?

The likelihood of a violent feminist vs anti-feminist argument among audiences is immediately obvious
while reading Geoffrey Chaucer's writings. When it comes to feminism in Chaucer's writings, the first
person who comes to mind is the Wife of Bath, who has sparked many heated disputes about whether
she is a feminist or anti-feminist figure. However, it is sometimes ignored that she is not the sole source
of contention in Chaucer's works. In The Miller's Tale, readers are introduced to Alison, a figure whose
behaviors and what they indicate about Chaucer's attitudes on women are just as perplexing as the Wife
of Bath's. At first sight, Alison appears to be simply another ignored female utilized to support a
cause.The Miller's story portrays the Miller's unpleasant personality as two unchivalrous men compete
for the affection of a woman who is already married to an outsider-John. They do not strive to win her
via courage or honorable fighting; instead, they creep into her life and scheme their way in. The majority
of the Miller's description is very physical and, well, filthy. He's enormous, with a red beard, large black
nostrils, a gaping mouth, and (gross!) a wart on his nose with a tuft of hairs sprouting on it as red as the
bristles on a sow's ears.

3. Assuming that the ugly witch in The Wife of Bath’s Tale is cursed, what could be her offense to be
cursed as an ugly witch?

4. Opine the devil’s decision in The Friar’s Tale of following the woman’s request but

not the man’s request.

The Friar's Tale narrates the story of an archdeacon who courageously enforced the Church's rules
against adultery, witchcraft, and lechery. Lechers suffered the worst punishment, being obliged to pay
large tithes to the church. Even though the archdeacon was immoral, he had a summoner who was
quite good at finding lechers. The Friar claims that summoners have no jurisdiction over friars, and the
Summoner stops the Friar's Tale to disagree. The Friar is allowed to resume his story by the Host, and he
promptly attacks summoners.
5. In The Clerk’s Tale, would you (female students) have done what Griselde had done for the marquis?
And would you (male students) have done what the marquis to Griselde?

6. Explain the two opposing qualities of men in The Franklin’s Tale.

The tale "The Franklin's Tale" from "The Canterbury Tales" Its message is simple: never make a promise
you don't plan to keep. He cancels Aurelius' debt to demonstrate that he is as noble. Franklin concludes
his story by asking his audience which of the three characters, Arviragus, Aurelius, or the magician, they
believe shown the most dignity.

7. Defend that what the old man said about Death in The Pardoner’s Tale is true.

An old man informs them that Death may be located under a certain oak tree in a grove, but when they
go there, all they find is a mound of gold florins. Two of the men scheme to assassinate the third in
order to take more of the riches. He is shrunken and wrinkled, and he begs Death to release him from
his fading body. Despite knocking on Mother Land's door, begging her to accept his corpse, he is
destined to wander the earth until God decides to take compassion and terminate his life.

8. What is the theme of The Prioress’ Tale? Explain your answer.

The Prioress' Tale is a prominent type of devotional writing known as a "wonder of the Virgin." The
stories are brief, frequently resembling children's fairy tales, with the Jew playing the role of the "boogie
man," from whom the Virgin, like a fairy godmother, defends the heroes and heroines. The Prioress'
anti-Semitism contrasts with her courtly and holy demeanour, as well as her admonition to love and
forgive everyone. The story of the kid and his religion versus the Jews is used by the Prioress to
demonstrate whose faith she believes is greater.

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