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The Pillars

7/16/11 1:23 PM

The Pillars By Bekle Berhane

7/16/11 1:23 PM Pillars was inspired by the Teachings of Mustafa Al-Laylah Bey my brother Bin the M.O.C.A. I am afraid I did not do his teachings a great deal of justice but hey I tried.

The Lamp burns brightly Expanding for all eternity The Spirit moves with great activity The I am is perfect The I am encompasses all points of the universe Reaching into the souls of every living creature Sitting in the heart of every human We search for beauty in vain No physical thing can be as elegant as the Creator All we can ask for is to share peace with Him 21 evaporates into my eyes Only one deity exists and that is Allah

7/16/11 1:23 PM

A fire has broken out The Radical Magi feed it with wands A feeling of summer over comes me Hot Nonstop heat To the south I am drawn Alhim is within the fire Archangel Michael tends the flames delicately Assisted by Angel Aral Male and female become One 86 I stood watching the flames of revelation burn

7/16/11 1:23 PM

The number 646 popped up with the never-ending licking flames

I find myself on a planet called earth Facing the North Winter comes in with harsh realities Midnight only burdens you more Gnomes dwell in the ice places Archangel Auriel speaks Adonai To his right stands Angel Phrlakh calling on The Just No one can escape the Justice of God Harsh Without mercy Righteous Truth

7/16/11 1:23 PM


7/16/11 1:23 PM

A Moroccan Autumn sweeps over me like a gentle lamb The sunsets while I the waves crash against the newly eroded shore Holding a clay cup I stair out to the sun Archangel Gabriel whispers the name El into my ounce busy mind Angel Taliahad speaks of The Loving One with erratic verse I am 31 Looking out I see myself at 47 Left part of the star falls to earth.


7/16/11 1:23 PM

A passive spirit overcomes me A crown rolls by my feet I stand at the center of infinity The place where Archangel Sandalphon sings: Thou art Mighty forever, O Lord Thanking the Savior of Peace The Giver of Peace Without rest for 1,632 days


7/16/11 1:23 PM

The dawn comes slowly I get lifted into the air I float towards the East Where Archangel Raphiel is chanting the Tetragrammaton YHVH The Angel Chassan calls all to The Truth The truth is the sword that cuts deep No evil can stand before one who speaks the truth and is one with The Truth Eight hundred and seven angels dance before my eyes The East is the direction of God The place of the Messiah and Mahdi All Truth comes from the east.

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