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Name: ..... Muhammad As’ad Muhibbin Akbar................

NIM: ..........220602077............
Class: .....................
Hi friends! Let me introduce my sister. Her name is Nova and
she is 22 years old. She is absolutely beautiful. She has got
long black hair, blue eyes, and a pretty little nose. Her
eyelashes are extremely long. She’s got very nice white teeth.
She’s about 176 cm tall and 56 kg for her weight. She’s slim
and she has got long legs, but her feet are quite small. Many
boys like her.
She goes to university where she studies economics. Nova is
very clever that’s why she gets a lot of money from various
scholarships. I can’t mention any negative features about her. She’s very kind, she
pays attention to her friends (she has many!). She’s usually cheerful and likes jokes
a lot. My sister is very helpful. She helps me with my homework and always helps
my parents around the house.
In her free time, she works as a model for a big and famous company. She often
goes jogging to keep herself fit and healthy. My parents are very proud of her.
Exercise 1: Read the text above, write statements which is true (T) or false (F).
1. Nova is a student. (....T.......)
2. She looks like her mother. (.......F....)
3. She is extremely tall. (.....F......)
4. Her legs are long. (......T.....)
5. The boys don’t like her. (.......F....)
6. She’s very intelligent. (....T.......)
7. Nova goes to Oxford University. (....F.......)
8. She is a positive character. (.......T....)
9. She doesn’t have a lot of friends. (....T.......)
10. In her free time, she does some sports. (......T.....)
Exercise 2: Answer the questions based on the text!
1. What does Nova do? She studies economics at University, she works as a model for
a big famous company
2. What major does she take? Economics
3. How can you decsribe her? Beautiful, smart, kind, cheerful, and hardworking
4. What is her attitude to her friends? Cheerful and jokes a lot
5. Why are her parents proud of her? Because of her achievements, and she’s very
helpful to her family

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