Brazilian Mastiff

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Brazilian Mastiff

Brazilian Mastiff is a brave, strong, determined, very loyal, loyal and obedient breed.
Itsdevotion to its family and its instinct to protect them is high. It is very tolerant of its
owner's family members and children. He is docile and loving towards its human family. He
does not hesitate for a moment to protect its loved ones. When the Brazilian Mastiff adopts
and loves a family, he will build his world on them. No one needs to teach a Brazilian Mastiff
to protect their loved ones, it is in their nature to protect their loved ones and be loyal. Their
approach towards children is very warm. They love children and are tolerant towards them.
The Brazilian Mastiff and people who have children talk about their commitment to each
other and how kind their dogs are to their children. Brazilian Mastiffs are gentle,
affectionate, protective and loyal family pets.
Shows self-confident, gentle, affectionate, tolerant character traits towards its family. He is
only insecure, intolerant and cautious towards strangers. They can be good with other pets
they grow up in the same home environment, but they need to be socialized at an early
stage and spend time together from their puppies. It is a good guard dog with its brave and
cautious approach to strangers.

For character development, the owner must be a good and authoritative leader. Since it is a
dog with a high alpha instinct, when it has an owner who cannot lead well, they may try to
be the leader and display maladaptive behaviors. You can develop your dog's character and
personality development the way you want, as you become a determined, consistent and
confident leader. Even if you are a good leader and train your dog, if you have a lot of guests,
friends and relatives who come to your house, this breed may not be the right choice for
you. Considering its attitude towards strangers, you can choose a race that is more friendly
and has high communication with foreigners.
Early education and socialization is generally recommended. However, some dog owners
stop socializing the dog at 4 months of age. When dogs stop socializing at an early age, they
will turn into an anti-social dog. Since the character of the Brazilian Mastiff is built on a
distrustful and cautious approach to strangers, cessation of socialization at an early age will
also support this innate side of them. In addition, many Brazilian Mastiff owners have not
stopped socializing the breed. The socialization training that the Brazilian Mastiff has
received is that everything around him is not a threat and that it will be enough to show
protective behavior when necessary. With a good obedience training and common sense, it
can be raised as a self-behaving, mobile, adaptable dog around people. By socializing it, you
introduce your dog to the world around him and you can help him become a compatible dog
despite his instincts.

Although the Brazilian Mastiff is well educated and socialized adequately, it will not be a
suitable breed for city life. The ideal living space is a house with a large area and a garden.
Because with his strong body, he needs to be able to release his energy freely. He must run,
roam freely, and in order to provide this environment, the house must be surrounded by
fences and security measures must be taken.
After adjusting to family life, he rewards his loved ones with loyalty, devotion, love and
respect. It is seen that the breed, which has a tendency to aggressiveness by nature, is very
skillful in hunting, herding, guarding, protection and defense. Although they are a successful
breed in different fields due to their tough and robust temperament, in some countries such
as England, they are among the banned breeds under the "Dangerous Dogs Act" and are
seen to have a bad reputation. Courageous, aggressive and naturally aloof, Brazilian Mastiff
is notorious for another reason, due to unsuccessful leaders in training the dog and breeders
who want to bring the dog to the forefront with its bad habits. Try to adopt this breed from
experienced, responsible and good breeders. If you have experience in raising dogs, if you
have made the dog respect and love you, you can bring out the good sides of the Brazilian
Mastiff and make it a good loyal and protective family dog.
The Brazilian Mastiff's short coat is easy to care for. They are known to shed moderately
throughout the year. From time to time, there is an increase in the amount of shedding.
However, this situation is at a level that can be controlled by regular combing and brushing.
Combing and brushing the Brazilian Mastiff's fur 1-2 times a week will be sufficient. You can
comb it more frequently when hair shedding is seen. The care you will do with a stiff bristle
brush will both help you to collect the hair loss and dead hairs, and will provide a brighter
hair appearance.
You can buy dog combs, scissors, brushes and different grooming products that your dog
will need for the grooming process of the Brazilian Mastiff dog on You should
take care that the products you will use in the care of the Brazilian Mastiff are good, high
quality and suitable for your dog's hair structure. Caring for the right products will help
complete the grooming process of the Brazilian Mastiff breed more easily and will ensure
that your dog has brighter, well-groomed fur.
The Brazilian Mastiff does not need to be bathed or bathed very often. When necessary, it
will be sufficient to wash it when it gets muddy or very dirty. Instead of washing it
frequently, you can wipe its fur with a damp towel and dry it. You can also dry shampoo.
While bathing your Brazilian Mastiff dog for its fur and skin health, you should use care and
cleaning products suitable for the skin structure of the dogs. The shampoo, cream and other
care products you will use should be products that are produced for the Brazilian Mastiff
dog, and whose content is clean and healthy. You should not forget that poor quality
shampoo and care products may adversely affect the Brazilian Mastiff's fur structure, skin
and body health, and you should make your choices accordingly. Especially if there is a skin
condition or sensitivity, your dog should use medicated shampoos and be more selective in
care products.
In addition to the fur care of the Brazilian Mastiff, general body care should be done
regularly. It is recommended that the nails be checked monthly and cut with nail clippers so
that they do not grow too long and do not hurt their movements. Their ears should be
checked and cleaned against the risk of dirt, debris and infection. To protect oral health and
prevent bad odor formation, teeth should be brushed at least once or twice a week. Apart
from regular daily, weekly and monthly grooming, you should take your Brazilian Mastiff to
the vet for professional checkups, screenings and health monitoring. You can contribute to a
happier and longer life of the Brazilian Mastiff breed, which you regularly care for and
monitor the health status of.
It is recommended that the Brazilian Mastiff consume high quality dry or wet food that is
commercially produced or prepared at home with veterinary approval. In order to keep
them healthy and fit, the foods you prefer should be chosen in accordance with the age,
health status and allergen structure of the Brazilian Mastiff. Different foods are sold for
adult, puppies and senior Brazilian Mastiffs and this should be considered when purchasing
products. It is not healthy and sufficient for the Brazilian Mastiff to eat all kinds of food.
Attention should be paid to the content of the foods to be consumed and whether it is in the
values to meet his daily needs. In addition, allergen warnings, race and age information on
the food, and last consumption date, etc. Notes should be observed. While giving your dog
dry or wet food types suitable for the palate of the Brazilian Mastiff, you should take care to
prevent unnecessary eating and pay attention to their meals so that they do not gain too
much weight.
Veterinarians and dog breeders recommend high quality dog foods and supplementary food
products for Brazilian Mastiff with high quality ingredients from brands such as Royal Canin,
Proplan, Acana, Hills, N&D, Gimdog, Purina, Felix, Brit Care. You should choose ready-made
foods that are healthy for your dog, suitable for his age, allergen status and breed. After this
stage, you should plan the meals that will meet the daily needs of the Brazilian Mastiff and
not overdo it. Since your dog has a tendency to gain weight, he should not eat more than the
amount of food he should consume daily. Apart from ready-made food from time to time,
you can also give the Brazilian Mastiff with human food prepared at home. However, in the
foods you will prepare at home, you should choose healthy and beneficial human meals
suitable for the Brazilian Mastiff, and products with high protein value.
Brazilian Mastiff can also consume healthy home meals, fruits and vegetables in addition to
ready-made food. However, eating every healthy food or fruit and vegetable that people
consume is not suitable for Mastiff. The owner needs to know what the Brazilian Mastiff eats
and what healthy foods he can consume at home. In order for the Brazilian Mastiff not to
experience health problems such as digestion, allergen and bloating, and not to gain
unnecessary weight, it is necessary to consume healthy home meals in moderation. You
should especially avoid cooked bones and high-fat foods. The diet of the Brazilian Mastiff
should not be based on home cooking and only human food. Eating home-made food alone
is not enough for Brazilian Mastiffs and it would not be right to apply to this diet. Because
the food, fruits and vegetables prepared at home will not be enough to meet the daily
vitamin, mineral and nutritional values that the Brazilian Mastiff needs. For a healthy diet,
the Brazilian Mastiff needs to consume high quality dry or wet dog food in moderation. Large
portions and meals given without paying attention to the number of meals can cause the
Brazilian Mastiff to experience weight or health problems. For this reason, you should be
careful not to eat unnecessary food other than the main meals, not to leave food with your
mouth open in the places you can reach in the house, and not to overdo it with treats. You
can lead a healthy life by paying attention to calorie consumption and meals without gaining
excess weight.
You can meet the daily nutritional needs of the Brazilian Mastiff by dividing 3 scoops of high
quality dry food produced for large dog breeds into two meals. The specified size is
calculated according to the ideal height and weight range of the Brazilian Mastiff. The
Brazilian Mastiff's weight, height, age, health and other needs will also differ between dogs
of the same breed. Therefore, the amount of nutrition and saturation level will change
according to the exercise pattern, energy and many other things. In order for the owner of
the Brazilian Mastiff to be adequately fed, it would be best to plan a special diet, portion and
meal for him according to his needs. When you think that the Brazilian Mastiff gains excess
weight and may have weight problems, you may need to make a new arrangement by
paying extra attention to the exercise pattern, the content of the food he eats, and the
calories. You should feed your dog by paying attention that the content of the dog food is
suitable for Brazilian Mastiff, high quality, contains protein and carbohydrates. Since he is
prone to gaining weight, you should not neglect to pay attention to his daily exercises and
meals by calculating calories and measures.
If you have any questions or concerns about the Brazilian Mastiff's weight, diet program,
health status and nutrition, you can consult your veterinarian for information. For a Brazilian
Mastiff to live a healthy, happy and fit life, a well-planned diet is required. A Brazilian Mastiff
will lead a healthy life with a high-quality diet consisting of balanced protein, fat and
carbohydrates. You can also tell whether your dog is in good nutrition and health condition
by its energy, happiness, well-groomed, shiny hair and clean teeth.

The Brazilian Mastiff is a moderately active, lively and active dog. In order to be healthy, fit
and happy, he needs to exercise both physically and mentally during the day. Running,
walking and playing games with the owner in large fields and gardens are simple activities
that will meet his daily exercise needs.

It is stated that the puppy Brazilian Mastiff is more active and active, while adult dogs are
less mobile and active. For this, you will need to encourage your dog to exercise in
adulthood to keep it in good shape and health. Even though they are active during their
puppies, extra attention should be paid to the exercises they do. For bone and joint health,
the puppy Brazilian Mastiff is not allowed to do excessive and high-tempo exercise until it
comes out of the puppy period and completes its development.
You can meet the daily exercise needs of the Brazilian Mastiff by doing 60-minute activities
or walking for 2.5 - 3 kilometers. The Brazilian Mastiff should be allowed to walk, socialize
and play in the dog park during the day. The Brazilian Mastiff enjoys a variety of dog sports
apart from classic exercises such as play sessions, jogging, walking and catch-and-release.
They excel in agility, rally, weight pulling, obedience, pursuit and many more performance
activities. These activities allow him to develop, train, exercise and enjoy himself. The
Brazilian Mastiff needs regular exercise to stay fit, happy and healthy.
Because they are good hunters and runners, the Brazilian Mastiff's training environment
should be surrounded by high fences and safety precautions should be taken. As long as
safety precautions are taken, the kennel and open space will be the ideal place for them to
live. Some Brazilian Mastiffs have a predisposition to rest and laziness. Therefore, the owner
should be encouraged to exercise and spend active time in the garden.
The Brazilian Mastiff is high energy and needs a job to do on a daily basis. Otherwise, they
may become bored, anxious and hyperactive. When they do not perform appropriate
physical and mental stimulation activities, they become unhappy and may engage in
negative behaviors. When you can't go outside, you can make the Brazilian Mastiff play with
dog toys and chew bones so that he can exercise and spend active time in the home
environment. By playing with dog toys, you can prevent him from getting bored a little and
meet his need for exercise.

The Brazilian Mastiff is an intelligent, obedient and obedient breed to its owner. It needs to
be trained by a strong leader. Respecting the owner and seeing him as a leader are the
necessary preliminary steps for him to implement the given commands. It is not very easy to
train. Training should begin during infancy. It is a breed that should not be owned by people
who have not raised a dog before and have no experience in dog care and training.
Although they show passionate devotion to their owner, the training process should be
supported by obedience training. When he respects his owner and accepts that he is the
authority, obedience training will be completed in a short time with less repetitions. He
wants to please his owner, but does not live to please his owner. Therefore, they can
sometimes exhibit stubborn and independent behaviors. However, respect for the owner
and accepting that he is superior will prevent the dog from continuing this behavior.
You can use positive reinforcement methods such as games, praise and rewards for the
Brazilian Mastiff to be successful in training. If you approach with eastern methods and
techniques, the Brazilian Mastiff will respond more quickly and positively to training.
Applying positive reinforcement methods will help your dog learn faster, become more
determined and enthusiastic. During training, you should avoid repetitive and long lessons so
that your dog is not distracted and bored. You should try to complete your education
process in a short, understandable, sufficient number of repetitions, interesting and
entertaining way. In addition to these, you can get fast results by applying for award-based
The way you approach and train your dog will influence the character of the Brazilian
Mastiff. Therefore, do not shout loudly, do not treat him harshly and do not use physical
violence during training. Being in bad behavior will affect the training negatively, and it will
also cause the dog to gain bad behavior. The Brazilian Mastiff can react to harsh and rude
behavior with aggressive, stubborn, biting, jealous, grumpy and different negative behaviors.
In addition, acting harshly can cause your dog to move away from training, become
indifferent to training and not follow commands. Therefore, do not engage in violent
behavior towards the Brazilian Mastiff, both during the training process and throughout its
life. Train the Brazilian Mastiff to be a consistent, patient, authoritative, loving and
understanding leader.
The Brazilian Mastiff does not obey the commands of people he does not know or trust. It
waits for the owner to give a command. From time to time, it is possible that you have
difficulties in training your dog. In such cases, you may need to manage the process with the
consultancy of a professional trainer. He should receive a patient, consistent and
authoritative education. Untrained and unsocialized, the Brazilian Mastiff can be difficult to
control, aggressive and dangerous as a deadly weapon. It is seen that dogs that are not well
trained and taken care of by bad breeders bring a bad reputation to the Brazilian Mastiff. For
this reason, they are among the dog breeds that are prohibited to be owned and reproduced
in some countries.

If the Brazilian Mastiff is started to be trained at an early stage, well trained and socialized, it
will come to the fore with its success in the fields of herding, animal husbandry, herdsman,
guard and guard dog. Despite its bad reputation in some countries, it is possible to come
across as a good family dog with its loyal, obedient and obedient nature to its owner.

Brazilian Mastiff is generally healthy. However, they have a predisposition to some diseases
due to their genetic structure. They are prone to health problems such as hip dysplasia,
elbow dysplasia, CHD, stomach torsion, and PRA. It is possible for the Brazilian Mastiff dog
breed to experience stomach issues such as bloating. Therefore, it is important to know
what the possible symptoms of bloating are and what to do when symptoms are seen. In
order to prevent the development of stomach bloating, you can avoid this problem by
establishing a diet of 2 or 3 small meals a day instead of one large meal.
Other diseases that can be seen apart from stomach problems and bloating are heart
disease, hyperkeratosis, cancer, orthopedic problems (hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia,
etc.) and epilepsy, as in all large dog breeds. Responsible breeders will screen the stock of
the breed for any ailments that the Brazilian Mastiff is prone to. With this screening, healthy
dogs will be reproduced, and dogs with disease will be treated and excluded from the
reproductive system.
In addition to general health screening, regular physical care is required for the healthy
growth and development of the Brazilian Mastiff. You should do routine maintenance such
as hair, ears, eyes and mouth on a weekly, daily and monthly basis. You should brush your
teeth regularly and clean your ears by checking them for dirt and infection. In addition to
these treatments, you should take them to your veterinarian for routine screenings such as
health checks, body and parasite checks. You can help your Brazilian Mastiff breed live a
long, happy and healthy life by completing the grooming procedures completely and

Recommended Health Tests from the National Breed Club:

Hip Assessment
Elbow Evaluation
Heart Examination
Shoulder Assessment

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