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Giving thru Grace

(GtG) Campaign
A Communication Plan for Jesus The Cornerstone
Christian Ministries - Tondo (JCCM Tondo)

Submitted by:
Batongbakal, Charlene Mhay
Bunda, Ma. Franchesca
Cabrera, Janine
Cornes, Mica Hycenth
Datu, Hannah Patricia Jane
Delfin, Aira
Galicia, Micah Ella
Javate, Ma. Angela L.
Mamangon, Florenda
Manaloto, Camille Marie

Submitted to:
Prof. Imelda D. B-Dometita

February 3, 2022

Title Page ................................................................................................................................... 1

Communication Plan ............................................................................................................... 3

I. Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 3

II. Objectives of the Campaign .................................................................................... 4

III. Stakeholders ............................................................................................................... 5

IV. Key Messages ............................................................................................................ 6

V. Sample Evidences ..................................................................................................... 8

VI. Media Platforms ........................................................................................................ 9

VII. Content Posting ........................................................................................................ 10

VIII. Timeline of Activities ................................................................................................ 16

IX. Monitoring Schemes ................................................................................................. 20

X. Mitigating Risks ........................................................................................................... 22

XI. Evaluation .................................................................................................................. 25

Acceptance Letter from JCCM ............................................................................................... 26

Evaluation from JCCM ............................................................................................................. 27

Monitoring Sheet ....................................................................................................................... 28

Evaluation Sheet for JCCM ...................................................................................................... 32

Now that the ‘season of giving’ is over,
where do we go from here?
Time check!

Our Christmas decors may have

already been put back into our
boxes. No more Christmas carols can
be heard across our streets. The
lanterns and the lights are now being
kept away. Now that the reality is
once again kicking in, what do we
do next? Where will the holiday spirit
of giving go? Worry not because
lucky for us, the holiday season might
already be over, but the season of
giving never expires.

This is what the Giving thru Grace

(GtG) campaign is about – to keep
the spirit of giving alive! We can be
each other’s Santa Claus, but this
time, make it all-year round. By collaborating with a partner church
organization named Jesus The
Cornerstone Christian Ministries - Tondo
(JCCM Tondo), this campaign will seek
to take into account the role of the
Church and the Bible in upholding the
spirit of generosity alive.

GtG aims to foster a generation of

Christians that embraces the spirit of
giving while at the same time
understanding that giving does not stop
in Tithes and Offerings or in the
monetary aids to the Church.

Through a one-week social media

campaign, GtG is grounded on a
framework by which the target
audience will learn about the
importance of giving and growing
towards a generosity-oriented
perspective that is deeply rooted from
the teaching of the Bible.

The campaign seeks to introduce more people to Jesus and to the church by
mobilising Christians to evangelise so individuals can start sharing the Gospel.
his campaign also aims to empower the JCCM Community that consists of the
young churchgoers of JCCM Tondo. In the same way, by strengthening the
social media presence of the Church, the advocacy of JCCM Tondo will also
be emphasised through free digital content and knowledge so the target
audience will be encouraged to participate and become part of the Church.

Specific Realistic

To impart valuable lessons on the spirit To start and end the posting of
of giving materials on time, in accordance
To understand the roots of its value to the finalized timeline of
written on the Bible activities
To develop the target audience's To produce outputs that are not
interest to participate in Christian- text-heavy yet are capable of
related activities that will bring them evoking positive emotions so that
closer to God and to Church it'll be easy for the target
audience to digest
To retain a good balance of
educational and interactive
Measurable outputs so as not to overwhelm
target audience and promote an
engaging place for discussion
To have at least 500 social media

To gather individuals with a

engagements; targeting to double

genuine desire to cultivate the

the number of current members of

spirit of giving within themselves

the church which is around 160-200

and within their communities


Attainable Overall desired outcomes

Encourage the target audiences'

To ensure that the fundamental initiative to embrace the spirit of

elements of the key messages are giving for long-term and to carry it

present in the campaign materials as a personal value that will stay

To make materials and create with them long after the campaign

strategies that are simple, yet is over

impactful. Collaboration or involvement of the

target audience in any of the

activities being held byJCCM.


JCCM Community
JCCM members and potential members

An expanse where you can get to

know the JCCM family and explore
the exciting array of places, people
and projects that make up our world.

Giving honours to the Lord is at our

heart and we carry a strong desire to
serve and equip Christians, and the
local church in endeavours. Giving is
a part of our direction of the things
that God has freely given to us and is
a vital part of our spiritual
development and maturity. To this
end, we have laboured to develop
on-the-ground initiatives and effective
media platforms, both of which are
outworked in partnership with local
churches across the globe to share
the Good News of Jesus and mobilise
Christians to share their faith.

As your faith in God and His love and trustworthiness grows, you
will learn to live according to the principles. We learn to trust God
at His word to supply from His limitless resources.

You give as God supplies. We are constantly amazed at the

dedicated people that God has brought to serve alongside us,
and the inspiring ways in which they face the unique challenges
of their environments.


God has given us absolutely
everything we have.

This is why we are called to be

like him, and that we need to
give every piece of ourselves to
God and others in the same way
that God has done for us. We
need to live with an open hand
and open heart in order that we
may give and receive whatever
he has for us.

Got no financial resources to share?
Fret not.

Generosity is not something that is limited

to the wealthy. Some of the most
generous people can even be those
who give from their small portions.
Generous people give out of their
substance, whether large or small. The
most powerful moments of giving are
often those that are stories of sacrifice,
whether big or small. In each and every
case, it’s the sacrifice that counts.

Generous people give more than just their money.

There is so much we can give that is not monetary.

For instance, even the simplest acts of sharing your
talents, your skills, your resources or your time and
investing them for the greater good is already an act
of giving in itself. In Luke 10:25-37, Jesus tells the classic
story of the Good Samaritan — one who gave time,
resources, and skill to meet the need of a man who
had been left for dead at the side of the road. The
Samaritan makes himself vulnerable and available —
the very definition of hospitality.

Giving provides an essential reward that is far more
valuable than a gift.

As Mahatma Gandhi said, "Leave yourself in the

service of others to find yourself." Our lives are richer
when we do small acts of random kindness, and that
great inner joy comes from helping others to better
their lives. The Giving thru Grace (GtG) Campaign
propagates the values of giving and uniting through
kindness while working closely with God and the

Giving is an important trait to teach to children as
early as possible.

The spirit of giving does not end within ourselves, it is

something that we can even pass on! What better
way to keep it alive than by cultivating it as a value to
be carried by the young? Research also shows that
children have a deeply rooted instinct to share and
to help others.


A. On kindness benefiting our emotional wellbeing:

Being kind can help reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol, as well. A
study in the journal Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science found
that people who practiced a kindness mindset had 23% lower cortisol levels
than the average person.

“Performing a selfless act increases one’s sense of gratitude, as one is in a

position to do something generous for another person,” explains Desreen N.
Dudley, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist at Teladoc. “Doing a kind act
for another person can increase the sense of feeling connected to another
person, which in turn helps people see the worth and value in their own
lives.” Research has found that performing random acts of kindness can
also increase our longevity and boost heart health.

There are a few reasons why being kind benefits our mental health,
including biological and social effects. One of it is about the impact it may
cause on our mental health as to what Rachel Slick said; “Performing acts
of kindness has measurable impacts on our mental health by increasing the
neurotransmitters in the brain that make us feel satisfied and overall good:
serotonin and dopamine," says Rachel Slick, LCSW, a behavioral health
clinician at UCHealth, which recently launched a health initiative focused
on random acts of kindness.

B. On the importance of teaching the value of giving to children

If we look beyond the external act of giving gifts, research in child

development tells us something important about what happens in
children’s internal worlds when they give to others. The gift-giving process
helps shape their identities.

Warneken et al. (2010) suggests that children have a deeply rooted instinct
to share and to help others, and this stems from the time they’re very
young. Altruistic motives seem to be present early in ontogeny, which is the
development from embryo to adult. Aknin et al. (2012) also add that
toddlers enjoy giving to others more than they like getting treats for
themselves. Their study is the first to show that kids achieve a happiness
boost from sacrificing for others, suggesting their strong inclinations for
altruism and demonstrating that kids, it seems, have a strong, natural drive
to be kind and generous.

To meet the campaign’s key objectives, Facebook will be used
as the media platform where the campaign will be launched.

Through this platform, the campaign

will be easily shared across multiple
stakeholders. Facebook will help the
campaign gather a wider reach
within the target community,
including individuals that are not
within the community of the partner
organization (JCCM).

Carousel posts that include bible

verses, stories of generosity from the
bible, as well as engaging questions
for the community can be posted
through this platform. Carousel posts
for Facebook may be limited to up to
four (4) photos only to make it easy on
the eyes of casual scrollers.
1. Establish identity. How will we introduce the communication campaign?

Create an introductory post about GtG in a way that when one visits the campaign’s

social media pages, they will get to clearly understand and see what the

communication campaign is about as well as what it advocates for.

2. Be informative and educational. What are we advocating for and how will we
send these messages?

Create an introductory post about GtG in a way that when one visits the campaign’s

social media pages, they will get to clearly understand and see what the

communication campaign is about as well as what it advocates for.

3. Build a sense of community. How will we develop engagements and

interactions? To encourage more engagement from the target audience, there
will be social media posts that are interactive in nature - ones that may encourage
them to share their own stories and to be part of the movement. This can be through
encouragement of feedback and testimonies in the comment section, etc. For
instance, comments from the audience can be turned into publication materials to
show that their insights are heard, listened to, and are even showcased. This goes
hand in hand with calls to action that may boost JCCM's social media presence,
as well as promotional awareness of JCCM's current activities.


Official Facebook Page #1: Introduce GtG

What is this about? Include important dates,

people involved, and the evolution of the

#2 Carousel Post
10 Examples of Generosity in the Bible and How to Follow Them.


Giving Through Grace campaign seeks to take into

account the role of the Church and the Bible in
upholding the spirit of generosity alive.

GtG aims to foster a generation of Christians that

embraces the spirit of giving while at the same time
understanding that giving does not stop in Tithes and
Offerings. Giving is not only about money- it's also
about offering our gifts and talents to serve and
spread the word of the Lord.

GTG, in partnership with Jesus The Cornerstone

Christian Ministries (JCCM)- Tondo, aims to empower
every single person to embrace the value of giving
in accordance to the word of the Lord. In this
campaign, we will learn about the importance of
giving and growing towards a generosity-oriented
perspective that is deeply rooted from the teachings
of the Bible.

In the beginning, God made the heavens and the
earth— yet not only for himself. God shared his glorious
creation to the care of the human beings he had
created in his image and for his greatness.
Among the focal themes of the Bible are money and
stewardship. Also as we see over and over, the Bible
isn't just a memorable volume; it's living and spirited,
and pertinent to individuals' lives. Thus, the Bible's
standards of stewardship are really motivating
generous giving in our reality today. See each photo
for 10 Examples of Generosity in the Bible:

#3: Random Acts of Kindness #4 Daily Bible Verses
An unmarked bingo board will be posted on the main
pages’ My Day and Instagram Stories which can then be
duplicated by the participants to fill out on their own and to
share on their own social media platforms.

Bible verses:

2 Corinthians 9:7 “Each of you should give what

you have decided in your heart to give, not
reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a
cheerful giver.”
1 Chronicles 29:14 “But who am I, and who are my
people, that we should be able to give as
generously as this? Everything comes from you,
and we have given you only what comes from
your hand.”
Proverbs 11:25 A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
Luke 6:30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if
anyone takes what belongs to you, do not
Caption: demand it back.
Psalm 37:4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give
Small things done with great love can change the world. A you the desires of your heart.
random act of kindness is a simple, effective, and fun way Matthew 6:2 So when you give to the needy, do
to show the love of Jesus to people around you. Play with not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites
us through this random act of kindness BINGO and don’t do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be
forget to share it with your friends and family! honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have
#GenerosityBeyondSeasonOfGiving received their reward in full.

#5: Word Search/Puzzle #6 Fill in the Blanks
A fun, easy-to-accomplish activity that the participants can An activity that consists of “words of affirmation” type
take part in. Their answers can be posted on the comment of statements but are with blank lines to be filled out
section to encourage interactions with them. by the target audience. Participants can share their
answers on the comment section to maximize

Gusto mo bang ikalat ang mabuting balita?
Caption: As we are #GivingThruGrace of the Lord, what have

Are we searching for the perfect word to describe the act you shared today?
of giving? We’ve got you covered. See how many words Fill in the blank and share mo na 'yan sa comment

you can find in these 12 hidden words. section! We'd love to hear it!

Never stop looking for the words in the grid. —and share Ex. Today I will _________. / Sharing is _______. / This

them with us online using #GTGGivingofWordSearch! week, I have shared _____.

#7: Guess the Emoji

A visual activity where participants can guess things

that they can usually see in church (or objects that are
present during fellowship activities, etc.)


Game ka na ba makipaghulaan? Kung G! ka na,

here's a little GTG emoji challenge for you!

Let us know your answers in the comments below! No



#8: ARK Board #9: Trivia Quizzes

An activity that will consist of questions that tackle

interesting trivias from bible stories that will be
answered by the participants

"How do we change the world? One act of random
kindness at a time." - Morgan Freeman

When was the last time you felt you did something
good? For sure, there was a time you have shown an
act of random kindness to a stranger or the other way
around that somehow changed your world or the
others. Share with us your testimony on the comment
section below. Four of the most inspiring ARKs will be
posted on GTG's Ark Board. Remember, giving is also
about showing our Christlikeness to others.

#10: 'What Shall I Share Today?' GIF

A ‘spin and pause’ GIF that shows statements of various activities that one can do
to practice the spirit of giving. By pausing the GIF, each one can have a designated
practice of giving that they can do by themselves.


It's not what you get, it's how and what you
give. We've got the spirit, clear and loud;
capture the list, practice what you’ve got.
'Cause that's what giving is all about!

Ready? Set…Screenshot! Keep your spirit of

giving alive as you do exactly what you’ve
got in this series of activities. Comment what
you’ve got and Let’s see what the spirit of
giving gave you!


#11: JCCM Promotion of Activities

Promotion of JCCM activities to emphasize that

giving is also about allotting our time, energy,
and effort to grow in the presence of the Lord.


"God loves a cheerful giver"- 2 Corinthians 9:7

A reminder that giving is more then what we can

pull out of our pockets. Giving is also about our
talents, our time, our heart for service. Giving is
also about allowing yourself to be in the loving
presence of God.

In JCCM, dare to give your quality time with the

Lord by joining these activities:

Prayer: Upper room - Friday, 8pm

Youth Service: Hagiazo - Saturday, 4pm
Children's Training - Messiah's Kids - Saturday,
Workers/Adult: Quest - Every last Sunday of the
month, 3pm

#12: GtG Wrap-up Reel

To conclude the one-week communication

campaign, a wrap-up reel will be published on the
last posting day, summarizing what has been
accomplished during the entire campaign period.


𝐆𝐓𝐆 𝐖𝐫𝐚𝐩 𝐔𝐩!

Giving through grace is a week-long campaign in partnership with Jesus The
Cornerstone Christian Ministries - Tondo.

The week-long campaign reminded us that holiday season might already be over,
but the season of giving never expires!

And giving is not all about what we can pull out of out pockets! Giving is also about
growing towards a generosity-oriented perspective that is deeply rooted from the
teaching of the Bible.

Keep the spirit of generosity and God will give the desires of our heart See you
around, ka-GtG!



Activity Responsible Involved Date Details

• The Core Team

All core team
December 16 –
will be established

Core team
Planning members 27, 2021 to create the draft

and finalize the



•The core team will

be composed of

the Program


Marketing and



Production and

Tech Committee,

and Evaluation &



The core team will

Consultation of
JCCM Tondo
December 27 –
reach out to JCCM

Core team
Stakeholders 30, 2021 Tondo Stakeholders

Plan for consultation

regarding the

proposal of the



The core team

Presentation of
JCCM Tondo
will present the

Core team January 3, 2022

Stakeholders finalized

Plan communication

plan to the JCCM




Activity Responsible Involved Date Details

• Creation of sub-

committees under

All core team
January 3-16,

Core team the core team

members 2022
• Gathering design

Period inspirations and pegs

for the outputs to

establish a concise

branding plan for the

• Drafting of designs

for publicity materials

• Conducting

research to ensure

that the planned

content for the

outputs are aligned

with the evidence-

based key messages

• Finalizing the

captions and spiels

that will be published

alongside the visual

• Posting countdown

teasers on social

media pages to gain

higher engagement

• The Giving Thru

Official Launch of
All core team
January 17, 2022 Grace campaign
Core team
the Campaign members and
will be officially
JCCM Tondo
launched day after
Stakeholders the Sunday service
of JCCM Tondo and
likewise will post
regarding the
launching of the
campaign on social
media pages.
• The launch will
discuss the goal and
objectives of the
campaign as well as
everyone to
participate to further
realize the vision and
mission of the


Activity Responsible Involved Date Details

Introducing JCCM as

a partner organization

Introduce GtG All core team

January 17, 2022 by presenting the


Bible Verse members mission and vision and

Committee (for

about Giving ideas drawn from a


variety of subjects of


JCCM Tondo
Marketing and
A daily devotional

Creatives (for
featuring a Bible verse,

editing and
thought, and prayer.
launching of
Bible story that will

materials) help to get to know

what God is like, what

we are like, and the

way God wants us to

live. The facts we learn

from the Bible are the

foundation stones

upon which our

spiritual insights are


A daily devotional

Bible Verse about

All core team
January 18, 2022 featuring a Bible

Giving Committee (for

members verse, thought, and

And Bible Story

about giving strategies),

Bible story that will

Marketing and

help to get to know

Creatives (for

what God is like,

editing and

what we are like,

launching of
and the way God

materials) wants us to live. The

facts we learn from

the Bible are the

foundation stones

upon which our

spiritual insights are


A daily devotional

featuring a Bible

Bible Verse Production

All core team
January 19, 2022
verse, thought, and

Committee (for
members and

Sharing of ARK or
JCCM Tondo
Producing a

story of Giving strategies),

Stakeholders publication material

Marketing and
that will take action

Creatives (for
and carry out a

editing and
random act of

launching of
kindness for

materials) someone else can

be beneficial to our

own mental health

as well.


Activity Responsible Involved Date Details


A daily devotional

Committee (for

Bible Verse featuring a Bible

JCCM Tondo
verse, thought, and

January 20, 2022
Stakeholders prayer.
Schedule of

Marketing and
The Committees will

services of JCCM

Creatives (for
produce a

editing and
publication material

launching of
that will promote

materials) JCCM Services.

Bible Verse A daily devotional

Gist: Giving does

All core team
January 21, 2022 featuring a Bible

not necessarily
Committee (for
members verse, thought, and

have to be
To engage and

monetary. For

inspire the audience

instance, one can

Marketing and

by sharing stories

give out their

Creatives (for

from the bible

talents, their skills,
editing and

To encourage the

and their time for

launching of
audience to

the greater good

materials) practice generosity

through taking part

by being a blessing

in JCCM’s training
to other through

and activities. their random act of

Guess the Emoji


Act of Random


Bible Verse Production

A daily devotional

Committee (for
All core team
January 22, 2022 featuring a Bible

members verse, thought, and

GtG Word Hunt strategies),


Marketing and

Creatives (for

What Shall I Share

editing and

To engage and

Today launching of

inspire the audience


To engage, inspire,

Bible Quiz Committee (for

JCCM Tondo
January 23, 2022 and increase the

Stakeholders awareness of the

audience on the

Marketing and
moving stories from

Creatives (for
the bible
editing and

launching of



Activity Responsible Involved Date Details


A daily devotional

Committee (for
All core team

Bible Verse January 24, 2022 featuring a Bible

members verse, thought, and

Wrap up reel, 1

Marketing and

Creatives (for

editing and

launching of


The evaluation will

Report and
JCCM Team All core team
January 25 -
be composed of

Evaluation Leaders members February 2, 2022 assessing the

number of social

media engagement,

number of listeners,

viewers, and sharers.

In addition,

assessment of

feedback results

from survey form as

well as brainstorming

for further

improvement of the



Advocacy monitoring and evaluation is important for performance management

and accountability. It will allow the core team to understand and take note of the
specific factors and approaches that will lead to the effectiveness of the campaign.
This will also help the core team improve their advocacy strategies in every step of
the way by constantly keeping everything in check, ensuring that the campaign’s
goals and objectives are being met as efficiently yet as effectively as possible.
Additionally, it will enable the core team to be accountable to the internal and
external stakeholders. Here are some mechanisms for monitoring the GtG
communication campaign.


Monitoring Plan Commitee-in-charge

Creation of a
calendar/timeline and a
checklist that is accessible to Evaluation & Monitoring
all authorized stakeholders to Committee
ensure that all activities, tasks,
and goals are met

Weekly alignment meeting

with the stakeholders to discuss Evaluation & Monitoring
the response from the people Committee

Submit a status report every

Evaluation & Monitoring
week to monitor the progress
of the campaign

Constant monitoring of social Evaluation & Monitoring

media analytics Committee

Form a group chat to receive

Evaluation & Monitoring
daily and weekly updates from
the members

Creation of google forms to Evaluation & Monitoring

track potential new members Committee

The identified risks in this communication campaign plan are more likely to occur if not
promptly determined in the beginning. Being the heart of a mitigation plan, mitigation strategy
serves as the long-term blueprint in reducing the potential losses identified and/or part of its risks.
The mitigation strategy describes how the core team will accomplish the overall purpose, goals,
and mission of the planning process.

As a communication campaign, it is important to have another set of back-up plans in the

whole planning process to ensure the success of the programs and projects provided in the
communication plan. Alongside the back-up plans, it is also important to determine first the risks
associated in the communication campaign and the proper mitigation strategies in reducing the
identified risks. The table below reflects the risks found in the communication campaign plan that
will more likely to happen during the planning process, it also shows how relatively high, medium,
or low each of its risks are on the project, and the intended mitigation strategy for each identified

Risk Description Likelihood to happen Impact on the Project

Mitigation Strategy
(What is the risk?) (High, Medium or Low) (High, Medium or Low)

Limited time in
Stick to what we can

terms of planning
smoothly and

& executing
High Medium realistically accomplish

rigorous initiatives. within the given period

of time. Maximize the

available resources to

make the execution

efficient yet effective.

A simple yet impactful

educational post is

better than a rushed,

ineffective initiative.

Take notes of important

points that will be raised if

some meetings will carry

problems that may

on without some

Medium Low to Medium

members so that it'll be

arise when holding

easier for them to catch

team meetings.

up with the tasks,

This may cause

decisions, and

interruptions in
deliverables. Consult

absent members for

and/or every important change

in decisions. Set systems

sessions. of communication in

place to make

navigation of the files

and outputs easier to

navigate for the entire



Always be clear and

concise when

communicating with

the partner

organization and

collaborate with

them in coming up

with ways they could

cooperate with us in

launching the

campaign without it

being time-

consuming to them.
commitments of
Risk Description

the ispartner Medium Medium to High

(What the risk?) Put emphasis on

organization that
how the campaign

may conflict with

will benefit them in

the timeline of
the long-run (e.g.

provide them with

extra exposure,

widen their reach to

attract more

potential members,

introduce them to

people outside their


Limited time in
Finalize the needed
outputs at least two
all the editing
to three days before
deliverables for
the launching of the
the outputs (e.g.
campaign. Minimize
High Medium to High the possibilities for
materials) that
last-minute changes
might hinder the
by ensuring timely
team from
communication and
posting the
alignment between
materials on
different committees.


Provide well
Low number of
thought-out publicity
social media
Medium High materials to entice
the audience to
and interaction

Assign specific
Slow response
committee/s to focus
from target
on answering queries
audience and High Medium
and communicating
with the stakeholders

Ensure the visibility of

the campaign and
actively share the
campaign’s social
Little to no media
potential Medium High pages/accounts
members Invite friends and
families that could
gather potential
members to stay and

Provide feasible yet

well thought-out

benefits that

Keeping the
members can enjoy
members to stay
Medium High

and participate
Encourage the

members to

participate in the

activities provided by

the church


The success of the campaign will be evaluated based on key performance

indicators, which includes the engagement on social media posts and project
status updates. The cornerstone for the campaign to reach the target
audiences will be key performance indicators. The following are the factors
that the campaign considered in determining whether or not the campaign
will be successful.


Monitor likes/reactions and quality of

comments in social media posts.
Monitoring the number of likes/reactions
indicates the interactivity of the posts to
the target audience and the quality of
comments to receive shows meaningful
and relevant content which will occur
before and during the execution of

Alignment Meeting
An alignment meeting for the whole core
team across different committees will be Evaluation
scheduled after the launching of the
Lastly, an evaluation of JCCM Tondo
communication campaign. Through this,
church on the Giving Thru Grace
different committees can share their insights
campaign. Their evaluation shows how
about the whole process from planning to
feasible and effective the campaign is
execution as well as provide suggestions for
for the church, the beneficiaries, and
future improvements Each core team
contributors. Their feedback will help
member can share their personal
the core team determine whether the
assessments of the campaign’s impacts. This
communication campaign has
meeting will help the core team assess what
impacted the targeted audience. The
areas of the communication plan are
new members and the number of visits
successful and what are those that can be
to JCCM Tondo church indicate the
done better,, if any.
effectiveness, impact, and influence of
the campaign on its partner
organization and the public.



Monitoring of public materials interactions through Facebook posting

Publicity Materials Date Interactions

Almost 400 Facebook

users were reached for
the first day of GTG
Facebook posting.
January 17, 2022

Combination of 30 likes
and reactions and 6

330 facebook users were

reached with the Daily
Bible Verse and 10
examples of Generosity
January 18, 2022
in the Bible

Combination of 30 likes
and reactions and 6


Publicity Materials Date Interactions

200 facebook users were

reached for Daily Bible
Verse and GTG kindness
January 19, 2022

Combination of 20 likes
and reactions and 5

200 facebook users were

reached with the Daily
January 20, 2022 Bible Verse and GIF post
of JCCM service and
other activities.

Combination of 20 likes
and reactions and 6


Publicity Materials Date Interactions

600 Facebook users

were reached for the
Daily Bible Verse, GTG
Guess the Emoji and
GTG Act of Random
January 21, 2022

Combination of 60 likes
and reactions and 10
shares. Numerous
followers answered the
Guess the Emoji
commenting the right
answers. The GTG ARK
post also garnered at
least 12 comments of
their ARK experience.

500 facebook users were

reached with the Daily
Bible Verse, GTG Word
Hunt, and
January 22, 2022 GTG Fill in the Blank.

Combination of 60 likes
and reactions and 5


Publicity Materials Date Interactions

Various followers
commented on the GTG
Word Hunt with the
January 22, 2022
words “offering, honor,
tithe”. The GTG Fill in the
Blank post also garnered
at least 5 comments
mostly using the words
associated with self-care

300 Facebook users were

reached with GTG GIF
Sharing and GTG Trivia.

Combination of 40 likes
and reactions and 5

Many followers
January 23, 2022 commented on the GTG
GIF Sharing with their
screenshots of what they
have shared for the day.
The GTG Trivia post also
garnered 20 comments
containing the users
answers on the 10-item
biblical question.

150 facebook users were

reached with the last
post of the 1-week
campaign, the GTG
January 24, 2022 Wrap-Up Reel.

Garnered 20 likes and

reactions with 7 shares.





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