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(“Bawang Merah ,Bawang Putih”)

Lecturer :

Khairunnisah, S.Pd., M.Hum

Arranged by :

Rudi Anhar





Title :
“Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih”

Genre :
“Slice of Life, Child”

Time began reading :

 First day, 12 October 2022 ( 3Chapter )
 The second day, 13 October 2022 ( 3 Chapter )
 The third day, 16 October 2022 (5 Chapter )

Time finish reading :

“16 October 2022”

Summary :
This novel tells the story of Kirana Kejora the Bawang Merah who is the daughter of Mr.
Asrul and Mrs. Rahma, they are garlic traders.As for Devi Amelia the onion is the daughter
of mrs Mery's and mr Anton's who is an onion trader. In the past, red onion was the most
popular commodity for residents, but due to the high price, Pak Anto's sales decreased
drastically, while Pak Asrul, who is a garlic trader, got quite a large profit in return with Pak
Anto, because the price of garlic is more stable now. This triggers the hatred of Mrs. Mery
and Devi towards Mrs. Rahma and Kirana. One day Pak Asrul's family was about to go on
vacation to the beach, at the beginning of their trip they were fine but, on the way home the
car they were driving was hit by another car, and it turned out that their car brakes were also
damaged so they fell into a 10 meter deep ravine, as a result of In this incident, the wife of
Mr. Asrul, Mrs. Rahma, died, while the broken brake was the result of the crime of Mery's
mother who deliberately damaged the brakes of their car. Knowing the news of Rahma's
mother's death, Devi's mother pretended to be sad at the time of Rahma's funeral. The story
continues that after losing his wife, it became an opening for Mrs. Mery to take Mr. Asrul's
wealth, so Mrs. Mery and Devi often visited Mr. Asrul's house and attracted their attention.
Until one day, Mrs. Mery was mentally divorced from her husband, Mr. Anto, and remarried
to Mr. Asrul. Pak anto accepted it steadfastly, and prayed to them that they would find their
happiness. the story continues, Kirana and Devi finally become a happy family at first, a few
months later, Pak Asrul died because his car hit a big tree. rude, bullied and tortured by his
sister Devi and mother mery until the worst thing is Kirana is locked up in the warehouse but
God always helps his servant who is in trouble Reno who is Kirana's class leader finds him in
the warehouse behind Kiran's house and takes him to the hospital until Kirana finally lives
with Grandma Ros , who is a grandmother who lives alone, while living with ros Kirana's
grandmother told everything about the oppression of her by her new family and the death of
her parents as a result of Mery's mother's crime, and Kirana returned to her house, she was
greeted with Mrs. Mery and Cubi's stepmother anger tan from her step sister devi. but the
police immediately came around the house, it turned out that ros' grandmother reported the
incident to the police so that bu mery and devi were arrested by the police and Kirana lived
happily with ros's grandmother

Plot :
“Progresi plot”

Characters :
1. KiranaKejora
2. Devi Amelia
3. Mrs Rahma & Mr Asrul
4. Mrs Mery & Mr Anto
5. Reno

Meaning of the story title :

“Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih”

I think this novel telling a story about the human nature where Most people are greedy
about anythings. Wheter’s wealth, position or throne. Human will never have enough of what
they have.

Another title :
“The Greed will make you Suffer”
Give anoher ending :

Kirana overheard them whispering about the brake failure by Mrs. Mery, so Mr. Asrul

reported Mrs. Mery to the police station.

Write two quotes from the story :

“Don’t be Greedy”

From the story we know how greedy mrs mery he want all of wealtly of mr asrul and
torturing her daughter

“Just Enough With What You have”

From the story we know how mr asrul hard work until he really rich, he always enough with
what he have

Your opinion (liked and disliked about the story) :

In my opinion this story is so great, because we saw how Kirana's patient nature
faced the trials given by Mrs. Mery and Devi so that God also opened a way for her, namely
to meet Grandma Ros who is a single grandmother who loves Kirana even though she doesn't
know about Kirana's background.

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