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QAI Global Institute

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 1

“Purpose, Process, Payoff”
„ Purpose: To equip participants with principles, models,
strategies, skills and tools for effective Influencing
„ Process: Short lectures and exercises
… Core communication and influence models, strategies
and skills
… Relationship enhancing principles and strategies
… Situational analysis… understand your audience!
… Influencing process and practice … put it all together!
„ Payoff: To influence with integrity. To assure your great
ideas, solutions and plans matter… and others buy into
and implement them

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 2

The ability to:
… Develop a personal stand or point of view regarding an
imminent change
… Persuade others to consider this point of view
… Design and implement a plan to enroll the external
environment (bosses, peers, customers, vendors,
employees, regulators, etc.) so that they will support
the change

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 3

Foundation Principle of Influencing
Communicate with skill and
integrity to:
¾ Build relationships based
on trust
¾ Reach mutually acceptable
decisions and agreements
that are actionable,
completely committed to
and sustainable
¾ Promote good will for future

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 4

Effectiveness of Transformation

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 5

Your Experience Being Powerfully Influenced

„ Situation

„ What the Influencer did that worked well:

„ Conclusions about Powerful Influence:

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 6

Your Experience in Influencing Successfully

„ Situation

„ What you did that worked well:

„ Conclusions about Powerful Influence:

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 7

Understanding the Challenge - Your Experience …
Describe a difficult influence situation

… What is/was difficult? … What did you do?

… How did/does that … What didn’t help?

impact your work,
results, ability to “delight”
your customer and build
additional business? … What helped?

… Recommendations for next


Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 8

Principles of Powerful and Effective Influence
„ Influence is a personal process - influence one person at a
„ Influence the “natural leaders” in your organization first and
leverage their influence “capital” in influencing others
„ Know your Audience (Stakeholder, Influence Target) and
Tailor Your Messages and Approach
… Business priorities, objectives – in general and regarding
targeted change
… Critical Success Factors – What the “win” looks like
… Concerns/stance regarding targeted change and other
related/competing challenges
… Behavioral Style + “time” issues
… Background – professional and personal

„ Start where the “Client” is at (not where you are at).

… “Seek first to understand…”
… Check out where client is on “Change Cycle”

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 9

Principles of Powerful and Effective Influence,
„ Identify “common ground” and leverage as work towards
options, solutions, commitment. “Unifying Purpose”
coupled with a clear and compelling Vision are powerful
persuaders! Humor and stories help too.
„ Provide “anchors.” Reassure with what isn’t changing as
well as describing and enrolling support for what is
„ Be Proactive… Avoid being in “Damage Control” whenever
„ Influencing, working relationships is both ongoing and
critical to your success
… Update and enroll early and often
„ Influence privately before asking for public commitment
„ Have a BATNA ready

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 10

Model Review
Goal of All Communication

what I intended
= what you

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 12

Communication Model
Thinking or (Written or
(Verbal and
Feeling Face to
+/- +/-

Feedback + / - Internal +/- Message

+/- +/- +/- +/-

Decoding Perceiving
Action (Translating, (Seeing, Hearing,
Accepting Understanding
Behavior Interpreting, Smelling, Testing,
Organizing) Touching)

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 13
Communication Components
„ 7% Content = words ‰Nonverbal
that are chosen, „ Facial expression
spoken or written „ Gesture
„ Posture
„ Eye Contact
„ 93% = Delivery of „ Prompts
Content „ Silence
„ Touching
…Tone of Voice
„ Personal presentation
„ Vocal range
„ Spatial relationships
„ Rate of Speech
„ Intensity

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 14

Effective/Empowering Communication Guidelines
„ Don’t assume anything „ Make verbal and
„ Do your homework. nonverbal messages
Gather as much congruent
information about the „ Use clear, simple, direct
situation as possible language.
„ Two types (“B” is „ Use “I” messages over
preferred) “You” messages
… A = Defensive - „ Maintain eye contact
judgmental with the „ Clarify messages
intent or effect of
assigning blame
received and ask for
validation of messages
… B = Descriptive -
objective with intent to
sent (Good
create understanding communication is...
or solve a problem what I intended = what
„ Know the intent or goal you understand!)
of your message- „ Be an effective listener
inform, persuade, direct, „ REMEMBER STYLES!
question, discuss, reach
Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 15
a decision
Active Listening
„ Focus on the speaker and the message, not yourself
and your worries (they are NOT the enemy)
„ Maintain eye contact when possible
„ Don’t interrupt
„ Listen for understanding of content and feelings
„ Paraphrase, reflect back, clarify
„ Ask open-ended questions to explore and clarify
„ Ask closed questions to verify
„ Take notes
„ Use and, not but
„ Offer choices, ask for input/reactions
„ Prioritize and indicate action, direct or plan to address
need. Make sure the plan is on target
„ Reassure/appreciate
Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 16
Listening Exercise

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Communication X Six
ƒ Tell what you are going to talk about
ƒ Tell
ƒ Summarize – tell what you told
ƒ Ask – What are you, can we, must we
do with this
ƒ Do it – Periodic checks, training and
ƒ Review – how is it going to map back to
original – what did we learn

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 18

Joining Techniques (NLP)
„ Speak your listener’s language: consider Behavioral Style
„ Form alliances to solve problems and meet goals - start with areas of
commonality and move to areas of distinction
„ Like me = trust me
„ Approach: establish contact - Mirror non-verbals
… touch - body language
… smiling eyes - gestures
… use name - posture
… personal comments - breathing and speaking rate
… touch/admire objects - volume/pitch
- tone (emotional quality)
- word choice
- key words- content/feeling

„ Communicate in their channel:

… Visual: “look, see/shed light, unclear, get the picture”
… Auditory: “listen, hear, sounds right, rings a bell, in tune”
… Kinesthetic: “grasp the concept, rough problem, weighty issue, get the feel
of, grab you”
Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 19
NLP Exercise

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 20

Situational Analysis … Know Your Audience
and Organizational Context!

„ Degree of Change
„ Power Bases
„ Behavioral Style
„ Generational

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 21

Personal Stages of Change

Denial Commitment
Refusal to believe Focus energy effectively
Ignoring the consequences Define desired work context &
Minimizing the impact Develop tactics & plans to achieve it!

Past Future

Resistance Exploration
Feeling angry Clarifying goals
Anxious Exploring alternatives
Frustrated Experimenting with new possibilities
Doubt abilities to fulfill responsibilities Shift – Chaos - Creativity

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 22
Environment for Change – The
Transformation Journey
Present Future
Why do we
Have to leave?

Where are we
Where are we
today? Implementation plan

How do we
get there?
n osis
diag design

What is my
wedge Vision
Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber
In Summary - What People Need in Times of Change

„ Clear rationale, goals and expectations, including performance

measures and standards of accountability
„ A plan- clear sequence of events, direction, coordination,
„ A strong communication system providing information,
reassurance, opportunities for input and feedback, and clear
„ Ongoing opportunities for participation
„ Empathy regarding the stress of change. Being treated as a
valuable individual
„ Skills- Training (classroom, independent, on-the-job
„ Resources - financial, technical, organizational
„ Reinforcement of change efforts
„ Persistent commitment and support
„ Problem solving rather than blame fixing focus
„ Flexibility and patience

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 24

Power Bases - Building Your
Influencing “Capital”

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 25

Power Bases - Personal Power - (formal or informal) – Based
on self-image, Style (all four) combined with the following
„ Position Power – Formal and „ Professional Power –
designated – Not a stand-alone Involvement in professional or
(what is designated can also be community associations.
taken away) Visibility for you and your
„ Competence Power - company. Publish, give
Knowledge/ Subject Matter speeches, etc.
Expertise + Achievement „ Empowerment Power –
„ Personal Charisma- Visionary Coaching and enabling others
„ Integrity- Credibility and trust to succeed
„ Resource Power – Control of „ Alliance/Relationship Power
resources that others in the – Build coalitions
organization need … Find and align with informal
leaders and those “in the
… Tangible know”
… Intangible (rewards, providing „ Availability Power- Being
opportunities, etc.)
alert to opportunities, being in
right place at right time, being
prepared. Viewed as
accessible to others
Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 26
Power Bases
„ Power Bases you currently use effectively:

„ Power Bases you need to develop or refine:

„ Who can help?

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 27

Personal Styles – Purpose, Process and
Purpose: Process:
„ Understand ourselves and „ Take and score the instrument
others - strengths, „ Learn the styles model
weaknesses, ways of sorting „ Apply the model to real life team
information and making sense and influence situations
of the world, motivation,
fears, needs
„ Develop an appreciation of D= Get RESULTS!
each other’s styles. Determine
how to develop the most
i = Have FUN together while doing
productive working good work
relationship with others S = Protect job security and
company interests while
working cooperatively together
„ Solve interpersonal problems
C = Do the highest quality and
most accurate work using facts,
„ Communicate effectively and and logic. Work a plan and do it
persuasively right!
Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 28
Successful People
„ Understand themselves and how their behavior affects

„ Understand their reactions to other people

„ Know how to maximize what they do well

„ Have confidence in themselves, which causes others to

have confidence in them

„ Know how to adapt their behavior to meet the needs of

other people and particular situations

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 29

D Dominance: Emphasis is on shaping the environment by
overcoming opposition to accomplish results
This person's This person needs
tendencies include: others who:

! Getting immediate results ! Weigh pros and cons

! Causing action ! Calculate risks
! Accepting challenges ! Use caution
! Recognize others' needs

This person desires an

To be more effective
environment which includes:
this person needs:
! Power and authority
! Identification with a group
! Prestige and challenge
! Difficult assignments
! Opportunity for individual
! Understanding that he/she
needs people
! Freedom from controls
! To pace self and relax
Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 30
i influencing: Emphasis is on shaping the environment
by bringing others into alliance to accomplish results.
This person's This person needs
tendencies include: others who:

! Contacting people ! Concentrate on the task

! Entertaining people ! Seek facts
! Making favorable impressions ! Develop systematic approaches
! Verbalizing articulately ! Deal with things, not people
! Generating enthusiasm
To be more effective
This person desires an
this person needs:
environment which includes:
! Control of time, if D or S is
! Popularity, social recognition
below the midline
! Public recognition of ability
! Objectivity in decision-making
! Opportunity to verbalize
! More realistic appraisal of
! Freedom of expression
! Coaching and counseling
! Priorities and deadlines
Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 31
S Steadiness: Emphasis is on cooperating with
others to carry out the task
This person's This person needs
tendencies include: others who:

! Performing in a consistent ! React quickly to

manner unexpected change
! Are flexible in work
! Demonstrating patience procedures
! Developing specialized skills ! Stretch toward challenges
! Showing loyalty ! Are self promoting

This person desires an To be more effective

environment which includes: this person needs:
! Conditioning prior to change
! Predictable routines ! Validation of self-worth
! Standard operating procedures ! Guidelines for accomplishing
a task
! Status quo unless given reasons
! Encouragement of creativity
for change
! Identification with a group

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 32

C Conscientiousness: Emphasis is on working with existing
circumstances to promote quality in products or services.
This person's This person needs
tendencies include: others who:

! Attention to standards ! Delegate important tasks

! Concentrating on key details ! Make quick decisions
! Thinking analytically ! Compromise with opposition

This person desires an To be more effective

environment which includes: this person needs:

! Clearly defined expectations ! To develop tolerance for

! Quality and accuracy conflict
! Control over factors affecting ! Careful planning
their performance
! Exact job descriptions
! Business-like environment
! Opportunity to ask "why" ! Feedback on performance
questions ! To respect people as much
as accomplishments

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 33

Your Style

Graph 1: Graph 3: Graph 2:

Behavior How you see Response
Expected by yourself to Pressure

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 34

Working with a High "D"
„ A high "D" may want:
… Authority, challenges, and prestige.
… Freedom, varied activities, growth assignments, opportunity
for advancement.

„ Strategies for working well with a high "D" include:

… Provide direct answers, be brief and to the point.
… Ask "what" questions, not "how".
… Stick to business—particularly the results they desire.
… Be brief, factual and bottom line focused
… Outline possibilities for the person to get results, solve
problems, and be in charge.
… Stress the logical benefits and results of ideas and

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 35

Working with a High "i"
„ A high "i" may want:
… Social recognition, popularity, people to talk to.
… Freedom from control and detail, favorable working conditions,
recognition of abilities, and a chance to motivate people.
„ Strategies for working well with a high "i" include:
… Provide a favorable, friendly environment.
… Provide a chance for them to verbalize about ideas, people and
their intuition.
… Explain” who” is involved in a proposed action, how they feel about
the action and how it will benefit those involved
… Offer them ideas for transferring talk into action.
… Provide testimonials of others on ideas.
… Provide time for stimulating, sociable activities.
… Provide details in writing but don't dwell on them.
… Provide a participative relationship.
… Provide incentives for taking on tasks.

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 36

Working with a High "S"
„ A high "S" may want:
… Be patient in drawing out their
… Minimal conflict, time to adjust to goals.
change, sincere appreciation,
… Present ideas or departures
identification with a group.
from current practices in a non-
… Repeated work patterns, limited threatening manner, give them
territory, and areas of a chance to adjust.
… Clearly define goals, roles, or
„ Strategies for working well with a procedures and their place in
the overall plan.
high "S" include:
Provide personal assurance of
… Provide a sincere, personal and follow-up support.
agreeable environment.
… Emphasize how their actions
… Provide a sincere interest in will minimize risks and enhance
them as a person. current practices.
… Focus on answers to “why” and … Ask for their help.
"how" questions to provide them
… Praise their contributions
with clarification.
… Be patient

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 37

Working with a High "C"
„ A high "C" may want: … Provide exact job description
… Personal autonomy, planned with precise explanation of how
change, personal attention. it fits in the big picture.
… Exact job descriptions, … Review recommendations to
controlled work environment, them in a systematic and
reserved business atmosphere, comprehensive manner.
reassurance, and precise … If disagreeing, disagree with the
expectations. facts rather than the person.
„ Strategies for working well with a … Be prepared to provide
high "C" include: explanations in a patient,
persistent, and diplomatic
… Take time to prepare your case manner.
in advance.
… Minimize the appearance of
… Provide straight pros and cons
of ideas.
… Link old to new
… Support ideas with accurate and
ordered data.
… Provide reassurance that no
surprises will occur.

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 38

Personal Profile - Group Debrief
Positives: Office: Walls, Desk
… D … D

… i … i

… S … S

… C … C

Negatives: Gestures:
… D … D

… i … I

… S … S

… C Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber… C 39

Personal Profile - Group Debrief
Under Pressure: Time Management
… D … D

… i … i

… S … S

… C … C

Pace: Greatest Fear:

… D … D

… i … I

… S … S

… C Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber… C 40

Personal Profile - Group Debrief
Buzz Words: Group/Team
… D Behavior & Roles:
… D
… i
… i
… S
… S
… C … C
Motto: Implications for
… D Leadership:
… D
… i
… I
… S
… S
… C … C
Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 41
Maximizing Your Style
Given your current work situation:
… How could a “D” style contribute most effectively?

… How could an “i” style contribute most effectively?

… How could a “S” style contribute most effectively?

… How could a “C” style contribute most effectively?

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 42

DiSC Humor
Getting on a Busy Elevator Shopping for Groceries
„ The D walks up, gets on on the „ The D is the impulse shopper.
elevator, pushes the button that No list.
closes the door.
„ The I tells you where everything
„ The I lets others in, says”always is in the store, whether you ask
room for one more,” and “Come or not.
in, you’re going to be late, we’ll
wait for you.” „ The S is prepared, has a list and
gets it done efficiently.
„ The S will wait in line, moving
from one line to another, „ The C wouldn’t think of going
appearing unable to make a shopping without coupons and a
decision. calculator.
„ The C will get on the elevator. If
it’s crowded, the C will count the
number of people and, if the
number is over the limit, will
make someone get off.

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 43

DiSC Humor, Continued
Cooking a Meal Reading a Newspaper
„ The D can’t cook without a „ The D mainly reads the
microwave headlines and scatters the
„ The i likes to cook for groups sections in the process
and has an extra place set at „ The i will read the obituaries
the table in case company first to see if they know
stops by anyone
„ The S prepares a meal from „ The S looks over the entire
scratch and rotates around a paper. They clip interesting
dozen standard recipes articles
„ The C can’t cook without a „ The C calls the newspaper if
timer and measuring cups. a word is incorrectly spelled.

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 44

Influencing Action Planner
1. Review the four styles
2. Identify the person whom you want to
3. Identify their most likely style
4. Identify your influencing goal, or best
case outcome?
5. Plan your influencing strategy, tailored to
THEIR style
6. Discuss your plan and get feedback with
your small group

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 45

Styles Action Plan
1. Someone I work with:___________________________________
(Name and Dimension of Behavior)
What can I do to adapt my behavior to this person/ work
Most effectively with this person?

2. Someone I work for: ____________________________________

(Name and Dimension of Behavior)
What can I do to adapt my behavior to this person/ work
Most effectively with this person?

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 46

Styles Action Plan
3. Someone that works for me:
(Name and Dimension of Behavior)
What can I do to adapt my behavior to this person/ work
most effectively with this person?

Discuss your plans in small groups and get feedback. (Notice

your teammates’ styles.)

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 47

What shapes customer satisfaction? -Gartner
„ Tangibles – “what clients glean about the I/T service
provider from what they see, hear and touch”
„ Reliability – “how closely clients’ actual I/T service
experience matches their service expectations”
„ Responsiveness – “the I/T staff’s perceived
willingness and ability to meet clients’ needs and to
respond to their priorities”
„ Empathy – “ the perceived commitment of the I/T
staff both to clients and to going the extra mile for
clients – the presence of ‘a human touch’”
„ Assurance – clients’ confidence and trust not only
in the IT service, but also in the competence of the
I/T organization as the IT service provider”

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 48

Levels of I/T Success = Building Influence –
Business Perspective

Delivers Competitive Advantage

Delivers Business Value

Viewed as Partner/Aligned with Business


Delivers as Promised

Manages Risk

Provides Reliable Operations

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 49

Building Trust – Personal Perspective… ( A process
to be repeated over time, again and again)

Stage 1

Stage 2
• Interest
• Concern Listen
Stage 3
• Understanding
• Empathy Framing
Stage 4
• Perspective
• Candor Envision
Stage 5
• Possibility
• Joint Exploration
• Joint Problem
Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber • Joint Planning
and Action
Development of Trust

„ Stage 1- Engage „ Stage 4- Envision

• Tell me about the problem/challenge/need • For what are we really aiming for
• How did it happen? here?
• How did it come about? • What will it look like when we get
• What’s going on?
• How will we know we are there?
„ Stage 2 -Listen
• Focus on Speaker –What a his/her words „ Stage 5 - Commit
and music telling me? • What’s going to get in the way of
• Active Listening – Let me restate, getting this done?
summarize, clarify, explore further • What do we intend to do about it?
• Feedback – Here’s how I respond, would • Who needs to be brought into the
use your input, see our opportunities – loop?
What do you think? • Who should do what part?
• What information do we need?
• What are the key deadlines?
„ Stage 3 – Frame • When shall we check in?
• What would a “win- win” look like? • How shall we track and measure
• What options align best with your strategic progress and results?

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 51

Stakeholder Influence Exercise One – Development
of Trust Practice

„ Identifya stakeholder you want to influence

„ Following the Trust Five Stage Model, script out
some messages to this stakeholder
… Remember:
„ Principles of Effective Influence
„ Behavioral Style
„ Cycle of Change Position –Where are they, what will it
take to move them to Commit?
„ Your Power Bases, Their Power Bases
„ Effective Communication Principles
„ Form groups of three and practice ( one observer
who gives feedback to the other two)
„ Person being influenced and third party provide
feedback Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 52
Trust Exercise Worksheet – Scripting Messages

„ Engage:

„ Listen:

„ Frame:

„ Envision:

„ Commit:

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 53

Trust Building Feedback

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Collaboration Tools

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Stakeholder Analysis – Round 1

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 56

Stakeholder Analysis

ation/ Influence /
Need from Action Desired Responsible Start End Status/
Stakeholder Influence Stake/Role Communication Message Frequency
Stakeholder by Stakeholder forCommunicating Date Date Comments
Target Strategy
/ Influencing

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Critical Success Factors per Stakeholder
Stakeholder Critical Success Metrics

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Influence Map
„ Identify your influence goals for a specific
„ Identify all the dependencies (whom do
you need for what?)
„ Design your influence map - Plot your
„ Identify who can help you influence those
whose cooperation and active
contribution you need

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 59

Influence Map

Level of Acceptance
Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 60
Stakeholder Analysis Worksheet - Notes

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Powerful Conversations - Three Phases

Description Possibility Action

Assertions Offers
•The facts show Promises
•We observe
•The evidence is
Exploring Plans
•I think
•I agree
•My opinion

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 62

Powerful Conversations Practice
„Teams of 4
„Identify a problem to solve
„Follow the Powerful Conversations
„You have 20 minutes to arrive at a
decision and action plan!

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 63

NIQCL Formula
„ Need or opportunity

„ Importance/Level of seriousness or criticality

(include context, background, history, etc.)

„ Quantify

„ Consequences of staying same (risks) or

changing (benefits)

„ Look, Listen to my proposal

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 64

Push, Pull, Bridge Strategies
„ Push: „ Bridge
… Tell … Clarify
… Sell/Propose
… Facilitate
… Provide reasons, facts, logic,
assessments … Align - Active Listening,
… Provide feedback empathize, affirm
… Provide Expectations or … Involve in exploring and
demands generating alternatives,
brainstorm, problem solve
… Negotiate – offer incentives,
describe consequences … Involve in designing solutions
and implementation plans
… Disclose
„ Pull
„ Move Away
… Vision, tell stories
… Disengage
… Find and build on common
„ Take a break
„ Postpone
„ Values
„ Change the subject
„ Beliefs
„ Experiences
… Avoid
… Coach … Ignore
… Listen, test assumptions
… Consult, involve, solicit ideas
Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 65
Share Your Vision – Round 1
„ Words, images models:

„ Tell a story:

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 66

Declaring Project Benefits
„ Select one or two benefits that you are most excited about
„ Develop a 1-2 minute “elevator” speech which describes
the benefit(s) in vivid and compelling language.
„ Provide:
… “before and after” images
… concrete examples
… reassurance regarding training for skillful performance

„ Present to table group

… Get feedback
… Record presentations you like best for later use

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 67

Anticipate Problems
„ Brainstorm with client or peers:
… What could go wrong?
… How likely?
… How serious?
„ Partner to bring to attention of
client leadership
… Decide who is best positioned to
deliver the message
„ Collaborate to identify solutions
and minimize/mitigate risk
„ Collaborate to implement plan to
address most serious
„ Track and course correct as
„ Be vigilante about scanning for
problems and additional obstacles
& raise to client awareness
„ Give credit to client team (make
them look good!)
Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 68
Anticipating Problems Worksheet

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Polarity Management – Definition,Principles and
Tradition Bearers Crusaders/Trail Blazers
+ +

- -
Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 70
Polarity Management – Your Challenge
Tradition Bearers Crusaders/Trail Blazers
+ +

- -
Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 71
Force Field Analysis
Problem Definition:

Goal Statement:

+ Driving Forces - Restraining Forces

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Force Field Analysis - Practice
Problem Definition:

Goal Statement:

+ Driving Forces - Restraining Forces

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 73

Influencing Tips
„ Clients appreciate you when you address these motivational needs:
… Feel heard (concerns validated and addressed)
… Feel safe (politically)
… Feel in control
… Look good
„ Scan the political landscape continually
… Who gets heard, who’s ideas count
… Who succeeds at influencing those you want to influence + how
„ Learn what other consultants did that delighted or disturbed your client
„ Consider who is best positioned to send messages or position an issue
„ Work informal information channels
„ Choose your battles carefully
„ Offer solutions whenever identifying problems – be perceived as being
solution focused
„ Leverage alliances whenever possible
„ Influence privately before asking for public commitment
… Socialize an idea – trial balloons
… Never allow clients to be/feel blindsided

Dynamic Transitions - Toby Weber 74

Influencing Tips

„ Focal points of influencing:

… Discern facts from interpretations/stories
… Look for opportunities to shift perspectives
and move the action forward
… Listen for cues; don’t create your own agenda
… Enable the influence target to discover his/her
own answer
… Move from Head to Heart – the “right” answer
is not enough!

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Influencing Tips, continued
„ Listening skills
… Listen to understand the influence target’s point of
view; silence is often appropriate
… Respond in order to communicate understanding
… Acknowledge the presence of emotions when
„ Speaking skills
… Seek clarification of the desired outcome for the
… Paraphrase, restate to clarify
… Ask investigative questions to gather data

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Influencing Tips, continued
… Ask questions that enable the influence target to:
„ distinguish between facts and interpretations
„ explore new perspectives
„ examine alternative solutions or actions
„ discover the answer for himself/herself
… Check out the influence target’s commitment to
action – What will they DO!

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Stakeholder Influence Plan
„ Using techniques covered, develop an
Influence Plan including:
… Answer questions regarding “Knowing the Client”
… Identify influence goals (what do you want to get
as a result of your influencing effort)
… Identify person(s) best positioned to influence
… Complete Influence Map and Analysis

„ Develop plan
„ Script statements
„ Practice with team
„ Receive feedback
„ Refine plan

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The Questions
„ Diagnosis:
… What are the issues in this situation?
… What are the interests of the two parties?
… What are the areas/causes for conflict?
… At what level(s) of systems are the
conflicts occurring?
… What would be the most effective strategy
to use to manage the conflict?
… What mode would you use to resolve the

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Your Influence Challenge

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Influencing Action Planner – Planning

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Influence Feedback
„ What worked well?

„ What could be improved?

„ Suggestions:

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Open Issues

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Exit Messages

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Celebrate Life Every Day

Yesterday is but a dream

And tomorrow only a
But today
Well lived
Makes every yesterday
A dream of happiness
And every tomorrow
A vision of hope
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