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GRAMMAR PRESENT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS 3 Underline the correct alternatives. Gerald: Hi, Bruno. It's me, Gerald. What ‘do you do/ are you doing? \have/'m having a coffee with Carla. What about you? paste ese au deo ual oe 7) ‘don't work/aren’t working today. |.am, but | don't usually start/'m not usually starting work before ten o'clock. How's Carla? (Ok, but she “doesn't lke/isnt liking her job at the hospital. Gerald: Oh, why not? Bruno: Well, she ’works/'s working from 11am. till midnight every day, That sounds hard. "Does she look/is she looking for a new job? Yes, | think so. She looks looking in the newspaper and on the internet every day. Really? Because " phone/Im phoning about 2a job opening here. Office work, not very interesting, but the money isn’t bad, Perfect for Carla Hey, Carla - good news, it’s Gerald Bruno: 4 Complete the conversations with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Conversation 1 AA: So who does the housework in your family? B:Weall'___do___ (do) it. n fact my wife 2 (CooW) dinner right now, and my daughter? (help) her. A: And what * you (do) to help at the moment? Ble (watch) TV! There are too many people in the kitchen. Conversation 2 A: Why © (wear) black today? You z (Gsually/not wear) black. B: What do you mean? | always * (wear it Conversation 3 A: Hi, Geoff. I's me. Where are you? BI? (stand) on the train A: Why? You (usually/not stand), B: No, | usually (get) a seat, but this isa later train. Where are you? ase (wait) at the station, B: Oh, sorry. | forgot to tell you I'm late! 5 A Read the article, Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 T-shirts are 200 years old. F 2 American soldiers were the first to wear Tshirts. 3 The most expensive T-shirts cost hundreds of pounds. 4 There are four different types of T-shirt T-shirts are popular because they are cheap. 6 You can change the message on an electronic Tshirt THE ean Its an tem of clothing many of us wear every day andits often the only thing we wearon the top half of our body. After its introduction aver 100 yearsagoas underwear for American soldiers, the T-shirt isnow one ofthe most comman items of clothing Yu can find T-shirts in any clothes shop and they cost between few pounds toa few hundred pounds. There are teven'special T-shirts that sel fr thousands and thousands ‘of pounds. And thereare lots of diferent kinds of shins: ‘necks, U-necks, short sleeved, long-sleeved, cropped shins — you name it! ‘shins are popular because they are more than just clothes: people can express themselves wearing shins. A slogan. ‘onthe front of your T-shirt can show people what you believe ing T-shit with yaur favourite band’s logo can show people ‘what kind of music youlke; you can even wear your favourite photos by printing them on a T-shirt. ‘And the latest step inthe development ofthe mest papular item of clothingin the world? Electronic T-shirts. They light Lp when you wear them and they can even carry electronic ‘messages that change when you programme them, What's next? Texting friends through T-shirts? itmight be common, ‘very soon! B Match words from the article 1-6 with definitions a)-f). 1 underwear —\ a) show your feelings, ideas or 2 common personality 3 express b) give instructions to a 4 slogan computer, machine, etc. 5 logo ©) a short, clever phrase that is easy to remember 4) clothes that you wear under your other clothes €) asymbol fora group, organisation, et. ) happening often; that you see, hear, etc. very often 6 programme

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