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Rui Machado De Araujo - 202225065

Maria do Mar Seabra -202225103

Gonçalo Ministro-202225067
Frederico Mendes de Almeida-202225013

Chosen Brands: Gillette - Mercedes - Nos


Gillette is an American brand of safety razors and other personal care products. The company is
owned by the multinational corporation Procter & Gamble (P&G).
The Gillette Company was founded by King C. Gillette in 1901 as a safety razor manufacturer.1
At that time long beards got out of trend, while clean chins and cheeks and a well-manicured
mustache got popular. To achieve this look, men could go to a barber many times per week or
shave, which could be, with the utensils available, a dangerous undertaking.2

Gillette’s functional benefits lie exactly in this. Their first product, the razor, made men save time
and money allowing them to shave their beards at home. More and different line products were
launched in the ‘20s by the company. Gilette operated different marketing campaigns to not only gain
new customers but also educated existing ones on how to shave safely and cause less skin
irritation, cleverly creating a demand for their new releases.

The slang adopted in the ‘80s, ‘’The best a man can get’’, is with no doubt extremely attractive
for their target. Furthermore, Gilette successfully borrowed brand equity from celebrities in
male-dominated fields like famous football players as well as video-game streamers.
All of that was unquestionably capable of generating Emotional attachment to the brand,
capturing more than 60% of their targeted market worldwide.

Gillette’s life-changing values are the key to their success ever since their first razor was
launched. For many decades it was their ability to provide a new product, slightly better, slightly
more expensive, and slightly more useful that made their customers switch to the new model.
Gilette keeps giving men the ability to save more time, turning a daily routine easier and faster
with each model they lunch.3

In 2019, Gillette launched a corporate social responsibility campaign, named ‘’the best men
can be’’ with the intent of promoting a different version of masculinity that would open the way to
a more equal society. The name of the campaign, which recalls their slogan, was a masterpiece
that allowed the company to gain not only support from different parties in the society but also
engaged new customers more attentive to the social impact that companies have.4

Although Gillette operates in an extremely competitive market, and many are the PoP with its
direct competitors such as products and their design, more important are the PoD of the brand.

FORTUNE’’, CNN money, April 2003
. Gillette, ‘’a perspective on precision’’, Gillette, accessed: August 2022
. Mark Effie, ‘’The effectiveness of Gillette’s marketing strategy’’, Mini MBA, accessed: August 2022
. Gillette, ‘’The best men can be’’, Guardian news, posted on January 14 2009, Youtube video.
Rui Machado De Araujo - 202225065
Maria do Mar Seabra -202225103
Gonçalo Ministro-202225067
Frederico Mendes de Almeida-202225013

Gillette proved to be innovative and able to revolutionize their market once every decade.
Furthermore, Gillette uses a two-part high pricing strategy for their products while the
competition tends to be more affordable and sell a product that does not need replacements but
at the same time is perceived as less qualitative by the majority of the target shared with Gillet
(men between 18 and 34 years old).


Mercedes-Benz has chosen to promote itself as a reliable vehicle manufacturer, which

has led to a price premium compared to similar international competitors. Mercedes-
Benz vehicles are designed to help safeguard you in ways you may never have

Today, they offer new discoveries that can help make an accident less severe, less
damaging, or even less possible. Many people believe that Mercedes-Benz cars are
more beautiful and accurate than any other. Some of the things that make them so
attractive to buyers are the radiator grill that is integrated into the front of their cars,
and their sleek, long lines. The C-Class is a perfect example. Another thing that sets Mercedes
apart is its dedication to safety innovation. This is something that the company is constantly
working on to make sure that its passengers are always safe. In
2002, the automaker invented a safety system that can predict collisions, and in 2007
It received an award for its 50 years of dedication to vehicle safety.

In order to compete in the high-end automobile market, Mercedes-Benz must share

affiliations with their rivals. It's important for a company to maintain a good reputation
for the quality of their vehicles in order to compete with other premium brands. This
means having high-quality construction, finishing, design, motorization, and so on. As a
result, it seems that when we discuss positioning, we are also discussing differentiation
because the two ideas are similar, in terms of the level of luxury cars available in
amazing shapes, colors and designs, as well as technical innovations that improve
performance with the appearance of these vehicles, it is clear that Mercedes-Benz is
unique from other manufacturers.
A brand like this, which is in good standing in the eyes of consumers, will still be
competitive because it has distinguished itself, and consumers will remember a
premium product with its “best or nothing” slogan. The brand image is also something
that the customer is willing to pay more money to be differentiated from others.
As a result, the question of price and quality becomes important. The company has
gone to great lengths to foster customer loyalty by launching several cutting-edge
products that help keep customers connected with the brand.

In terms of the CBBE, Mercedes can fill all the points. First, in terms of Resonance, we
Rui Machado De Araujo - 202225065
Maria do Mar Seabra -202225103
Gonçalo Ministro-202225067
Frederico Mendes de Almeida-202225013

can say that Mercedes customers are attached and loyal to the products. Their
Judgments are very positive due to the high performance and great quality. Success,
confidence, sense of superiority is all part of Feelings. Another important point in this
CBBE is the Performance. The powerful engines, the elegant and sober design, the high
technology, energy efficiency... The imagery is also something that the customer is
looking for. The luxury, the excellence, the heritage, the famous “German quality”.
Finally, the Salience. This part tells us that this is a premium and luxury car brand. They
have more than 80 years of history.

Nos is a Portuguese telecommunication company that was created in 2013 in a fusion between
two of the biggest national telecommunication companies at the time Zon and Optimus. Nos is
at the moment the market leader in Portugal and has mobile cover for 98% of Portuguese
territory, which is a competitive advantage when in comparison to its competitors.

The Portuguese company tries to distance itself from its competitors through the quality and
innovation of its services and products, being the first company to implement zapping until one
week and more recently to implement 5G, transmitting now a big part of sportive events with
that technology. Besides seeming to be always one step ahead of its competitors Nos offers a
huge variety of packs and products trying to segment the market according to the customer
profile ( Marital status, Family members, Secondary Residence, Number of devices, etc…). Nos
also through their app and some new features in their TV Box like “Nos Cinema Club” looks to
simplify and optimize their customers' experience.

The emotional relationship with their customers is probably the best strength of Nos brand.
Their slogan Vamos viver juntos and also their attractive and distinctive logo give the customer
a sense of proximity and the feeling of belonging to the company. Nos is not only in the
the telecommunications industry, they also are the owners of 40% of Cinema rooms in the
(according to Pordata), the main sponsors of the football league last year “Liga Nos” and they
also are the organizers of two of the biggest festivals in the country “ Nos Alive “ and “ Nos
Primavera Sound”. All of these events and secondary businesses are fundamental to the
emotional connection with the consumer, especially the summer festivals that besides
entertainment and fun provide a feeling of loyalty to the customer, making these events
fundamental in the company's strategy.

In terms of life-changing Nos aims to improve global knowledge by providing services that
allow digital access by expanding network and service coverage and also try to find new
technology solutions that would be useful to fight against either social and environmental
problems, promoting the sustainable development of countries through the digital
transformation. Nos has as well the objective to form 10000 persons through some programs
that promote digital literacy and digital capacities that would be helpful in the future. The
Rui Machado De Araujo - 202225065
Maria do Mar Seabra -202225103
Gonçalo Ministro-202225067
Frederico Mendes de Almeida-202225013

company is also proud of its circularity in its business model through recycling and
reutilization has clear objectives in terms of reducing the footprint of their operations
“Reduce the carbon footprint of own operations by more than 80% by 2025 and more
than 90% by 2030, compared to 2019 “and also in terms of energetic efficiency “Reduce total
energy consumption by data traffic by 75 percent by 2025 and 85 percent by 2030
compared to 2015”.

Nos when in comparison to his competitors (Altice and Vodafone) tries to position themselves
as a high tier brand trying to establish themselves as the company with more variability and
quality in their services. In the telecommunications market in Portugal in terms of Points of
Parity, actually on the emotional side all the competitors have similar strategies as Nos through
summer festivals. In terms of Customer-Based Brand Equity Nos have a very recognizable logo
and their advertisement is known for their jingle and the brand always try to be associate with
famous personalities like comedians and actors.
Rui Machado De Araujo - 202225065
Maria do Mar Seabra -202225103
Gonçalo Ministro-202225067
Frederico Mendes de Almeida-202225013



Gillette, ‘’a perspective on precision’’, Gillette, accessed: August 2022,

Gillette, ‘’The best men can be’’, Guardian news, posted on January 14, 2009, Youtube video,

Effie, Mark, ‘’The effectiveness of Gillette’s marketing strategy’’, Mini MBA, accessed: August

Lukas, Paul & Overfelt, Maggie, ‘’Gillette IN HIS EARLY DAYS THE INVENTOR OF THE RAZOR


Rui Machado De Araujo - 202225065
Maria do Mar Seabra -202225103
Gonçalo Ministro-202225067
Frederico Mendes de Almeida-202225013

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