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Cultural awareness as a key element to negotiate

Presentend by:
Yessica Rocio Guana Triana

International Physical Distribution

Teacher: Tania Patricia Ballesteros Estrada

Bogotá, 27-08-2022
1. Reading answers

Statement TRUE / FALSE

1. In 2017, it is easier to work internationally because of the
expansion of companies and the opening of international

Correction (If needed): TRUE


2. It is rather difficult for multinational and cross-cultural teams to

face cultural shocks when negotiating as they focus their attention
into avoiding blocks when it comes to culture and international

Correction (If needed): TRUE


3. When the author states "...more than just the language you speak,
it’s how you convey your message that’s important.", he/she
wants to say that it does not matter what you say but how you say
Correction (If needed):

4. Knowing English as the international business language will be

enough to deal with any cultural problem.
Correction (If needed):
While fluent English can give you global, career boost.

5. A handshake, eye-contact, or kiss on the cheek are not examples

of cultural manifestations but just global routines.

Correction (If needed):

Whenever possible, do research before professional interactions

6. It can be inferred that body language is a manifestation of non-

verbal communication.
Correction (If needed):

7. Cross-cultural communication can be understood as the

communication between people belonging to different cultures.

Correction (If needed): FALSE

Cross-cultural communication can be challenging, approaching
cultural differences with sensitivity, openness and curiosity can help
everyone feel comfortable.

8. Communicating between cultures is not a real challenge. All you

need to do is being polite and speak good English.

Correction (If needed):

The of subtle non-verbal communication across cultures can be just
as crucial in international business

9. Workplace etiquette is, maybe, the only aspect in which you will
notice some cultural differences. For instance, the way you call o
colleague or a superior.

Correction (If needed): FALSE

Different approaches to professional communication are
just one of countless

10. The concept of punctuality is a concept well understood all

around the world.

Correction (If needed):

The concept of punctuality can also differ between cultures
in an international business environment

11. Working long hours is generally understood across cultures as a

sign of commitment and achievement.

Correction (If needed):

While some may view working long hours as a sign of commitment
and achievement others may view these extra hours as a
demonstration of inefficiency
12. . The organizational hierarchy might reflect some cultural values
that need to be taken into account when, for example, setting a
meeting as this will be reflected into the role of each participant

Correction (If needed): TRUE


13. Defining roles in cross-cultural teams with different expectations

of hierarchy can be a challenge.

Correction (If needed):

This hierarchy helps define roles and responsibilities
throughout the organization

14. Understanding the local laws and regulations governing the

foreign market is more important than understanding cultural

Correction (If needed):

You need to understand the role that culture plays in
international business as it not just about understanding
the local laws and regulations that govern your target

15. If a company wants to be competitive globally, it must have a

team that is willing to do some research on the cultural
differences to avoid future problems.

Correction (If needed): TRUE

2 video answers

Statement TRUE / FALSE

1. The speaker has been studying how cultural differences
affect business for the last 16 years.
2. She has always worked in cross-cultural scenarios. FALSE
3. The speaker is from Wisconsin, USA. FALSE
4. The speaker has a broad experience in cross-cultural
communication because she was raised in a multi-cultural TRUE
5. The speaker changed her mind about cultural differences
when she became an adult and lived in different countries.
6. After she gave a presentation in Japan, she realized that
nobody rose their hands to ask questions because of TRUE
cultural differences.
7. A Japanese colleague taught the speaker how important
the bright in people's eyes were in Japan when they had TRUE
8. According to her Japanese colleague, he said that people
in Japan do a lot of eye contact and that is why it is easy TRUE
to see the bright in their eyes.
9. According to the speaker, people from the East do not do
as much eye-contact as people from the West.
10. According to the lecture, KY, in Japanese, means that
someone is not able to read the atmosphere or understand TRUE
the communication that is in the air.
11. It is not impossible to pick up the communication that is on
the air if you receive proper training.
12. After the experience in Japan, the speaker decided to give
up and not to continue in the international business as TRUE
understanding cultural differences is too complicated.
13. The speaker created a method to understand cultural
differences based on different behaviors like how do FALSE
people make decisions, how do people trust.
14. The speaker is presenting a method called “The Culture
Map: The Future of Management”.
15. She learnt all she needed to know about cross-cultural
communication in Minnesota, USA.

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