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How Do I See Mathematics and Its Applications?

Math Is one of the ideals that is already enough to make our lives comfortable and
easier than we thought. It played an important role in shaping the world in its present day
. But there are some general questions that I always hear and of course I ask these
questions too to myself. We usually tend to ask, "Does math need while I work on my
homework? or "well do I need to compute and use formula before buying online?”. It may
sound so intriguing or fascinating, but it is meaningful right?

Mathematics is a powerful tool for global understanding and communication that

organizes our lives and prevents chaos. Mathematics helps us understand the world and
provides an effective way of building mental discipline. Math encourages logical
reasoning, critical thinking, creative thinking, abstract or spatial thinking, problem-solving
ability, and even effective communication skills. (The Scientific World November 07,

Initially, The Nature's Numbers is a comprehensive overview of the deepest ideas

in the world. Nature's Numbers, written by Ian Stewart, makes us appreciate and
understand mathematics as a whole in a simpler and more interesting way. It starts with
seeing nature regularly, which will help not only students but other humanity to see the
natural world mathematically.

Ian Stewart in his book Nature's Numbers, basically, he thinks of patterns as

number patterns, geometric patterns, and movement patterns. Unlike, many people were
curious about these natural patterns, just like Peter S. Stevens in his beautiful book of
Patterns in Nature. They were curious about these patterns but did not focus on the
mathematical perspective. Ian Stewart once said, "Mathematics is the science of patterns,
and nature exploits almost every pattern that exists. Mathematics became the key to
unlocking the mystery behind the repeating patterns in nature, from the smallest seashell
to the leaves and branches of trees far inland.

The question is, how can nature process patterns, their numerical and geometric
shapes and movements? The book begins with an introduction to the patterns we can
observe in nature Number patterns, shape patterns, movements and shapes are so
pervasive in nature and that it's hard for us not to notice them. Patterns provide function
as well as beauty. Once we've learned to detect a background pattern, deviations
immediately jump out. The simplest pattern is numerical, and we employ numerology to
describe it. According to Ian Stewart. Numerology is the easiest — and consequently the
most dangerous — method for finding patterns. It is easy because anybody can do it,

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and dangerous for the same reason. Patterns provide information about the face and
transition. To even further describe, consider freckles and chaos, both of which are
described in nonlinear systems theory. Chaos is unpredictability, and fractals are
geometric shapes or waves that repeat their structure. Examples of shapes associated
with fractals include rainbow triples, and tiny vortices, and its application has also been
extended to animal stripes and spots such as zebra and cheetah. And according to
Johannes Kepler, The Six Cornered Snowflakes Motion of Stars, “Nature's patterns are
not just there to be admired, they are important clues to the rule governing natural
processes. What he wanted to tell us is that there is so much beauty in nature. Math is
like telling a story in which it gives us the edge to live simpler and more innovative lives.

Furthermore, Mathematics is often promoted as endowing those who study it with

transferable skills such as an ability to think logically and critically or to have improved
investigative skills, resourcefulness and creativity in problem solving. (Cressweel &
Speelman p.1).

In addition, Math is great at helping us solve puzzles. A good example is a

discovery by Johannes Kaplan, a German astronomer, mathematician and astrologer. Its
discovery leads astronomers to conclude that the planets move in an elliptical orbit
centered on the Sun. In addition, the history of calculus demonstrates two main purposes
of mathematics. First, it provides tools for scientists to calculate what nature is doing, and
second, it provides new questions for mathematicians to solve to their own satisfaction.
Mathematics develops mathematical models to explain a specific thing or situation. (p.21).
The mathematical model of a flat rate cell is created as a computer program and allows
for various types of inflation mathematics to organize the underlying patterns and
Regularities in the most satisfying way (pp. 22-24). One event that supported this claim
was when ancient human civilizations organized the stars in the sky in the form of animals
and mythical heroes. Mathematics can predict how nature will behave (p.26). It allows
astronomers to understand the movement of celestial bodies so they can predict lunar
and solar eclipses, comet returns, tides and short-term weather patterns, interesting
right? Each of these cases addresses the question "What is mathematics for? our
universe is built on the pillars of math, the one factor we are all unaware of how profoundly
math affects our existence is that it hides behind the scenes as much as possible. The
entire chapter two helps us understand the purpose and essence of mathematics. And
We definitely agree with all the concepts involved. We may not recognize them. However,
mathematics encompasses the smallest objects we can see and the actions they can
perform. Like Shopping resources for budget, - conscious chefs who measure ingredients
before baking or cooking, or cyclists and hikers who review and record the distance and
time traveled to a specific destination. Ian Stewart provided explicit examples of the

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of mathematics, from the development of calculus to calculations of the celestial
revolutions that affect our daily weather. To incorporate, Ian Stewart outlined how the
specifics of what happens to a projectile that is fed out of a cannon help us get closer to
Newton's fundamental law that pressure equals mass increased acceleration. Both
Newton and Leibniz realized that Differentiation and Integration are inverse operations,
which is the fundamental theorem of Calculus. Indeed, examples that explain how
mathematics plays a very important role in understanding how things work and prove the
existence of mathematics everywhere and in our daily lives. Reality of the world also
almost every problem is solved by the mathematics and without it one cannot invent or
understand the universe. Like a quote from the Polish mathematician Stefan Banch, who
says: "Mathematics is the most beautiful and powerful creation of the human mind.

Mathematicians, like other scientists, are particularly pleased when it is discovered

that previously unrelated pieces of mathematics can be derived from each other or from a
more general theory. A central line of research in theoretical mathematics is to identify, in
any field of study, a small set of fundamental ideas and rules from which all other
interesting ideas and rules in that field can be logically derived. As mathematics
progressed, more and more relationships were found between separately developed
parts, for example between the symbolic representations of algebra and the spatial
representations of geometry.

In my own perspective, Mathematics helps us to perform these kinds of tasks, and

it is frequently integral Mathematics does not merely deal with numbers; it also assists us
in problem solving, decision making, maintenance, and experimenting. If we look
attentively, we may see how mathematics helps in every period and throughout the world.
We will be able to practice math approaches to solve problems and expand and explain
the application of a certain math concept in a global perspective. And we'll be able to
utilize the appropriate math tools in the appropriate settings, as well as explain why the
math version they choose is significant. More crucially, we can use mathematical
expertise and abilities to make real-lifestyles impact. In conclusion. The first amazing and
cool thing I discovered about mathematics is that we won't need any special equipment,
huge amounts of money, or a large group of people to witness its miracles. We just need
mathematical knowledge in our minds since mathematics is pure and does not rust or
degrade. It simply needs our minds, our thoughts, to function. And, while mathematics
extends beyond the actual world in everyday life, it governs what I or we observe in the
real world. Mathematics is an international language. Mathematics is the same for
everyone, regardless of where we are, which nation we live in, or which language we

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speak. Indeed, mathematics may become the common thread that binds us all together.
I am assured to mention that the whole thing that the mathematicians are doing to show
up all elements in our work. It does not matter how large or small, what matter is the value
of that thing. It enables our mind to solve situations in many different ways. It doesn't take
years to be knowledgeable enough in Mathematics.

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(Stewart,I.1995) Nature's Numbers: The Unreal Reality of Mathematics.

(Cressweel & Speelman,2020 p.1) Does Mathematics training lead to better logical
thinking and reasoning?

(Quddusi.M,2018) What is the Importance of Mathematics in our daily lives

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