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Subject and Introduction to World Religions and Belief Teacher Mr.

Level Systems Reginald Rivera
Content Introductory concepts to World Religions and Belief Systems
(Belief System, Spirituality, Religion, Theology, Philosophy of Religion)

Learning At the end of the learning pathway, I can:

1. Explain the nature and goals of this course through preliminary activities;
2. Summarize the essential ideas of religious literacy using action-statements;
3. Justify the relevance of religious literacy and interreligious dialogue using
various advertisement materials.
Timeframe July 27 – August 7, 2020

Timetable July 28, 2020 (12I)

July 30, 2020 (11J and 11K)
- Posting of output in the discussion forum
- Filling out of Google form;
- Submission of word association output;
- Writing of action statements;
- Answering of the formative assessment;
- Consultation time via Schoology
August 11, 2020 (12I)
August 13, 2020 (11J and 11K)
- Submission of ads materials
Task Instructions Remarks Completion Date

SIGNPOSTS Please familiarize yourself with the following signposts on


[ENTER] – Starting point of the learning playlist.

[SUBMIT] – You need to post/submit your answer/response on
the given activity.
[CHOOSE] – It is a folder that contains varied and multi-sensory
materials about a specific content/topic. You only need to choose
and study at least ONE of the given materials.
[CHECKPOINT] – It is a form of formative assessment to check
your knowledge about a specific content or topic. You need to get
a passing score on this assessment before you can proceed to
the next part.
[ASSESS] – This is an activity where you can perform/exhibit what
you’ve learned in the entire learning playlist. Think of it as your
‘performance task’.
[ENRICH] – These are the OPTIONAL activities or materials that
you can do or use if you want to deepen your knowledge about
the topic. Again, these are only optional. You are not required to
do it.
[EXIT] – This is the last activity of the learning playlist. It will serve
as your exit ticket. After accomplishing it, you are considered
done for that learning cycle.
A. WATCHING the Good day!
course introduction
video 1. To get things started, you need to prepare one sheet of clean
paper and ballpen.

a. [SUBMIT] For online learners

You need to watch the video titled Course
Introduction posted on Schoology. Also, make sure
that you perform the tasks that will be mentioned in
the video. After watching the video, please answer the
Google form titled #MyWorldRel and perform the
activity titled The Tea about Me in the discussion
b. For offline learners
A copy of the course primer will be provided on your
learning packet. Then, accomplish the activity sheet
titled Self-introduction.
B. ASSOCIATING 2. After introducing yourself to the class, we need to refresh our
ideas about religion knowledge about this one word that we always hear in our
daily lives….RELIGION.

a. [SUBMIT] For online learners

You need to think of any idea that you can associate
with the concept of religion. You may use one of the
a.1. Word/sentence;
a.2. Image/symbol;
a.3 artwork; and
a.4. literary piece (poem, story etc)

b. For offline learners

You need to fill out the graphic organizer on your
learning packet.

C. DEFINING 3. The previous activity has shown that the concept of religion is
Religious Literacy NOT foreign to us. As a matter of fact, we are all familiar with
it. However, the previous activity has also revealed that we
have varied and competing notions about religion...which is
OK! In this course, we will try to process similar and different
ideas/perceptions about religion into one goal: RELIGIOUS
LITERACY! In this part of the lesson, we will be exploring the
definition and principles of religious literacy.

a. [CHOOSE] For online learners

You need to need to comprehend the definition and
principles of religious literacy by using one following
content sources on Schoology:
a.1. Text (Title: Religious Literacy); and
a.2. Video (Are you religiously literate?)

b. For offline learners

A copy of the text titled Religious Literacy is included
on your learning packet


4. Let’s check whether you have the proper knowledge to move

on to the next part of this playlist!

a. [CHECKPOINT] For online learners

You need to need to answer the assigned formative
assessment on Schoology.

b. For offline learners

A copy of the formative assessment is included in
your learning packet

NOTE: You need to get at least 7 points before we let you pass
through this checkpoint.

E. WRITING of Congratulations! You were able to pass through our first

action statements checkpoint!

5. After learning the basics of religious literacy, we need to apply

and actualize this by writing action statements.
Ammm…action statements?

[SUBMIT] An action statement explicitly mentions a specific

course of action. You need to think of two (2) action
statements that start with I SHOULD and another two (2)
action statements that start with I SHOULD NOT. These
action statements should reflect your knowledge about
religious literacy. Possible examples are:
o I SHOULD respect people’s way of worship.
o I SHOULD NOT mock sacred things.

For online learners

Download the graphic organizer and use it as a format
in writing your action statements. Then, submit your
output using the assigned assignment tab..

For offline learners

A copy of the graphic organizer is included in your
learning packet.
F. CONSULTATION I will be available for consultation on the following platforms:
- Video conference call on Schoology
July 28, 2020
12I (1:00 - 1:30 PM)

July 30, 2020

11J (1:00 - 1:30 PM)
11K (2:00 – 2:30 PM)

- Email:
Mon to Fri (8:00 am to 3:00 pm)
G. PRODUCING 6. Being religiously literate is not the end goal of religious
and advertisement literacy. It is a prerequisite of a more substantial and more
material meaningful phenomenon or movement called ECUMENISM

For online learners

You SHOULD read CBCP’s Pastoral letter on Year of
Ecumenism, and Interreligious Dialogue posted on
Schoology. If you want to deepen your appreciation
about interreligious dialogue, YOU MAY watch the
TedTalk titled The Interfaith Amigos: Breaking the
Taboos of Interfaith Dialogue.

For offline learners

A copy of the CBCP Pastoral Letter is included in your
learning packet.

7. [ASSESS] After familiarizing yourself with the concept of

Interreligious Dialogue. You are ready for our last
activity…ADS MAKING! Yes! You need to create an
advertisement that promotes religious literacy and
interreligious dialogue. Check the GRASP explanation below:

Goal: Raise awareness about the relevance of religious

literacy and interreligious dialogue in today’s context

Role: Religiously literate students of CSA. You can do this

individually, by pair or triad.

Audience: The output should be shared in the discussion

forum on Schoology. However, if you think that you want to
educate and raise awareness among your friends and peers,
you can post on your social media accounts (with teacher’s

Situation: As CSA students, we will show our support to

CBCP’s celebration of Year of Ecumenism and Interreligious

Product: Advertisement material that promotes religious

literacy and interreligious dialogue (song, poem,video-
clip,TikTok style video, infographic, essay, poster etc.).

Standards: students will be graded using an analytic rubric.

H. MY TAKEAWAY [EXIT] First, I would like to CONGRATULATE you for reaching
the finish line! I hope that you were able to learn and appreciate
the importance of being religiously literate in today’s context. Let
us end this by reflecting on the bible verse below:

“Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their
tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. They must
turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it.”
1 Peter 3:10-11

Hmmm… what is your key takeaway? Share it in the discussion

forum titled My key takeaway.

*For graphic/image-based outputs

Excellent/Proficient Satisfactory Limited Poor

5 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts

Content Excellent/Proficient Satisfactory Limited Poor

Students created a direct Students created a clear Students created a Students created a
and thoughtful representation of representation that is representation that is
representation of religious literacy and somewhat related to somewhat or not at all
religious literacy and interreligious dialogue religious literacy and related religiosity and
interreligious dialogue interreligious dialogue spirituality.
Display reflects an
Display reflects complete understanding of the Display reflects little or Display reflects student
understanding of the said concepts. limited understanding of does not have an
said concepts. the said concepts. understanding of the
said concepts.

Creativity/Artistic Excellent/Proficient Satisfactory Limited Poor

Representation was very Representation was fairly Representation was Representation was not
creative/artistic. creative/artistic. somewhat creative. creative. Appearance is
Appearance is neat, well Appearance is neat, Appearance is neat but only somewhat neat or
thought out, and obvious thought out. Clean. not thought out, or vice not neat at all. Not
effort was made to Clearly a good copy. versa. thought out.
create a creative

Revised from:

For essay

Excellent/Proficient Satisfactory Limited Poor

5 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts

Content Excellent/Proficient Satisfactory Limited Poor

Student wrote an essay Student wrote an essay Student wrote an essay Student wrote an essay
that is that clearly represents that is somewhat related that is somewhat or not
directly/thoughtfully religious literacy and to religious literacy and at all related to religious
reflecting religious interreligious dialogue interreligious dialogue literacy and interreligious
literacy and interreligious . dialogue
Display reflects
understanding of the Display reflects little or Display reflects student
Display reflects complete said concepts. limited understanding of does not have an
understanding of the the said concepts. understanding of the
said concepts. said concepts.

Sequencing and Excellent/Proficient Satisfactory Limited Poor

Details and transition Details and transition Some details and Many details are not in a
words and phrases are words and phrases are transition words and logical or expected
placed in a logical order placed in a logical order, phrases are not in a order. There is little
and the way they are but the way in which logical or expected sense that the writing is
presented effectively they are presented order, and this distracts organized. The
keeps the interest of the makes the writing less the reader. transitions between
reader. interesting ideas are unclear or
copy. nonexistent.

Conclusion The conclusion is strong The conclusion is The conclusion is There is no clear
and leaves the reader recognizable and ties up recognizable, but does conclusion, the paper
with a feeling that he/she almost all the loose not tie up several loose just ends.
understands the writer’s ends. ends.
point of view.

Revised from:

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