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Anaesthesia Machine
Service manual
Chapter 1 Safety .............................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Safety Information ...........................................................................................................1-1
1.1.1 Danger ...................................................................................................................1-1
1.1.2 Warning .................................................................................................................1-2
1.1.3 Caution ..................................................................................................................1-2
1.1.4 Note .......................................................................................................................1-2
1.2 Symbols used in the Manual or on the Equipment...........................................................1-3
Chapter 2 Theory of Operation ......................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Gas Flow ..........................................................................................................................2-1
2.1.1 Pneumatic Circuit Diagram ...................................................................................2-1
Chapter 3 Check and Test ..............................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Check the System .............................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Gas Supply Pipeline Tests ................................................................................................3-2
3.2.1 O2 Pipeline Tests ...................................................................................................3-2
3.2.2 N2O Pipeline Tests ................................................................................................3-3
3.2.3 Air Pipeline Tests ..................................................................................................3-3
3.2.4 Backup gas Cylinder Tests ....................................................................................3-3
3.3 Gas Cylinder Tests ...........................................................................................................3-3
3.3.1 Check the Cylinders are Full .................................................................................3-4
3.3.2 High-pressure Gas Leak Testing of O2 Gas Cylinders ..........................................3-4
3.3.3 High-pressure gas Leak Testing of N2O Cylinders ...............................................3-4
3.4 Flow Control System Tests ..............................................................................................3-5
3.4.1 Monitoring without O2 Sensor..............................................................................3-5
3.4.2 Monitoring with O2 sensor ....................................................................................3-6
3.5 Vaporizer Back Pressure Test ..........................................................................................3-8
3.6 O2 Flush Test ...................................................................................................................3-8
3.6.1 In Mechanical Ventilation Mode...........................................................................3-9
3.6.2 In Manual Ventilation Mode .................................................................................3-9
3.7 Breathing System Testing............................................................................................... 3-10
3.7.1 Bellows Leak Tightness Testing .......................................................................... 3-10
3.7.2 Breathing System Leak Test in Mechanical Ventilation Mode ........................... 3-11
3.7.3 Breathing System Leak Test in Manual Ventilation Mode .................................. 3-12
3.7.4 APL Valve Accuracy Testing ............................................................................... 3-13
3.7.5 Test respiration Check Valve ............................................................................... 3-13
3.8 Ventilator Testing ........................................................................................................... 3-14
3.9 Alarm Tests..................................................................................................................... 3-14
3.9.1 Prepare for Alarm Tests ...................................................................................... 3-14
3.9.2 Test the O2 Concentration Monitoring and Alarms ............................................ 3-15
3.9.3 Test the Minute Volume (MV) Alarm ................................................................. 3-16
3.9.4 Test the Apnea Alarm .......................................................................................... 3-16
3.9.5 Test the Sustained Airway Pressure Alarm.......................................................... 3-17
3.9.6 Test the High Paw Alarm .................................................................................... 3-17
3.9.7 Test the Low Paw Alarm ..................................................................................... 3-17

3.9.8 Test the CO2 Monitor Alarm ............................................................................... 3-18
3.10 AGSS Inspection .......................................................................................................... 3-18
3.10.1 Check the Float ................................................................................................. 3-18
3.10.2 Check the Transfer Tube and Active Scavenging Tube ..................................... 3-19
3.11 Power Failure Test ....................................................................................................... 3-19
3.12 Electrical Safety Tests .................................................................................................. 3-19
Chapter 4 Maintenance and Calibration .........................................................................................4-1
4.1 Equipment Maintenance...................................................................................................4-1
4.1.1 One-year Replaceable Parts ..................................................................................4-1
4.1.2 Three-year Replaceable Parts ................................................................................4-9
4.2 System Test ......................................................................................................................4-9
4.2.1 Check the Mechanical Ventilation Mode ............................................................ 4-11
4.2.2 Check the Sensor Zero Point ............................................................................... 4-13
4.2.3 Check the Flow Sensor Accuracy ....................................................................... 4-14
4.2.4 Check the Pressure Sensor Accuracy .................................................................. 4-15
4.3 System Calibration ......................................................................................................... 4-16
4.3.1 Flow Calibration (user) ....................................................................................... 4-18
4.3.2 Flow Calibration (factory) ................................................................................... 4-19
4.3.3 Pressure Calibration (factory) ............................................................................. 4-21
4.3.4 Pressure and Flow Zeroing (factory) ................................................................... 4-23
4.3.5 Electronic Flowmeter Zeroing (factory).............................................................. 4-24
4.3.6 CO2 Calibration (factory) ................................................................................... 4-25
4.3.7 AG Calibration (factory) ..................................................................................... 4-26
4.4 Software Upgrade and Software Configuration ............................................................. 4-28
4.4.1 System Software Upgrade ................................................................................... 4-28
4.4.2 Upgrade or Reset the HYP Software................................................................... 4-32
4.4.3 Upgrade of O2 Sensor Monitoring Function ....................................................... 4-32
4.5 Zero the Airway Pressure Gauge ................................................................................... 4-33
4.6 Adjust the APL Valve Accuracy .................................................................................... 4-34
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting.............................................................................................................5-1
5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................5-1
5.2 Technical Alarm Check....................................................................................................5-1
5.2.1 Physiologic Alarms ...............................................................................................5-1
5.2.2 Electronic Flowmeter Related Alarms ..................................................................5-4
5.3 Pneumatic Circuit System Problems ................................................................................5-6
5.3.1 Tools for on-site Maintenance ...............................................................................5-6
5.3.2 Gas Supplies and Drive Gas ................................................................................ 5-10
5.3.3 Anesthetic Gas Delivery System ......................................................................... 5-17
5.4 Troubleshoot Sensor and Valve Related Failuresby Using the Valvetest Tool ............... 5-29
5.4.1 Preparations before Using the Valvetest Tool...................................................... 5-29
5.4.2 One-to-one Correspondence between the Sensors &Valves on the Valvetest Tool
Screen and the Components ......................................................................................... 5-30
5.4.3 Description .......................................................................................................... 5-31
5.5 Hardware and Electrical Problems ................................................................................. 5-37

Chapter 6 Repair and Disassembly ................................................................................................6-1
6.1 Prepare for Disassembly ..................................................................................................6-1
6.1.1 Tools......................................................................................................................6-1
6.1.2 Preparations ...........................................................................................................6-2
6.2 Disassemble the Assemblies ............................................................................................6-2
6.2.1 Remove the Top Panel...........................................................................................6-2
6.2.2 Remove Rear Panel ...............................................................................................6-3
6.2.3 Dismantle the main machine rear panel Assembly ...............................................6-4
6.2.4 Dismantle the trolley rear panel assembly ............................................................6-4
6.2.5 Remove workbench cover .....................................................................................6-5
6.2.6 Remove Gas path part ...........................................................................................6-5
6.2.7 Remove the rapid Oxygen flush part.....................................................................6-7
6.2.8 Remove ACGO parts.............................................................................................6-7
6.2.9 Remove Gas circle transfer part ............................................................................6-8
6.2.10 Remove silicencing air-capacitor ........................................................................6-9
6.2.11 Remove N2O Cut-Off Valve Assembly ............................................................. 6-10
6.2.12 Remove the pressure relief valve ...................................................................... 6-10
6.2.13 Remove back-up cylinder bracket ..................................................................... 6-11
6.2.14 Remove gas inlet part ........................................................................................ 6-12
6.2.15 Remove Gas inlet base part ............................................................................... 6-13
6.2.16 Remove digital flow meter sensor parts ............................................................ 6-14
6.2.17 Double-vaporizer Manifold Assembly .............................................................. 6-14
6.2.18 Remve Air Quality gas flow sensor part ........................................................... 6-15
6.2.19 Remove pressure regulating part ....................................................................... 6-16
6.2.20 Remove the parts under workbench .................................................................. 6-17
6.2.21 Remove Gas capacitor back cover: ................................................................... 6-19
6.2.22 Remove gas capacitor part: ............................................................................... 6-20
6.2.23 Remove the AGSS parts .................................................................................... 6-21
6.2.24 Remove the Isolation Transformer Back Cover ................................................ 6-23
6.2.25 Remove the lithium battery ............................................................................... 6-23
6.2.26 Remove Isolation Transfomer part .................................................................... 6-24
6.2.27 Replace the Caster ............................................................................................. 6-26
6.3 Disassemble the Breathing System ................................................................................ 6-26
6.3.1 Disassemble the Absorber ................................................................................... 6-26
6.3.2 Disassemble the Oxygen Sensors........................................................................ 6-27
6.3.3 Disassemble the respiration hose and Y-piece..................................................... 6-28
6.3.4 Disassemble the Manual Respiration Leather Bag.............................................. 6-28
6.3.5 Disassemble the Gas Channel Manometer .......................................................... 6-29
6.3.6 Disassemble the Manual Support Column .......................................................... 6-29
6.3.7 Disassemble the Bellows Assembly .................................................................... 6-30
6.3.8 Disassemble the Flow Sensor.............................................................................. 6-31
6.3.9 Disassemble Expiratory check valve (unidirectional valve) Assembly............... 6-32
6.3.10 Disassemble Inspiratory check valve (unidirectional valve) Assembly ............ 6-33
6.3.11 Disassemble the Breathing System ................................................................... 6-33

6.3.12 Disassemble the Bag/mechanical Ventilation SwitchAssembly........................ 6-33
6.3.13 Remove the APL Valve Assembly..................................................................... 6-35
6.3.14 Remove the Upper Cover of base of bellows .................................................... 6-35
6.3.15 Remove the Upper Cover Assembly ................................................................. 6-37
6.3.16 Remove the Median Plate Assembly ................................................................. 6-37
6.3.17 Remove Lower Cover of Bellow Assembly ...................................................... 6-38
Chapter 7 Parts ...............................................................................................................................7-1
7.1 Main Unit .........................................................................................................................7-1
7.1.1 Main Unit ..............................................................................................................7-1
7.1.2 Workbench Assembly View ..................................................................................7-2
7.1.3 Chassis Assembly View ........................................................................................7-4
7.1.4 Rear Cover Assembly View ..................................................................................7-5
7.1.5 Rear Cover of Trolley Assembly View..................................................................7-6
7.1.6 Trolley Assembly View .........................................................................................7-7
7.1.7 Display Assembly View ........................................................................................7-9
7.1.8 Modular Box Assembly View ............................................................................. 7-12
7.1.9 AGSS Assembly View ........................................................................................ 7-13
7.2 Breathing Circuit Assembly View .................................................................................. 7-15
7.2.1 Exploded View .................................................................................................... 7-15
7.2.2 Expiratory Flow Sensor Assembly ...................................................................... 7-17
7.2.3 Inspiratory Flow Sensor Assembly ..................................................................... 7-18
7.2.4 Bag Arm Assembly ............................................................................................. 7-19
7.2.5 Folding bag Assembly ......................................................................................... 7-20

Manual Purpose
This manual provides detailed information about the assembling, dissembling, testing and
troubleshooting of the equipment to support effective troubleshooting and repair. It is not intended
to be a comprehensive, in-depth explanation of the product architecture or technical implementation.
Observance of the manual is a prerequisite for proper equipment maintenance and prevents
equipment damage and personal injury.
This manual is based on the maximum configuration. Therefore, some contents may not apply to
your monitor. If you have any question, please contact our Customer Service Department.

Intended Audience
This manual is geared for biomedical engineers, authorized technicians or service representatives
responsible for troubleshooting, repairing and maintaining the anesthesia machines.

A password is required to access different modes within the anesthesia machine.
 Factory maintenance password: 5188

Chapter 1 Safety
1.1 Safety Information


 Indicates an imminent hazard that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.


 Indicates a potential hazard or unsafe practice that, if not avoided, could result in death
or serious injury.


 Indicates a potential hazard or unsafe practice that, if not avoided, could result in minor
personal injury or product/property damage.


 To emphasize the critical announcements and provide explanations .


 Provides application tips or other useful information to ensure that you get themostfrom
your product.

1.1.1 Danger

There are no dangers that refer to the product in general. Specific “Danger” statements may

be given in the respective sections of this manual.

1.1.2 Warning


 This equipment must be installed by factory authorized engineers and adequate training
of its use should be delivered to its user before it is put into use.
 There is high voltage inside the equipment. Never disassemble the equipment before it is
disconnected from the AC power source.
 This equipment can be disassembled by Comen trained and authorized personnel only.
 Be sure of static discharge before disassembling the equipment. Wear antistatic wrist
straps or gloves when disassembling the parts labelled with static-sensitive symbols to
avoid damage to the parts.
 The equipment must be connected to a properly installed power outlet withprotective
earth contacts only. If the installation does not provide for a protective earth conductor,
disconnect it from the power line.
 Dispose of the packaging materials, observing the applicable waste control regulations
and keeping it out of children’s reach.

1.1.3 Caution


 Make sure that no electromagnetic radiation interferes with the performance of the
equipment when preparing to carry out performance tests. Mobile phone, X-ray
equipment or MRI devices are a possible source of interference as they may emit higher
levels of electromagnetic radiation.
 Before connecting the equipment to the power source, check that the power source
conforms to the requirements specified in the Operator’s Manual.

1.1.4 Note


 Refer to Operator’s Manual for detailed operation and other information.

1.2 Symbols used in the Manual or on the Equipment

Notes Symbol

Used to adjust the overhead illumination

Maximum supporting capacity of the top plate is 20kg

Maximum supporting capacity of the workbench is 20kg

Caution, refer to the data delivered along with the

machine (this User’s Manual)

High voltage warning

Flowmeter back lighting

Flow regulation flag

Power-supply AC indicator lamp

Battery indicator lamp

Operating light

Battery flag



Cylinder O2-inlet

Cylinder N2O-inlet

An anaesthesia-vaporizer pedestal labeling

Oxygen flow meter flag

N2O flowmeter flag

Notes Symbol

Air-flow meter flag

Oxygen flush flag

CO2 module relevant flag CO2

AG module relevant flag AG


Gas supply inlet


Equal-potential post flag

Protective grounding flag

System turn-on flag

System turnoff flag

Standby gas cylinder

Circuit removal flag

Manual drain valve flag

CO2absorber installation and lockup flag

AGSS gas vent

PEEP branch gas vent

Isolation transformer

Pipeline Pipeline

Notes Symbol

Inspiratory/expiratory flag

Inspiratory/expiratory flapper removal/assembling flag


Not Autoclavable

Oxygen cell flag

BY-Pass flag

APL valve

Bag position/Manual ventilation

Mechanical ventilation

Material explanation

Maximum volume of Canister (carbon dioxide


Canister (carbon dioxide absorbent) components

Bellows cover’s sealing ring on-the-top flag

BF-type equipment flag

USB port

Hot Caution!

Notes Symbol

Oxygen pressure gauge flag and standby gas-cylinder

oxygen pressure gauge flag

Nitrous oxide gauge flag and standby gas-cylinder

nitrous oxide gauge flag

Air gauge flag

Power-supply general input (220 to 240V)

Power-supply general input (100 to 120V)

Auxiliary output circuit breaker flag (220 to 240V) 3.0A

Auxiliary output circuit breaker flag (100 to 120V) 4.0A

Auxiliary output socket flag (220 to 240V)

Auxiliary output socket flag (100 to 120V)

Serial port flag

Auxiliary oxygen-supply outlet flag

Auxiliary oxygen-supply flow meter flag

Production date mark

Anti/defibrillation BF-type application part

Serial no.

Notes Symbol


Fragile articles

Maximum number of piling layers

Keep dry

Banned back transport packaging

center of gravity


symbol for recovery/recyclable

Temperature limitation

Humidity limitation

Notes Symbol

Atmospheric pressure limitation

Chapter 2 Theory of Operation
2.1 Gas Flow

2.1.1 Pneumatic Circuit Diagram

28 42
11 45 NO
12 NC

8 10
9 51
27 40
14 15 18

16 17
52 44
23 22 53
36 38
7 19
24 20 35
2 21 34
25 48

NC 33
3 26 31
7 24 49
O2 P 37

39 47
29 50
7 24

No. Description No. Description

1 O2 P-Line 28 NegativePressureValve

2 O2 Cylinder 29 Double-vaporizer manifold

3 Air P-Line 30 Check Valve

4 N2O P-Line 31 Pressure switch (38kPa)

5 N2O Cylinder 32 ACGO SelectiveSwitch

6 Regulator(0.4MPa) 33 Inspiratory Valve

7 Safety Valve (0.7MPa) 34 Sodalime canister

8 Safety Valve 35 By-pass Valve

9 Filter 36 Expiratory Valve

10 Regulator(0.2MPa) 37 Inspiratory Flow Sensor

11 Inspiratory Flow valve 38 Expiratory Flow Sensor

Mechanical Overpressure Valve O2 Sensor

12 39

Pop-Off Valve Scavenging reservoir and noise

13 40

14 Regulator(0.15MPa) 41 Bag/mechanical ventilation switch

15 Proportional PEEP Valve 42 Manual bag

16 Gas Capacitor 43 APL Valve

17 Pneumatic resistor 44 Gas Monitoring Module

18 Expiratory Valve 45 Bellows Assembly

19 Oxygen Flush Valve 46 Auxiliary Oxygen Supply

20 Pressure Switch (37kPa) 47 Airway Pressure Gauge

21 Flow restrictor 48 Patient

22 System Switch 49 22mm Standard Connector

23 Pressure Switch (0.2MPa) 50 Single Vaporizer Holder

24 Regulator(0.2MPa) 51 AGSS Standard Connector

25 O2-N2O cut-off valve(0.1 MPa) 52 Regulator(0.24MPa)

26 Flow meter 53 Manual Drain Valve

27 Pressure Relief Valve (10cmH2O)

 Key to Symbols
Filter Gassupply
Regulator Pressure switch

Flowmeter Check valve

Flow control valve Two three-way

solenoid valve Description Gas Supplies

The above picture shows the O2 pipeline supply inlet assembly. The anesthesia machine’s
pneumatic circuit starts from the gas supplies, which functions to introduce the external pipeline or
cylinder gases into the machine. Since the pressure of external gas is very high and the external gas
contains foreign substance, pressure reducing valves, filters and pressure relief valves are available
in the supply gas circuit. Also, check valves are equipped in the supply gas circuit to prevent gas
from flowing back into the pipeline or cylinder.
The anesthesia machine has pipeline and cylinder gas supplies available. Pipeline gas supplies,
which are O2, N2O and Air, go into the pipeline gas supply inlet assemblies through pipeline
connectors respectively. The pipeline pressure ranges between 280 and600 kPa. Cylinder gas
supplies, which are O2 and N2O, go into the system through cylinder connectors respectively. The
O2 and N2O cylinder pressures are 6.9–15 MPa and4.2–6 MPa respectively, which are decreased
to approximately 400 kPa through regulator. Each connector is clearly marked and designed to

prevent misconnection. All connectors have filters and check valves. Color coded gauges show the
pipeline and cylinder pressures. Pressure relief valve 7 functions to prevent the supply gas pressure
from being too high. It releases excess gas when gas pressure exceeds 750 kPa. Each supply gas is
outputted after gas pressure is decreased below 200 kPa through regulator. Pressure switch
monitors the O2 supply pressure. When O2 supply pressure is less than approximately 200 kPa, the
ventilator gives the alarm of O2 supply failure.
The following picture shows the output connectors of O2 pipeline supply inlet assembly. Anesthetic Gas Delivery System

The anesthetic gas delivery system is connected to the gas supplies, anesthetic gas delivery device
(vaporizer) and breathing system. N2O, O2 and Air supplies enter the anesthetic gas delivery system
and the mixed gas (namely fresh gas) containing these three gases andanesthetic agent and pure O2
(for auxiliary O2 supply and flushing O2) are outputted.
The following picture takes O2+N2O+Air configuration as an example to illustrate how pipeline gas
supplies are outputted. O2 is divided into two pathways (into three pathways if auxiliary O2 supply
is configured: system switch, O2 flush valve and auxiliary O2supply 46respectively). One pathway
of O2 flows into system switch and the other intoO2 flush valve. N2O flows into O2-N2O cut-off
valve and Air into system switch.

When system switch is turned on, Air enters flow regulator. O2 is divided into two pathways. One
pathway of O2 flows into flow regulator and the other into O2-N2Ocut-off valve. If the pressure of
O2 vented into O2-N2O cut-off valve is greater than0.1 MPa, N2O can enter flow regulator, as
shown below.

Flow regulator controls gas flows. The gases passing through flow regulator enter electronic
flowmeter &throttling device and are then converged to enter float flowmeter, as shown below.

The converged gas goes from float flowmeter to the anesthetic gas delivery device (vaporizer),
forming fresh gas after mixed with anesthetic agent. The fresh gas then goes from check valve
through the ACGO assembly to the breathing system. The flushing O2also enters the breathing
system through the ACGO assembly.
When ACGO is turned on, the anesthesia machine stops mechanical ventilation. The fresh gas is
directly outputted through the inspiration connector on the breathing circuit. Mechanical pressure
relief valve on the ACGO prevents gas pressure at the ACGO port from exceeding 12.5 kPa when
ACGO is turned on.
System Switch Assembly
The picture below shows the System Switch Assembly. Supply gases of air and O2 go into system
switch; and Air & O2 flowing into the flow meter assembly and O2 into the control end of the
O2-N2O cut-off valve are outputted. System switch has an electrical outlet which controls the
power-on status of the system. When the system switch is turned on, O2 and Air enter the anesthetic
gas delivery system and the system is powered on simultaneously. The anesthetic ventilator starts to
monitor the status of the system. When the system switch is turned off, O2 and Air cannot enter the
anesthetic gas delivery system and the system is powered off.
O2-N2O Cut-off Valve Assembly
The above picture shows the O2-N2O cut-off valve assembly. O2-N2O cut-off valve is
apneumatically controlled three-way valve. O2 is uploaded to the control end of the O2-N2Ocut-off
valve to conduct on-off control of N2O. When the O2 supply pressure is less than 0.1MPa
(approximate value), N2O supply is cut off. When the O2 supply pressure is greater than 0.1 MPa
(approximate value), N2O supply is switched on. O2-N2O cut-off valve does not affect Air supply.

Flow Display Assembly

Electronic flowmeter&throttling device and float flowmeter constitute the flow display assembly.
Gases from the flow regulators enter into the flow display assembly and mixed gas going through
the anesthetic gas delivery device (vaporizer) is outputted. Electronic flowmeter&throttling device
measures and displays the flow of each gas. Float flowmeter28 displays the total gas flow. The flow
range displayed is from 0.05 to 10 L/min at there solution of 0.5 L/min. The measurement accuracy
is required to be ±10% of the reading. The scale starts from 0.5 L/min and increases by 0.5 L/min
when flow is within 0.5 to 2L/min and by 1 L/min when flow is within 2 to 10 L/min.

O2 Flush Button Assembly
The above picture shows the O2 flush button assembly. When O2 flush valve is depressed,O2
rushes into the pneumatic circuit which is cut off when this valve is released. The O2supply gas at
0.2 MPa after regulated goes through the O2 flush valve, the ACGO assembly, and into the
breathing system. The O2 flush button assemby is not affected by the system switch. Flushing O2
can be performed as long as O2 supply is normal. The O2 flush valvehas a slide valve structure
inside which ensures automatic reset each time the valve is depressed and released via the spring.

Vaporizer Manifold
The above picture shows the single-vaporizer manifold assembly. The anesthetic gas delivery
device (vaporizer) is connected to the anesthetic gas delivery system. The mixed gas of N2O, O2
and Air go into the device and the fresh gas containing these three gases and anesthetic agent is
finally outputted to the ACGO assembly. The following figure shows the pneumatic ccircuit of
anesthetic gas delivery device (vaporizer).

ACGO Assembly
The above picture shows the ACGO assembly. The ACGO assembly includes five parts: pressure

switch, flow restrictor, pressure relief valve, ACGO selector switch (three-way valve) and contact
switch. Flushing O2 and fresh gas are mixed through the three-way valve and enter the ACGO. The
outputs include fresh gas provided for the breathing system (when ACGO is turned off) and that
provided for the patient (when ACGO is turned on). Pressure relief valve at the front restricts the
pressure of flushing O2 and also that of the fresh gas not to exceed 38 kPa (approximate value).
Pressure relief valve at the back ensures that the pressure of the gas outputted to the ACGO does not
exceed 12.5kPa.

Auxiliary O2 Supply Assembly

Auxiliary O2 supply assembly has two optional input ports (as shown below). O2 goes from O2
supply inlet assembly, with flow controlled by a flow regulator and displayed by aglass tube
flowmeter, into the patient. The flow range adjusted is from 0 to 15 L/min and that displayed is from
0 to 10 L/min at the resolution of 1 L/min. Turning the flow control counter clockwise increases the
flow and clockwise decreases the flow. Breathing System

The breathing system provides a closed loop for the anesthetic gas. The CO2 in the patient’s expired
gas can be inspired in the inspiration phase to maintain the temperature and humidity conditions of
the patient’s expired gas. During inspiration, the drive gas depresses the bagin side the bellows to
force the inside gas to enter the patient’s lung. During expiration, the patient’s expired gas goes into
the bag inside the bellows. Sodalime canister absorbs CO2the patient expires.
Manual and mechanical ventilation modes are selected through the bag/mechanical ventilation
switch. When manual ventilation is selected, the doctor presses manual bag to supply gas for the
breathing system. APL valveis used to adjust the pressure inside the pneumatic circuit in case of
manual ventilation. When mechanical ventilation is selected, the ventilator starts to work. It
controls the drive gas to depress the folding bag inside bellows and supply gas for the breathing
system as per the selected ventilation mode.
Connected to the anesthesia machine main unit through the circuit adapter, the breathing system is
highly integrated. Its tubes are all built in except the tube connected to the patient and the O2 cell
cable, as shown below.
Circuit adapter
ventilation switch

Bellows assembly
Patient end
Inspiratoryvalve (built-ininspiratory
flow sensors)

APL valve


Bag arm


Lifting device (built-in

BYPASS valve)

Manual Drain Valve

Sodalime canister

In case of mechanical ventilation, during inspiration, gas flows through bag/mechanical ventilation
switch, BYPASS valve or sodalime canister, inspiratory valve, O2sensor, airway pressure gauge,
and inspiratory flow sensor to the patient. During expiration, gas flows through expiratory flow
sensor, expiratory valve and bag/mechanical ventilation switch to the folding bag. Airway pressure
is monitored by pressure sensor.

The breathing system is easily disassembled and is autoclavable at 134℃. Anesthetic Gas Scavenging System

The anesthetic gas scavenging system (AGSS) is composed of AGSS transfer system, AGSS
receiving system and AGSS disposal system. Waste gas goes from the exhaust port of the anesthesia
machine through the AGSS transfer system and the AGSS receiving system and to the hospital’s
waste gas disposal system (AGSS disposal system).
The following figure shows the operational theory of the AGSS. The throttling holes reduce the
effect of negative pressure at the AGSS outlet onto the flow at the entrance. The float helps the user
to learn if the disposal system meets the requirement for minimum pump rate. The filter filters
foreign substance to prevent the disposal system from being occluded. The gas reservoir is
connected to the air through pressure compensation openings. When positive or negative pressure
occurs inside the gas reservoir, gas is inputted or outputted to ensure pressure balance inside the
The AGSS transfer system is a blue tube with 30 mm conical connectors at both ends. The inlet of
the transfer system is a female 30 mm conical connector and the outlet a male 30 mm conical
connector. The transfer system is connected to the receiving system through the male30 mm conical
connector. The receiving system is connected to the receiving hose through the proprietary
connector. The receiving hose is connected to the hospital’s disposal system through BS 6834
connector. The following picture shows the structures of and the connections between the AGSS
transfer system, receiving system and disposal system.

Chapter 3 Check and Test

 After servicing the equipment or replacing its components, complete all the tests inthis

 Before doing the tests in this section, completely reassemble the equipment andrefer to
4Maintenance and Calibration to do necessary calibrations.

3.1 Check the System


 Do not leave gas cylinder valves open if the pipeline supply is in use. Cylinder supplies
could be depleted, leaving an insufficient reserve supply in case of pipeline failure.


 Make sure that the breathing circuit is correctly connected and not damaged.

 The top shelf weight limit is 20 kg.

 Maximum supporting capacity of workbench is 20kg.

Check the system, and make sure that the following requirements are satisfied:

1. Equipment is kept in good order and condition

2. All components are connected correctly.
3. Breathing system is connected properly, and the respiratory pipeline is kept in good order
and condition.
4. Anaesthesia vaporizer is locked up in properly position and is filled with enough
5. Gas supply system is connected correctly, and its pressure is kept normal.
6. If a standby gas cylinder is available, turn off the valve of the connected gas cylinder.
7. Required emergency equipment is kept ready and in perfect condition.
8. All equipment for gas passage maintenance comfortable as an old shoe and tracheal
intubation are kept ready and in perfect condition.
9. Applied stupefacients and emergency drugs are kept ready.
10. Make sure that the pedal brake or central brake is locked up without damage or looseness, so
that the anaesthesia machine cannot be moved.
11. Make sure that the breathing system of anaesthesia machine is fixed onto the switchover
piece, and verify that the breathing system is already locked up.
12. Connect the power cord to the AC power supply. When AC power supply is connected, the
AC power indicator and battery indicator lamp go on. If they do not go on, the system is not
13. Make sure the anaesthesia machine allows normal turn-on/off.

3.2 Gas Supply Pipeline Tests


 When ventilation is in use, do not set the standby cylinder valve to position “ON”.
Otherwise, the gas cylinder may be exhausted and result in short supply in case the
pipeline ventilation gets faulty.

3.2.1 O2 Pipeline Tests

1. If anaesthesia machine is equipped with a standby cylinder, turn off all standby cylinder
valves. Connect O2 pipeline gas supply.
2. Set the System switch to its position “ON” ( ).
3. Adjust the flow control knob to the intermediate level of measuring range.
4. Make sure that the pressure values indicated by all pipeline manometers range from 280
5. Cut off O2 pipeline ventilation.
6. As O2 pressure drops, alarms”【No O2 Pressure】”.
7. Make sure that O2 manometer returns to its zero position.

3.2.2 N2O Pipeline Tests

To conduct N2O gas supply pipeline testing, turn on O2 first. For specific operational
procedures of N2O Gas supply pipeline testing, please refer to 3.2.1 O2 Pipeline Tests.


 To conduct N2O gas supply pipeline testing, turn on O2 first, and make sure that the O2
gas supply pressure ranges from 280 to 600kPa; Otherwise, N2O flow cannot be

 Being different from O2 pipeline gas feed, when N2O pipeline gas feed is cut off, the
system will not give alarms related to the N2O pressure as N2O pressure drops.

3.2.3 Air Pipeline Tests

For specific operational procedures of air pipeline testing, please refer to 3.2.1 O2
Pipeline Tests.


 Being different from O2 pipeline ventilation, when air pipeline gas feed is cut off, the
system will not give alarms related to the air pressure as air pressure drops.

3.2.4 Backup gas Cylinder Tests

If anaesthesia machine is not equipped with a standby cylinder, it is unnecessary to

conduct the test.

3.3 Gas Cylinder Tests


 To prevent damage, open the cylinder valves slowly.

 After doing the cylinder tests, close all cylinder valves if cylinder supplies are notused.

 Turn the flow controls slowly. Do not turn further when the flow indicated throughthe
flowmeter is outside of the range to avoid damaging the control valve.

This test is not required if cylinders are not configured.

3.3.1 Check the Cylinders are Full

1. Set the system switch to its position “OFF” ( ), and connect the gas cylinder to be
2. Turn on the valves of all standby cylinders.
3. Ensure that the pressure inside all gas cylinders is adequately high. If not, turn off
corresponding gas cylinder valve, and replace the cylinder with a fully-charged one.
4. Turn off the valves of all standby cylinders.

3.3.2 High-pressure Gas Leak Testing of O2 Gas Cylinders

1. Turn on the valves of all standby cylinders.

2. Set the system switch to its position “OFF” ( ) to stop gas feed of O2 pipeline gas
3. Adjust O2 flow control knob, and turn off the O2 flowmeter.
4. Turn on the valve of O2 gas cylinder
5. Read and record the current values displayed in standby cylinder manometer.
6. Turn off the valves of O2 gas cylinders.
7. In a minute, read and record the values indicated in the standby cylinder
There is a leak
 If the cylinder pressure for drive gas decreases more than 5000 kPa (725 psi).
 If the cylinder pressure for non-drive gas decreases more than 690 kPa (100 psi).
 In this case, install a new cylinder gasket and repeat steps 1 through 6. If the leak

3.3.3 High-pressure gas Leak Testing of N2O Cylinders

Please conduct high-pressure gas leak testing of N2O gas cylinders as per the steps described
in3.3.2high-pressure gas leak testing of O2 gas cylinders. If the drop of value indicated in the
N2O high-pressure manometer is greater than 700kPa (100psi) in 1 minute, gas leak exists.

3.4 Flow Control System Tests

3.4.1 Monitoring without O2 Sensor


 Even if fresh gas contains enough O2, it may not always avoid the hypoxemia mixed gas
in breathing system.

 If N2O exists and flows through the system during the testing, it shall be collected and
eliminated as per safe and acceptable methods.

 Improper mixed gas may injure the patients. If the oxygen- lin N2O ked system cannot
provide well-proportioned O2 and N2O, the system shall not be used.


 To avoid damage, please turn on the gas cylinder valve slowly.

 When Backup gas Cylinder Testing is over, turn off the gas cylinder valves if standby
cylinders are not adopted for gas feed.

 Turn the gas flow switches slowly, and do not turn them forcibly when the maximum or
minimum flow range is exceeded, so as not to damage the control valve and result in
control failure. When flowmeter is adjusted to the minimum value, the reading shall be

Please conduct the flow control system testing as per the following steps when oxygen
sensor is not adopted:

1. Connect pipeline ventilation or turn on gas cylinder valve slowly.

2. Turn clockwise all flow control knobs of flowmeter to the end (minimum flow).
3. Set the system switch to its position “ON” ( ).
4. If electric quantity of battery is not enough or other ventilator malfunction alarms are
given, do not use the system.
5. Adjust all gas flows to the minimum positions.
6. Test the flow increasing of oxygen-N2O linked system;
Turn clockwise O2 and N2O flow control knobs respectively to adjust the flow of O2 and

N2O to the minimum. Turn counterclockwise N2O flow control knob, adjust N2Oflow
and set them to the values given the table below successively. Observe the values of
oxygen flow at each step, and make sure that they meet the requirements listed in the table.

Step N2O flow (L/min) Oxygen flow (L/min)

1 0.6 ≥0.2
2 1.5 ≥0.5
3 3.0 ≥1.0
4 7.5 ≥2.5
7. Test the flow reduction of oxygen-N2O linked system;
Turn clockwise O2 and N2O flow control knobs to adjust the flow of O2 and N2O to at
least 9.0L/min and 3L/min respectively. Turn counterclockwise N2O flow control knob,
and adjust N2O flows and set them to the values given the table below successively.
Observe the values of oxygen flow at each step, and guarantee that they meet the
requirements listed in the table.

Step N2O gas flow (L/min) Oxygen flow (L/min)

1 7.5 ≥2.5
2 3.0 ≥1.0
3 1.5 ≥0.5
4 0.6 ≥0.2
8. Cut off oxygen pipeline supply or turn off oxygen gas cylinder.


 When O2ventilation is cut off, alarms “No O2 Pressure” may be given as O2 pressure

9. Set the system switch to its position “ON” ( ).

3.4.2 Monitoring with O2 sensor

To conduct the testing, test the oxygen monitoring device as per “Alarm Testing”. Please
conduct the flow control system testing as per the following steps when transducer is

1. Connect pipeline ventilation or turn on gas cylinder valve slowly.

2. Turn clockwise all flow control knobs of flowmeter to the end (minimum flow).
3. Set the system switch to its position “ON” ( ).
4. If electric quantity of battery is not enough or other ventilator malfunction alarms are
given,do not use the system.
5. Adjust all gas flows to the minimum positions.
The following steps 6 and 7 are only applicable to N2O system testing.


During steps 6 and 7, the utilized oxygen sensor must be calibrated correctly, and the
linked system must be kept in its functional mode.

Adjust the testing control only (N2O described in step 6 and O2 described in step 7).

Adjust N2O before O2, and regulate the flows according to priority.

6. Test the flow reduction of O2-N2O linked system;

Turn clockwise O2 and N2O flow control knobs respectively to the end (minimum flow).

Turn counterclockwise the N2O flow control knob slowly.

Make sure that the O2 flow is increasing, and the measured O2 concentration must be
≥21% in the whole process.

7. Test the flow reduction of O2-N2O gas linked system:

Turn N2O flow control knob, and set the N2O flow to 9.0L/min.

Turn O2 flow control knob, and set the O2 flow to 3L/min or higher.

Turn counterclockwise the O2 flow control knob slowly.

Make sure that the N2O flow is increasing, and the measured O2 concentration must be
≥21% in the whole process.

8. Cut off the O2 pipeline gas feed or turn off the O2 gas cylinder valve.
9. Make sure:

Stop N2O and O2 gas flow, and O2 gas flow is cut off finally.

If an air supply is connected, air draft shall be maintained.

Ventilator may give alarm related to inadequate gas supply.

10. Turn clockwise all flow control knobs to the end (minimum flow).
11. Connect the O2 pipeline ventilation or turn on the O2 gas cylinder valve again.
12. Set the system to its standby mode.

3.5 Vaporizer Back Pressure Test


 Use only the Selectatec series vaporizers. Make sure that the vaporizers are lockedwhen
doing the test.

 During the test, the anesthetic agent comes out of the fresh gas outlet. Use a safeand
approved procedure to remove and collect the agent.

 To prevent damage, turn the flow controls fully clockwise (minimum flow or OFF)
before using the system.

Before the test, make sure that the vaporizers are correctly installed.
1. Set the system switch to its position “ON”. An alarm might be given here.
2. Set the O2 flow to 6L/min.
3. Make sure that the O2 flow is constant, and that the floating mark of oxygen flow
meter (for AX-600) or summation flowmeter (for AX-700) may travel freely..
4. Adjust the concentration of anaesthesia vaporizer between 0 ~ 1%. The drop of O2
flow must not be greater than 1L/min in the whole process. If the drop of O2 flow is
greater than 1L/min:
 Replace the anaesthesia vaporizer with a new one;

 If the drop of O2 flow is smaller than 1L/min after the replacement, the old
anaesthesia vaporizer is faulty.

 If the drop of O2 flow is still greater than 1 L/min after the replacement, the
anaesthesia machine system is faulty.

5. For each anaesthesia, vaporizer steps 2 and 3 shall be conducted.


 Do not perform test on the vaporizer when the concentration control is between “OFF”
and the first graduation above “0” (zero) as the amount of anesthetic drugoutputted is
very small within this range.

3.6 O2 Flush Test

3.6.1 In Mechanical Ventilation Mode

1. Connect the O2 pipeline supply or cylinder.

2. Set the bag/mechanical ventilation switch to the mechanical ventilation position.

3. Set the system switch to the position or set the system to Standby.

4. Plug the patient connection using a test plug.

5. Turn off ACGO (if ACGO is configured).
6. Let the folding bag completely collapse.
7. Press and hold the O2 flush button . Measure the time required for fully inflatingthe
folding bag.
8. Repeat the operation (opening patient connection to collapse the folding bag) at least
9. Check that the folding bag is fully inflated within 1 to 3 seconds.

3.6.2 In Manual Ventilation Mode

1. Set the bag/mechanical ventilation switch to the bag position.

2. Set the system switch to the position or set the system to Standby.

3. Plug the patient connection using a test plug.

4. Connect a 3 L or 1 L bag to the bag arm or manual bag port.
5. Turn off ACGO (if ACGO is configured).
6. Let the bag completely collapse.
7. Turn the APL valve to 75 cmH2O.
8. Press and hold the O2 flush button . Measure the time required for the reading onthe
pressure gauge to reach 10 cmH2O.
9. Repeat the operation (opening patient connection to collapse the bag) at least twice.
10. Check that
 The 3 L bag is fully inflated within 3 to 6 seconds.
 The 1 L bag is fully inflated within 1 to 3 seconds.

3.7 Breathing System Testing


 Foreign objects remaining inside the breathing system may block up the gas flowing to the
patient, and may result in a casualty accident. Make sure that no testing plugs or other foreign
objects exist inside the breathing system.

 Breathing system shall be equipped with a respiration machine conforming to ISO 8835-5 and
YY 0635.4.

1. Make sure that the breathing system is connected properly and is kept in good
order and condition.
Once the breathing system is disconnected, the anaesthesia machine may give an
alarm “No Breathing System”.
2. Make sure that the check valves in the breathing system work fine.

If the Inspiratory check valve (unidirectional valve) is turned on during inspiration

and is transiently turned on when expiration begins, the Inspiratory check valve
(unidirectional valve) works fine.

If the Expiratory check valve (unidirectional valve) is turned on during expiration

and is transiently turned on when inspiration begins, the Expiratory check valve
(unidirectional valve) works fine.

3.7.1 Bellows Leak Tightness Testing

1. Set the system to its standby mode.

2. Set the Bag/mechanical ventilation switch to its position “Mechanical Control”
( ).
3. Turn all flow control knobs to set to all gas flows to the minimum values.
4. Choke up the patient-end outlet, and shut down the breathing system.
5. Push the quick oxygen charging button to charge the bellows such that the folded
sack of bellows rises to the top end.
6. Make sure that the pressure indicated in the gas channel manometer may not
exceed 15cmH2O.
7. The folded sack of bellows shall not drop. If yes, gas leak exists in the bellows.
Reassemble the bellows.

3.7.2 Breathing System Leak Test in Mechanical Ventilation



 System leak testing includes the leak testing of anaesthesia breathing system and anaesthesia

 System gas leak testing must be conducted in its standby mode.

 To conduct system gas leak testing, make sure that the breathing system is connected
correctly, and the respiratory pipelines are kept in good order and condition.

Gas leak testing may be conducted as per the following procedures:

1. Make sure that the system is already set to its standby mode; Otherwise, push the
standby key to access [Standby] interface.
2. Make sure that the gas supply pressure is adequate.
3. Set the Bag/vent Control switch to its position “Mechanical Control” ( ).
4. Insert the Y-piece of corrugated pipe to the leak testing plug of breathing system
to block up the gas outlet of Y-piece.
5. Turn the flow control knob to turn off the O2, N2O and air flow completely.
6. Push the oxygen flush button such that the folded sack of bellows rises to the top
7. Select [Leak Test] menu → [Leak in vent mode] .
8. Push the [Start] button. The system begins respiratory-system gas leak detection
and displays simultaneously the prompting message: [Testing is Performing] .
9. If the system passes the detection, it displays a prompting message: [Leak rate
PASS] . Otherwise, it displays a prompting message: [Leak rate FAIL] . In
such a case, check the breathing system for correct connection, and check the
pipelines for good condition. If no problem exists, conduct leak detection over


 Gas leak testing in progress may be terminated if [Stop] button is pushed during gas leak
testing. That does not mean the system gas leak testing fails, only that the current testing gets

 If gas leak testing fails, check all possible sources of gas leak such as bellows, breathing
system pipeline, Canister (carbon dioxide absorbent)source and their connectors for good
condition or correct connection. During the check of CO2, absorber check the seal
components of Canister (carbon dioxide absorbent)for attached granules of CO2 absorbent,
and remove them if any.

 If leaks exist in the breathing system, do not use the equipment. Contact in time the
equipment maintainers or After-service Department of the department.

3.7.3 Breathing System Leak Test in Manual Ventilation Mode

1. Guarantee that the system is already set to its standby mode; Otherwise, push the
standby key ( ) to access [Standby] interface.

2. Set the Bag/mechanical ventilation switch to its position “Manual” ( ).

3. Connect the manual respiration leather bag to manualrespiration leather-bag port

on the breathing system.

4. Adjust the APL valve control knob such that the APL valve is set to its
maximum status (position of 75cmH2O).

5. Turn the flow control knob to turn off the O2, N2O and air flow completely.

6. Insert the Y-piece of corrugated pipe into the leak testing plug of
Manual/Independent leather-bag port to block up the gas outlet of Y-piece.

7. Push the oxygen flush button to allow the value indicated by the gas channel
manometer rise to approximately 30cmH2O.

8. Release the oxygen flush button, and select [Leak Test] menu → [Leak in bag
mode] .

9. Push the [Start] button. The systembegins manual circuit leak testing and
displays simultaneously the prompting message: [Testing is Performing] .

10. If the equipment passes the testing, the system displays a prompting message
[Leak rate PASS] .Otherwise, it displays a prompting message: [Leak rate
FAIL] . In such a case, check the breathing system for correct connection, and
check the pipelines for good condition. If no problem exists, conduct leak
detection over again. If gas leak still exists, contact the equipment maintenance
personnel of After-service Department of the Company.

11. Leaks may also be verified by observing the readings indicated by the gas
channel manometer during testing. If the readings drop, gas leak exists.

3.7.4 APL Valve Accuracy Testing

1. Make sure that the system is already set to its standby mode; Otherwise, push the
standby key ( ) to access [Standby] interface.

2. Set the Bag/vent Control switch to its position “Manual” ( ).

3. Connect the manual respiration leather bag to manualrespiration leather-bag port

on the respiratory circuit.

4. Insert the Y-piece of corrugated pipe into the leak testing plug of
Manual/Independent leather-bag port to block up the gas outlet of Y-piece.

5. Adjust the APL valve control knob such that the APL valve pressure is set to

6. Push the oxygen flush button to fully charge the manual/independent leather bag.

7. Make sure that the readings indicated by gas channel manometer range from 20to

8. Adjust the APL valve control knob such that the opening pressure of APL valve
is set to the minimum value (position MIN).

9. Set the O2 flow to 3L/min, and turn off other gases.

10. Make sure that the reading indicated by the gas channel manometer is smaller
than 5cmH2O.

11. Push the oxygen flush button, and make sure that the reading indicated by gas
channel manometer does not exceed 10cmH2O.

12. Turn the O2 flow control knob to set the O2 flow to the minimum, and verify
that the reading indicated by the gas channel manometer does not drop to below

3.7.5 Test respiration Check Valve

1. Visual observation: Check whether or not the flappers stay inside the flapper tray
evenly when the system is set to its off position.

2. Turn on the system.

3. Make sure that the gas supply pressure is adequate.

4. Make sure that ACGO is already set to its non-ACGO mode

5. Set the Bag/mechanical ventilation switch to its position “Mechanical Control”

( ).
6. Start ventilation.

7. Check whether or not the respiration check valve performs circulation while it is
closed and opened. If the respiration check valve fails to perform circulation
when it is closed and opened, it is faulty.

3.8 Ventilator Testing

1. Make sure that the gas supply pressure is adequate.

2. Make sure that the relevant parameters and alarm limits of ventilator are set up as
per suitable clinical levels.

3. Set the Bag/vent Control switch to its position “Mechanical Control”.

4. Make adjustment in mechanical control mode, and connect the manual leather
bag to the patient-end port;

5. Set the parameters like different tidal volumes, respiratory rates and
inspiratory/expiratory ratios of anaesthesia machine. Observe the monitored
value and set values of the anaesthesia machine, and check whether or not the
actual tidal volumes of bellows hood of the breathing system may meet the
clinical requirements.

3.9 Alarm Tests

3.9.1 Prepare for Alarm Tests

1. Connect a test lung or manual bag to the Y piece patient connection.

2. Set the bag/mechanical ventilation switch to the position.

3. Set the system switch to the position.

4. Set the system to Standby.

5. Set the ventilator controls as follows:

 Ventilation mode: [VCV].

 [TV]: 500 ml.
 [Rate]:12 BPM.
 [I:E]: 1:2.
 [Plimit]: 30 cmH2O.
 [PEEP]: OFF.

6. Push the O2 flush button to fill the bellows, folding bag rising to the top.

7. Turn the O2 flow control to set the O2 flow to 0.5 to 1 L/min.

8. Press the [Ventilation Start]to exit Standby.

9. Make sure that:

 The ventilator displays the correct data.

 The folding bag inside the bellows inflates and deflates normally during
 Mechanical ventilation.

3.9.2 Test the O2 Concentration Monitoring and Alarms


 In accordance with international laws and regulations, oxygen concentration shall be

monitored during the equipment is applied on a patient. If your equipment is not provided
with the said function, please use a monitoring instrument conforming to corresponding
international standards to monitor the oxygen concentration.


 It is unnecessary to conduct the testing if oxygen sensor is not adopted.

1. Set the Bag/mechanical ventilation switch to its position “Manual” ( ).

2. Take the oxygen sensor out of breathing system and wait for 2~3 minutes;
measure the indoor air, and verify that the measured O2 concentration [FiO2] is
approximately 21%
3. Set the [Low Limit] of [FiO2] : In the user interface, select [Alarm] menu →
Access [ventilator] → Select [FiO2] [Low Limit] menu, and set the low alarm
limit of the parameter to 50%.
4. Observe the alarm prompt zone in the screen, make sure that [LowFiO2] is
5. Set the [Low Limit] of [FiO2] to a value lower than the current monitored value
of [FiO2] , and make that the alarm of [LowFiO2] is cleared.
6. Re assemble the oxygen sensor into the breathing system.
7. Set the [High Limit] of O2 alarm: Select [Alarm] menu → Access [ventilator]

→ Select [FiO2] [High Limit] enu, and set the high alarm limit of the parameter
to 50%.
8. Connect the manual respiration leather bag to the manual respiration leather-bag
port of breathing system. Push the oxygen flush button to charge
manual/independent leather bag, and make sure that the O2 concentration [FiO2]
measured by sensor is of approximately 100%.
9. Observe the physiologic alarm prompt zone in the screen, and make sure that
[High FiO2] is displayed.
10. Set the [High Limit] of [FiO2] alarm to 100%, and guarantee that [High FiO2]
is cleared.

3.9.3 Test the Minute Volume (MV) Alarm

1. Make sure [Per-minute ventilation Amount] alarm is set to its ON mode.

2. Set the [Low Limit] alarm of [MV] : In the user interface, Select [Alarm] menu
→ access [Ventilator] → Select [MV] [Low Limit] menu, and set the low
alarm limit of the parameter to 6.0L/min.

3. When the MV is lower than the low alarm limit, observe the alarm prompt
zone in the screen, and guarantee that [Low MV] is displayed.

4. Set the [High Limit] alarm of [MV] : In the user interface, select [Alarm] menu
→ Access [ventilator] → Select [MV] [High Limit] menu, and set the high
alarm limit of the parameter to 9.0L/min.

5. When the MV is higher than the high alarm limit, observe the alarm prompt
zone in the screen, and guarantee that [High MV] is displayed.

3.9.4 Test the Apnea Alarm

1. Connect the manual respiration leather bag to the corresponding connector of the
breathing system.

2. Set the Bag/Vent Control switch to “Manual” ( ).

3. Adjust the APL valve control knob such that it is just set to the position with the
minimum opening pressure.
4. Pinch the manual respiration leather bag, and guarantee that 1 complete
respiratory cycle takes place.
5. Stop pinching the manual respiration leather bag, wait for at least 30 seconds,

and make sure that [Apnea] alarm is displayed in the screen.
6. Pinch the manual respiration leather bag for several times, and make sure that the
[Apnea] alarm displayed in the screen disappears.

3.9.5 Test the Sustained Airway Pressure Alarm

1. Connect the manual respiration leather bag to the corresponding connector of the
breathing system.
2. Rotate the O2 flow control knob to the low limit.
3. Adjust the APL valve control knob, set the APL valve in position 30cmH2O.
4. Set the Manual / Mechanical Control switch to its position “Manually” ( )
5. Push and hold the oxygen flush button for approximately 15 seconds, and make
sure that [Continuous Pressure] alarm is displayed in the screen.
6. Turn on the patient-end outlet, and guarantee that [Continuous Pressure] alarm
displayed in the screen disappears.

3.9.6 Test the High Paw Alarm

1. Set the Bag/mechanical ventilation switch to its position “Manual” ( ).

2. In the user interface, Select [Alarm] menu → Access [ventilator] → Select
[Ppeak] [High Limit] menu, and set the alarm limits of the parameter to
0cmH2O ( [Low Limit] ) and 5cmH2O ( [High Limit] ).
3. Guarantee that [High Paw] is displayed in the screen.
4. Set the [High Limit] of gas channel peak pressure to 40cmH2O.
5. Guarantee that [High Paw] displayed in the screen disappears.

3.9.7 Test the Low Paw Alarm

1. Set the Manual / Mechanical Control switch to its position “Mechanical Control
“( )”.
2. In the user interface, select [Alarm] menu → access [Ventilator] →Select
[Ppeak] [High limit] menu, and set the [Low Limit] alarm limit of the
parameter to 2cmH2O.
3. Remove the manual respiration leather-bag from the patient-end port of wye
4. Wait for 20 seconds, observe the alarm prompt zone in the screen, and make sure
that [Low Paw] alarm is displayed in the screen.
5. Connect the manual respiration leather bag to manual respiration leather-bag port
on the breathing system.
6. Guarantee that [Low Paw] displayed in the screen disappears.

3.9.8 Test the CO2 Monitor Alarm

1. Refer to “Chapter 7 Physiologic Alarms and Technical Alarms”.

2. Connect a carbon dioxide gas sampler to a CO2 analyzer.
3. Select [Alarm] menu → access [CO2] → Select the [High Limit] alarm menu
of [FiCO2] and [ETCO2] , and set the alarm [High Limit] to 20 mmHg.
4. Make sure that the alarm [High FiCO2] / [High EtCO2] are displayed on the
screen when the concentration of inspired CO2 / expiratory-end CO2 are higher
than the alarm limit respectively.
5. Set the [Low Limit] menu of [FiCO2] [ETCO2] alarms of [CO2] to 10 mmHg.
6. Set the [Low Limit] of CO2 to a value higher than the standard gas
7. Make sure that the alarms [Low FiCO2] / [Low EtCO2] are displayed on the
screen when the concentration of FiCO2/EtCO2 are lower than the alarm limit

3.10 AGSS Inspection

3.10.1 Check the Float

Install the AGSS. Check if the float floats off and exceeds the MIN level. If the float is tacky or
damaged, re-install the AGSS or replace the float.


 Do not block the AGSS pressure compensation openings during the inspection.

If the float fails to float off, the possible reasons are:

1. The float is tacky or stuck to the guide bar. Invert the AGSS and check if the float
moves up and down freely. If not, clean where the float and guide bar meet to
remove possible foreign substance. Replace the float or guide bar when necessary.

2. The waste gas disposal system is not working or the pump rate is less than 60
L/min at which the AGSS works normally. Check if the waste gas disposal system
reaches the pump rate range of 50-80 L/min specified by the AGSS.

3.10.2 Check the Transfer Tube and Active Scavenging Tube

Disconnect the tubes from other components.

1. Check the transfer tube and its connectors for damage. If any damage is detected,
replace the tube .
2. Check:
 The receiving hose and its connectors for damage.
 If the connections between the receiving hose and its connectors are loose.
 The nylon pad and seal for damage.
If any damage or loose connection is detected, replace the corresponding component.

3.11 Power Failure Test

1. Connect the anesthesia machine to the AC power source. Both AC power LED
and battery LED should come on. If the AC power LED is not lit, check the fuse
and power board.

Battery LED

AC power LED Operating state LED

2. Set the system switch to the position.

3. Unplug the power cord with the system turned on. The message [Battery in Use]
is displayed. Meanwhile, the AC power LED is extinguished and the battery
LED is flashing.
4. Reconnect the AC power. The prompt message disappears. The AC power LED
is illuminated. The battery LED stops flashing and stays ON.

3.12 Electrical Safety Tests

1. Perform leakage current test by using certified (such as UL, CSA or AMAI) test
devices. Make sure that the test result is not greater than 500 μA.

2. Make sure that the impedance between the protective grounding terminal of the
power cord and any exposed metal enclosure is less than 0.2Ω.

Chapter 4 Maintenance and Calibration

 When it comes to test and maintain the equipment, make sure that the patient is
disconnected from the equipment.

 The equipment may have been used on patients carrying infectious diseases. Before
testing or maintaining the equipment, wear sterile rubber gloves to reduce the risk of
being infected.

 When the equipment to be maintained contains blood or other secretion, clean, disinfect
and sterilize the equipment by strictly following the control and safety handling
procedures for infectious diseases.

4.1 Equipment Maintenance

To ensure the long-term reliability and stability of the anesthesia machine, periodical
maintenance of the equipment and replacement of its parts must be performed by
authorized service personnel. For details about parts replacement, refer to6Repair and
Disassembly Periodical parts replacement can be carried out every year or every three
years. Make records of the parts that have been replaced before the periodical replacement.


 These schedules are the minimum frequency based on typical usage of 2000 hours per
year. You should service the equipment more frequently if you use it more than the
typical yearly usage.

 To avoid equipment damage or personal injury, replace the parts which need to be
replaced periodically even if they are not worn or damaged when the due date arrives.

4.1.1 One-year Replaceable Parts

List of one-year service package:

No. Description
1 Gas supply inlet filter

2 Seal for gas supply inlet assembly

3 Seal for vaporizer manifold

4 Seal for valve cover

5 Valve seal

6 Seal for bag arm

7 Seal for water collection cup

8 Sealing cushion for sodalime canister outlet

9 Sealing component for sodalime canister

10 Seal for sodalime canister support

11 Seal for pressure sampling connector

12 Seal for fresh gas and ACGO

13 Seal for drive gas and APL discharge

14 Seal for bellows housing

15 Folding bag

16 Seal for axis of bag/mechanical ventilation switch

17 BYPASS large sealing cushion Parts Replacement

1. As required, replace the gas supply inlet filterand seal for gas supplyinlet
assemblyevery 12 months. Unscrew the gas supply inletcounterclockwise using a
wrench to disassemble the gas supply inlet assembly as shownbelow (take O2
supply inlet as an example).


2. As required, replace the seals where vaporizer manifold connectors meet the
vaporizers every 12 months.

Seals to be replaced

3. As required, replace the seal for valve cover and valve seal every 12 months.


4. As required, replace the seal for manual drain valve every 12months.


5. As required, replace the sealing component for sodalime canister outlet and sealing
component for sodalime canister every 12 months.

Sealing component for

sodalime canister outlet

Sealing component for

sodalime canister

6. As required, replace the seal for sodalime canister support every 12months.


7. As required, replace the seal for pressure sampling connector, seal for fresh gas and
ACGO, seal for drive gas and APL discharge every 12 months.
8. As required, replace seal component and folded sack every 12 months.

Folded sack

Seal component

9. As required, replace the seal for axis of bag/mechanical ventilation switch every 12


Pull out the pin axis after

removing the seal herein

Pin axis pulled out

10. As required, replace the BYPASS large sealing cushion every 12months.

BYPASS large sealing


4-8 Checkout and Test of the Anesthesia Machine

Perform the following maintenance procedures every 12 months:

1. System inspection.
2. Pipeline test.
3. Cylinder test.
4. Flow control system test.
5. Vaporizer back pressure test.
6. O2 flush test.
7. Breathing circuit test.
8. Pressure relief valve test.
9. Alarm test.
10. AGSS inspection.
11. Power failure test.
12. Electrical safety test.
13. Flow sensor calibration.
14. O2 sensor calibration.
15. Airway pressure gauge zeroing.
16. APL valve accuracy adjustment.
17. Low pressure leak test.

4.1.2 Three-year Replaceable Parts

List of three-year service package:

No. Description Qty

1 Lithium battery Li-ion 11.1V4400mAh LI23S001A 1

2 Cell battery Lithium 3V35mAh D12.5*2.0 1

4.2 System Test

Before the anesthesia machine at the client end is maintained, some routine tests are
required to check if the current status of the anesthesia machine is normal.

1. Check the mechanical ventilation mode
After each service or at the time of return visit:
 Check if mechanical ventilation is provided normally and if an alarm occurs.
 Check if the preset values of pressure and TV are same to the measured values.
 Check if the pressure measured by the pressure sensor is same to that indicated
by the airway pressure gauge and if the TV measured by the flow sensor is
same to that indicated by the graduation on the bellows housing.
 Roughly judge if the breathing system has a significant leak by observing how
much fresh gas is compensated and observing if the folding bag collapses.
2. Breathing system leak test in mechanical Ventilation mode
After each service or at the time of return visit:
 Check the pneumatic circuit in mechanical ventilation mode for leaks,
including bellows, drive gas circuit, sodalime canister, patient tubes, flow
sensors and the ir connectors.
 Check the control effectiveness of main control board and auxiliary control
board over PEEP safety valve.
 Check the monitoring effectiveness of auxiliary control module over airway
pressure and PEEP path pressure.
3. Breathing system leak test in manual ventilation mode
After each service or at the time of return visit, please check the pneumatic circuit in
manual ventilation mode for leaks, including APL valve, check valve, sodalime
canister, patient tubes, flow sensors and their connectors.
4. Check the sensors’ zero points
After each service or at the time of return visit, please check if the zero points of all
the flow sensors and pressure sensors inside the machine are within the normal
range so as to determine when to replace the monitor board.
5. Check the flow sensor accuracy
After each service or at the time of return visit:
 Check if the measurements made by the flow sensor sinside the machine are
the same.
 Check if the measurement made by any flow sensor inside the machine is
 Check the effectiveness of flow calibration (factory)result.
6. Check the pressure sensor accuracy
After each service or at the time of return visit:

 Check if the measurements made by the pressure sensors inside the machine
are the same.
 Check if the measurement made by any pressure sensor inside the machine is
 Check the effectiveness of pressure calibration (factory)result.
7. Check the electronic flowmeter accuracy
After each service or at the time of return visit:
 Check if the measurement made by the electronic flowmeter is normal.
 Check the effectiveness of electronic flowmeter calibration result.

4.2.1 Check the Mechanical Ventilation Mode


 The main function of the anesthesia machine is to provide breathing

support—mechanical ventilation which complies with the doctor’s settings to the patient.
The tests in this section are performed aiming to ensure that the machine is able to
provide normal mechanical ventilation.

 The tests can help to judge if the machine operates normally. Check Volume Control Ventilation (VCV)


 VCV is the standard ventilation mode of the anesthesia machine and also the mostbasic
mechanical ventilation mode.

To check VCV:
1. Make sure that the supply pressure is normal and that the tubes in the breathing
circuit are correctly connected as required for mechanical ventilation. Connect a 2 L
bag, which is used as the test lung, to the Y piece in the patient circuit.
2. Set the bag/mechanical ventilation switch to the mechanical ventilation position.
3. Select VCV as the ventilation mode.
4. Adjust total amount of fresh gas to 0.5 L/min.
5. Set the following combinations of TV and Rate respectively: 300 ml and 15 BPM,

600ml and 15 BPM, 900 ml and 15 BPM, 1200 ml and 15 BPM. Set others to the
defaults. Record the displayed TVexp and Ppeak values, and the peak pressure
reading on the airway pressure gauge in each setting stabilized status.
6. Judge if the above measured data meet the following conditions:
 TV control and measurement are normal: the displayed TVexp value should be
within the range of TV setting X (1±10%) ml.
 Circuit leak is within the acceptable range: the folding bag can reach the top of
the bellows housing each time and the lowest graduation on the bellows
housing whichthe bag falls to each time corresponds to approximately TV
 Pressure measurement is normal: the Ppeak measured value is close to the peak
pressure reading on the airway pressure gauge. The error should not exceed
 No other ventilation failure occurs: the Paw and flow waveforms are displayed
normally and no technical alarms occur.
If the above test requirements are not met, perform subsequent checks and do the test


 If any errors are detected during VCV test, perform troubleshooting as per5
Troubleshooting and do the test again until the system is normal. Check Pressure Control Ventilation (PCV)


 PCV is one of the basic mechanical ventilation modes of the anesthesia machine. PCV is
configured depending on the user’s selection and machine type. If the anesthesia
machine under test is not configured with this mode, this test is not required.

To check PCV:
1. Make sure that the supply pressure is normal and that the tubes in the breathing
circuit are correctly connected as required for mechanical ventilation. Connect a 2 L
bag, which is used as the test lung, to the Y piece in the patient circuit.
2. Set the bag/mechanical ventilation switch to the mechanical ventilation position.
3. Select PCV as the ventilation mode.
4. Adjust total amount of fresh gas to 0.5 L/min.
5. Set the following combinations of Pinsp, Rate and PEEP respectively: (10 cmH2O,
15BPM, OFF), (15 cmH2O, 12 BPM, 5 cmH2O), (20 cmH2O, 10 BPM, 8 cmH2O).
Set others to the defaults. Record the displayed Ppeak and PEEP values, and
maximum and minimum readings on the airway pressure gauge in each setting
stabilized status
6. Judge if the above measured data meet the following conditions:
 Pressure control and measurement are normal: the displayed Ppeak value
should be within the range of Pinsp setting ±2 cmH2O.
 Circuit leak is within the acceptable range: the folding bag can reach the top of
the bellows housing each time.
 Pressure measurement is normal: in one breathing cycle, the Ppeak measured
value should be close to the maximum reading on the airway pressure gauge
(with error not exceeding 2 cmH2O) and the displayed PEEP value close to the
minimum reading on the airway pressure gauge (with error not exceeding 1
 No other ventilation failure occurs: the Paw and flow waveforms are displayed
normally and no technical alarms occur.
If the above test requirements are not met, perform subsequent checks and do the test


 If any errors are detected during PCV test, perform subsequent checks and do the test
again until the errors are corrected.

4.2.2 Breathing System Leak Test in Mechanical Ventilation


Please refer to section 3.7.2.

4.2.3 Breathing System Leak Test in Manual Ventilation Mode

Please refer to section 3.7.2.

4.2.4 Check the Sensor Zero Point


 The zero point A/D value of the airway pressure sensor and PEEP pressure sensor
should fall within the normal range of 300 to 800.

 The zero point A/D value of the inspiratory flow sensor, expiratory flow sensor and
built-in ventilator flow sensor should fall within the normal range of 200 to 1000.

 If the zero point of the pressure sensor has an error, in ventilation status, the baseline of
the Paw waveform is not at the zero point and a great deviation occurs between pressure
control and measurement.

 If the zero point of the inspiratory/expiratory flow sensor has an error, in ventilation
status, the baseline of the flow waveform is not at the zero point and are at deviation
occurs between TV control and measurement.

 If the zero point A/D value of any sensor is outside of the normal range, it can note
corrected. The monitor board must be replaced.

To check the sensor zero point:

1. Turn off all fresh gases and position the Y piece connector in the patient circuit to
the air.
2. Make sure that the system is Standby. Select the [Maintain]→ Input Password →
[Diagnosis] → [Display AD Channel].
3. Make sure that the actual measured value of each sensor is “0” (zero). Record the
zero point A/D value of each sensor and judge if the zero point falls with the normal
range. If not, replace the monitor board.

4.2.5 Check the Flow Sensor Accuracy


 If a great deviation of TV measured value occurs, test the measurement accuracyof flow
sensors so as to determine whether to perform flow calibration again.

To check the measurement accuracy of flow sensors:

1. Make sure that the circuit, calibration device (or other flow measurement device)
and breathing tubes are connected in serial, similar to tubes connection in flow
calibration. For details, refer to4.3.2Flow Calibration (factory).
2. When the system is Standby, select the [Maintain] → [Diagnosis] → [Valve
Test Tool] to access the [Valve Test Tool] menu.
3. Set safety valve to [ON].
4. Set the D/A value of the PEEP valve to above 1500 and ensure that the pressure at
which the expiratory valve closes is above 30 cmH2O.
5. Increase the D/A value of the inspiratory valve, causing the measured flow value of
theanesthesia machine calibration device to fall with the following ranges
respectively:(3±0.5) L/min, (10±1) L/min, (20±1) L/min, (30±2) L/min, (60±3)
L/min. Record the measured flow values of the inspiratory flow sensor, expiratory
flow sensor and ventilator flow sensor to which each setting corresponds
6. Make sure that the deviation between the measured data of the inspiratory flow
sensor, expiratory flow sensor and ventilator flow sensor and that of the anesthesia
machine calibration device must not exceed 1 L/min or 5% of the measured value of
the calibration device, whichever is greater. Otherwise, refer to 4.3.2Flow
Calibration(factory) to perform flow calibration again.
7. If anesthesia machine calibration device is unavailable, you can execute steps 1
through5 to test the accuracy of flow sensors. The deviation between the measured
data of the inspiratory flow sensor and expiratory flow sensor and that of the
ventilator flow sensor must not exceed 1 L/min or 5% of the measured value of the
ventilator flow sensor, whichever is greater. Otherwise, refer to 4.3.2Flow
Calibration (factory) to perform flow calibration again.

4.2.6 Check the Pressure Sensor Accuracy


 Generally, measurement deviations do not easily occur to pressure sensors. However, in
case of maintaining or replacing the monitor board, three-way valve assembly, or
expiratory valve assembly, you need to perform pressure calibration and check the flow
sensors accuracy so as to confirm the effectiveness of calibration.

To check the measurement accuracy of pressure sensors:

1. Make sure that the pressure sampling line and calibration device (or other pressure
measurement device) are connected in parallel, similar to tubes connection in
pressure calibration. For details, refer to 4.3.3Pressure Calibration (factory).
2. When the system is Standby, select the [Maintain] → Input Password →
[Diagnosis] → [Valve Test Tool] to access the [Valve Test Tool] menu.
3. Set safety valve to [ON].
4. Increase the D/A value of the PEEP valve, causing the measured pressure value of
the anesthesia machine calibration device to fall with the following ranges
respectively:(5±1) cmH2O, (20±1) cmH2O, (50±1) cmH2O, (70±2) cmH2O,
(90±2) cmH2O. Record the measured pressure values of the airway pressure sensor
and PEEP pressure sensor to which each setting corresponds respectively.
5. Make sure that the deviation between the measured data of the airway pressure
sensor, PEEP pressure sensor and that of the anesthesia machine calibration device
must not exceed 1 cmH2O or 2% of the measured value of the calibration device,
whichever is greater. Otherwise, refer to 4.3.3Pressure Calibration (factory) to
perform pressure calibration again.

4.3 System Calibration


 Perform the corresponding calibration if any test item of the system test about
measurement accuracy is failed.

The anesthesia machine provides the function of monitoring volume, pressure, FiO2,
CO2concentration, AG concentration etc. When these measured values have great
deviations, it is very likely that measurement offset occurs to the relevant measurement
parts. In this case, you need to perform calibration again. After equipment service, such
as replacing the monitor board, expiratory valve assembly or three-way valve assembly,
you need to calibrate the flow sensors or pressure sensors.
The following table lists the possible calibration items and calibration time.
SN Calibration item Functional description Calibration time

1 Flow calibration(user) Calibrate the flow 1. The TV measurement deviation is

sensors of the breathing great(more than 10% compared
system. with the setting value) after the
flow sensors in the patient circuit
have been used for a longtime.
2. The flow sensor in the patient
circuit is replaced.
2 Flow Calibrate the flow 1. The expiratory valve assembly is
calibration(factory) sensors and inspiratory replaced.
valve of the anesthesia 2. The monitor board is replaced.
machine. 3. The deviation between the
measured value of the ventilator
flow sensor and that of the flow
measurement device exceeds
more than 5% of the reading or
1L/min, whichever is greater.
3 Pressure Calibrate the pressure 1. The monitor board is replaced.
calibration(factory) sensors and PEEP valve 2. The expiratory valve assembly is
of the anesthesia replaced.
machine. 3. The deviation between the
measured value of the machine’s
pressure sensor and that of the
standard pressure gauge exceeds
more than 2% of the reading or
1cmH2O, whichever is greater.
4 Electronic flowmeter Calibrate the electronic 1. The electronic flowmeter board is
calibration(factory) flowmeter board. replaced.
2. The throttling device of the
electronic flowmeter is replaced.
3. The deviation between the
measured value of the electronic
flowmeter and that of the standard
flow measurement device exceeds
more than 10% of the reading
or0.5 L/min, whichever is greater.
5 Pressure and flow Calibrate the deviation Flow or Paw waveforms deviates from
zeroing (factory) from zero point of the the baseline.
monitor board and
auxiliary monitor board.

6 Electronic flowmeter Calibrate the deviation The electronic flowmeter has a zero
zeroing(factory) from zero point of the point error. The electronic flowmeter
electronic flowmeter still displays flow when fresh gases are
board. all turned off.
7 O2 sensor calibration Calibrate the accuracy 1. The measured value of the O2
(user) ofO2 sensor at 21% sensor has a great deviation. The
and100% O2. deviation exceeds 3% both in Air
and pure O2.
2. The O2 sensor is replaced.
3. The monitor board is replaced.
8 CO2 Calibrate to cause the The measurement deviation of the
calibration(factory) module to work more module exceeds the specified accuracy
accurately. range.

9 AG calibration(factory) Calibrate to cause the The measurement deviation of the

module to work more module exceeds the specified accuracy
accurately. range.

10 O2 modul Calibrate to cause the 1. The measurement deviation of the

ecalibration(factory) module to work more module exceeds the specified
accurately. accuracy range.
2. The O2 module is replaced.

Select the [Maintenance]. Enter the required password to access the Maintenance menu,
where you can perform the following calibrations and settings.

4.3.1 Flow Calibration (user)


 The measurements performed by the flow sensors may be affected by the environment
where the sensors are used. After the sensors have been used for along time, great
deviations may occur to the measurement results and tidal volume control as well. This
problem can be fixed through flow sensor calibration.

 When replacing sensors or after re-calibrating sensors, you need to calibrate flow
sensors again.

 Before calibration, perform leak test of the breathing system in mechanical ventilation
mode first and make sure that the test is passed.

 During calibration, make sure that the drive gas pressure is kept above 0.3 MPa. Failure
to do so may lead to calibration failure.

This calibration is only intended for the flow sensors in the breathing circuit. The
inspiratory flow sensor and expiratory flow sensor in the breathing system are calibrated
through the built-in flow measurement reference.
After the inspiratory flow sensor and expiratory flow sensor have been used for several
months, for example, three months after calibration, great deviations (more than
10%compared with the setting value) may occur to tidal volume measurement due to
sensor ageing or environmental factors. Or, the user replaces flow sensors. In this case,
you need tore-calibrate flow sensors. For details about user flow calibration, refer to the
corresponding section in the Operator’s Manual.


 If measurement deviations are not corrected after multiple flow sensor calibrations, the
user is recommended to replace the flow sensor and then perform calibration. If the
problem persists, factory maintenance is necessary. After the problem is fixed, perform
calibration and system test.

4.3.2 Flow Calibration (factory)


 Factory flow calibration is necessary in case of replacing the monitor board, expiratory
valve assembly or three-way valve assembly.

 When a great deviation is detected between the measured value of the built-inflow sensor
and that of the standard flow measurement device, you need to perform factory flow

This calibration is intended for the flows sensors in the breathing circuit, ventilator flow
sensor, and also inspiratory valve. The standard flow measurement device is used to
calibrate the flow sensors and inspiratory valve. Calibration Procedures


 Make sure that the tubes are not leaky when connected.

 Do not move or press the tubes during calibration.

 When connecting calibration tubes, make sure that gas flows in the correct direction,
which is from the inspiration connector of the breathing system, through high flow inlet
of the anesthesia machine calibration device, anesthesia machine calibration device, high
flow outlet of the anesthesia machine calibration device, and to the expiration connector
of the breathing system.

 Before calibration, make sure that no sensor or valve related technical alarms occurred.

 During calibration, make sure that the drive gas pressure is kept above 0.3 MPa. Failure
to do so may lead to calibration failure.

1. Before calibration, perform leak test of the breathing system in mechanical

ventilation mode. Perform calibration after the leak test is passed. For procedures
about leak test, refer to 3.7.2Breathing System Leak Test in Mechanical
Ventilation Mode.
2. Remove the folding bag from the bellows and reinstall the bellows housing.
3. Remove the manual drain valve beside the sodalime canister assembly in the
breathing system.
4. Connect the anesthesia machine calibration device to the power source.
5. Start the calibration device to enter the startup screen followed by sensor heating
screen(waiting for approximately 5 minutes as required by the prompt message) and
then zeroing screen. Press the “ZERO” key on the panel. After the new screen pops
up, press the “OK” key on the panel to complete zeroing.


 When zeroing the anesthesia machine calibration device, make sure that no gasflows
through the device, or unplug the tube connected to the gas inlet of thedevice.

6. Connect the calibration communication connector of the calibration device to that of

the anesthesia machine by using the special communication cable. The calibration
device can communicate with the anesthesia machine through two types of
7. Connect the inspiration connector of the anesthesia machine to the high flow (0 to
120L/min) inlet of the calibration device and the expiration connector to the high
flow (0 to120 L/min) outlet of the device by using breathing tubes.

8. Press the “MODE” key on the panel of the calibration device. Select “Calibration
Mode” from the pop-up menu and then press the “OK” key on the panel to enter
calibration screen, as shown below.

9. Before calibration, make sure that the supply gas pressure is sufficient. If cylinder
supply is used, turn up the cylinder yoke (not cylinder regulator) enough before
calibration so as to ensure that the pressure reading on the O2 pressure gauge is kept
above 0.3 MPa. If pressure falls, turn up the cylinder yoke further.
10. Make sure that the anesthesia machine is in standby mode.
11. Turn off all fresh gases.
12. Select the [Factory Maintenance] → enter the required password → [Factory Cal.]
→ [Flow Cal] → [Start].
13. After flow calibration success is prompted, refer to 4.2.5Check the Flow Sensor
Accuracy to test the effectiveness of flow calibration. In case of calibration failure,
first fix the problem and then perform flow calibration again.


 In case of calibration failure, first fix the problem and then perform flowcalibration

4.3.3 Pressure Calibration (factory)


 Factory pressure calibration is necessary in case of replacing the monitor board,
expiratory valve assembly or three-way valve assembly.

 When a great deviation is detected between the measured value of the built-inpressure
sensor and that of the standard pressure measurement device, you need toper form
factory pressure calibration.

This calibration is intended for the airway pressure sensor in the breathing circuit, PEEP
pressure sensor and PEEP proportional valve of the expiratory valve assembly. The
standard pressure measurement device is used to calibrate the pressure sensors and PEEP
proportional valve.


 Before pressure calibration, make sure that the tubes are not leaky whenconnected.

 Do not move or press the tubes during calibration

1. Let the anesthesia machine calibration device be powered. Refer to the method
described in 4.3.2Flow Calibration (factory) to manually zero the calibration device
first. Use the special communication cable to connect the calibration device to the
anesthesia machine.
2. A four-way device is required to connect the sampling lines for pressure calibration.
The following pictures show the four-way device, connectors on the calibration
device and monitor board involved for pressure calibration.
3. Unplug the PEEP pressure sampling line from the PEEP pressure sampling
connector on the monitor board. Then connect it to one connector of the four-way
4. Connect the second connector of the four-way device to the PEEP pressure
sampling connector (high pressure) on the monitor board.
5. Unplug the airway pressure sampling line from the airway pressure sampling
connector(high pressure) on the monitor board.
6. Connect the third connector of the four-way device to the airway pressure sampling
connector (high pressure).
7. Connect the fourth connector of the four-way device to pressure sampling connector
(high pressure) of the calibration device.


 The sampling lines going through the four-way device must be connected to the high
pressure ends of the pressure sampling connectors of the pressure sensors.

 It is recommended to connect the sampling lines for pressure calibration to the four-way
device following the procedurs to avoid errors.

8. Make sure that the anesthesia machine is in standby mode.

9. Select the [Factory Maintenance]→ enter the required password →[Factory Cal.]
→[Pressure Cal.]→[Start].
10. After pressure calibration success is prompted, refer to 4.2.6Check the Pressure
Sensor Accuracy to test the effectiveness of pressure calibration. In case of
calibration failure, first fix the problem and then perform pressure calibration again.


 In case of calibration failure, first fix the problem and then perform pressurecalibration

4.3.4 Pressure and Flow Zeroing (factory)

During the operation of the anesthesia machine, pressure and flow are zeroed
automatically at a specific interval. You can also zero pressure and flow manually in the
factory maintenance menu. Manual zeroing can eliminate the measurement deviations
caused by zero off set immediately. This system provides the function of pressure and
flow automatic zeroing at a specific interval. Zeroing Procedures

1. Select the [Factory Maintenance] → enter the required password →[Factory

Cal.]→ [Paw and Flow Zero Cal.]. The message [Zeroing] is prompted.
2. If pressure and flow zeroing is passed, the message [Zeroing Completed!] is
displayed. If pressure and flow zeroing is failed, the message [Zeroing Failure!]
[Please try again.]is displayed.


 In case of zeroing failure, other faults may exist. You must isolate and eliminate the
problem. Troubleshoot Pressure and Flow Zeroing Failure

In case of zeroing failure, troubleshoot as follows:

1. Set the anesthesia machine to manual ventilation or standby mode. Turn off fresh
gas. Unplug the breathing tubes in the breathing system, causing the inspiration and
expiration connectors to open to the air. Bleed the residual gas inside the bellows.
Make sure that there is no flow or pressure entering the flow or pressure sensors
inside the machine.
2. Check if the zero points of the sensors are normal by referring to 4.2.4Check the
Sensor Zero Point.
3. If a zero point error is detected, unplug the sensor sampling line to eliminate the
effects caused by sampling line occlusion or three-way valve. If zero point is still
out of the range, the monitor board is faulty. Replace the monitor board.
4. If zero points of the sensors are correct but zeroing is still failed, the three-way
valve assembly is faulty. Replace the three-way valve assembly.

4.3.5 Electronic Flowmeter Zeroing (factory)

After the gas supply is disconnected, if the pointer of the pressure gauge returns to
zero but the electronic flowmeter still displays flow, it is possible that zero offset
occurs to the electronic flowmeter’s sensor. Generally, you can zero the flowmeter
manually to eliminate the measurement deviation caused by zero offset
immediately. Zeroing Procedures

1. Select the [Factory Maintenance]→ enter the required password →[Factory Cal.]
→[Flowmeter Zero Cal.]. The message[Zeroing] is prompted.
2. If flowmeter zeroing is passed, the message [Zeroing Completed!] is displayed. If
flowmeter zeroing is failed, the message [Zeroing Failure! Please try again.] is

 In case of zeroing failure, other faults may exist. You must isolate and eliminate the
problem. Troubleshoot Electronic Flowmeter Zeroing Failure

In case of zeroing failure, troubleshoot as follows:

1. Disconnect the gas supplies. After bleeding the residual gas inside the machine (or
after adjusting the flowmeter to cause the pointer of the pressure gauge to go to
zero),perform zeroing again.
2. If zeroing is completed, we can conclude that zeroing failure is caused by the
three-way valve mechanical fault. Replace the three-way valve assembly.
3. If zeroing is still failed, we can conclude that zeroing is caused by the three-way
valvehardware circuit fault or electronic flowmeter board fault. Replace the
three-way valve assembly or electronic flowmeter board.

4.3.6 CO2 Calibration (factory) Preparations

Prepare the following before doing the calibration:

 Gas cylinder: one or more cylinders filled with 3% , 4%, 5%, 6% , or 7% CO2
 T-shape connector
 Samping line Calibration Procedures


 During the calibration, selecting [Calibrate] again does not take effect or exit the
calibration menu. Other operations than menu options are disabled until the end of

Calibrate as follows:
1. Select the [Maintain] → enter the required password → [FlowMeter Zero] . The
message [Zeroing] is prompted.
2. If flowmeter zeroing is passed, the message [Pass] is displayed. If flowmeter
zeroing is failed, the message [Fail] is displayed.
3. Check the airway and make sure that there are no occlusions or leaks.
 Vent the sampling line to the air and check that the current rate is
approximately150 mL/min. If the deviation is great, it means that the airway is
occluded. Check the airway for occlusions.
 Block the gas inlet of the sampling line. The current rate should drop rapidly
and the message of airway occlusion should be prompted. Otherwise, it means
that the airway leaks. Check the airway for leakage.
4. Wait for the sensor temperature to reach and stay at 35ºC.
5. Select [Zero Sensor] to start zeroing.
6. Connect the gas cylinder to the sampling line using a T-shape connector.
7. Vent the sampling line to CO2 opening the cylinder pressure relief valve.
8. In the [CO2 Module Cal.] menu, enter the vented CO2 concentration in the [CO2]
9. In the [CO2 Module Cal.] menu, the measured CO2 concentration, barometric
pressure, sensor temperature and current pump rate are displayed. After the
measured CO2concentration becomes stable, select [CO2 % Cal.] to calibrate the
CO2 module.
10. After a successful calibration, the screen shows [Calibration Completed!].
Otherwise, the message [Calibration Failure! Please try again.] is displayed. In
this case, you need to do the calibration again.

4.3.7 AG Calibration (factory) Preparations

Prepare the following before doing the calibration:

 Gas cylinder: filled with a certain standard gas or mixed gas. Gas concentration
should meet the following requirements: AA>1.5%, CO2>1.5%, N2O>40%,
O2>40%, of which AA represents an anesthetic agent.
 T-shape connector
 Sampling line
 Gas bag Calibration Procedures

Calibrate as follows:
1. Make sure that the CO2 module is already warmed up.
2. Select the [Maintain] → enter the required password → [Calibrate] → [Gas
Module Maintain].
3. Check the airway and make sure that there are no occlusions or leaks. Vent the
sampling line to the air and check that the current rate is approximately 50 mL/min.
If the deviation is great, it means that the airway is occluded. Check the airway for
occlusions. Block the gas inlet of the sampling line. The current rate should drop
rapidly and the message of airway occlusion should be prompted. Otherwise, it
means that the air wrate should drop rapidly and the message of airway occlusion is
prompted. Otherwise, it means that the airway leaks. Check the airway for leakage.
4. Check the airway and make sure that there are no occlusions or leaks. Vent the
sampling line to the air and check whether the current rate and set rate are
approximately the same. If the deviation is great, it means that the airway is
occluded. Check the airway for occlusions.
Block the gas inlet of the sampling line. The current rate should drop rapidly and the
message of airway occlusion is prompted. Otherwise, it means that the airway leaks.
Check the airway for leakage.
5. Connect the gas cylinder, gas bag and sampling line using a T-shape connector.
6. Vent the sampling line to a certain standard gas opening the cylinder pressure relief
7. In the [Gas Module Maintain] menu, the measured gas concentration and flow are
displayed. If the difference between the measured gas concentration and the actual
one is very small, a calibration is not needed. If the difference is great, you should
perform a calibration.
8. Enter the vented gas concentrations.

9. Select [AA CAL] to start a calibration.
10. After a successful calibration, the screen shows [Calibration Completed!].
Otherwise, the message [Calibration Failure! Please try again.] is displayed. In
this case, you need to do the calibration again.


 If the calibration fails, you can select [Defaults] to restore the factory defaultcalibration
values. If the deviation is great, select [Calibrate] again to do acalibration.

 If the calibration still fails, replace the AG module.

4.4 Software Upgrade and Software Configuration

You can upgrade the following programs on the anesthesia machine with the software
we provide:
 System software
 HYP software
 Electronic flowmeter software

4.4.1 System Software Upgrade

Before Upgrading, please confirm your requirement(ventilation mode and loops) so

that we can provide the right upgrade package.
The following is the procedure for system software upgrade using USD disk:
1. First ensure that the file format of the USB disk is in FAT16;
2. The capacity of the USB disk should be less than 8 G byte;
3. Create a file folder called “COMENSOFT”;
4. Copy the program file “ucos.bin” into the above file folder;
5. Insert the USB disk into the USB port behind the anesthesia machines and switch
on the machine;
6. During the upgrading process, the screen will display the message “SYSTEM
UPDATING”. After the upgrading is completed, the screen will display a message
“UPDATE SUCESSFUL”. Remove the USB disk and restart the anesthesia

7. Please note that during the upgrading process, USB disk should not be removed.
However, USB disk has to be removed after the upgrading, otherwise, the machine
will re-start the upgrading process during power up when USB disk is being


 After completing system software upgrade, turn on the anesthesia machine to confirm
the correctness of upgrade software version information. Upgrade the Software Configuration of Electronic


The software configuration of electronic flowmeters needs to be reset by the service

engineer when:
 The user wants to change the existing electronic flowmeters.
 The user wants to change the existing software configuration of electronic
 The existing software configuration of electronic flowmeters does not meet the
user’s need.


 Before changing the software configuration of electronic flowmeters, check the number
of tubes the user requires and the flowmeter standard complied (tube order). Check the Software Configuration of Electronic


Before resetting the software configuration of electronic flowmeters, check the

configuration information of the electronic flowmeters to be changed. The following
table lists the configuration information of electronic flowmeters including tube order
and color which a specific standard matches with.

Gas American(RGB) Europe(RGB) China(RGB)

N2O Blue(0,0,255) Blue(0,0,255) Silver gray(192,192,192)
Air Yellow(255,255,0) White and black Black
O2 Green(0,255,0) White(255,255,255) Blue(173,216,230)

4-30 How to Change the Software Configuration of Electronic


To change the software configuration of electronic flowmeters:

1. Select 【Maintain】 -> Enter the password ->【Config】->【System Config】,
【Configuration】to the number of tubes the user requires ; or【Standard】to
select the specific standard of the flowmeter.
2. Check and confirm that the configuration of electronic flowmeter is changed. Upgrade or Reset the Software of Electronic Flowmeter

1. First ensure the USB disk file format is FAT16;

2. USB disk capacity should be less than 8G-Byte;
3. Create a file folder called “BILANX” in the USB disk;
4. Copy the application software “BILANX.bin” into the above folder;
5. Switch on the power switch of anesthesia machine, Select the 【Maintain】 ->
Enter the password ->【USB Option】->【Flowmeter Update】, insert the USB
disk and then select 【Start】;
6. During the updating, the screen will display“SYSTEM UPDATING”. When the
updating is completed successfully, the screen will display “ UPDATE
SUCCESSFUL”. Remove the USB disk after that and restart the anesthesia

7. Check and confirm that the software version of electronic flowmeter is correct.

4.4.2 Upgrade or Reset the HYP Software

1. First ensure the USB disk file format is FAT16;

2. USB disk capacity should be less than 8G-Byte;
3. Create a file folder called “BILANX” in the USB disk;
1. Put the pc application“ucos.bin” in the above file.
2. Turn on the power, Select the 【Maintain】 -> Enter the password ->【USB
Option】->【HYP Update】, insert USB,click【Start】 ;
3. The display will show “SYSTEM UPDATING”, once finish, it will show
“UPDATE SUCCESSFUL”, then take out USB and restart anesthesia machine.
4. Check and confirm that the version of HYP software is right.

4.4.3 Upgrade of O2 Sensor Monitoring Function

The anesthesia machine provides online upgrade of O2 sensor monitoring function.

When the user wants to upgrade the O2 sensor monitoring function, the service
engineer provides theO2 sensor for the user as per the corporate procedures for
adding parts configuration after sales. The service engineer can go to the site or guide
the user on the phone to load the monitoring function of O2 sensor.
1. (Guide the user to) mount the O2 sensor onto the circuit and connect the O2 sensor
2. Select【Maintain】 -> Enter the password ->【Config】->【System Config】,
【O2 Cell Switch】,select【on】 for 【O2 Cell Switch】.
3. Select 【Config】 ->【Setting】->【O2 Sensor Monitor】, select【on】 for 【O2
Sensor Monitor】.
4. The FiO2 valur is displayed on the normal screen.
5. You need calibrate a new sensor to make sure its correct measurement.

4.5 Zero the Airway Pressure Gauge

Stop manual or mechanical ventilation. Allow the breathing tube patient connection
to open to the air. The airway pressure nears zero. If the pointer of airway pressure
gauge fails to go to zero, the airway pressure gauge will indicate incorrect pressure.
In this case, you need to zero the airway pressure gauge as follows
1. Stop manual or mechanical ventilation. Connect a breathing tube to the breathing
circuit and let the breathing tube patient connection open to the air. Make sure that
the folding bag fully collapses.
2. Remove the lens by digging out the lens buckle using a flathead screwdriver.
3. Adjust the zeroing screw using a small cross screwdriver to let the pressure gauge
pointer go to zero.
4. Set the bag/mechanical ventilation switch to the mechanical ventilation position.
5. Plug the Y piece into the test plug to close the breathing circuit.
6. Push the O2 flush button repeatedly to sweep the pointer across the pressure gauge.
7. Remove the Y piece from the test plug and release the O2 flush button. Check if the
pointer goes to zero.
8. Repeat the steps above if the pointer fails to go to zero. If the pointer still fails to go
to zero, replace the airway pressure gauge.
9. If the pointer goes to zero, re-install the lens onto the gauge. If the pointer still fails
to go to zero, replace the airway pressure gauge.

4.6 Adjust the APL Valve Accuracy

To calibrate the APL valve:

1. Connect the inspiration connector and bag arm port using a breathing tube, as shown
2. Set the bag/mechanical ventilation switch to the bag position.
3. Set the APL valve reading to Min.
4. Push the O2 flush button.
5. The reading on the airway pressure gauge should fall with the range of 0 to 10
6. Set the APL valve reading to 30 cmH2O.
7. Push the O2 flush button.
8. The reading on the airway pressure gauge should fall with the range of 25 to 35
9. Set the APL valve reading to 50 cmH2O.
10. Push the O2 flush button.
11. The reading on the airway pressure gauge should fall with the range of 45 to 55
12. If the reading on the airway pressure gauge fails to fall within the required range
during steps 3 through 11, adjust the APL valve until the measurement requirements
are met.

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
5.1 Introduction

In this chapter, anesthesia machine problems are listed along with possible causes and
recommended actions. Refer to the tables below to check the anesthesia machine, isolate and
eliminate the problems.
Once isolating the part you suspect defective, refer to 6Repair and Disassembly and 7Partsto
disassemble the equipment and repair and replace the defective part.

5.2 Technical Alarm Check

Before troubleshooting the anesthesia machine, check for technical alarm message. If an alarm
message is presented, eliminate the technical alarm first.
The following sections detail how to troubleshoot technical alarms related to the ventilator and
electronic flowmeter. For detailed information on possible causes and actions for technical alarm
messages of other modules, refer to the Operator’s Manual.

5.2.1 Physiologic Alarms

In the “Level” column of the following table, the default alarm level is indicated: H for high,M for
medium, L for low.
Alarm messages Causes and countermeasures
Pressure Sensor Patient-end pressure monitoring gets faulty. Please use
Failure Manual/Independent mode to assist patient to breathe.
Safe Valve 1 Connection or control of PEEP relief valve gets faulty. Please use
M Manual/Independent mode to assist patient to breathe. Parameter
Control Failure
monitoring is valid.
Safe Valve 2 Connection or control of PEEP relief valve gets faulty. Please use
M Manual/Independent mode to assist patient to breathe. Parameter
Control Failure
monitoring is valid.
Flow Sensor Flow sensor monitoring is invalid. Machine may work, but its accuracy is
Failure low. Recalibrate or replace the flow sensor.
Connection of breathing system gets faulty, or ventilator cannot provide
Pinsp Not Achieved L
the required pressure for the patient. Check the connection of breathing
Alarm messages Causes and countermeasures
system. Check the set values.
Leakage is detected in the breathing system. Check the connection of
Patient Circuit Leak M
breathing system and flow sensors.
Replace O2 Sensor M Oxygen sensor gets faulty. Replace the oxygen sensors.
Previous calibration of oxygen sensor fails, or oxygen concentration
Calibrate O2 monitoring exceeds limits of validity. Check whether or not the reading is
Sensor 21% when the sensor stay in indoor air. Recalibrate or replace oxygen
On Battery Power L Battery is in use.
Breathing system is not assembled, or the connecting wires of breathing
No Breathing
H system pedestal are connected incorrectly. Contact the manufacturer for
Pressure of oxygen gas supply is inadequate. If an air supply is
No O2 Pressure H connected, you may use Manual/Independent to aid the patient to
breathe. Make sure O2 gas supply of adequate pressure is connected.
5V power supply or 12Vpower supply goes wrong. Monitor is unreliable.
Power Failure H Please use Manual/Independent mode to assist patient to breathe. Please
contact the manufacturer for maintenance.
Connect or control of three-way valve gets faulty. Machine is useable,
Zero Valve Failure L however, monitoring is unreliable. When necessary, use
manual/Independent to aid the patient to breathe.
Connection or control of expiratory valve gets faulty. Please use
Expiration Valve
M Manual/Independent mode to assist patient to breathe. Parameter
monitoring is effective.
Monitor Ventilator module fails to communicate normally with the host system.
communication H Monitor is unreliable. Please use Manual/Independent mode to assist
failure with host patient to breathe. Please contact the manufacturer for maintenance.
Oxygen sensor is not connected to the cable, or connected to the latter
Connect O2 Sensor L
poorly. Ensure that oxygen sensor and cables are normally connected.
Battery is not assembled, or the interface line of battery and power supply
No Battery M module is not connected. Please contact the manufacturer for
Electric quantity of battery is low. The system is operable, connect
Low Battery alternating current immediately. In case of power cut, use
Voltage Manual/Independent to aid the patient to breathe. If the battery cannot be
fully charged within 24 hours, contact the manufacturer for maintenance.
If voltage of 2 batteries is lower than 10.6V and AC is not connected,
System Down For connect ac supply immediately. In case of power cut, use
Battery Depletion Manual/Independent to aid the patient to breathe. If the battery cannot be
fully charged within 24 hours, contact the manufacturer for maintenance.
Calibrate Flow Previous calibration of flow sensor fails, or major wandering occurs in
Sensor the flow sensor. Please use Manual/Independent mode to assist patient to

Alarm messages Causes and countermeasures
breathe. Calibrate the flow sensor.
Previous calibration of pressure sensor fails, or major wandering occurs
Calibrate Pressure
L in the pressure sensor. last time Please use Manual/Independent mode to
assist patient to breathe. Calibrate the pressure sensor.
If expiratory tidal volume >inspiratory tidal volume in previous
Check Flow Sensor L
continuous 6 cycles, check the flow sensor.
Software is reset abnormally, please restart the anaesthesia machine. If
Apnea Ventilation H
the problem exists still, contact the manufacturer for maintenance.
Fresh gas is less than Please contact the manufacturer for
No Fresh Gas M
50mL/min. maintenance.
N2O sensor monitoring is Please contact the manufacturer for
N2O Sensor Failure L
invalid. maintenance.
O2 sensor monitoring is Please contact the manufacturer for
O2 Sensor Failure L
invalid. maintenance.
Air sensor monitoring is Please contact the manufacturer for
Air Sensor Failure L
invalid. maintenance.
Flowmeter Electronic flowmeter fails to
Please contact the manufacturer for
Communication H communicate with the host
Failure system normally.
Opening extent of O2 flow
High O2 Flow L Adjust the flow control knob, such that
control knob is too big
the flow is maintained lower than
Opening extent of air flow
High Air Flow L 10L/min.
control knob is too big

5.2.2 Electronic Flowmeter Related Alarms

In the “Level” column of the following table, the default alarm level is indicated: H for
high, M for medium, L for low.
Alarmmessage Level Possiblecause Recommended action

N2O Flow Too L Gas flow exceeded 10 1. Turn off other gas flow. Compare
High L/min. the concerned gas flow with the
measurement result displayed on
the glass tube flowmter.
AIR Flow Too L
2. Use test tools. Turn on ACGO.
Measure fresh gas flow at the
inspiration connector. Measure the
O2 Flow Too L measurement error of electronic
High flowmeter.
3. If the error exceeds the standard,
calibrate the electronic flowmeter

O2 N2O Ratio Error H 25% The O2 flow volume ratio 1、 Replace O2 and N2O flow
is lower than the 25% of the sensor;
sum of O2 and N2O volume 2、 Check if the linkage device of
O2 and N2O is out of valid;

Flowmeter H Digital flowmeter 1. Check if the cables of flowmeter

Communication communication part failure interface card are connected
Failure properly;
2. Replace digital flowmeter
interface card;

N2O Sensor Failure L 1、 Digital flowmeter interface 1. Check if the cable connect
card error; proper;
2、 Flow sensor error; 2. Replace flowmeter sensor or
digital flowmeter interface card;

O2 Sensor Failure L 1、 Check if the cable connect proper;

2、 Replace flowmeter sensor or
digital flowmeter interface card;

Air Sensor Failure L 1、 Check if the cable connect proper;

2、 Replace the flowmeter sensor or
digital flowmeter interface card;

1. If special calibration equipment is not available, return the electronic flowmeter to
the factory for calibration together with the throttling device of the machine.
2. If the electronic flowmeter board is returned to the factory for replacement, the
throttling device of the machine must also be returned for replacement.
3. If special calibration equipment is available, you can just replace the electronic
flowmeter board. It can be used normally only after it is calibrated on the machine.

5.3 Pneumatic Circuit System Problems

The pneumatic circuit system is mainly composed of gas supplies, anesthetic gas delivery system,
anesthetic gas delivery device (vaporizer), anesthetic ventilator, breathing system and anesthetic gas
scavenging system. This chapter details possible failures regarding the pneumatic circuit system and
how to troubleshoot them.

5.3.1 Tools for on-site Maintenance

The tools required for troubleshooting are listed below.

Negative Injector(100ml) 1 MPa(10bar) Test Anesthesia machine

Pressure ball Pressure gauge calibration device

Quant 1 1 1 1

Name T-shaped Allen wrench

Quantity 1

PU PU PU PU PU Breathi Φ Y Breathin
tube tube tube tube tube ng 6 piece g tube
Name (4X20 (6X1 (6X2 (6X30 (8X20 tube silicone Y
0) 00) 00) 0) 0) piece

Quan 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Negative pressure ball:

Anesthesia machine calibration device:

1 MPa (10bar) test pressure gauge: Precautions for Use of Negative Pressure Ball

The negative pressure ball has a sealing cover and a built-in one-way valve at its front endand a
gas outlet switch at its back end, as shown below. If the front sealing cover isremoved or loosened,
the sealing performance of the negative pressure ball willcompromise. In this case, you need to
tighten the sealing cover.

Remove the gas outlet switch to flatten the negative pressure ball. Re-install the gas outlet switch
properly when performing the test, as shown below.

Before using the negative pressure ball, make sure that it is not leaky. Check if the front sealing
cover is tightened. Then flatten the negative pressure ball to remove the gas inside. Install the gas
outlet switch properly. Block the front gas inlet with your hand to release the negative pressure
ball main unit. Visiblel expansion of the ball cannot be seen within 30seconds. Otherwise, replace
the ball.

5.3.2 Gas Supplies and Drive Gas

Failure Possible cause Recommended action

Leak The gas supply tube is Replace the gas supply tube or the
damaged or the seal at seal at the connection.
the connection is

The quick plug-in Replace the quick plug-in connector

connector leaks. or PU tube (when the PU tube is not
damaged, if the tube is long enough,
cut off a small segment of the tube
where the quick plug-in connector is
met, and then insert the tube into
The pipeline gas supply Check if the one-way valve of the
inlet assembly leaks. quick plug-in connector of the
pipeline gas supplies inlet assembly
leaks in the reverse direction. Replace
it if necessary. Check and replace the
damaged seal of the pipeline gas
supplies inlet assembly. If the problem
persists, replace the pipeline gas
supplies inlet assembly.
The drive gas pipeline Check and repair the expiratory valve
leaks. assembly

Pipeline The pipeline pressure Replace the pipeline pressure gauge.

ressuregauge gauge is damaged.
or no readings.
The readings on The filter of pipeline gas 1. After confirming that the
the pipeline supply inlet assembly or pipeline gas pressure is stable,
pressure gauge the PU tube of the check the PU tube of the pipeline
fluctuate pipeline pressure gauge is pressure gauge and filter of the
greatly. occluded or the pressure pipeline gas supply inlet
. gauge isdamaged assembly. If the tube or the filer
is occluded, replace it (replaced
at least once per year).
2. If the problem persists, replace
the pipeline pressure gauge.
No “O2 Supply The gas pressure switch Adjust the pressure switch of the O2
Failure” alarm of the O2 supply inlet supply inlet assembly to cause O2
occurs when the assembly is ineffective. supply pressure to approach 0.2 MPa
O2pressure is as much as possible within the range
low or this of 0.15 to 0.25 MPa when this alarm
alarm occurs occurs. If the adjustment fails, replace
when the O2 the pressure switch.
supply pressure
is normal.

No “Drive Gas The pressure switch on Adjust the pressure switch on the
Pressure Low” the integrated pneumatic integrated pneumatic circuit of the
alarm occurs circuit of the expiratory expiratory valve assembly to cause
when the drive valve assembly or the drive gas pressure to approach 0.14
gas pressure is PEEP safety valve is MPa as much as possible within the
low or this ineffective. Or, the filter range of 0.05 to 0.2 MPa when this
alarm occurs on the integrated alarm occurs. If the adjustment fails,
when the drive pneumatic circuit of the replace the pressure switch. If the
gas pressure is expiratory valve problem persists after the pressure
normal. assembly is occluded. switch is replaced, replace the
integrated pneumatic circuit of the
expiratory valve assembly. Test the Pipeline Pressure Gauge and Correct the


Use the following tools to test the pipeline pressure gauge and regulator of the pipeline gas supply

inlet assembly:

 1 MPa (10bar) test pressure gauge (before the test, make sure that the 1 MPa (10bar)test

pressure gauge is in good condition) (quantity: 1)

 adapter connector (quantity: 1)

 PU tube (4X200) (quantity: 1)

Test procedures:

 O2 supply inlet assembly:

1. Turn off the pipeline gas supply and bleed the residual pressure through O2 flushing.

2. Pull out No.42 PU tube which connects the O2 supply inlet assembly to otherassembly (Note

1). The end of the tube which connects the O2 supply inlet assembly isnot pulled out but the

other end is.

3. Connect the pulled-out tube end to the 1 MPa (10bar) test pressure gauge through adapter

connector, as shown below.

4. Turn on O2 pipeline supply and record the reading on the O2 pipeline pressure gauge.

Observe the test pressure gauge. If the reading on the test pressure gauge is not within the

range of 0.15 to 0.25 MPa (namely 1.5 to 2.5bar), adjust the regulator of the O2supply inlet

assembly to cause the reading on the test pressure gauge to reach 0.2 MPa(namely, 2bar). For

operations of the regulator, refer to section the Regulator of the Pipeline Gas

Supply Inlet Assembly.

5. Turn off the pipeline gas supply and bleed the residual pressure through O2 flushing.

6. Insert the pulled-out tube properly.

7. Pull out No.39 PU tube which connects the O2 supply inlet assembly to the O2pipeline

pressure gauge. The end of the tube which connects the O2 supply inletassembly is not pulled

out but the other end is.

8. Connect the pulled-out tube end to the test pressure gauge, as shown below.

9. Turn on the pipeline gas supply and record the reading on the test pressure gauge. Ifthe

difference between this reading and the reading on the O2 pipeline pressure gaugeis more

than 0.1 MPa (1bar), it indicates that the O2 pipeline pressure gauge isdamaged. Handle this

problem as described in the troubleshooting table.

10. Insert the pulled-out tube properly.

 N2O supply inlet assembly and AIR supply inlet assembly,please refer to O2 supply inlet

assembly. Test the Pressure Switch

Use the following tools to test if the pressure switch of the O2 supply inlet assembly and that on

the integrated pneumatic circuit of the expiratory valve assembly are normal:

 1 MPa (1bar) test pressure gauge (before the test, make sure that the 1 MPa (1bar) test

pressure gauge is in good condition) (quantity:1)

 adapter connector (quantity:1)

 Y piece (quantity:1)

 PU tube (8X200) (quantity:2)

 PU tube (6X200) (quantity:1)

 PU tube (4X200) (quantity:1)

Test procedures:

1. Turn off the pipeline gas supply and bleed the residual pressure through O2 flushing.

2. Pull out No.54 PU tube which connects the O2 supply inlet assembly to the expiratoryvalve

assembly. The end of the tube which connects the O2 supply inlet assembly isnot pulled out

but the other end is.

3. Connect one PU tube (8X200) to the pulled-out tube end of the expiratory valveassembly.

Then connect this PU tube and the pulled-out end of PU tube to thetwo connectors of Y piece


4. Connect the test pressure gauge to another connector ofY piece through two adapter

connectors, as shown below.

5. Turn on the O2 pipeline supply.

6. Turn on the machine to enter Standby.

7. Turn off all flow regulators.

8. Turn off the pipeline gas supply (if the reading on the test pressure gauge begins to fall

dramatically and continuously after the gas supply is turned off, it indicates that one or

several leaks occur to the O2 supply inlet assembly, expiratory valve assembly, O2flush

button assembly, system switch assembly, and O2 flow regulator. Perform the subsequent

operations after the leaks are serviced. Failures can be located by using the methods

described in section 5.3.3Anesthetic Gas Delivery System and 5.3.4PatientCircuit except O2

supply inlet assembly related failures).

9. Manually adjust the O2 flow regulator until O2 flow is approximately 1 L/min,causing the

reading on the test pressure gauge to fall gradually to 0.25 MPa (2.5bar).

10. Turn off O2 flow to cause the reading on the test pressure gauge not to fall. If the “O2Supply

Failure” alarm occurs 10 s later, it indicates that the pressure switch of the O2supply inlet

assembly is faulty. Troubleshoot this problem as described in the relevant failure table.

11. Adjust the O2 flow regulator until O2 flow is approximately 0.5 L/min, causing the reading

on the test pressure gauge to fall gradually to 0.2 MPa (2bar).

12. Turn off O2 flow to cause the reading on the test pressure gauge not to fall. If the“Drive Gas

Pressure Low” alarm occurs 10 s later, it indicates that the pressure switch on the integrated

pneumatic circuit of the expiratory valve assembly is faulty. Troubleshoot this problem as

described in the relevant failure table.

13. Adjust the O2 flow regulator until O2 flow is approximately 0.3 L/min, causing the reading

on the test pressure gauge to fall gradually to 0.15 MPa (1.5bar).

14. Turn off O2 flow to cause the reading on the test pressure gauge not to fall. If the “O2Supply

Failure” alarm does not occur 10 s later, it indicates that the pressure switch of the O2

supply inlet assembly is faulty. Troubleshoot this problem as described in the relevant failure


15. Adjust the O2 flow regulator until O2 flow is approximately 0.3 L/min, causing the reading

on the test pressure gauge to fall gradually to 0.05 MPa (0.5bar).

16. Turn off O2 flow to cause the reading on the test pressure gauge not to fall. If the“Drive Gas

Pressure Low” alarm does not occur 10 s later, it indicates that the pressure switch on the

integrated pneumatic circuit of the expiratory valve assembly is faulty. Troubleshoot this

problem as described in the relevant failure table. Adjust the Pressure Switch

Adjust the O2 supply pressure switch and drive gas pressure switch as described below. For the

convenience of operations, disassemble the corresponding assembly. Take the O2supply

pressure switch as an example. Use a flathead screwdriver to adjust the O2 supply pressure
switch as shown below. Turn for small degrees each time such as 30 degrees. Note that turning

the pressure switch clockwise will decrease its alarm limits and counterclockwise increase its

alarm limits. Assemble the assembly after each pressure adjustment is made and perform a test.

Repeat the operations until the pressure at the time moment when the alarm occurs meets the

requirement. Adjust the Regulator of the Pipeline Gas Supply Inlet


Pull up the knob cover of the regulator. Turn the cover clockwise to increase pressure or

counterclockwise to decrease pressure, as shown below. Bleed the inside pressure of the pipeline

gas supply inlet assembly after each pressure adjustment is made. Then, turn on the pipeline gas

supply again. Observe the adjusted pressure through the test pressure gauge.

5.3.3 Anesthetic Gas Delivery System

The following table lists anesthetic gas delivery system related failures.
Failure description Possible cause Recommended action

The O2 flush button assembly Replace the seal on the O2 flush

leaks. button assembly or replace the
O2flush button assembly.

The system switch assembly Replace the seal on the system switch
leaks. assembly or replace the systems
switch assembly.

The vaporizer is installed Re-install the vaporizer.

improperly, which results in

The seal between the Clean or replace the seal. The seal
vaporizer manifold assembly should be replaced at least once
and the vaporizer is damaged. per year as required.

The seal between the Clean the sealing part or replace the
vaporizer manifold inside and faulty seal and rubber plain washer
the connection or the rubber
plain washer between the
vaporizer manifold inside and
the spring is damaged or dirty.
The vaporizer manifold Replace the vaporizer manifold
assembly is damaged. assembly.

The float flowmeter leaks. Replace the float flowmeter.

The O2-N2O cut-off valve Replace the O2-N2O cut-off valve.

assembly leaks.
The throttling device leaks. Re-calibrate after the throttling device
is replaced.

The type II pressure relief Check and replace the faulty pressure
valve of the ACGO assembly relief valve after locating the problem
or the pressure relief valve at as described in section
the breathing connection Test of Low-pressure Pneumatic
leaks. Circuit System.
The ACGO assembly leaks. Replace the ACGO assembly after
locating the problem as described in
section Test of
Low-pressure Pneumatic Circuit
The two fresh gas Check the seals and tubes at the two
connections(one is connected fresh gas connections after locating
to fresh gas and the other to the problem as described in section
ACGO) of the circuit adapter Test of Low-pressure
assembly leak. Pneumatic Circuit System. Replace
the faulty part sand re-install the parts.
The gas supplies The seal inside the system Replace the system switch.
cannot be turned off switch assembly is damaged.
after the machine is
turned off.
The machine cannot The contact switch is Replace the contact switch of the
be powered on after ineffective. system switch assembly.
turned on.

The O2 flushing The pressure switch on the Replace the pressure switch on the
status ACGO assembly which ACGO assembly which detects
cannot be detected detects the O2 flushing status the O2 flushing status
correctly. is ineffective.
O2-N2O cut-off is The O2-N2O cut-off valve Replace the O2-N2O cut-off valve
ineffective. assembly is damaged. assembly.
The flowmeter float The float flowmeter is Replace the float flowmeter.
indicates inaccurate damaged.
value or remains
The knob of the flow The flow regulator is Replace the flow regulator
Regulator gets loose. damaged.
The O2-NO link The O2-N2O chain linkage of Replace the flow regulator.
system is ineffective. the flow regulator is damaged.

N2O supply cannot The O2-N2O cut-off valve is Replace the O2-N2O cut-off valve
be cutoff in case of damaged. assembly.
O2 supply failure. Leak Test of the O2 Flush Button Assembly

Perform a leak test of the O2 flush button assembly by using the following tools:

 Negative pressure ball (quantity:1)

 adapter connector (quantity:1)

 PU tube (6X100) (quantity:1)

Test procedures:

1. Turn off the pipeline gas supplies and bleed the residual pressure through O2 flushing.

2. Pull out PU tube which connects the O2 flush button assembly to the ACGO assembly. The

end of the tube which connects the O2 flush button assembly is not pulled out but the other

end is.

3. Flatten the negative pressure ball to remove the gas inside. Then re-install the gas outlet

switch of the negative pressure ball properly. Connect the other end of the negative pressure

ball to the pulled-out tube through adapter connector.

4. Release the negative pressure ball as shown below. If the negative pressure ball is full

yexpanded within 30 s, it indicates that the O2 flush button assembly is damaged. Handle this
problem as described in the troubleshooting table. Leak Test of the Flowmeter Related Assembly

Perform a leak test of the flowmeter related assembly (from flow regulator to float flowmeter) by

using the following tools:

 Negative pressure ball

 adapter connector

 tube plug

 PU tube (6X100)

 Cross screwdriver
Test procedures:
1. Turn off the pipeline gas supplies and turn on the system switch. Bleed the residualpressure

by turning on the flow regulators.

2. Turn off the system switch. Turn on the flow regulators and turn themcounterclockwise for

more than half a circle.

3. Pull out No.25 PU tube which connects the float flowmeter to the vaporizer

manifoldassembly. The end of the tube which connects the float flowmeter is not pulled out

butthe other end is.

4. Pull out No.46, 49 and 51 PU tubes (No.46 and 49 tubes in case of O2+N2Oconfiguration,

No.45 and 51 tubes in case of O2+AIR configuration, and No.45 tube incase of single O2

configuration) which connect the system switch assembly andO2-N2O cut-off valve

assembly to the flow regulator. The ends of the tubes whichconnect the flow regulator are

pulled out but the other ends are not.

5. Occlude the pulled-out tube end on the flow regulator by using tube plug.

6. Flatten the negative pressure ball to remove the gas inside. Then re-install the gasoutlet

switch of the negative pressure ball properly. Connect the other end of thenegative pressure

ball to the pulled-out end of No.25 PU tube through adapter connector, as shown below.

7. Release the negative pressure ball. If the negative pressure ball is fully expanded within 30s,

it indicates that the float flowmeter related assembly is damaged. In this case, perform the

following operations.

8. Remove the left front panel.

9. Pull out No.26 PU tube which connects the throttling device to the float flowmeter.The end

of the tube which connects the float flowmeter is pulled out but the other end is not.

10. Occlude the pulled-out tube end on the float flowmeter by using tube plug.

11. Flatten the negative pressure ball to remove the gas inside. Then re-install the gas outlet

switch of the negative pressure ball properly. Connect the other end of the negative pressure

ball to the pulled-out end of No.25 PU tube through adapter connector, as shown below.

12. 12. Release the negative pressure ball. If the negative pressure ball is fully expanded within

30s, it indicates that the float flowmeter leaks. Handle this problem as described in the

troubleshooting table.

13. Pull out No.27, 28 and 29 PU tubes (No.27 and 28 tubes in case of O2+N2Oconfiguration,

No.27 and 29 tubes in case of O2+AIR configuration, and No.27 tube incase of single O2

configuration) which connect the flow regulator to the throttling device. The ends of the

tubes which connect the throttling device are pulled out but the other ends are not.

14. Occlude the pulled-out tube end on the throttling device by using tube plug.

15. Flatten the negative pressure ball to remove the gas inside. Then re-install the gas outlet

switch of the negative pressure ball properly. Connect the other end of the negative pressure
ball to the pulled-out end of No.26 PU tube through adapter connector, as shown below.

16. Release the negative pressure ball. If the negative pressure ball is fully expanded within 30s,

it indicates that the throttling device leaks. Handle this problem as described in the

troubleshooting table.

17. Pull out No.46, 49 and 51 PU tube (No.46 and 49 tubes in case of O2+N2Oconfiguration,

No.45 and 51 tubes in case of O2+AIR configuration, and No.45 tube incase of single O2

configuration) which enter the flow regulator. The ends of the tube swhich connect the flow

regulator are pulled out but the other ends are not.

18. Occlude the pulled-out tube end on the flow regulator by using tube plug.

19. Flatten the negative pressure ball to remove the gas inside. Then re-install the gas outlet

switch of the negative pressure ball properly. Connect the other end of the negative pressure

ball to the pulled-out end of No.27,28 or 29 PU tube in turn (No.27and 28 tubes in case of

O2+N2O configuration, No.27 and 29 tubes in case ofO2+AIR configuration, and No.27 tube

in case of single O2 configuration) through adapter connector, as shown below.

20. Release the negative pressure ball. If the negative pressure ball is fully expanded within 30s,

it indicates that the flow regulator leaks. Handle this problem as described in the

troubleshooting table. Leak Test of the System Switch Assembly

Perform a leak test of the system switch assembly by using the following tools:

 Negative pressure ball

 adapter connector

 tube plug

 PU tube (6X100)

Test procedures:

1. Turn off the pipeline gas supplies and turn on the system switch. Bleed the residualpressure

by turning on the flow regulators.

2. Turn off the system switch.

3. Pull out No.45 or 51 PU tube (No.45 tube in case of O2+N2O configuration, No.45and 51

tubes in case of O2+AIR configuration, and No.45 tube in case of single O2configuration)

which connects the system switch assembly to the flow regulator. The end of the tube which

connects the system switch assembly is not pulled out but the other end is.

4. Pull out No.43 or 50 PU tube (No.43 tube in case of O2+N2O configuration, No.43and 50

tubes in case of O2+AIR configuration, and No.43 tube in case of single O2configuration)

which connects the pipeline gas supply inlet assembly to the system switch assembly. The

end of the tube which connects the system switch assembly is pulled out but the other end is


5. Flatten the negative pressure ball to remove the gas inside. Then re-install the gas outlet

switch of the negative pressure ball properly. Connect the other end of the negative pressure

ball to the pulled-out end of No.45 or 51 PU tube in turn through adapter connector, as shown


6. Release the negative pressure ball. If the negative pressure ball is fully expanded within 30s

during one of the two tests, it indicates that the system switch assembly is damaged. Handle

this problem as described in the troubleshooting table.

7. Turn on the system switch.

8. Occlude the pulled-out tube end on the system switch assembly by using tube plug.

9. Flatten the negative pressure ball to remove the gas inside. Then re-install the gas outlet

switch of the negative pressure ball properly. Connect the other end of the negative pressure

ball to the pulled-out end of No.45 or 51 PU tube in turn through adapter connector, as shown


10. Release the negative pressure ball. If the negative pressure ball is fully expanded within 30 s

during one of the two tests, it indicates that the system switch assembly is damaged. Handle

this problem as described in the troubleshooting table. Leak Test of the O2-N2O Cut-off Valve Assembly

Perform a leak test of the O-N2O cut-off valve assembly by using the following tools:

 Negative pressure ball

 adapter connector

 PU tube (6X100)
Test procedures:
1. Turn off the pipeline gas supplies and turn on the system switch. Bleed the residual pressure

by turning on the flow regulators. Then turn off the system switch.

2. Pull out No.49 PU tube which connects the O2-N2O cut-off valve assembly to theN2O flow

regulator (this test is not required in case of O2+AIR configuration or singleO2

configuration). The end of the tube which connects the O2-N2O cut-off valve assembly is not

pulled out but the other end is.

3. Pull out No.47 PU tube which connects the system switch assembly to the O2-N2Ocut-off

valve assembly. The end of the tube which connects the O2-N2O cut-off valve assembly is

not pulled out but the other end is.

4. Pull out No.48 PU tube which connects the N2O supply inlet assembly to the O2-N2Ocut-off

valve assembly. The end of the tube which connects the O2-N2O cut-off valve assembly is

not pulled out but the other end is. Flatten the negative pressure ball to remove the gas inside.

Then re-install the gas outlet switch of the negative pressure ball properly. Connect the other

end of the negative pressure ball to the pulled-out tube through adapter connector in turn, as

shown below.

5. Release the negative pressure ball. If the negative pressure ball is fully expanded within 30s

during one of the three tests, it indicates that the O2-N2O cut-off valve assembly is damaged.

Handle this problem as described in the troubleshooting table.

5.4 Troubleshoot Sensor and Valve Related Failures by

Using the Valve test Tool

5.4.1 Preparations before Using the Valve test Tool

Make the following preparations before using the valves-test tool to locate the valves orsensors

related failures:

1. Connect the pneumatic circuit according to the type of sensor or valve to be checked.

 Constant-flow connection method: Connect the tubes of the anesthesia machine following the

constant-flow connection method to check the flow sensors and inspiratory valve. For details,

refer to 4.3.2Flow Calibration (factory).

 Constant-pressure connection method: Connect the tubes of the anesthesia machine following

the constant-pressure connection method to check the pressure sensors and PEEP proportional
valve. For details, refer to 4.3.3PressureCalibration (factory).

2. Make sure that the supply gas pressure is normal.

3. When the system is Standby, select the [Maintain] →Input Password→ [Diagnosis]→

[Valve Test Tool] to access the[Valve Test Tool] menu.

5.4.2 One-to-one Correspondence between the Sensors &Valves

on the Valve test Tool Screen and the Components

To use the valves-test tool to troubleshoot the sensors or valves related failures, you must befamiliar

with the one-to-one correspondence between the menu options on the valves-testtool screen and the

actual pneumatic circuit and hardware components. Correspondence with Pneumatic Circuit Components

The following figure shows the one-to-one correspondence between the sensors & valves on the

valves-test tool screen and the actual components in the pneumatic circuit diagram.

5-30 Correspondence with Hardware Components

The following figure shows how the sampling lines of the sensors are actually connected on the

monitor board.

5.4.3 Description

By using the valve test tool, you can troubleshoot the problems related to:

 Zero points of the sensors

 Sampling line connection of the sensors

 Calibration data of the sensors

 Opening state of the inspiratory valve

 Opening states of the safety valve and PEEP proportional valve Problems Related to Zero Points of the Sensors

By using the valves-test tool, you can easily detect if the zero points of all the pressure and flow

sensors are normal.

To diagnose the zero points of the sensors:

1. Disconnect all gas supplies and make sure that the actual values of the sensors are “0”.

2. Check the A/D counts of the sensors in the valve test tool menu, which are the zero points of

the sensors.

3. If the zero point of one sensor is outside of the normal range, it indicates that the monitor board

is faulty.

You need to replace the board. You can also detect the zero points of the sensors by referring to

4.2.2Check the Sensor Zero Point. Problems Related to Sampling Line Connections of the


The flow sensor has two sampling lines. Connection errors include:

 The two sampling lines are connected reversely.

 One sampling line is not connected.

 Two sampling lines are not connected.

 The pressure sensor has one sampling line. Connection errors include:

 The sampling line is not connected.

 The sampling line is connected incorrectly. By using the valves-test tool, you can detect if the

sampling lines are connected normally.

 To diagnose the sampling line connection of the flow sensor:

1. Connect the tubes of the anesthesia machine following the constant-flow connection method.

Refer to5.4.1Preparations before Using the Valve test Tool.

2. Make sure that gas supplies are normal. In the [Valve Test Tool] menu, set the safety valve to

ON and the D/A value of the PEEP valve to more than “1500”, making sure that the PEEP

valve closes at 30 cmH2O above.

3. Increase the D/A value of the inspiratory valve gradually and the A/D value of theflow sensor

should also increase. With the gradual increase of gas supplied,

 If the A/D value of one sensor decreases gradually, it is possible that the two sampling lines of

the sensor are connected reversely.

 If the A/D value of one sensor keeps unchanged, it is possible that the two sampling lines of the

sensor are broken or not connected.

 If the A/D value of one sensor nears saturation (above “4000”) quickly, it is possible that the

sampling line at the low pressure end (gas outlet end) of the sensor is not connected.

4. If sampling line connection errors are detected, re-connect the sampling lines and check their

connection correctness.

 To diagnose the sampling line connection of the pressure sensor:

During normal ventilation, if a sampling line connection error occurs, it is easily detected

through the Paw waveform and technical alarms.

 If with the increase of actual pressure, pressure waveform data decreases and the alarm of

“Paw Too Low” or “Patient Circuit Leak” occurs simultaneously, it is possible that

the sampling line of the airway pressure sensor is connected incorrectly.

 If from system standy to mechanical ventilation, continuous clicks are heard and the

alarm of “Pressure Monitoring Channel Failure” occurs, it is possible that the sampling

line of the PEEP pressure sensor is connected incorrectly. You can enter the [Valve Test

Tool] menu to set the safety valve to ON. Gradullay increase the D/A value of the PEEP

valve and observe if the A/D value of the PEEP pressure sensor also increases gradually.

If not, it further indicates that the PEEP pressure sensor may be connected incorrectly.

To diagnose the sampling line connection of the pressure sensor in case of pressure calibration


1. Connect the tubes of the anesthesia machine following the constant-pressure connection

method. Refer to 5.4.1Preparations before Using the Valves-test Tool.

2. 2. Make sure that gas supplies are normal. In the [Valve Test Tool] menu, set the safety valve

to ON.

3. 3. Increase the D/A value of the PEEP valve gradually and the A/D value of the pressure sensor

should also increase. With the gradual increase of actual pressure,

 If the A/D value of one sensor decreases gradually, it is possible that the sampling line of the

sensor is connected incorrectly.

 If the A/D value of one sensor keeps unchanged, it is possible that the sampling line of the

sensor is not connected.

4. If sampling line connection errors are detected, re-connect the sampling lines and check their

connection correctness.
5-33 Problems Related to Calibration Data of the Sensors

After confirming that both the zero points of the sensors and the sampling line

connections of the sensors are normal, you can detect if the calibration data of the sensors

are accurate by using the valve test tool.

 To diagnose the calibration data of the flow sensors:

 With the gradual increase of actual flow, the measured value of the flow sensor

should also increase. Otherwise, the calibration data have errors. You need to

calibrate the flow sensor again.

 Compared with the measured value of the standard flow measurement

device(anesthesia machine calibration device), the measured value of the flow

sensor should be accurate. Otherwise, the calibration data have great deviations.

You need to calibrate the flow sensor again. For details, refer to 4.2.3Check the Flow

Sensor Accuracy.

 To diagnose the calibration data of the pressure sensors:

 With the gradual increase of actual pressure, the measured value of the pressure

sensor should also increase. Otherwise, the calibration data have errors. You need to

calibrate the pressure sensor again.

 Compared with the measured value of the standard pressure measurement

device(anesthesia machine calibration device), the measured value of the pressure

sensor should be accurate. Otherwise, the calibration data have great deviations. You

need to calibrate the pressure sensor again.

For details, refer to 4.2.4Check the Pressure Sensor Accuracy. Problems Related to Opening State of the Inspiratory


By using the valve test tool, you can detect if the opening state of the inspiratory valve is


1. The methods for tube connections and settings of the anesthesia machine are same to those of

sampling line connections of the flow sensors. For details, refer to5.4.3.2Problems Related to

Sampling Line Connections of the Sensors.

2. In the [Valve Test Tool] menu, gradually increase the D/A value of the inspiratory valve. If

the measured values of the ventilator flow sensor, inspiratory flow sensor, and expiratory flow

sensor change very little and low gas flow is felt at the connector of water collection cup, it

indicates that the inspiratory valve or the D/A on the monitor board is faulty.

3. Normally, when the D/A value of the inspiratory valve is set to “2500”, the flow measured by

the standard flow measurement device can reach 90 L/min.

4. If when the D/A value of the inspiratory valve is set to more than “4000”, the flow measured

by the standard flow measurement device fails to reach 90 L/min, flow calibration will be

failed. In this case, you need to replace the expiratory valve assembly or the monitor board.

5. To locate if the DA on the monitor board is faulty, you can use a multimeter to measure the

output of DA on the monitor board corresponding to the inspiratory valve. If voltage also

increases with the increase of D/A value, and voltage nears 6V when D/A value is set to more

than “4000”, it indicates that the DA on the monitor board corresponding to the inspiratory

valve may be normal.

6. After the expiratory valve assembly or monitor board is replaced, you can use the similar

method to check if the problem is fixed. Problems Related to Opening States of the Safety Valve

and PEEP Valve

When the safety valve is permanently OFF and the gas supplies are normal, the [No O2

Pressure] is alarmed. When the PEEP valve is faulty, pressure related alarms occur in

mechanical ventilation state.

By using the valve test tool, you can detect if the opening states of the safety valve and PEEP

valve are normal.

 To diagnose the opening state of the safety valve:

1. Make sure that gas supplies are normal.

2. In the [Valve Test Tool] menu, when the safety valve is switched on, a subtle click is heard.

3. Adjust the D/A value of the PEEP valve to cause the pressure measured by the PEEP pressure

sensor to exceed 0 cmH2O.

4. Switch off the safety valve. The pressure measured by the PEEP pressure sensor should drop to

0 cmH2O immediately. Switch on the safety valve again. The measured value of the PEEP

pressure sensor rapidly restores almost the same value to that before safety valve is switched

off. During this period, gas flow and also change of gas flow when the safety valve is switched

on or off can be felt at the PEEP outlet, which helps to judge if the safety valve can be switched

on or off normally.

5. If an error is detected, it is possible that the safety valve or the safety valve drive voltage on the

monitor board is faulty. You can use a multi meter to measure the drive signals on the monitor

board corresponding to the safety valve (measurement can be performed at the corresponding

socket). When the safety valve is turned on, the drive voltage should near 6V. When the safety

valve is turned off, the drive voltage should near 0V. If these two conditions are met

simultaneously, the monitor board is normal.

6. If the safety valve is faulty, replace the expiratory valve assembly. After replacement, you can

use the similar method to check if the problem is fixed.

 To diagnose the opening state of the PEEP valve:

1. Make sure that gas supplies are normal. In the [Valve Test Tool] menu, set the safety valve to


2. With the increase of D/A value of the PEEP valve, the measured value of the PEEP pressure

sensor (or the anesthesia machine calibration device) should also rise. Note that there is a

non-response area for the PEEP valve when the D/A value is relatively small. When the D/A

value is less than this area, the PEEP valve cannot be opened and the output is “0”

continuously. When the D/A value is greater than this area, the pressure output will increase

with the increase of D/A value. This phenomenon also exists for the inspiratory valve.

3. For subsequent diagnosis rules, refer to Related to Opening State of the

Inspiratory Valve.

5.5 Hardware and Electrical Problems

Failure description Possible cause Recommended action

During the operation of the The AC power supply is not Check and make sure that the
anesthesia machine, the connected properly and the AC power supply is
display and AC indicator capacity of the built-in battery is connected properly. During
lamp are extinguished all insufficient. the operation of the anesthesia
of a sudden and the . machine, the display and AC
ventilator cannot be . indicator lamp are
started. extinguished all of a sudden
and the ventilator cannot be
The fuse of the mains inlet is Replace the fuse. If the fuse is
damaged. burned repeatedly, it indicates
that the machine internal
power is short-circuited
The auxiliary electrical
outlet has no output
trip (open) the press the breaker
circuit breaker for resetting

The isolation transformer Replace the isolation

is damaged. transformer

During the operation of the The connection line of the Properly insert the connection
anesthesia machine, the internal inverter gets line of
display is extinguished all loose. the inverter
of .
a sudden and ventilation
remains normal.

During the operation of the The monitor board or Enter [Maintain] →

anesthesia machine, valve is damaged. Enter the
ventilation stops all of a required password to access
sudden but the display and the
buttons work normally. [Diagnosis Test >>] →
[ValveTest Tool>>] Test the
of each valve and reference

supply in the valves-test tool
window. If valve malfunction
reference power supply error
detected, return the valve or
board to factory for repair.
The heater malfunctions. The failure of safty valve and Replace the safty valve and
heating drive board heating drive board

The heater is burned. Replace the heater.

The thermistor inside the Replace the heater
heater is damaged.
The cable gets loose. Properly insert the
The anesthesia machine The system switch cable Properly insert the system
cannot be started up. falls off or other cable switch
gets loose. cable or the loose cable.

The fuse of the mains Replace the fuse.

inlet is damaged.

The Keyboard board software Change the keyboard.

is damaged.

The power board Return the power board to

hardware is faulty. factory
for repair.

The system switch is Repair the system switch or
ineffective or the screws tighten the screws on the
on the system switch get system switch.

The buttons malfunction The buttons are Replace the keyboard.


The button board is Return the button board to

damaged. factory
for repair.
Alarm messages are The Main Control board is Replace the Main Control
displayed on the screen but damaged. board.
without alarm sound.

Operating the control knob The control knob is Replace the control knob.
is not responded. ineffective.

The button board is Return the button board to

damaged. factory
for repair.
No gas is outputted The bag/mechanical Check the screen to see if the
through ventilation switch is anesthesia machine is in
the valve in mechanical faulty or the ACGO mechanical
ventilation mode. switch is turned on. ventilation mode and if there
is an
alarm triggered.
The valve cannot be 1. Set tidal volume to
opened. maximum.
2. Switch between standby
and mechanical statuses or
between manual and
mechanical statuses
3. Replace the pneumatic
circuit block.

Chapter 6 Repair and Disassembly

 To help prevent fires, only use lubricants approved for anesthesia or O2equipment.

 Do not use lubricants that contain oil or grease. They burn or explode in high O2


 Obey infection control and safety procedures. Used equipment may contain blood and

body fluids.

 Movable part and removable components may present a pinch or a crush hazard. Use

care when moving or replacing system parts and components.

 Use care when disassembling the parts with sharp edges to avoid cuts.

 Pay attention to the screws during the disassembly to prevent screws from falling into

the inside of the equipment. Failure to do so may cause short circuit.

 Make sure to bleed gas pressure before disassembling pneumatic fittings to avoid

personal injury caused by high pressure gas.


 When re-assembling, inspect all parts for deterioration. Replace them if necessary. Use

appropriate screws and parts.

 After repairs are completed or parts replaced, perform the checkout procedure. Refer

to3Checkout and Test.

6.1 Prepare for Disassembly

6.1.1 Tools

During parts disassembling and replacing, the following tools may be required:
 Metric Allen wrench (2.5#, 3#, 4#, 5#, 8#)

 Phillips screwdriver

 Diagonal pliers

 Flathead screwdriver

 Metric M3 and M4 socket screwdriver

 Flowmeter calibration fixture

 Adjustable wrench

 Tweezers

 M16 nut mounting fixture

6.1.2 Preparations

Before disassembly:

 Make sure that the anesthesia machine is turned off and disconnected from the AC power source.

 Bleed the gas pressure inside the anesthesia machine as described below.

 Disconnect all pipeline and cylinder gas supplies.

 Prepare the tools required for disassembly.

 Maneuver the anesthesia machine to an appropriate location and then step down the four caster

brakes to fix the machine.


 The internal parts may be contaminated during long-term use of the equipment.Wear

special gloves during disassembling and inspecting.

6.2 Disassemble the Assemblies

6.2.1 Remove the Top Panel

1. Unscrew the four screws as shown below to remove the top pane;

2. Open the buckle which connect the two line in the following picture, then take off the top panel.

6.2.2 Remove Rear Panel

Unscrew the four screws as shown below to remove the rear panel.

6.2.3 Dismantle the main machine rear panel Assembly

6.2.4 Dismantle the trolley rear panel assembly

Unscrew the six screws on back side cover,as below picture:

6.2.5 Remove workbench cover

1. Unscrw the screw on the right side of Workbench, as picture:

2. Remove the Blue workbench cover, as picture:

6.2.6 Remove Gas path part

1. Unplug the pipe in Gas path part, as below picture:

2. Disconnect the cable,,unscrew the for screw in the four corner of Gas path part,as picture:

3. Remove the gas path part.

6.2.7 Remove the rapid Oxygen flush part

1. Unplug the transparent pipes from the parts first, disconnect the cable from the buckle, unscrew the 8
screws in the par, as picture:

6.2.8 Remove ACGO parts

1. Remove ACGO cover, as picture:

2. Remove the transpare pipe in the parts, unplug the cable from the buckle, as picture:

3. Use screwdriver to undrew the four screws in ACGO parts, as picture:

6.2.9 Remove Gas circle transfer part

1. Remove the Y type cable and transparent pipes on the parts,unplug the cables,as picture:

2. Unscrew four fixed screw, remove the transfer part, as picture:

6.2.10 Remove silicencing air-capacitor

1. Remove two screws, unplug the Back PEEP air outlet parts, as picture:

2. Unscrew the two screw in the air capacitor, then remove the capacitor part, as picture:

6.2.11 Remove N2O Cut-Off Valve Assembly

Disconnect the pipe connection, unscrew 2 screws of assembly as shown below:

6.2.12 Remove the pressure relief valve

Unplug all the connected pipes and cables, unscrew the two fixed screw, as picture:

6.2.13 Remove back-up cylinder bracket

Unplug the transparent pipes in the cylinder bracket, unscrew the four screw, as picture:

6.2.14 Remove gas inlet part

1. Remove the four screw in fix Gas out let, remove the Gas inlet part, as picture:

2. Unscrew the screw in O2,N2O and Air inlet parts separated, remove the 3 parts, as picture::

3. Parts as below picture:

6.2.15 Remove Gas inlet base part

Remove all the pipes and cables of the digital flow meter sensor, unsrew the four screws, as

6.2.16 Remove digital flow meter sensor parts

1. Unplug all the pipes in digital flow meters sensor parts,as picture:

2. Unscrew the 7 fixed screws,as picture:

6.2.17 Double-vaporizer Manifold Assembly

1. Disconnect the gas tubes from the vaporizer manifold and then unscrew the four screws as shown

2. The following picture shows the appearance of double-vaporizer manifold assembly.

6.2.18 Remve Air Quality gas flow sensor part

1. Unplug the pipes and cables in Air quality Gas flow sensor part,as picture:

2. Unscrew the four screw and remove the parts,as picture:

6.2.19 Remove pressure regulating part

Unplug the pipes in the pressure regulating parts, unscrew the two fixed screws, as picture

6.2.20 Remove the parts under workbench Replace the System Switch

1. Disconnect all the connected cables, as picture:

2. Unscrew the two fixed screw, as picture::

6-17 Disassemble the Pipeline Pressure Gauges

Each pipeline pressure gauge can be disassembled separately in the same way. The following takes AIR
pipeline pressure gauge for an example.
1. Find the AIR pipeline pressure gauge by referring to the gauge label on the left front panel of the
anesthesia machine.

2. Pry up and remove the gauge overlay by using the tweezers.

3. Disconnect the gas tubes and unscrew the two screws as shown below to take out the pressure gauge.

6-18 Remove auxiliary flow meter part:

1. Unplug all the connected pipes and cables, as picture(1):

2. Unscrew two fixed screws, as picture(2):


6.2.21 Remove Gas capacitor back cover:

Unscrew the four fixed screws, then remove gas capacitor back cover, as picture:

6.2.22 Remove gas capacitor part:

1. Turn the waste gas outlet to right side, remove it, as picture:

2. Unscrew the four screw as below picture:

3. Take out the Gas capacitor, as picture:

6.2.23 Remove the AGSS parts

1. Remove the transfer tubes assembly.

2. Remove 30mm Inner cone Joint, as picture:

3. Lift up the AGSS system from AGSS bracket and take it out.

6.2.24 Remove the Isolation Transformer Back Cover

Unscrew the five screw in the Isolation Transformer back cover, then remove the cover, as picture:

6.2.25 Remove the lithium battery

Unplig the cable, unscrew the two fixed screw, remove the lithium battery, as picture:

6.2.26 Remove Isolation Transfomer part

1. Unscrew the two fixed screw, as picture:

2. Unplug the cables, as picture:

6.2.27 Replace the Caster

Remove the caster and replace with a new one with one person tipping the anesthesia machine and another
person unscrewing the four screws, as shown below.


 Replacing a caster requires at least two people. Personal injury and/or machine damage
is possible if one person attempts this procedure alone.

6.3 Disassemble the Breathing System

6.3.1 Disassemble the Absorber

1 Hold the absorber by your right hand, push anticlockwise to release the pin by your left
hand so as to release the lock catch of the absorber.

2 Take out the absorber by your right hand.


 CO2 absorbent is a type of high-causticity substance, and is strongly harmful to eyes,
skin and respiratory system of human beings. In case any organs are stained with
CO2 absorbent by accident, wash the organs with water. If irritation is not eliminated
after washing, see a doctor for help immediately.

6.3.2 Disassemble the Oxygen Sensors

1 Remove the plug fitted at one end of the oxygen sensor cable from corresponding oxygen
sensor oxygen sensor port “ ” of the principal machine, and remove the other end of
the oxygen sensor cable from the oxygen sensor port “ ”.

2 Move outward the oxygen sensor along the channel, and take it out.

6.3.3 Disassemble the respiration hose and Y-piece


 To disassemble the respiration hose, hold the connectors at both ends of the
respiration hose so as not to damage the respiration hose.

 Filters must not be reused. Discarded filters shall be disposed as per local correlative
laws and Regulations, or waste disposal system established by the hospital, and they
must not be threw away anywhere.

1 Remove the filter from Y-piece, and remove the Y-piece.

2 Remove the expiratory hose and inspiratory hose from the expiratory port and inspirarory
port of the breathing system.

6.3.4 Disassemble the Manual Respiration Leather Bag

Just remove the manual respiration leather bag from the port of the breathing system, as
shown in the figure below:

The anaesthesia machine is provided with manual support column.

6.3.5 Disassemble the Gas Channel Manometer

1. Push away the buckle of CPC connector inward by your left hand forcibly, and lift up the
gas channel manometer by your right hand:

2. When the buckle of CPC connector is released, pull out the gas channel manometer

6.3.6 Disassemble the Manual Support Column

1 Loosen the screwing-down nut counterclockwise.

2 Hold the manual support column by your right hand, and remove the manual support
column from breathing system by your left hand.

6.3.7 Disassemble the Bellows Assembly

1 Hold the bellows cover by both hands, and turn anticlockwise the bellows cover. Lift up
the bellows cover when the bellows cover is separated from the buckle.

2 Remove the folded sack from the folded sack holder.

3 Press the collar clamp inward, and remove the folded sack holder.

4 Remove the collar clamp.

5 Remove the POP-OFF valve.

 Never disassembly the pressure relief valve. Otherwise, the pedestal, diaphragm or patient
may be damaged.

6 Remove the packing washer.

6.3.8 Disassemble the Flow Sensor

1 Turn the respiration port nut anticlockwise, and remove the nut and respiration sleeve.

2 Pull the flow sensor out of the respiration port horizontally.

6.3.9 Disassemble Expiratory check valve (unidirectional valve)


1 Hold the nut of check valve cap by hand, unscrew it counterclockwise, and take it out.

2 Take out the check valve cap.

3 Take out the seal ring.

4 Take out the flappers.
5 Take out the flapper seat.

6.3.10 Disassemble Inspiratory check valve (unidirectional valve)


For disassembling procedure of Inspiratory check valve (unidirectional valve) assembly,

refer to 6.3.8 Disassemble Expiratory check valve (unidirectional valve) Assembly.

6.3.11 Disassemble the Breathing System

11 When the assemblies described are

disassembled, hold up the breathing system by
one hand, and push and open the fixation lock
catch of the circuit switchover piece by the
other hand.

22 Remove the breathing system by both hands

from the circuit switchover piece.

1 Note: Procedures for (1) and 1 shown in the right figure are identical.
2 Note: Procedures for (2) and 2 shown in the right figure are identical.

 If it is very hard to push in or take out the breathing system, it is advisable to apply lubricating
oil onto seal ring of gas circuit port of circuit switchover piece so as to reduce the frictional

6.3.12 Disassemble the Bag/mechanical Ventilation Switch Assembly

1. Remove the upper cover assembly as per 6.3.16Remove the Upper Cover Assembly.
2. Turn over the upper cover assembly and unscrew the three screws as shown in the picture.

3. The following picture shows the appearance of bag/mechanical ventilation switch assembly.

4. Unscrew the three screws as show in the picture.

5. Take out the seal and pull out the axis pin to remove the axis.

6.3.13 Remove the APL Valve Assembly

1. Remove the lower cover assembly as per 6.3.18Remove the Lower Cover Assembly.
2. Unscrew the two screws as shown in the picture to pull out the APL valve assembly.

3. The following picture shows the appearance of APL valve assembly.

6.3.14 Remove the Upper Cover of base of bellows

1. Unscrew the 8 screws on the Upper Cover as shown below:

2. Unscrew 8 screws from bottom cover as shown below:

3. Lift off to remove the upper cover as shown below:

6.3.15 Remove the Upper Cover Assembly

1. Remove the upper cover assembly of Chassis of bellow refer to 6.3.14

2. Hand up to remove upper cover as shown below

6.3.16 Remove the Median Plate Assembly

1. Remove the upper cover assembly of Chassis of bellow refer to 6.3.14

2. Remove the upper cover assembly refer to 6.3.15
3. Hands hold up the median plate and remove it, as shown below

6.3.17 Remove Lower Cover of Bellow Assembly

1. Remove the upper cover assembly of Chassis of bellow refer to 6.3.14

2. Remove the upper cover assembly 6.3.15
3. Remove the Median Plate Assembly refer to 6.3.16
4. unplug the lower cover of bellow to the right, as shown below

Chapter 7 Parts
7.1 Main Unit

7.1.1 Main Unit Exploded View

7-1 Parts List

S/N P/N Description Qty

1 030-000001-00 Vaporizer 1
2 115-000509-00 AX-700 Front panel assembly 1
3 042-000700-00 Host Frame (A01) 1
4 041-000297-00 (A01)Host GCX slideway(A01) 2
5 Air Inlet Assembly 1
6 115-000346-00 Rear Cover Assembly 1
7 115-000466-00 Power Socket Assembly 1
8 115-000341-00 Top Cover Assembly 1
9 115-001709-00 Module Box Assembly 1
10 115-000723-00 Modular Box 1

7.1.2 Workbench Assembly View Exploded View

7-2 Parts List

S/N P/N Description Qty

1 115-000292-00 ACGO Assembly(A01) 1
2 115-000299-00 O2 Flush Assembly(A01) 1
Hexagon socket head cap screws
3 030-000231-00 (blunts) 3
4 030-000097-00 Standard Spring Washer 3
5 041-000308-01 The Base of Handrail of Workbench(A01) 3
6 044-000020-00 Handrail of Workbench (A01) 1
7 042-000701-00 Workbench Frame(ACGO) (print)(A01) 1
8 099-000008-00 Pressure Relief Valve 1
9 115-001704-00 Regulator E Assembly(A01) 1
10 115-000480-00 O2、N2O Cylinder Mount 1
11 115-000363-00 Gas Volume Muffler Assembly(A01) 1
12 045-000170-00 Workbench console panel/print(A01) 1
13 042-000697-00 Workbench Panel(print)(A01) 1
14 115-000296-00 Gas Block Assembly(A01) 1
15 115-001705-00 Regulator F Assembly(A01) 1
16 115-000297-00 Connect Panel of Circuit Assembly(A01) 1

7.1.3 Chassis Assembly View Exploded View Parts List

Note: The P/N of this assembly is 115-000294-00.

S/N P/N Description Qty

1 034-000003-00 Conductivity Rotation Caster 4
2 030-000106-00 Stainless steel hexagon socket head cap screws 12
3 030-000088-00 Standard spring washer 12
4 041-000218-00 Main Axle Holder Plate(A02) 2
5 030-000118-00 cross recessed pan head combination screw 8
6 042-000269-00 Chassis frame(A01) 1
7 043-000959-00 Chassis panel(CCB)(A02) 1
8 049-000175-00 Non-slip mats of brake pedal (A02) 1
Stainless steel hexagon socket head cap screw
9 030-000223-00 10
Standard spring washer
10 030-000097-00 12
11 030-000195-00 Plain washer-class A 8
12 044-000019-00 Brake Pedal(A02) 1
13 041-000212-01 Fixing bracket(A02) 1

14 041-000215-01 Rotation plate(A02) 1
15 041-000217-01 Main Axle(A02) 1
16 049-000119-00 Cushion of Brake Pedal(A01) 4
17 030-000103-00 Stainless steel hexagon socket head cap screw 4
Standard spring washer
18 030-000096-00 4
19 030-000086-00 plain Washer-Class A 3
20 041-000219-00 Holder Plate of Main Axle(A02) 1
21 041-000216-00 brake pedal rotation shaft(A02) 2
22 041-000220-00 Rotation Plate(A02) 1
23 041-000299-00 Damper(A02) 2

7.1.4 Rear Cover Assembly View Exploded View

7-5 Parts List

Note: The P/N of this assembly is 115-000346-00

S/N P/N Description Qty

1 030-000118-00 cross recessed pan head combination screw 4
2 042-000724-00 Host Rear Cover(oxygen)(print) (A01) 1
stainless steel cross recessed big pan head screw
3 030-000196-00 10
4 041-000309-01 Rear Hook of Host(A01) 2

7.1.5 Rear Cover of Trolley Assembly View Exploded View

7-6 Parts List

S/N P/N Description Qty

cross recessed pan head screw assembly
1 030-000118-00 4
2 042-000290-00 Rear cover panel of trolley(A01) 1
3 042-000724-00 Host Rear Cover(oxygen)(A01) 1
4 042-000291-01 Cylinder Support(A01) 2
5 045-000156-01 Cushion of Cylinder Support (A01 2
6 030-000196-00 stainless steel cross recessed big pan head screw 28

7.1.6 Trolley Assembly View Exploded View

7-7 Parts List

S/N P/N Description Qty

1 115-000377-00 Drawer Assembly 1
2 115-000294-00 Chassis Assembly(Brake control) 1
3 042-000287-01 Front Panel of Trolley(A01) 1
4 042-000288-01 Right Panel of Trolley(A01) 1
5 041-000296-00 GCX Rail of Trolley(A01) 1
6 Rear Panel of Trolley Assembly 1
7 042-000300-01 Rear Cover of Gas Canister(A01) 1
Isolation transformer tank rear cover
8 042-000271-00 (A01) 1
9 042-000699-00 Gas Canister(A01) 1
10 042-000272-00 Isolation Transformer Tank(A01) 1
11 041-000381-00 AGSS Rail(A01) 1
12 115-000333-00 AGSS Assembly 1
13 042-000289-00 Left Panel of Trolley(A01) 1

7.1.7 Display Assembly View Exploded View Parts List

Note: The P/N of this assembly is 115-000345-00.

S/N P/N Description Qty
1 043-000484-01 Control knob(A01) 1
2 043-000482-01 Front frame of display/ laser(A01) 1
Encoder board
3 051-000337-00 (A01) 1
Display silicone pad ( horizontal, vertical )
4 045-000180-00 2

12.1 inches touch screen
5 021-000002-00 1
Display EVA pad ( horizontal, vertical )
6 045-000182-00 2
12.1 -inch LCD screen
7 021-000034-00 1
(A01)Display bracket (A01)
8 042-000372-00 2
Display backplane (A01)
9 042-000373-00 1
10 051-000001-00 1
Metal reeds
11 099-000010-00 1
Stainless steel hexagon socket head cap screws
12 030-000103-00 3
Standard spring washers
13 030-000096-00 3
(A01)Display connection fixing block (A01)
14 041-000320-00 1
15 043-000485-00 Rear Cover of display (A01) 1
16 030-000015-00 Round with a medium machine screw (PWM type ) 4
17 045-000158-00 speaker pad(A01) 2
Speaker mounting plate
18 042-000376-00 1
19 045-000158-00 speaker pad(A01) 2
20 020-000004-00 5000E speaker 1
21 042-000374-00 Display shield cover(A01) 1
22 042-000375-00 Speaker plate(A01) 1
23 051-000358-02 Main board(A01) 1
24 051-000336-00 Alarm lamp board(A01) 1
25 051-000329-01 key board(A01) 1
26 043-000483-00 Alarm lampshade (A01) 1
27 049-000173-00 Indicator(A01) 3
28 049-000172-00 Display Keyboard(print)(A01) 1
29 041-000314-00 Display Bearing(Y)(A01) 2
30 041-000316-00 Display Bearing(X)(A01) 1
31 041-000319-00 Stop Bolt(A01) 1
32 041-000317-00 Display Bearing(X)(A01) 2
33 041-000313-00 Display Bearing(Y))(A01) 1
34 041-000311-00 Display Fixing bracket (A01) 1
35 030-000097-00 Standard Spring Washer 3
Stainless steel hexagon socket head cap screws
36 030-000194-00 3
Stainless steel hexagon socket head cap screws
37 030-000101-00 3
38 030-000095-00 Standard Spring Washer 3
Display shaft mounting plate(X-axis ) (A01)
39 041-000318-00 1
40 041-000315-00 Display Shaft fixing plate(Y-axis) (A01) 1
Stainless steel hexagon socket head cap screws
41 030-000107-00 1
Standard spring washers
42 030-000098-00 1
43 041-000378-00 Shaft Cover (A01) 1
Display rotating plate (Y -axis )
44 041-000312-00 (A01) 1

7.1.8 Modular Box Assembly View Exploded View Part list

Note: The P/N of this assembly is 115-001709-00.

S/N P/N Description Qty
1 082-000113-00 CPC Connector Nut/PMCD1602(with nut) 1
2 043-000962-00 Modular Box(print) 1
Spring needle sheath
3 043-000076-00 (C90) 3

AX-600 IR board
4 051-000559-00 /CM_AX-600_IRREDTRANSMIT_A 1
Phillips pan head screw assembly
5 030-000090-00 10
C100 infrared light
6 043-001080-00 3

7.1.9 AGSS Assembly View Exploded View Part list

Note: The P/N of this assembly is 115-000333-00.

S/N P/N Description Qty
1 041-000389-00 AGSS Flow Regulate Knob 1
2 049-000096-00 Seal,O-ring 1
3 041-000402-00 Anti-off plate (For Knob) 1
4 041-000386-00 AGSS Upper Cover 1
5 041-000390-00 AGSS Air Outlet Connector 1
6 041-000385-00 AGSS Observation Window 1
7 041-000391-00 AGSS Hook 1
8 041-000387-00 AGSS Guide Bar 1
9 041-000388-00 AGSS Floater 1
10 041-000399-00 AGSS Air Inlet Connector 1
11 041-000401-00 The Connector of Pipe 1
12 041-000383-00 AGSS Main Unit 1
AGSS Inner Honeycomb Duct
13 041-000398-00 1
AGSS Cylindrical Outer Shell
14 041-000396-00 1
15 041-000395-00 AGSS Outer Shell 1

7.2 Breathing Circuit Assembly View

7.2.1 Exploded View

7-15 Part list

Note: The P/N of this assembly is 115-000318-00.

S/N P/N Description Qty
1 115-000331-00 Folding bag assembly 1
2 041-000241-00 Nut of breathing valve 2
Unidirectional valve cover
3 043-000505-00 2
4 049-000150-00 Seal, O-ring 2
115-000356-00 Inspiratory Flow Sensor Assembly 1
115-000357-00 Expiratory Flow Sensor Assembly 1
6 043-000496-00 Breathing Tube Connector Nut 2
7 043-000495-00 Breathing Tube Connector 2
8 115-000324-00 Sodalime canister assembly 2
9 115-000318-00 Circuit Assembly(with BYPASS) 1
10 049-000226-00 Bellows seal (A01) 1
11 043-000499-00 Holder Clip of Folding Bag 1
12 049-000153-00 PoP-off Valve 1
13 043-000498-00 Folding Bag Holder 1
14 115-000331-00 Folding Bag Assembly 1
15 043-000817-00 Bellows Housing A01 (PPSU 134℃) 1

7.2.2 Expiratory Flow Sensor Assembly Exploded View Part list

Note: The P/N of this assembly is115-000357-00.

S/N P/N Description Qty

1 049-000129-00 Seal, O-ring 1
2 043-000734-00 Expiratory Flow Sensor Connector(print) 1
3 043-000521-00 Expiratory Flow Sensor Tailstock 1
4 045-000155-00 Flow sensor diaphragm 1
5 049-000127-00 Seal, O-ring 1
6 049-000130-00 Seal, O-ring 1

7.2.3 Inspiratory Flow Sensor Assembly Exploded View Part list

Note: The P/N of this assembly is115-000356-00.

S/N P/N Description Qty

1 049-000129-00 Seal, O-ring 1
2 043-000735-00 Inspiratory Flow Sensor Connector(print)(A01) 1

3 043-000494-00 Inspiratory Flow Sensor Tailstock 1
4 045-000155-00 Flow sensor diaphragm 1
5 049-000127-00 Seal, O-ring 1
6 049-000130-00 Seal, O-ring 1

7.2.4 Bag Arm Assembly Exploded View Part list

Note: The P/N of this assembly is115-000330-00.

S/N P/N Description Qty

1 041-000289-00 Rotation nut 1
2 041-000288-00 Locking nut 1

3 049-000096-00 Seal, O-ring 2
4 041-000287-00 Rotation connector 2
5 041-000407-00 Manual bag arm assembly 1

7.2.5 Folding bag Assembly Exploded View Part list

Note: The P/N of this assembly is115-000331-00.

S/N P/N Description Qty

1 049-000169-00 folding bag 1
2 043-000518-00 Top disc ring 1
3 043-000519-00 Top disc 1
4 049-000168-00 Top disc needle 3


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