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1. History of Valentine's Day.

2. San Valentine's day in all South American countries and why they celebrate on that date.
3. Write the most touching anecdote you have experienced on Valentine's day.
4. Watch the next video and write a story about it.

History of Valentine's Day.

According to tradition, Saint Valentine of Rome was a Roman priest who spiritually
accompanied Christians who had been imprisoned in the persecutions against
practitioners of this faith and helped them prepare for martyrdom and death.

Another version says that it was a priest who, despite the fact that the Roman authorities
forbade young soldiers to marry, considering that they would be better combatants if they
did not have family ties, dedicated himself to marrying couples in secret according to the
Catholic rite. .

When he was discovered, Valentin was subjected to martyrdom and finally beheaded.
A last (and hardly credible) version tells that the priest Valentín was arrested and fell in
love with the daughter of his jailer, to whom he dedicated a passionate love letter that he
signed as "from your Valentine", which would become the origin of the tradition of
sending love letters and postcards that lovers exchange every February 14.

The Catholic Church picks up the tradition of Saint Valentine

At the end of the 5th century, the Catholic Church collects the legends about Saint
Valentine and institutionalizes the commemoration of him on February 14. It seems that it
was Pope Gelasius I who formalized the cult of the saint, in an attempt to Christianize the
ancient pagan celebration of the Lupercalias, which took place in mid-February.

However, the Church itself, from the beginning, harbored doubts about the historical
veracity of the events of Saint Valentine, in such a way that even Gelasio I affirmed that
Saint Valentine was one of those saints "whose names are venerated by men, but whose
acts only God knows”, expressing his lack of historical proof about this martyr.
It was probably during the Middle Ages that romantic love was associated with the heroic
and mythological figure of Saint Valentine, definitively forging the legend of the patron
saint of lovers. The fable grew and adorned itself over the centuries until it reached our

The festivity was eliminated from the ecclesiastical calendar in 1969, in an attempt by the
Catholic Church to eliminate those saints of legendary origin from the saints.

Valentine's Day and Valentine's Day

It was during the 19th century when, in Anglo-Saxon countries, the tradition of exchanging
postcards with loving messages on Valentine's Day began. Shortly after, the custom of
postcards would be joined by giving the couple other gifts such as roses, chocolates and

Well into the 20th century, commerce and advertising picked up the figure of Saint
Valentine, encouraged its patronage over those who were touched by Cupid's arrows or
those who pretended to be, and took advantage of it to turn February 14 into a
designated date. in which to increase your sales.

February 14, day to celebrate love

Festival of love or commercial festival, the truth is that today February 14 is a marked date
on the calendar of millions of couples around the world. A day to share gifts (material or
not), to take special care of the loved one and, in short, a day to celebrate love.
San Valentine's day in all South American countries and why they celebrate
on that date.
San Valentín en Latinoamérica

En Latinoamérica, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana, Uruguay, 

México, Venezuela, Uruguay, Ecuador, Argentina, Paraguay y Honduras reservan esta
celebración para aquellos que están enamorados y en pareja. 

Sin embargo, en algunos países, cómo en Nicaragua, Panamá, Perú y Costa Rica, el

festejo es más amplio y se celebra el amor y la amistad. 

Día de los enamorados en Brasil, Colombia y Bolivia

Los países de la región que varían en la celebración son Brasil, que tiene otra fecha para
celebrar el día de los enamorados: el 12 de junio; y Colombia, que festeja el día del amor
y la amistad el tercer sábado de septiembre. Por su parte, Bolivia rinde homenaje a estos
sentimientos con la llegada del solsticio de primavera.

En tanto, en Israel se festeja el día de los enamorados el 30 de julio con la celebración

denominada Tu Be Ay  y en Egipto la fecha marcada para el celebrar el amor es el 4 de
Write the most touching anecdote you have experienced on
Valentine's day.


Fate separated July and Emilio for 5 years

They were made for each other, but fate would have it that they were not together until 5 years
later. The story of July and Emilio is the example that from time to time you have to believe in
Valentine's Day.

They have always loved each other and now is when they can shout it from the rooftops.
Impossible to erase the smile of happiness from their mouths, despite what they have lived

5 years ago Cupid did his thing and there was a crush between the two. Every summer 1,000
kilometers separated them and little by little they eroded until friendship. Each went on with his
life. But were they happy? They said yes, but deep down they both knew something was missing.

They lived life as if it were a script. She met someone, got married, was happy... until the divorce
came. Her life gave her two slaps, but she was strong, very strong. She was already alone. Her
sister had also put land in between and she lived happily with her recent husband.

July clung to her nephews, her work, her friends... but her heart was still broken. Until Emilio
crossed her path again. 5 years later they dared to take a step that many were waiting for but only
they could take. Do we try them? they wondered. Fate had a table reserved for them in the
restaurant of love. There they will celebrate this Valentine's Day.
Watch the next video and write a story about it.

I was in the park as usual every other afternoon, I really like being there to read my
favorite books, but that afternoon everything was different. I felt that a girl was looking at
me a lot, to the point that I felt very uncomfortable and decided to leave, the next day I
came back and there she was again and so several days passed, until one day I decided to
approach her and sat right next to her. On the other hand, I could see how nervous the girl
was and I decided to talk to her, I asked her why she was looking at me so much and she
just said that she thought she was someone interesting and just wanted to be my friend
and well that afternoon I stayed there and we talked a bit and that's how they passed
several days.

Two months had passed since that conversation and we were already friends and shared
tastes. One day we decided to do something different, and we went out to dinner as
friends, that night I noticed how cute she was and I felt very strange, I liked her for the
first time I really knew what I felt for her and that same night I told her, her reaction was
very positive and we kissed, we spent the rest of the night together and if we were
already dating, we were very happy and so several months passed everything was love
and each day the feeling grew stronger, we spent a lot of time together, I almost always
slept at my house and spent most of the time there.

After a while everything began to change, everything had become boring, she still loved
her, but everything was different and we talked and decided to give ourselves some time.
Everything was back to how it was before and I felt fine but I kept loving and missing her,
it had been 3 months and I wanted to get her back and I went to look for her. She didn't
want to go back, she was already with someone else, I felt betrayed, how had she warned
me so quickly? I was so angry, but at the same time I wanted to be with her and I wasn't
going to rest until I conquered her again.
Weeks passed and I kept insisting, but she didn't want to be with me and I felt bad so
much that I fell into depression, I didn't go out anymore, I slept well, one day a friend
noticed and decided to talk to me and be with me in that process, she helped me at all
times I was so grateful to her. After a month my ex wrote me and told me that she wanted
to be with me, there were so many emotions but I couldn't go back from where it cost me
so much to leave and so I decided to leave everything with her until then and I felt so good
and happy that was a great show of love like this and I decided to be happy and of that
love only experiences remained.

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