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Eating Out

Talk about an eating out.

You should say:
 how often you eat out
 who you usually eat out with
 if you enjoy eating out (why/why not?)
 why some people prefer to eat out

Public Transportation

Talk about public transportation in Malaysia.

You should say:
• what are the public transport available
• when do you use public transport
• why you use public transport
• should people be encouraged to use public transport
My favourite movie
Talk about your favourite movie.
You should say:
 what movie it was
 when you watched the movie
 how it influenced you
 do you like it and why

A festival

Talk about a festival in Malaysia.

You should say:
• what festival it was
• how do you celebrated it
• if you enjoyed yourself (why/why not)
• why celebrating festivals is important in Malaysia.
An Interesting Holiday
Talk about an interesting holiday.
You should say:
 where did you go
 what did you do there
 if you had enjoyed yourself (why/why not?)
 how can one plan a successful holiday

A Pet

Talk about a pet that you or someone you know had.

You should say:
• what kind of pet it was
• what kind of care it needed
• what you liked or disliked about the pet
• if it is a popular type of pet (why/why not)
The Best Birthday Present
Talk about the best birthday present you received.
You should say:
 what the present was
 why it was special
 who gave you the present
 what happened to it

Favourite Local Food

Talk about your favourite local food.

You should say:
• what is the food
• where do you get the food
• why do you like the food
• if you think western food is better than local food.
A Useful Advice
Talk about a useful advice you received.
You should say:
 what the advice was
 when this happened
 how you felt about the advice
 why people give advice to others

A Useful Gadget

Talk about a useful gadget in your life.

You should say:
• what the gadget is
• what its functions are
• why you think it is useful
• if you think everyone needs to have one too
(why/why not)
A Celebration At School
Talk about a celebration held recently at your school.
You should say:
 what the event was
 as a school prefect, what you did there
 if you enjoyed yourself (why/why not?)
 why schools should hold celebrations

A Favourite Teacher

Talk about your favourite teacher.

You should say:
• who the teacher is
• what this person looks like
• why this person is your favourite teacher
• if you think it is important for people to be close
with their teachers (why/why not?)

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