Mitha Fadhilah Al-Rasyid 6C, BAHASA INGGRIS II

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Disusun Oleh :
Mitha Fadhilah Al-rasyid
VI C Keperawatan


T.A 2022
Vocabulary 3

Noun Verb Adjective

diarrhoea - 1.diarrhoeal
2.dehydration to dehydrate dehydrated
3.intestine - intestinal
replacement replace -
loss lose lost

1. A serve attack of diarrhoea can result in dehydration.

2. The loss of fluid and electrolytes can cause the body to become dehydrated.
3. Diarrhoea is caused by an infection of the intestine.
4. The replacement of the body fluids lost during and attack of diarrhoea is essential to the
patient’s recovery.
5. Diarrhoeal disease is one of the main causes of child mortality in developing countries.
Vocabulary 5
The most important thing in treating diarrhoea is to 1rehydrate the patient. A severely
dehydrated patient needs rehydration with intravenous 2fluids . They go into the hospital here
and have an intravenous 3drip . For moderate dehydration, it is possible to treat a patient
effectively with oral rehydration salts or ORS. We have saved a lot of lives, particularly
childern’s lives with this. ORS is a mixture of clean water, salt and 4sugar , which is very
easy to prepare even here where we have such limited medical facilities. It is very 5cheap ,
which is also important. As I often have to explain, ORS does not stop diarrhoea, but it stops
the dangerous 6dehydration caused by the diarrhoea. It is absorbed in the small intestine and
7replaces the water and electrolytes lost in the 8faeces .
Language 1
Next, in cubicle four, we have Mrs Eileen Ashton. She prefers ‘Eileen’. She’s seventy-six and
1presented (Present) at 14.45 with abdominal pain. Eileen 2became (become) a widow sic
months ago and now lives alone. Since the death of her husband, Eileen 3hasn‘t cooked (not
cook) for herself and 4has been (be) on a diet of soup and toast. She 5was (be) relatively active
in the past, but 6hasn’t taken (take) regular exercise for several months. In addition, She 7has
suffered (suffer) from insomnia for the last six months.
Writing 2
1. On admission, Eileen complained of abdominal pain.
2. Dr Insulza saw her at 16.00 and she rated the pain seven out of ten on the pain scale.
3. She had her last bowl movement four days ago.
4. She has opened her bowels every three or four days since the beginning of May.
5. She described her stools as hard lumps. Which is Type 1 on the Bristol Stool Chart.
6. Eileen has experienced some pain but no blood or mucus.
Listening 5
Anita does not suffer from food 1allergies and rarely eats 2 spicy foods. She is trying to loose
3weight and so far has lost five 4kilos. She feels she is 5overweight and seems to have a
negative body image. She appears 6angry when asked about her body weight. She is
continuing to diet and often uses 7lexatives. Anita finds it difficult to discuss her symptoms
and is noticeably 8embrrassed about her use of laxatives.

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