RRL Research Chapt2

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Chapter II


This chapter presents the literature related to the study. This review of related literature leads to

the formulation of the conceptual and theoretical framework of the study. This study assumed

that students’ background and the factors have correlates on the reading skills of the pupils. The

following theories are related to this study which focused on developing reading skills.


According to MA. Isabel Ongpin “the crisis in our present education system has been underlined

by how our young do not comprehend what they are reading. This lack of understanding which

should become the basis of discernment and the ability to judge sets back the child in life. It is

also a great hindrance to learning what needs to be learned. It will leave the child, the adult, the

citizen, the voters, the worker and the professional, the 21st-century person unable to cope, and

live fully and confidently in his everyday life” (August 19, 2022). In this case we know that in

our time the have a lot of students can not read specially in English. So, the researchers have an

interest on this statement to study and conduct to find out and to assess on how to enhance the

reading development of pupils, teachers, and other stakeholders to improve the reading skills of

our children.To test the role of stimulus-reward contingencies in VPL, we developed a novel


paradigm combining VPL and Operant Conditioning in which human subjects, who were

deprived of food and water, were trained on a go/no-go task with orientation stimuli that were
associated with different liquid reward probabilities (Fig. 1B) (Dorris & Glimcher,

Conditioning share common principles.

Daphne Osena-Paez Stated “as the Philippines prepares for the opening of school this month, we are

presented with a world bank report that 9 out of 10 children in the Philippines at late primary age are not

proficient in reading” (August 10, 2022) the literacy problem is a drop in the bucket of crumbling basic

education system that has been in crisis for decades. All eyes are on VP Sarah Duterte Carpio to clean up

and reinvent the largest bureaucracy in the country. Here’s hoping

Inez ponce de leon Said “the results of the most recent international report on the stated of Philippine

education are dismal: Filipino students cannot comprehend what they read, even when they spend long

hours in school. Moreover, remote learning has not improved the situation for the underprivileged:

students from educated are best for served by online schooling, but students from less educated families

are dropping out.” If we back many years later the learner have a talent to not only read but also

comprehend what they are reading. But now, the Philippines is on the ubderline in a poor proficient in

reading skills. And now for this 21st century need to be a creative on how to use the gadgets available in

our atmosphere to be the tools of reading, to be a competitive reader that they can comprehend what they

are read and write.

The CALABARZON Regional Committee on Quality Education for All- Technical Working Group.

(RCQEFA-TWG) they conclude on July 13, 2022. Via video conference. “Identified the learners’

difficulty in reading comprehension as a contributing factor in achievement test and early Language.

Literacy and numeracy program. Director Francis Cesar B. Bringas of Deped Region IV-A reported that

there is a downward trend in the passing rate of all learners, including learners in CALABARZON, in the

said examinations from 2016 to 2018” on mental process and reading comprehension identified possible

interventions to improve students reading comprehension. The intervention were recommended in

response to the decreasing passing rate of learners in national exams.


According to Alhafeez (2017) states that “using and integrating some technological devices may

motivate students as well as teachers to do their traditional jobs in different and attractive ways”

(p. 15). In this century we need on how t integrated the technology to become a tool in learning

in terms of reading and other skills that we use in our daily lives.

Theoretical Framework of the Study

Figure No. 1 Theoretical Framework

Social learning theory, cited by Albert Bandura (1977), posits that people learn from one

another, via observation, and modeling. The theory has often called bridge between behaviorist

and cognitive learning theories because it compasses attention, memory and motivation. Social

cognitive theory states that people can learn by observing others. Learners can acquire new
behaviors and knowledge by simply observing a model. A model is a person who demonstrate

behavior for someone else. Albert Bandura (1977) state that behavior is learned from the

environment through the process of observational learning (David et al, 2019).

The study adapted the Social Learning Theory of Albert Bandura (1977) since it

emphasizes the factors affecting the learning of the students and it implies the relationship

among three factors which are the behavioral factors, cognitive (Learning) factors or personal

factors and the environmental factors which are influential to the learning. The three factors

determine the human behavior or learning. Environment is the natural world, as a whole or in a

particular geographical area. In this context the environment is the central factors that influences

the cognition of the students. Teacher, parents/guardian, the learning area with facilities and

individual needs influences the behavior (learning), attitudes, interest, study habits of the

students. Teachers are the model and the one who demonstrate learning.

Figure No. 2 Conceptual Framework

The Conceptual Framework of the study consists of the independent variable and the dependent

variable. The dependent variable shows the Reading proficiency. The independent variable

consists of the two categories which are the reading development and the teaching strategies.

These two independent variables is a way to determine the contribution of gadgets/devices like;

cellphone,tablets,Pc,loptop and loptaps.

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