Decentralized Donation Expert System To Bring Down Covid-19: November 13, 2021 22:4 0218-348X 2150273

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November 13, 2021 22:4 0218-348X 2150273

Fractals, Vol. 29, No. 7 (2021) 2150273 (11 pages)

c The Author(s)
DOI: 10.1142/S0218348X2150273X
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∗Universidad del Istmo

Ciudad Universitaria S/N, Barrio Santa Cruz

4a. Sección Sto. Domingo Tehuantepec
C.P. 70760, Oaxaca, Mexico
†Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Sección de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación —

Av. Luis Enrique Erro S/N, Unidad Profesional
Adolfo López Mateos, Zacatenco
Alcaldı́a Gustavo A. Madero
C.P. 07738, Ciudad de México, Mexico

Received September 1, 2021

Accepted September 27, 2021
Published October 25, 2021

Due to the exponential growth in the use of systems with applications of blockchain technology,
this paper develops a funding system, with donations and offers of shares, through the Ethereum
platform with blockchain technology. Given the benefits that blockchain provides data protec-
tion and has high security, this paper offers a decentralized donation expert system using smart
contracts that makes fully reliable donation systems to attract more funds to this urgent global

Corresponding author.
This is an Open Access article published by World Scientific Publishing Company. It is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY) License which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.

November 13, 2021 22:4 0218-348X

R. C. Aguilera et al.

health issue. Smart contracts provide faithful donations and meet the characteristics of being
versatile, accessible, and sustainable to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. This expert system
found the Merkle grid as an optimum method to work efficiently on the blockchain. The expert
system proved to be steady and efficient by using an essential test dataset. A reliable donation
system expects more donors and investors since a sustainable and reliable approach is always
a milestone. The primary purpose of developing this system is to attract donors to bring down
the COVID-19 pandemic by providing a faithful donation system.

Keywords: Smart Contract; Decentralized Donation Expert System; Merkle Grid.

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1. INTRODUCTION to support the COVID-19 pandemic using the

Ethereum blockchain platform. This system has a
In recent years, an exponential growth of systems
smart contract that meets the characteristics of
with applications of blockchain technology1–4 has
being reliable, versatile, accessible, and sustainable,
been observed due to its benefit in data protection.
and at the same time contributes to a documented
It is crucial for any database administrator that
study that serves as a reference for similar future
Fractals 2021.29. Downloaded from

their systems do not get hacked, no matter how ele-

works, given that the blockchain technology is not
mentary their information is. Also, when scaled to a
yet in everyday use for this type of applications.
massive number of users, the integrity of databases
This study analyzes the impact of the Merkle
becomes more critical. Because of this, the use
grid15–17 in the donation systems to bring down the
of blockchain technology has become increasingly
COVID-19 pandemic to meet the essential charac-
attractive. This technology can be appealing to use
teristics for this type of system, i.e. being reliable,
in any application. The difficulty to hack a database
versatile, accessible, sustainable, and efficient.
in a smart contract5,6 means offering to potential
Smart contracts can be optimized correctly using
donors, investors, and initial developers the confi-
dynamic programming.18 The use of this logarithm
dence to donate, invest, and work with this expert
is essential when big data is used around the smart
contract. A steady analysis is also needed on smart
The primary purpose is to develop an expert sys-
contracts to avoid saturation.
tem for donations7,8 and investors’ shares so that
those who see it as a good project invest by buying
the token of this application (DOCOVID), which 2. EXPERT SYSTEM DOCOVID
is developed on the Ethereum platform. Donations The expert system19–24 consists of five modules:
can be made using FIAT money and cryptocurren- Human–Machine Interface, Cash Flow, Databases,
cies (BTC and ETH) to combat the COVID-199–11 Blockchain Ecosystem, and Delivery of Resources
pandemic. (see Fig. 1). Note that the smart contract interacts
Donating goods or money is a common practice with all modules except the interface. Therefore,
among companies, nongovernmental organizations, blockchain has two essential tasks: protect users’
and individuals. As a token of solidarity, the donor data and protect resources, and ensure both cash
is appreciated and motivated with tax benefits. flow of the expert system and the delivery of the
Although several donation systems in today’s resources.
market can assist us in fundraising, however, this is As shown in Fig. 1, the blockchain ecosystem con-
an expert system designed ad-hoc for the COVID- sists of the following submodules: The BIoT uploads
19 pandemic donations with BIoT (Blockchain to the DDB (decentralized database) the infor-
Internet of Things) and decentralized semantic12–14 mation gathered by the mobiles about the users.
browser; the impact of using the BIoT concept DDB has an analog function of the ledger of the
is to send all data to the Internet cloud to form blockchain. When information is required from the
a big data repository, and the impact of using ledger, the semantic browser effectively searches for
a semantic browser is to avoid saturation in the this information to be sent out from the blockchain
blockchain ecosystem. The expert system is a dona- ecosystem. The smart contract is the brain of the
tion system for fundraising via FIAT or tokens whole blockchain ecosystem. The two main pillars

November 13, 2021 22:4 0218-348X

Decentralized Donation Expert System to Bring Down COVID-19

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Fig. 1 Expert system modular diagram.

Fig. 2 DOCOVID expert system data flowchart.

are the clauses of the DCF (decentralized cash flow) since it focuses on user data, resources data, and the
subsystem and the delivery of resources subsystem. semantic browser helps blockchain for efficient data
In Fig. 2, it can be appreciated that smart con- searches.
tract is the core and the most critical subsystem Figure 3 shows the payment system, which has
of the whole expert system. The internal database to do with the decentralized cash flow and delivery
stores information strictly related to the blockchain of resources subsystem.
ecosystem. In this figure, we can see how DOCOVID The development of the software is carried
expert system data flows among the different mod- out using the incremental methodology. For the
ules. Note that blockchain does not manage all data first increment, the algorithms are designed and

November 13, 2021 22:4 0218-348X

R. C. Aguilera et al.
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Fig. 3 Payment system of the DOCOVID expert system.

implemented in a smart contract. In the incremen-

tal methodology the advance increment is deployed
to perform tests and verify the correct functioning.
Protection of the application data is done by defin-
ing restrictions within the actions of the smart con-
tract so that users have only access to the data but
users cannot control data since the smart contract
is immutable. The expert system allows the user to
use the data without being able to make changes
to the original data, keeping the information secure
and at the same time allowing it to be shared if the
case. Once the previous process is completed, the
system interface will be developed, for which two
main aspects will be considered; build an interface
Fig. 4 Physical architecture.
that allows users to interact with the application in
a simple way, defining the output formats that the
interface is a bot in Python that links to Telegram
application will have, and connect the Web browser
for mobile devices or Android.
with the Ethereum blockchain so that the latter can
In Fig. 4, we can see several types of users access-
respond to the different requests that are made from
ing the mobile application (observers, analyzers,
the application.
investors, developers, and donors and beneficiaries).

2.1. Human–Machine Interface 2.2. Cash Flow Module

Module The Cash Flow module is responsible for the
The first generalized physical architecture is pre- logistics of the resources raised by donations and
sented for the mobile application solution. This resources raised by investment in the covitoken until

November 13, 2021 22:4 0218-348X

Decentralized Donation Expert System to Bring Down COVID-19

they are delivered to their beneficiaries. These two smart contract information to deliver resources to
resources are collected through FIAT USD currency the beneficiaries.
or cryptocurrencies: BTC, ETH, and DOGE, which On the other hand, the external database inter-
are converted into covitokens, and when they are acts with the entire expert system. These databases
delivered to their beneficiaries, they are converted are made with MySQL.
into dollars. In Fig. 4, a decentralized database and a central-
The covitokens are stored in an ad-hoc covitoken ized database are shown. The decentralized ecosys-
wallet for this expert blockchain system. tem contains the sensible user data and data from
Cash flow is protected by encrypted Ethereum the Internet of Things (IoT) system where the
digital wallets on the MEW (MyEtherWallet) plat- mobile network is considered as sensors gathering
form and accessed with cold hardware devices, e.g. information to the cloud. The sensors themselves
Trezor or ledger, and controlled by the clauses are devices that generate data, being connected
by on 10/19/22. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

established in the smart contract. to the Internet. Therefore, all the data stored by
mobile devices connected to the Internet can be
considered under IoT. If the data is stored on the
2.3. Databases Module blockchain, then it is a BIoT. In this case, a BIoT
subsystem can use a semantic browser to find data
It comprises two databases: the internal database
efficiently saved on the blockchain.
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and the external one. The internal database con-

Since the decentralized ecosystem only stores sen-
tains the user’s historical data (donations made)
sible data, a centralized database must store the
and their personal data. All the information in
regular data and interact with the human interface.
the internal database is sent to the blockchain
All these data flow efficiently with an auxiliary
ecosystem to be encrypted and hosted on the
semantic browser.
Ethereum blockchain and is a satellite of the exter-
nal database. All the information that reaches the
human interface is from the external database, and 2.4. Smart Contract
all the information used by the blockchain goes Smart contract25–27 was coded with Solidity,28
to the internal database. Therefore, the external which is a high-level smart contract-oriented pro-
database is not encrypted, and it has nothing to do gramming language for writing the smart contract
with the blockchain ecosystem. Internal database clauses; in Fig. 5, the structure of the smart con-
has the data to be encrypted when sent to the tract code is shown.
blockchain platform to protect the following sensi- The blockchain ecosystem contains a smart con-
tive data: user data, their donation amounts and the tract managing the resources to be delivered to the
number of covitokens, cash flow data, and necessary beneficiaries.

Fig. 5 Smart contract structure.

November 13, 2021 22:4 0218-348X

R. C. Aguilera et al.
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Fig. 6 Blockchain validation.

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The smart contract is immutable and lives on

a system that is not controlled by either party or
its agents. It executes an automatic contract that
functions as an if–then statement of any other com-
puter program, with the difference that it is done in
a way that interacts with real assets. When a pre-
programmed condition is triggered, not subject to
human valuation, the smart contract executes the
corresponding contractual clause.
The conditional structure (clauses) of the smart Fig. 7 Smart contract algorithm graph.
contract is focused on the payment system to define
the beneficiaries of the donations: COVID research, in terms of smaller subproblems. We need to start
vaccine purchase, support to positive cases, support at 1 and end at j. It has to be some i ∈ s so
to COVID hospitals, and support to deaths starting that the overall path length is the distance from
from the wallets to the FIAT accounts depending 1 to i, namely, C(s − {j}, i), plus the length of
on the beneficiary. To optimize the efficiency of the the final edge, dij ; we must pick the best i such
smart contract, the critical path process is deter- that
mined (see Fig. 7).
Figure 6 shows the blockchain validation doing C(s, j) = min C(s − {j}, i) + dij ,
a COVITOK transaction. The smart contract was where j ∈ s : i = j, (1)
done in the Ethereum platform coding in Solidity
with Ganache Truffle and MyEtherWallet. where D = (dij ) is the matrix of the internodes pro-
Figure 7 shows a decision tree using the TSP cess amount; there are (n − 1)! possibilities starting
(traveling salesman problem) algorithm to analyze from node 1 and ending up at node 1. In Table 1,
every possible route between nodes in the smart we can see the processing costs from each node
contract algorithm. Therefore, the smart contract to the next node to find the optimal path using
can be optimized using dynamic programming. dynamic programming. In Fig. 7, it can be seen
Consider the following computing process between that the smart contract computing process can be
nodes to find the optimal path: For the subset of set in five nodes or stages with the related process
nodes s ⊆ {1, 2, . . . , n} and j ∈ s, let C(s, j) be the cost for each possible route. These process costs are
length of the shortest path visiting each node in s deployed in Table 1.
exactly once, starting at 1 and ending at j. When In Fig. 8, it can be seen the resulting lowest risk
|s| > 1, define C(s, 1) = ∞ since the path can- path and the critical path after using dynamic pro-
not start and end at 1. Now, let us express C(s, j) gramming in the smart contract algorithm.

November 13, 2021 22:4 0218-348X

Decentralized Donation Expert System to Bring Down COVID-19

Table 1 Processing Costs for the Smart Contract


Node Node Description Processing Precedent(s)

ID Cost

A ICO initial coin offer — —

(55% founders,
30% developers,
and 15% investors)
B Research 18 A
C Vaccine purchase 17 A
D Positive cases 14 C, B
by on 10/19/22. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

E Hospital’s support 15 C, B
F Funeral expenses 12 C, B Fig. 10 Blockchain node scheme data.
G Data encryption 13 D, E, F
H User history 15 G
I Information register 14 G the blockchain ecosystem, and the ledger is the
J Semantic browser 17 H, I interface between the centralized and decentralized
search ecosystems.
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3.1. Optimizing Blockchain using

Extended Merkle Grid
Merkle trees are used to summarize and verify large
amounts of donation system data without down-
loading all the data. Merkle trees are among the
most widely used methods for verifying blockchain
Fig. 8 Lowest risk and critical paths for the smart contract data due to their characteristics of efficiency, speed,
optimization. ease of programming, and security. However, they
are popular by the great benefits offered by their
characteristics. In this case, they can also be used
to verify the incorruptibility in the copy or backup
of large amounts of information or the transfer of
large amounts of data.
Building a binary Merkle tree for a file that con-
tains N = 2n blocks requires 2N − 1 hashes and
one digital signature. In comparison, identifying a
single nonconforming block is a relatively inexpen-
sive operation as it only requires 2 log2 N = 2n
Figure 11 shows the Merkle trees architecture,
Fig. 9 Benefits delivery code for founders. which has four levels: root, branches, leaves, and
blocks. The root hash contains the signature. How-
2.5. Delivery of Resources Module ever, an extended Merkle grid, which is a variant,
This module ensures to deliver profits or donations has been found more efficient than the Merkle trees.
properly. An example of the code for delivering prof- In this case, the extended Merkle grid (a variant
its is in Fig. 9. of Merkle tree) is used with significant impact on
donation systems since an extended Merkle grid
provides reliance to the donors and legal entities on
the integrity of the system. For optimization pur-
DEVELOPMENT poses, it is intended to analyze the impact of the
Figure 10 shows the blockchain system in dashed usage of Merkle grid in a decentralized system for
lines, where the smart contract is the brain of bringing down the COVID-19 pandemic.

November 13, 2021 22:4 0218-348X

R. C. Aguilera et al.

result, both trees together count for 2 N −1√nodes,
and the Merkle grid now has a√total of N +4 N −1
hashes, i.e. N block hashes, 2 N − 1 hashes in each
auxiliary Merkle tree, and a single signed hash of
the concatenated roots of these two trees. Even so,
the completed Merkle grid occupies up to 50% less
space than a comparable Merkle tree as
N +4 N −1
lim = 0.5. (2)
n→∞ 2N − 1
Fig. 11 Merkle trees general architecture.
The main advantage is that the number of
by on 10/19/22. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

comparisons required√to identify a nonconforming

block becomes 4 log 2 N + 1, which simplifies into
2 log 2N + 1, i.e. one more comparison than with a
Merkle tree.
The probability of the two peccant blocks being
in two different halves is
Fractals 2021.29. Downloaded from

(2n−1 )2
p1,1 = 2n  , (3)

which is, of course, almost equal to 0.5.

The case of three nonconforming blocks (see
Fig. 13) was used in this study to test the expanded
Merkle grid’s efficiency successfully.
We now calculate the cost of an extended Merkle
grid with 2m × 2m = 22m objects.
For two noncompliant blocks, we use the same
four case distinctions as before. In case 1, the two
Fig. 12 Blockchain optimization with extended Merkle nonconforming objects share a row or a column, and
grid. no other hashes from the grid are required. The non-
conformance requires accessing 4m hashes in one
Merkle tree and
Figures 12 shows how an extended Merkle grid  
gets the blocks aligned in a grid (in a square struc- am = 2 + 2 m − 4. (4)
ture), this reduces the cost a lot compared to 2m − 1
the traditional Merkle tree (see Table 2). In the Table 2 shows clearly that the best effi-
extended Merkle grid, basically, it could be a case ciency (lowest cost of 48) is obtained with the
with nonconforming blocks in the same row or col- extended Merkle grid, which is a normalized pro-
umn (see Fig. 13), or a case with nonconforming cess measurement.
blocks in different rows or columns.
While basic Merkle grids (Fig. 12) require up
to 50% fewer hashes and occupy up to 50% less
space than the Merkle grids, their search perfor-√
mance is much less impressive as they require 2 N
hash comparisons to locate a nonconforming block.
In contrast, Merkle trees only require 2 log2 N com-
parisons. A simple but effective way to reduce this
number of hash comparisons is to add two auxiliary
Merkle trees to the grid. As Fig.
√ 12 shows, the first
of the two trees is built upon
√ N row hashes, while
the second is built upon N column hashes. As a Fig. 13 Three nonconforming blocks in the same sublevel.

November 13, 2021 22:4 0218-348X

Decentralized Donation Expert System to Bring Down COVID-19

Table 2 Merkle Methods Cost Comparative Table. 4. CONCLUSIONS

Cost Binary Basic Extended The creation of COVITOK token is implemented
Tree Grid Grid by the smart contract. Tokens can be generated,
but only the person who created the contract will
No. of hashes 312 230 198
Authenticating all 100% 100% 100% be enabled to do so. What is more, anyone can send
objects coins to others without registering with a username
Efficiency cost 87 75 48 and a password.
locating three The development of this work is a contribution
nonconforming blocks made within the area of applications of smart con-
tracts. The results were obtained from designing
and creating a smart contract that allows managing
by on 10/19/22. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

clauses for cash flow and delivery of resources.

A decentralized expert system (DES) is built to
manage a large degree of reliability in a donation
and funding system. The work done by this DES
has excellent utility since it allows to automate and
give integrity with the smart contract.
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Experimental tests were carried out to deter-

mine the functionality of the smart contract, with
different numbers of users and having innovative
tools such as the semantic search engine and a
BIoT blockchain. We find that if 23,000 users are
exceeded, it prevents the DES from being satu-
rated. These 23,000 users are at the prototype level.
Fig. 14 Stochastic dynamic process stability for total DES behavior beyond this quantity of users was not
unassessed transactions.
tested, but the DES is designed to be scalable. The
best performance is achieved from 7 tps (transac-
tions per second) to 14 tps. In addition, for this case,
Blockchain stability study. The stability29–32
the time of the transactions is unimportant since
of these transactions performed with the token
only a vector of characteristics is defined. From this,
named “DOCOVID” must be ensured, so a study
the prototype is made, resulting in a small set that
is performed on the dynamic stability of the total
does not represent a high computational cost.
number of unassisted transactions [X(t)] of the
This study proposes a DES for donations with a
stochastic33,34 process, where X(t) must be more or
high degree of trust to manage electronic transac-
less a constant to avoid leaving transactions unas-
tions. It began with creating the COVITOK, which
sisted behind, and process X(t) must meet the limit
allows a firm control of the property, and prevention
of positive recurrence, and the processing of incom-
of double-spending was tested with a peer-to-peer
ing transactions must be modeled by a Poisson
network using proof-of-work to make a public record
point process with λ as the rate of this process and h
of transactions that quickly becomes unfeasible to
as the average transaction time. If we take ECW as
change for an attacker if honest nodes control most
the expected cumulative weight, it is defined accord-
CPU power. Extended Merkle grids are proved in
ing to Eq. (1) as follows:
this study to optimize the blockchain.
d/dt(t) = ((λk(t − h))/Xo )(2 − (t − h)/Xo ). (5) The network is robust given its unstructured sim-
plicity. The nodes work all at once, requiring little
By Eq. (5), we have the graph in Fig. 14. coordination.
In Fig. 14, we can see that the total number
of unapproved transactions remains constant over
time, which means that the total number of unap- 5. DISCUSSION
proved transactions tends to a limit such that they Experimental tests were carried out to test the
will never become approved transactions without decentralized network’s functionality with a sig-
proper approval for an indeterminate amount of nificant amount of information (1 TB), finding
time. that if this amount of information is exceeded,

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