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and reversal of this negative hydrostatic pressure 3. V. V. Deshpande et al., Nano Lett. 6, 1092 (2006). 19. B. I. Yakobson, L. S. Couchman, J. Nanopart. Res. 8, 105
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freeze this actuation is being used for optimizing Supporting Online Materials
corresponding specific Young’s modulus and work
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Materials and Methods
plays, solar cells, charge stripping from ion beams, practical importance, as well as ease of reliable
SOM Text
determination from force and weight-per-length
and cold electron field emission. measurements.
Figs. S1 to S11
17. J. D. W. Madden et al., IEEE J. Oceanic Eng. 29, 706
Movie S1
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2. T. Rueckes et al., Science 289, 94 (2000). 836 (2000). 10.1126/science.1168312

Spinal Cord Stimulation Restores ment of a highly invasive surgical procedure, as

well as the crucial dependence on accurate tar-
geting of very small brain structures (7). Hence,
Locomotion in Animal Models it is desirable to identify a less invasive method
to electrically stimulate neuronal circuits to obtain
of Parkinson’s Disease beneficial effects similar to those of DBS.
Some clues for new PD therapies may come
from epilepsy studies. In both animal models and
Romulo Fuentes,1*† Per Petersson,1,2* William B. Siesser,3 in epilepsy patients, stimulation of peripheral nerve
Marc G. Caron,1,3 Miguel A. L. Nicolelis1,4,5,6,7,8 afferents is effective in desynchronizing aberrant
low-frequency neural oscillatory activity, there-
Dopamine replacement therapy is useful for treating motor symptoms in the early phase of by reducing the frequency and duration of seizure
Parkinson’s disease, but it is less effective in the long term. Electrical deep-brain stimulation episodes (8–10). Aberrant low-frequency neu-
is a valuable complement to pharmacological treatment but involves a highly invasive surgical ral oscillations are well documented in patients
procedure. We found that epidural electrical stimulation of the dorsal columns in the spinal cord (11, 12) and in animal models of PD (13). These
restores locomotion in both acute pharmacologically induced dopamine-depleted mice and in findings led us to hypothesize that stimulation of
chronic 6-hydroxydopamine–lesioned rats. The functional recovery was paralleled by a disruption afferent somatic pathways could alleviate motor
of aberrant low-frequency synchronous corticostriatal oscillations, leading to the emergence of symptoms of PD by disrupting aberrant low-
neuronal activity patterns that resemble the state normally preceding spontaneous initiation of frequency oscillations.
locomotion. We propose that dorsal column stimulation might become an efficient and less Dopamine, akinesia, and synchrony. The first
invasive alternative for treatment of Parkinson’s disease in the future. set of experiments was carried out using an in-
ducible mouse model of PD, first in wild-type
atients suffering from Parkinson’s disease degeneration of neurons in the dopaminergic ni- animals and then in dopamine-transporter knock-

P (PD) experience chronic and progressive

motor impairment (1). The main cause of
PD is basal ganglia dysfunction, resulting from
grostriatal pathway (2). Dopamine replacement
therapy, through administration of the dopa-
mine precursor 3,4-dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine
out (DAT-KO) mice (14). Through pharmacolog-
ical inhibition of dopamine synthesis, we induced
acute dopamine depletion in both types of ani-
(L-dopa), effectively ameliorates symptoms as- mals (2, 13, 14). In patients, the cardinal symp-
Department of Neurobiology, Duke University Medical Cen-
sociated with PD and remains the treatment of toms of idiopathic PD have been reported to be
ter, Durham, NC 27710, USA. 2Department of Experimental choice to date (3). Unfortunately, L-dopa phar- clinically apparent after degeneration of 60 to 70%
Medical Science, Neuronano Research Center, Lund Uni- macotherapy has proven less efficient in the long of the dopaminergic neurons of the substantia
versity, BMC F10, 221 84 Lund, Sweden. 3Department of Cell term and is associated with several complications nigra pars compacta, which results in a 30 to 50%
Biology, Duke University, Durham, NC 27710, USA. 4Center
(4). Additional therapeutic strategies, employed in reduction of striatal dopamine levels (15, 16). By
for Neuroengineering, Duke University, Durham, NC 27710,
USA. 5Department of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, conjunction with pharmacological treatment, have means of two intraperitoneal injections (250 mg/kg)
Durham, NC 27710, USA. 6Department of Psychology and thus attracted considerable attention. In particular, of the tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitor alpha-methyl-
Neuroscience, Duke University, Durham, NC 27710, USA. improved techniques for electrical stimulation of para-tyrosine (AMPT) during a 6-hour period
Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute of Neuroscience the basal ganglia—referred to as deep-brain stimu- (15, 16), we achieved acute pharmacological
of Natal (ELS-IINN), Natal RN 59066060, Brazil. 8Ecole Poly-
technique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne 1015, Switzerland. lation (DBS)—are effective for treatment of motor dopamine depletion slightly below the levels
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
symptoms in PD (5). Furthermore, DBS permits a observed in PD patients in wild-type C57/BL6J
†To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: reduction of L-dopa dosage in PD patients (6). mice (69% reduction of striatal dopamine levels; However, a disadvantage of DBS is the require- mean T SD = 4.5 T 2.0 ng dopamine per mg

1578 20 MARCH 2009 VOL 323 SCIENCE

tissue in depleted animals compared with 14.4 T ticular, locomotive activity was significantly re- ments indicated bradykinesia in the depleted state
3.3 in controls; P < 0.005 Mann-Whitney, n = 6/6) duced [average locomotion scores in nondepleted (fig. S2) (17, 18).
(fig. S1). Equivalent symptoms of main clinical and depleted animals were (mean T SEM) 3.7 T Neuronal activity patterns of dorsolateral stria-
motor manifestations in PD patients were found 0.1 and 0.4 T 0.02 mm/s, n = 11 and 14, respec- tum and primary motor cortex (MI) were also
in AMPT-injected mice (figs. S2 and S3). In par- tively], and a preferential reduction of faster move- significantly altered. Differences were found both
on the population level, through inspection of
local field potentials (LFP) and in the firing pat-
Fig. 1. Acute inhibition of dopa- A Control Depleted terns of single cortical and striatal neurons (13).

(cm/500 ms)
mine synthesis produces a Parkin-

2 Figure 1A shows an example of LFP spectro-
sonian state. (A) Examples of LFP grams recorded in MI during two 5-min periods
spectrograms and firing-rate plots before and after dopamine depletion (second
recorded in MI during two 5-min row, left and right, respectively). Spectral anal-
periods before and after dopamine 50 −8 ysis revealed particularly powerful oscillations

Log (power)
depletion. Top row: Locomotion dur- 40
−10 ~1.5 to 4 Hz and in the lower beta range (10 to
ing recording periods. Second row: 30
LFP power. Third row: LFP power 20 −12
15 Hz), whereas the power of oscillations >25 Hz
standardized to the nondepleted 10 was decreased in relation to baseline conditions
(standardized spectrograms, Fig. 1A, third and
Frequency (Hz)

5-min period. Fourth row: Close-up 50

spectral power (s.d.)

of low-frequency range shown in 40
2 fourth row, and fig. S6).
third row. Note the increased power Important differences in single- and multi-unit

30 0
in low frequencies in the depleted 20 activity were also found. The firing rates of a ma-
state (black arrows) and the relative 10 −2 jority of 52 striatal and cortical neurons, which
normalization of spectral power 15 were positively identified after a 6-hour depletion

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upon locomotion (red arrow). Bot- 10 0
period, showed significant differences (70.0% in
tom row: Average firing per second 5 −2
motor cortex and 75.0% in striatum, a = 0.001)

Firing rate
for 6 MI units. (B) Set-up for elec- when we compared the more active nondepleted

trical stimulation of dorsal columns.

state and the immobile depleted condition (see

The stimulation electrode (red) is 0 activity raster plots shown for a few units in Fig.
implanted above the spinal cord, 1A, bottom row). During dopamine depletion, a
60 s 60 s
and connection wires are passed sub- higher proportion of neurons tended to discharge
cutaneously to a connector attached B C
stimulus-isolator units connection wires phase-locked to LFP oscillation, in effect result-
to the skull. Two stimulus-isolator r spinal processes ing in increased synchronicity [52.7% (64/129) in
units provide biphasic constant- stimulation electrode stimulation depleted versus 37.0% (44/127) in nondepleted
current pulses at desired frequency spinal cord electrode
state; a = 0.001] (see fig. S6 for details).
and intensity. (C) Schematic dorsal
r c DCS alleviates akinesia and synchrony. The
(left) and sagittal (right) views of
the implanted electrode. r, rostral; effect of dorsal column stimulation (DCS) was
c, caudal. spinal cord next evaluated in mice before and after acute
c thoracic vertabrae 1 and 2 pharmacological dopamine depletion. DCS was
achieved by chronic implantation of custom-

A Depleted B C Depleted
Non-depleted 50 -8
30 Non-depleted

Log (power)
60 -10
Relative change
Relative change

Frequency (Hz)

20 20 -12
10 20 5

power (s.d.)
0 0 40
Slow Medium Fast 30 0
-10 10 100 300 Train Air Air+100 n.V 21-60 61-120 121-180 20
Stimulation type Locomotion speed (mm/s)

Fig. 2. DCS restores locomotion and desynchronizes corticostriatal activity.

(A) Relative change in amount of locomotion in depleted and nondepleted 4

mice. DCS frequencies specified on x axis. n.V, trigeminal nerve stimulation. 0
Mean and SD shown; means for all conditions before and after depletion
are significantly different, a = 0.005. (B) DCS preferentially increases the 2

n = 98

fraction of faster movement components in dopamine-depleted animals but

firing rate (s.d.)

not in controls. (C) Average spectrograms of striatal LFPs and firing rates −2
recorded around 300-Hz stimulation events (yellow bar). Top row: LFP power

(n = 21 events; black trace denotes spectral index). Second row: LFP power
n = 96

standardized to first 240 s. Rows 4 and 5, respectively: Firing rate for 98 0

striatal and 96 cortical units standardized to firing rates during first 240 s −2
and ordered by responsiveness after DCS (19); n = 36 events. Neurons -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200
exhibiting significant changes during the 30-s period after stimulation Time (s)
(black line) are indicated with red and blue rectangles (excitatory and in-
hibitory responses). Middle row: Average locomotion; n = 36 events. SCIENCE VOL 323 20 MARCH 2009 1579

made flat bipolar platinum electrodes positioned A brain state permissive of locomotion. Dur- in oscillatory LFP activity during spontaneous loco-
epidurally above the dorsal columns of the spinal ing the relatively rare instances when the depleted motion events in nondepleted (115 events in 10
cord at the upper thoracic level (Fig. 1, B and C). animals displayed locomotion, low-frequency os- animals) and depleted (51 events in 5 animals)
DCS had a dramatic effect on the amount of cillations were diminished (Fig. 1A). This situation mice (Fig. 3, A and B). In both states, significant
locomotion displayed during stimulation periods bears an obvious resemblance to the DCS-induced spectral shifts from lower to higher frequencies,
in the dopamine-depleted animals. This effect was state. Thus, a certain decrease of low-frequency os- assessed by spectral index changes (P < 0.01) (19),
strongest for 300-Hz stimulation; on average, cillations may be required to initiate locomotion. were detected a number of seconds before the ini-
the amount of locomotion during stimulation pe- We analyzed the detailed temporal patterns of shifts tiation of locomotion (nondepleted: mean T SD =
riods was more than 26 times as high as during
the 5-min period before stimulation (Fig. 2A and Fig. 3. Activity patterns during spon- A Control Depleted

Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

Movie S1). DCS had a smaller, albeit clear, effect, taneous locomotion. (A) Average 50

Log (power)
using lower stimulation frequencies. In contrast, spectrogram of striatal LFP aligned 40

control experiments using air puffs or trigeminal to the onset of spontaneous loco- 30
nerve stimulation were not effective (Fig. 2A and motion in control (n = 115 events) 20
fig. S5). DCS caused increased locomotion also 10
and dopamine-depleted condition −12
during nondepleted conditions, but this increase was (n = 51 events). The gradual shift B

moderate (4.9 times prestimulus values at 300 Hz) from lower to higher frequencies in-

power (s.d.)
in comparison to that in depleted animals (Fig. 2A. dicated by the average spectral index 30 0
Locomotion was normally initiated a few seconds (black trace) starts before locomo- 20
after the onset of DCS, with a slightly longer delay tion onset (dashed white line). (B) 10 −5

in depleted animals (median = 3.35/1.35 s, interquar- Standardization of spectrogram rela-

tile range = 2.22/1.22 s, P = 0.023, Mann-Whitey, in tive to directly preceding nonlocomo- 2


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n = 74

n = 56
depleted/nondepleted animals at 300 Hz). In ad- tion periods (collected between 20

firing rate (s.d.)

dition, a small residual effect was found after and 10 s before locomotion onset
high-frequency stimulation in depleted, but not in from 112 stationary 10-s periods).
(C) Firing rate (binned at 0.5 s) of

nondepleted, animals (3.4 and 0.95 times prestim- 2

n = 34

n = 35
striatal and MI units around the

ulus values, respectively for the 30 s after 300-Hz 0
onset of spontaneous locomotion.
DCS). DCS also proved efficient for alleviation Significant changes in firing rate −2
of bradykinesia as indicated by the relatively larger D

(mm/50 ms)
(as compared to stationary period) 0.6
increase in the amount of fast-movement com- Locomotion
are indicated with magenta (excit- 0.4
ponents in depleted animals (Fig. 2B). atory response) and blue (inhibitory 0.2
Analysis of LFP recordings during DCS in response) crosses. (D) Average loco- 0
−12 −8 −4 0 4 8 12 −12 −8 −4 0 4 8 12
both MI and in striatum showed a shift in spectral motion during recorded events. Time (s) Time (s)
power from lower to higher frequencies (average
spectrograms from a total of 21 events of DCS at
300 Hz obtained from nine animals are shown in A DAT-KO Mice B 6-OHDA Rats
Fig. 2C). The spectral shift was maintained through- 40
L-DOPA injections (mg/kg)
out the stimulation period and lasted for ~50 s Sham non-DCS
Locomotion (mm/s)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6-OHDA non-DCS
after the end of stimulation. To condense the spec- 10 Sham DCS
Cumulative distance (m)

tral shift into a single measure, a spectral index 6-OHDA DCS

was computed by dividing the spectral range ana- 8

lyzed into an upper and lower half and calculating
the ratio of the summed power of the frequencies
in the two intervals [(25 to 55 Hz)/(1.5 to 25 Hz)]. 4
The spectral index (black trace in Fig. 2C) illus-
trates the rapid spectral shift induced by DCS and 2 0
−200 −100 0 100 200
the prolonged effect after DCS had ceased. Time (s)
DCS also affected the firing patterns of indi- 0
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600
vidual neurons. To avoid interference from stim- Time (min) C
ulation artifacts, the 30-s stimulation periods were 8
Relative change (%)

Fig. 4. DCS restores locomotion in severely Sham
Locomotion (mm/s)

excluded from the analysis of spike data. Even 6

during the period following stimulation, though, dopamine-depleted mice and in chronically lesioned 200

numerous neurons showed significantly altered rats. (A) The cumulative amount of locomotion scored 4 100
in animals receiving DCS in combination with suc-
firing rates (47.9% in MI and 41.8% in striatum, 2 0
cessive L-dopa injections (black) was significantly
a = 0.01; Fig. 2C, rows 4 and 5, respectively). The
higher at all time points than that observed for 0 -100 Slow Medium Fast
fraction of units entrained to LFP dropped notably the group only receiving L-dopa (gray). (B) DCS 21-166 167-333 334-500
Sham 6-OHDA
(from 42.7/38.8% in MI/striatum the 30 s before (yellow shaded area) induced a prominent increase Locomotion speed (mm/s)
DCS to 24.5/24.0% the 30 s after DCS, a = 0.01). in locomotion in 6-OHDA–lesioned rats (shaded area around trace is SEM) compared with the preceding
Although the onset of locomotion was delayed non-DCS sessions. In the sham group, in contrast, DCS caused a moderate response comparable to non-DCS
a few seconds, changes in the neural activity were sessions (mean T SEM, n = 64 stimulation and 64 control sessions for both sham-treated and lesioned rats).
detected almost immediately after DCS onset (C) (Left) DCS specifically increases locomotion in 6-OHDA–lesioned rats (mean and SEM shown; all means
(mean T SD evoked potential latency = 44 T 5 ms), are significantly different from the others, P < 0.001, Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn’s multiple comparison test;
perhaps indicating that the electrophysiological flashes indicate DCS sessions). (Right) A preferential relative increase of faster movement components
changes have a permissive rather than a directly locomotion was found in the 6-OHDA–lesioned group reflecting alleviation of bradykinetic symptoms.
instructive role for the initiation of locomotion. Relative changes in amount of locomotion in three speed intervals (DCS/non-DCS sessions) are shown.

1580 20 MARCH 2009 VOL 323 SCIENCE

2.9 T 1.7 s, range 0.1 to 5.5 s, n = 88, MI and the effectiveness of DCS in an animal model that tients, aroused by frightening situations, exhibit
striatal LFP; depleted: 3.0 T 1.7, range 0.2 to 5.5 s, also involves loss of nigrostriatal dopaminergic con- sudden and transient improvement in motor
n = 48, MI and striatal LFP). Yet, there were also nections. Chronic dopaminergic denervation of the function (22, 23). Here, the increase by a factor
important differences, most notably below 25 Hz. striatum was achieved using bilateral 6-OHDA le- of 4.9 in locomotion produced by DCS in control
A more differentiated decrease in power of oscil- sions in rats (n = 4), resulting in progressive dete- animals, albeit much less than that observed in
lations below 8 Hz and an increase above 17 Hz rioration of motor function and sustained weight dopamine-depleted animals, could in theory sup-
was observed in nondepleted animals, whereas loss, both cardinal signs of successful lesioning port such an arousal hypothesis. Yet, a variety of
the spectral power in a broader range between 5 (20, 21). When placed in the open field, lesioned observations suggest that this may not be the
and 25 Hz was decreased in depleted animals. rats displayed reduced locomotion compared with main mechanism accounting for DCS-induced
Because these different patterns occurred before controls (n = 4), which received vehicle injections locomotion. First, neither air puffs alone nor stim-
the onset of locomotion, it is unlikely that they in identical sites in the striatum (mean T SEM = ulation of trigeminal nerve afferents, both potent
were due to differences in locomotion between the 2.85 T 0.068 and 7.78 T 0.144 mm/s on average, somatosensory arousal stimuli, induced locomo-
two groups. Instead, they could be part of the ex- respectively). Quantification of immunohistochem- tion in either control or dopamine-depleted ani-
planation of why depleted animals moved slower ical staining of the dopamine-synthesizing en- mals. Secondly, in control experiments carried out
and for shorter time periods. zyme tyrosine hydroxylase indicated that lesioned in both awake and lightly anesthetized animals,
On the single-neuron level, the same type of rats had only ~20% of the immune signal found DCS produced only a minimal arousal response
firing rate changes after DCS also occurred in in sham-lesioned animals (fig. S8). when compared with other tactile, proprioceptive,
conjunction with spontaneous locomotion events. Rats were tested during two 1-hour sessions in and nociceptive stimuli (fig. S9, A and B). This
From a total pool of 193 neurons (from nine con- the open field, the first hour without stimulation is in line with a previous study that demonstrated
trol and five dopamine-depleted recording sessions and the second with DCS applied for 30 s every that dorsal column recruitment produces no signif-
in 11 animals), 111 modulated their firing rate dur- tenth minute. In the lesioned group, DCS resulted icant arousal effect (24). Overall, these data suggest
ing locomotion and, unexpectedly, 59 of these in remarkably increased amounts of locomotion that DCS may increase locomotion behavior pri-

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neurons showed a pattern of early activation, 2.9 T compared to the first hour, whereas sham animals marily through direct modulation of lemniscal/
1.4 s (mean T SD) before actual locomotion on- actually moved less during DCS sessions than thalamic pathways. However, more experiments
set (range = 0.5 to 4.5 s, n = 59 striatal and MI during non-DCS sessions (Fig. 4C). Hence, there will be required to settle this issue.
units from depleted and nondepleted conditions) were specific improvements of motor function in Our electrophysiological data suggest possible
(Fig. 3C). the Parkinsonian state compared with controls. In mechanisms for the success of DCS in restoration
DCS in combination with L-dopa treatment. lesioned rats, DCS not only alleviated hypoki- of locomotion, based on existing theories of basal
To find the minimum dose of L-dopa (alone or nesia during stimulation but also caused an in- ganglia pathology in PD and specifically consid-
combined with 300-Hz DCS) required to restore crease in locomotion after the stimulation period. ering the circuitry known to be involved in initiating
locomotion, DAT-KO mice were used. These mice This residual effect lasted ~100 s (Fig. 4B). voluntary locomotion (25). The command to the
have <5% of normal striatal content of dopamine The effect of DCS on bradykinesia in 6- spinal cord to initiate locomotion, via reticulospinal
(14). Dopamine can be further decreased to vir- OHDA–lesioned rats was also evaluated. Le- pathways, is issued by the diencephalic and mesen-
tually undetectable levels by injecting AMPT (250 sioned animals showed a relative increase in the cephalic locomotor regions. For these midbrain
mg/kg intraperitoneally), resulting in a completely number of scored locomotion events for all move- structures to become active and trigger locomotion,
akinetic animal model (14). By gradually increasing ment speeds, but this effect was more pronounced they must be relieved from the tonic inhibition ex-
dopamine levels through repeated L-dopa injec- for faster movements, indicating a specific effect erted by the output nuclei of the basal ganglia. This
tions every hour, we tested the locomotion thresh- on bradykinetic symptoms in addition to the is accomplished by activation of striatal medium
olds. In the group receiving only L-dopa injections general improvement in the overall amount of spiny neurons projecting to the output nuclei of the
(n = 6 sessions from 4 mice), locomotion typically locomotion (Fig. 4D). basal ganglia (26, 27). Under normal circumstances,
first occurred after the fifth injection (5 mg/kg dose, Discussion. We demonstrated that stimulation the cortex has a powerful excitatory influence on
corresponding to a total dose of 15 mg during the of the dorsal column pathways using epidural the striatum. In contrast, with reduced striatal do-
first 5 hours). When L-dopa treatment was com- implanted bipolar electrodes—a simple, easy-to- pamine levels, the activation threshold of the
bined with DCS, the same amount of locomotion perform, semi-invasive method—can restore loco- projection neurons from the striatum is significantly
was displayed after the second injection (2 mg/kg motive capability in two animal models of PD increased (25), making it less likely that cortical
dose, corresponding to a total dose of 3 mg in symptoms: acutely dopamine-depleted mice and input to the striatum will be conveyed through this
the first 2 hours) (n = 10 experiments from seven rats with dopaminergic neuronal loss. In parallel pathway. As a consequence, brainstem motor re-
mice (Fig. 4A). That means that in combination with the behavioral improvements, DCS shifted gions remain under tonic inhibition, and the initia-
with DCS, one-fifth of the L-dopa total dose activity patterns in the primary motor cortex and in tion of goal-directed locomotion and other types of
was enough to produce equivalent locomotion to the dorsolateral striatum into a state closely re- volitional motor activity become impaired. DCS
L-dopa alone. There was also a general increase sembling that found before and during sponta- may exert its effect by activating large cortical
in the amount of locomotion displayed in the neous initiation of locomotion in normal and areas, increasing the cortical and thalamic input to
L-dopa+DCS group over the entire range studied. depleted animals. This suggests that DCS helps the striatum. This may, in turn, promote the depo-
Thus, L-dopa+DCS seems to be superior to motor-related brain areas shift into a state per- larization and, consequently, facilitate the activation
L-dopa alone in terms of the ability to rescue missive of the initiation of movements. of striatal projection neurons. Another consequence
locomotive capability after severe dopamine deple- What could be the mechanisms through which of the reduced cortical control of striatum at low
tion. Finally, animals in the L-dopa+DCS group DCS allows a shift into a locomotion-permissive dopamine levels is that both thalamic and internally
consistently showed higher values of spectral index state? The first possible explanation could be that driven striatal low-frequency oscillations become
than the L-dopa only group. This suggests that DCS, in addition to stimulating specific somatosen- more prominent (28, 29). These oscillations may
DCS facilitates locomotion, even in severely de- sory pathways, may also recruit brainstem arousal lead to increased synchronicity because the gen-
pleted animals, through similar mechanisms (fig. S7). systems, leading to sufficient cortical and striatal eration of action potentials tends to occur at
DCS is effective after chronic lesions. Although desynchronization required for voluntary initiation more distinct phases of the LFP oscillation (13, 30).
the acute dopamine depletion model employed of movements (8). Such a possibility can be raised This was confirmed in our experiments in which
in the first set of experiments could reproduce all the when the phenomenon of paradoxical kinesia is both motor cortex and striatum showed excessive
main symptoms of PD, it was important to confirm considered, that is, rare events in which PD pa- low-frequency synchronized oscillatory activity SCIENCE VOL 323 20 MARCH 2009 1581

in dopamine-depleted animals and an increased 5. A. L. Benabid, Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 13, 696 (2003). 27. M. R. DeLong, Trends Neurosci. 13, 281 (1990).
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oscillations is particularly important for ameliora- 12. C. Hammond, H. Bergman, P. Brown, Trends Neurosci. was supported by the National Institute of Neurological
30, 357 (2007). Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) R33NS049534 and the
tion of motor symptoms in PD (31). 13. R. M. Costa et al., Neuron 52, 359 (2006). International Neuroscience Network Foundation to
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significantly lower doses of L-dopa in severely (2006). Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation to P.P. The
16. K. G. Lloyd, L. Davidson, O. Hornykiewicz, J. Pharmacol. content is solely the responsibility of the authors and
dopamine-depleted animals. The considerably less Exp. Ther. 195, 453 (1975). does not necessarily represent the official views of the
invasive nature of the epidural DCS electrode 17. X. Drouot et al., Neuron 44, 769 (2004). NINDS or the National Institutes of Health. M.A.L.N.
compared with DBS electrodes suggests that DCS 18. K. Sakai, D. M. Gash, Brain Res. 633, 144 (1994). dedicates this paper to Lily Safra for her continuing
could be a complement for treatment of symptoms 19. Materials and methods are available as supporting support and to the memory of his grandfather, Angelo
material on Science Online. Nicolelis, who suffered from Parkinson’s disease. M.A.L.N.
of PD in earlier stages of the disease. We therefore 20. M. A. Cenci, I. Q. Whishaw, T. Schallert, Nat. Rev. acknowledges a visiting professorship, Chaire Blaise
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periodic motions of the magnetic flux tubes
Alfvén Waves in the (7, 9). Numerical simulations (10) show that sub-
surface acoustic drivers and fast magneto-sonic
kink waves (11, 12) can convert energy into up-
Lower Solar Atmosphere wardly propagating Alfvén waves, which are
emitted from the solar surface. These numerical
David B. Jess,1,2* Mihalis Mathioudakis,1 Robert Erdélyi,3 Philip J. Crockett,1 simulations are also in agreement with current
Francis P. Keenan,1 Damian J. Christian4 analytical studies. In particular, it has been shown
that footpoint motions in an axially symmetric
The flow of energy through the solar atmosphere and the heating of the Sun’s outer regions are system can excite torsional Alfvén waves (13).
still not understood. Here, we report the detection of oscillatory phenomena associated with a large Other Alfvén wave modes may exist, although
bright-point group that is 430,000 square kilometers in area and located near the solar disk these are normally coupled to magneto-sonic MHD
center. Wavelet analysis reveals full-width half-maximum oscillations with periodicities ranging waves (14). In the solar atmosphere, magnetic
from 126 to 700 seconds originating above the bright point and significance levels exceeding field lines clump into tight bundles, forming flux
99%. These oscillations, 2.6 kilometers per second in amplitude, are coupled with chromospheric tubes. Alfvén waves in flux tubes could manifest
line-of-sight Doppler velocities with an average blue shift of 23 kilometers per second. A lack as torsional oscillations (7) that create simulta-
of cospatial intensity oscillations and transversal displacements rules out the presence of neous blue and red shifts, leading to the non-
magneto-acoustic wave modes. The oscillations are a signature of Alfvén waves produced by a thermal broadening of any isolated line profile,
torsional twist of T22 degrees. A phase shift of 180 degrees across the diameter of the bright point and should thus be observed as full-width half-
suggests that these torsional Alfvén oscillations are induced globally throughout the entire maximum (FWHM) oscillations (15). A promis-
brightening. The energy flux associated with this wave mode is sufficient to heat the solar corona. ing location for the detection of Alfvén waves is
Astrophysics Research Centre, School of Mathematics and
olar observations from both ground-based wave mechanism to explain the heating of the

S and spaceborne facilities show that a wide

range of magneto-acoustic waves (1, 2) prop-
agate throughout the solar atmosphere. However,
Sun’s outer regions.
However, it has been suggested that their pre-
vious detection in the solar corona (5) and upper
Physics, Queen’s University, Belfast, BT7 1NN, Northern
Ireland, UK. 2Solar Physics Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space
Flight Center, Code 671, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA. 3Solar
Physics and Space Plasma Research Centre, University of
Sheffield, Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, Sheffield, S3 7RH,
the energy they carry to the outer solar atmosphere chromosphere (6) is inconsistent with magneto-
England, UK. 4Department of Physics and Astronomy, Cali-
is not sufficient to heat it (3). Alfvén waves (pure hydrodynamic (MHD) wave theory (7, 8). These fornia State University Northridge, 18111 Nordhoff Street,
magnetic waves), which are incompressible and observations are best interpreted as a guided-kink Northridge, CA 91330, USA.
can penetrate through the stratified solar atmosphere magneto-acoustic mode, whereby the observa- *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
without being reflected (4), are the most promising tional signatures are usually swaying, transversal,

1582 20 MARCH 2009 VOL 323 SCIENCE

Spinal Cord Stimulation Restores Locomotion in Animal Models of Parkinson's Disease
Romulo Fuentes, Per Petersson, William B. Siesser, Marc G. Caron and Miguel A. L. Nicolelis

Science 323 (5921), 1578-1582.

DOI: 10.1126/science.1164901

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