Article of The Week

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5 Tips for

Throughout the
By: Clarissa Martínez

Article of the Week ENGL 3690: Katie Galvan

“To best address each child’s needs
and support their skills we must first
observe children closely and spend
time with them to develop an
authentic, caring relationship.”

● Definition: To adapt to the needs or special circumstances of an individual

● After a month, you have become more familiar with each child, understanding their
strengths and weaknesses
● Early Childhood classrooms much of the work is individualized
○ Interest areas, how to play in them, how they sit
● When you plan, you try to address a wide range of skills and abilities
○ Gender, temperament, interests, learning styles, life experience, etc.
● Individualizing is hard but very important in the classroom
5 Ways to
1. Offer Choices

● Encourage children to participate and explore the way they prefer

● The use of groups
● If a child has sensory experiences allowing them to wear gloves or use tools
● Show that we value their independence and preferences.
2. Plan for Possibilities

● How can you adjust the activity

○ More time, more support, experience with concrete materials
● How can you challenge children who are advanced learners
3. Empower Children to
Document Their Learning
● Digital child portfolios
● Portfolios allow the children to showcase what they are proud of and are a reflection of
their learning
● Talk to children about how and why you take notes, photos, or videos of their work.
● Ask the child what they want to include
● Ask them what skills they would like to continue to develop.
● Encourage families to capture and share observations of learning at home
4. Encourage Community
● Children are usually very aware of their skills and those of their peers.
● Celebrate each child’s expertise and encourage them to support children who could benefit
from their help.
● Share examples of children’s work to celebrate successes
● As a teacher ask for help allowing the children to showcase their skills
5. Provide a Variety of
Learning Materials

● Preschools benefit from concrete objects to manipulate and explore

● Evaluate the materials in each interest area.
○ Different ability levels, books about topics that interest a variety of reading levels
● Talk to families about ways they can support their child’s learning at home
○ Building with empty food containers, identifying names on letters

Martínez, Clarissa. “5 Ways to Address a Wide Range of Skills and Abilities in Your Classroom.” Teaching Strategies, 4 Nov.

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