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Grade 8-Science Worksheet

01. Define pressure

02. To demonstrate that pressure on solids depends on the force exerted.

Method :Arrange the set-up as shown in

Step i :
Hang one bag of sand and measure the
time taken to cut through the cake of soap.
Step ii
• Use a new cake of soap and hang
two bags from the wire and measure the
time taken to cut through the cake of soap.
Repeat the experiment, several times using
a new cake of soap and increasing the
number of bags each

Observations : When the number of sand bags increased time taken for the wire to cut
through the cake ( soap became ...........................

* As the number of bags increased weigh f(Force) increased.

Conclusion: 1. When the force exerted increased, pressure
2. This shows that pressure depend on the exerted.

03. The above facts can be farther confirmed by doing the

following activity

Method :
Take a stand, like the one shown in diagram i.

Diagram ii : Keep the sponge on the wooden stand and note dow
the reading on the scale (5 cm)


Diagram iii : Place the wooden block weighing I kg on the spong

and note down the reading on the scale.

wooden block


Diagram : Now place a weight of 2 kg on the wooden block
shown in diagram and note down the scale.

wooden block * Area of the wooden block, in contact with sponge

sponge is always the same.

Observations : When the force exerted on the sponge increased contraction of the sponge
.............,............ too.
Conclusion : When the ... ..... .................. exerted increased the ... ..... .... .............. exerted too increased.
04. To demonstrate that area on which the force is acting has an effect on pressure
Method : Arrange the set up an shown in diagram.
i Hang the bag of sand from
the cake of soap using a thick
wire. Observe the time taken
to cut through the cake of
Step ii
Keep a new cake of soap (equal in
all aspects). Then hang the bag of sand (the
weight as before) using a thin wire and

Observations : The force exerted is the same in both instances.

Observations : The cake of soap is cut through easily, when the .......................... wire is used.
Conclusion: This pressure is greater when the ...................... .. . wire is used.
* This shows the pressure depends on the on which the force is exerted.

05.Todemonstratethatpressurechangeaccordingtotheareaonwhichtheforce exerted.
X lcm

Wooden block size 15cm X, I Ocm x

Sponge with size 15cm X IOcm

 Method :
 Weigh the wooden block using a spring balance.
 Arrange the set-up as shown. Without the wooden block.
 Note down the reading of the scale relevant to the upper horizontal edge of the sponge.
 Then place the 15cm x 1 Ocm surface of the wooden block on the sponge and note down the
reading of the scale relevant to the upper horizontal edge of the sponge.
 Repeat the experiment. Place another sponge with 15cm X 5cm horizontally on the plank.
 Then note down the reading.
 Now keep the wooden block with 15cm X 5cm surface on the sponge horizontally and note down
the reading.
 Next remove the sponge and keep another sponge with 1 Ocm x 5cm surface horizontally on the
wooden plank.
 Note down the reading. Then place the wooden block with I Ocm X 5cm surface on the sponge and
note down the reading.
 as the same wooden block was placed on all sponges. The force exerted was the same. But the
contact of the wooden block on each sponge was different.
 When the contact area is large, the contraction of the sponge is .............................., when the area is
small, the contraction of sponge is ..... .... ....
 When the contact area is less, pressure is
 Pressure depends on the .............................. on which the farce is exerted.

01. Why is the unit ofpressure known as Pascal.


02. When a force of 500N is acting on a surface area of 2m, calculate the pressure exerted.
03. A box of 800N is kept on a horizontal surface of area 400m2 . Calculate the pressure exerted
on the surface
04. Pressure exerted on a surface in 1200pa by an object of weight 600N. Calculate the contact
area o surface of the box.
05. Why do we place, wooden planks under the bamboo props, when concrete roofing is being
06. When one end of a stick is sharpened, it is easy to fix it into the soil. Why?
07. It is easier to carry a load on the back than carrying it on the head. Why?
08. In nature too, there are instances where living beings are adapted to increase or decrease
pressure. 2 instances,
i. Where animals are adapted to decrease pressure. ii.
Ii.Where animals are adapted to increase pressure.

iii.Write 3 instances where pressure is increased to suit our need.

iv.Write 3 instances whenpressure is decreasedtosuitourneed.

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