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One of the core values Filipinos are known for is our close family ties.

Other than being a way of

life, this concept is also taught in schools and passed down through the generations.

This traditional concept was imprinted into our lives because our families should always be our
number one priority, we should always support each other financially, mentally, and emotionally
well into adulthood.

It's a fairly common thing within the Filipino families that the eldest or panganay will become the
breadwinner— which means as soon as you start working, you will be the one who will provide
for your family.

As there is nothing wrong in helping and giving back to your family, this culture or trait can get

Breadwinners take pride in taking care of their family members, looking out for their loved ones,
and providing their needs, sometimes even to the point where there’s nothing left for


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says:, J., says:, A. R.,, Franco, K., Santiago, S., & Aquino, E. (2021, July 15).
The toxic expectations of the Filipino family. Wonder. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from

Pasion, A. (2020, November 13). Addressing toxic behaviors in Filipino families:

#YourMindOurMovement. Medium. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from

Cardona, Y. (2021, July 13). A breadwinner at 19: What it's like to be young and your family's
sole provider. A Breadwinner At 19: What It's Like To Be Young And Your Family's Sole
Provider | OneNews.PH. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from

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