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Activity Sheet 12

Week 9.2: The Sexual Self and Family Planning

(Responsible Sexual Behavior)

Name : Nicell Mae G. Socorro

Course and Year : BEED-I Date : 11-16-21
Time and Section : 6:00 PM-7:30 PM/H5 Score: ___________

When I Fall In Love: A Letter to Self

Instructions: Given all the lessons learned from the discussion, write a short
letter to yourself with the title “When I Fall in Love: A Letter to
Self.” Use the space provided in this activity sheet.

Dear Self:
I hope you are doing well and that time has been kind to you.
You were that girl in high school who didn’t have time for boys or such frivolous things lol. You
are ambitious and goal-oriented. You believe in being a successful and who disagreed of having
a relationship partner as what society demands to you but underneath all of these you are a love-
addict, hopeless romantic patiently waiting for your someone.

I know what you are like when you begin to fancy someone or you fall in love; you become blind
to reason. You make excuses for all forms of immoral behavior. You give away so much, you
expect too much and you push too hard, until it breaks. You love hard, and when it’s all over,
you are back again but still have crushes lol. I also remember when you promised to yourself to
never get pregnant before marriage, having an advance mindset huh?

You are no longer a kid anymore and you have had your fair share of experiences when it comes
to love and life. You have been cracked for a one time during your Senior High school time lol,
but thankfully not yet broken.

I can't predict what your life will be, but it's likely that some of the things you may be facing are
things you went through with your parents and friends. Know that the with all the people, your
parents are always who has given it back to you cares about you a great deal, and is concerned
for your well-being when having a serous relationship comes. Please keep an open mind and
listen carefully to what they have to say. Accept that you need to trust in their advices over your

I don't know what situation has caused someone to feel it's time for you to get this letter. I hope
that you'll remember that you wanted to learn from your own experiences, and please be patient,
keep your mind and heart together when you fall in love again. I love you.

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