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Europäisches Patentamt

(19) European Patent Office *EP001314627B1*

Office européen des brevets (11) EP 1 314 627 B1

(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.7: B61L 1/18
of the grant of the patent:
01.09.2004 Bulletin 2004/36

(21) Application number: 02257285.3

(22) Date of filing: 21.10.2002

(54) Railway track circuits

Circuits de voie de chemin de fer

(84) Designated Contracting States: (74) Representative: Newstead, Michael John et al

ES GB PT Page Hargrave
(30) Priority: 21.11.2001 GB 0127927 Whitefriars
Lewins Mead
(43) Date of publication of application: Bristol BS1 2NT (GB)
28.05.2003 Bulletin 2003/22
(56) References cited:
(73) Proprietor: WESTINGHOUSE BRAKE AND EP-A- 0 165 048 WO-A-91/11356
Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 1RT (GB)
• LIONTI, NOGUET, ET AL.: "Wireless
(72) Inventor: McAllister, Lawrence Lawson transmissions in multipath environmets benefit
Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 3XL (GB) from direct sequence spread spectrum
techniques" IEEE, ETFA 2001, CONFERENCE
PROCEEDINGS, vol. 2, 15 - 18 October 2001,
pages 169-178, XP001147163 Antibes, France
EP 1 314 627 B1

Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give
notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in
a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art.
99(1) European Patent Convention).

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 1 314 627 B1 2

Description receiver to determine signal attenuation along the track

[0001] The present invention relates to railway track [0009] Data transmitted in the QPSK signal could be
circuits. supplied to the transmitter from an external system
[0002] Track circuits are a well-established means of 5 (such as adjacent track circuit apparatus), transmitted
train detection and can also be used to provide a level along the track circuit and received by the track circuit
of broken-rail detection. A fundamental difficulty with receiver, which outputs the data to an external system
track circuits on modern electrified railways is that they (such as adjacent track circuit apparatus).
must share the railway track with the traction return, and [0010] For track to train communication, the QPSK
track circuits have consistently evolved to provide better 10 signal could also receivable by a train-borne receiver.
immunity to interference from traction systems. Another [0011] The present invention will now be described,
key concern for track circuit signals is cross-coupling be- by way of example, with reference to the accompanying
tween tracks, which could result in one track erroneous- drawing, in which:-
ly accepting a signal from another track. Over recent his-
tory (the last 20 years) various track circuits have 15 Fig. 1 is a block diagram of a system including an
evolved that use Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) to form example of apparatus according to the present in-
a distinct electrical signal that is transmitted along the vention;
track. EP-A-0 165 048 discloses a coded track circuit
system using FSK as a carrier mechanism. Early FSK Fig. 2 is a block diagram of a transmitter of the ap-
track circuits used relatively simple generators and re- 20 paratus;
ceivers. Further enhancements have been made to
such receivers to improve the discrimination of the FSK Fig. 3 is a block diagram of a receiver of the appa-
signal and to such transmitters to generate a more ratus; and
unique FSK signal.
[0003] Existing FSK systems use various FSK modu- 25 Fig. 4 is a vector diagram for use in explaining the
lation techniques to develop a signal with some level of receiver's demodulation technique.
uniqueness from any other track circuit and from the sig-
nals generated in the traction return system. [0012] In railway track circuit apparatus, the use of a
[0004] Various modulation techniques for railway Phase Shift Keying (PSK) modulation technique offers
track circuits are also disclosed in EP 0165048 A1, WO 30 the generation and detection of a more unique signal,
91/11356, US-A-4 582 279, US-A-4 498 650, US-A-4 offering improved discrimination between a track circuit
065 081, US-A-4 015 082, SU-A-1592204 and CA-A-1 signal and interference from other tracks or the traction
149 918. return system. Further, there are applications where it
[0005] According to the present invention, there is is also desirable to carry information along the track cir-
provided railway track circuit apparatus comprising a 35 cuit to reduce the need for additional trackside commu-
track circuit transmitter and a track circuit receiver, nications or track-to-train communications and PSK of-
wherein the transmitter generates a Quadrature Phase fers an improved information rate for a given bandwidth,
Shift keying (QPSK) modulated signal that carries a dig- which facilitates this while still fulfilling a train detection
ital message which is transmitted into the track circuit role.
and carries an indication of the identity of the track cir- 40 [0013] When a PSK signal is band-limited to a narrow
cuit, which signal is detected by the receiver, the receiv- band, the signal has a relatively high peak voltage in
er only indicating that the track circuit is clear having relation to the root mean square (RMS) voltage (high
received a QPSK signal of sufficient amplitude and car- form factor) and thus for a given power driven into the
rying the correct track circuit identity. track circuit, the signal provides a higher voltage for
[0006] Preferably, the QPSK signal is constrained to 45 breaking down rail contamination.
a narrow frequency band to produce a QPSK signal with [0014] Referring first to Fig. 1, reference numeral 1
a high form factor. The QPSK modulated signal prefer- designates a length of railway track and reference nu-
ably is a differential form of a QPSK (QDPSK) modulat- meral 2 schematically represents a train having train-
ed signal. carried equipment 3. To provide a track circuit, there are
[0007] Preferably, the receiver only indicates that the 50 a transmitter 4 coupled with the track 1 via track inter-
track circuit is clear having decoded the QPSK signal face circuitry 5 and, at or adjacent the other end of the
and checked that the sum of all phase coherent symbol track circuit, a receiver 6 coupled with the track 1 via
amplitudes in the message is greater than a predefined track interface circuitry 7. In practice, there would be a
threshold. series of such track circuits along the track 1 each as-
[0008] The data transmitted in the QPSK signal could 55 sociated with a respective section of track.
also carry internal transmitter information to the receiv- [0015] The transmitter 4 receives on an input 8 exter-
er. Such internal transmitter data could indicate the cur- nal data and on an input 9 an indication of the identity
rent transmitter output amplitude, which is used by the of the track circuit. The receiver 6 supplies on an output

3 EP 1 314 627 B1 4

10 external data, on an output 11 an indication of wheth- of phase transitions (M) are 2 (binary), 4 (Quadrature),
er or not the track circuit is clear and receives at an input 8, 16 and 32. The higher the order of phase transitions
12 an indication of track circuit identity. (M) the higher the error rate for a given signal to noise
[0016] The train-carried equipment 3 comprises a re- ratio (SNR). Quadrature PSK (QPSK) delivers good in-
ceiver 13 (typically having a structure the same as or 5 formation rate and good noise tolerance essential in a
similar to that of receiver 6) providing external data on track circuit. The noise performance of higher order PSK
an output 14 and an indication of track circuit identity on is unattractive in track circuits, particularly as the use of
an output 15. error correction techniques are not generally accepted
[0017] In the system of Fig. 1, there is the option of in a safety critical system.
train pick-up of rail current by receiver 13. The differenc- 10 [0023] The generation, and especially the safe detec-
es compared to existing track circuits are the ability to tion, of QPSK is made feasible in track circuits by mod-
carry more data between transmitter and receiver, thus ern digital signal processors (DSPs) and associated dig-
enabling more unique track identities and the transfer of ital signal processing techniques.
other data external to the track circuit system. [0024] Aspects of the system are:
[0018] The transmitter 4 generates a unique signal 15
that is coupled into the track 1 and propagates along the • the same basic receiver equipment can be utilised
track to receiver 6. The unique signal carries a suitably on trains as is used at the track side;
modulated message (telegram) that is repeated on a cy- • each track signal is QPSK encoded, which delivers
clic basis. The message contains a track circuit identity good information capacity;
unique to that track circuit within a given geographic ar- 20 • the techniques used to generate and decode the
ea. Other external data may also be included, for exam- track signal lend themselves to readily configuring
ple trackside communications information or informa- the carrier frequency locally, and thus common
tion to a train on the track circuit. transmitter and receiver equipment can be easily
[0019] The track circuit receiver 6 measures the am- configured to provide various frequencies.
plitude of the unique signal and drives a track circuit 25
clear output if the signal is of sufficient amplitude and [0025] Referring to Fig. 2, the transmitter 4 comprises
the message contains the correct track circuit identity. a format and encoding module 17, receiving, as well as
As mentioned, the same basic receiver equipment may external data and an indication of track circuit identity,
be used on a train to provide information from the track internal data on an input 16. The output of module 17,
circuit. 30 as a complex representation of QPSK data, is applied
[0020] In alternative configurations, the track circuit via a band filter 18 to a mixer 19 which receives a carrier
could be one in which a transmitter is between and com- on an input 20. The output of the mixer 19 passes via
municating with two such receivers which are opposite an amplifier 21 to the track interface circuitry 5.
each other; or the track circuit could be one which has [0026] The digital data to be transmitted is construct-
two ends opposite the transmitter, with such a receiver 35 ed in module 17 from the track circuit identity, internal
at or adjacent each of these ends; or the track circuit data and external data. A parity word is added to the
could be the one which has three ends, with such a re- data to provide error detection and correction. The data
ceiver at or adjacent each of the ends and such a trans- is QPSK encoded and band-limited before being mixed
mitter communicating with each of the receivers. with the carrier signal. The locally configured carrier fre-
[0021] The system benefits from a modulation 40 quency is mixed with the QPSK encoded data just prior
scheme that provides good data rate in the potentially to amplification and transmission, thus separating the
noisy track circuit environment. The present invention coding from the carrier frequency and enabling easy
makes use of a Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) configuration of the carrier frequency.
modulation technique that offers the potential to transmit [0027] As well as the track circuit identity and other
significant information. This high information rate facili- 45 external data there can, as mentioned, be internal data.
tates larger track circuit identities that are unique over This internal data can be used to transmit the current
a large geographic area as well as larger data rates from transmitter amplitude to the receiver 6. This allows the
transmitter(s) to receiver(s). Much of the implementa- receiver 6 to determine the attenuation of the signal
tion detail regarding Quadrature Phase Shift Keying and along the track and use attenuation to determine if the
its communications features are well known to the com- 50 track is clear. This ratiometric detection technique can
munications industry. However, practical and safe appli- be used to remove some of the signal generation and
cation to train detection is novel. control tolerances in the transmitter.
[0022] In PSK communication systems, the informa- [0028] The track circuit identity, external data and in-
tion (data) is conveyed by a phase change in a carrier ternal data are coded into a message with suitable error
waveform. The available range of phase change is 2 ra- 55 detection and synchronisation codes. The message is
dians. This is divided into an even number (M-array) of then converted into a string of symbols that are repre-
phase transitions, each transition representing a differ- sented as two-dimensional vector quantities (complex
ent information symbol (data value). Common numbers numbers). The symbol vectors are converted to arrays

5 EP 1 314 627 B1 6

of output samples that are then filtered giving a base- values per symbol (i.e. the possible 360 degree phase
band representation of the QPSK signal. shift is split into four areas). The data stream extracted
[0029] The transmitter 4 uses substantial digital filters from the incoming signal contains the track circuit iden-
implemented in a DSP to tightly band-limit the QPSK tity, external data and internal data used in the operation
signal. This is necessary to allow: 5 of the track circuit.
[0035] It will be seen that the demodulation process
• different bands to be placed close together in fre- delivers both data and phase coherent message ampli-
quency; tude. It is essential to enforce a strong relationship be-
• permit maximum data rate in the available frequen- tween the track code and the level of the track signal as
cy band; 10 this is critical to train detection safety. This is not a nor-
• the most important benefit to a track circuit is a high mal requirement for PSK communications systems.
form factor for the track circuit signal. In other [0036] The phase coherent amplitude is the sum of
words, a relatively high peak voltage in relation to the phase coherent parts of each symbol. Fig. 4 illus-
the RMS voltage of the transmitter output signal. trates what is meant by the phase coherent part of each
This ensures that, for a given power driven into the 15 symbol. In decoding each symbol, a decision has been
track circuit, the signal provides a higher voltage for taken as to which detection quadrant (A) the symbol
breaking down rail contamination than present FSK vector lies in. The nominal symbol axis (B) of the signal
systems. vector for a particular symbol lies in the centre of the
quadrant. The actual received symbol vector (C) will lie
[0030] The baseband signal is finally mixed with the 20 somewhere in the quadrant and what is required is the
desired carrier frequency for the track circuit and ampli- portion of that vector parallel to the nominal symbol axis.
fied to deliver the power necessary to drive the track cir- This may be calculated by considering the received
cuit. The mixing with the chosen carrier makes it rela- symbol vector to consist of two vectors, one which is the
tively easy to configure the same product to provide var- phase coherent part (D) of the symbol, parallel to the
ious different carrier frequencies. 25 nominal symbol axis, and the other which is the symbol
[0031] Referring to Fig. 3, the receiver 6 comprises a error (E), perpendicular to the nominal symbol axis. Ba-
mixer 22 which receives a signal from the track and a sic trigonometry allows the magnitude [D] of the phase
carrier on an input 23, the output of mixer 22 being ap- coherent part of the symbol to be calculated.
plied via a filter 24 to a demodulation module 25. The [0037] A simpler and diverse calculation of in-band
module 25 provides a data stream to a decoding and 30 RMS amplitude is also carried out and used as a cross-
separation module 26 which provides the external data check with the phase coherent amplitude to meet track
on output 10, internal data on an output 27 and track circuit safety requirements. The track circuit clear deci-
circuit identity on an output 28, the track circuit identity sion is based on reception of the correct track circuit
also being applied to a track state decision module 29. identity and adequate signal levels from both level as-
Track state decision module 29 also receives a diverse 35 sessment mechanisms.
signal amplitude output from a signal band amplitude [0038] In the above, a track circuit system is disclosed
assessment module 30, which also receives the signal for railway train detection utilising a QPSK modulated
from the track, and a phase coherent symbol amplitude track signal to carry significant track circuit identity cod-
output from demodulation module 25. ing and data from a transmitter to one or a plurality of
[0032] The demodulation and decoding technique is 40 receivers. The use of band-limited QPSK improves the
the same for the receiver 6 and the receiver 13 of the form factor of the signal which offers increased peak
train-carried equipment. The technique determines the track voltage for a given power. The increased data ca-
track circuit identity, external data and internal data used pacity allows much longer digital codes to be assigned
in the operation of the track circuit. to a track circuit thus providing higher security of the
[0033] The module 17 of Fig. 2 on the one hand and 45 track signal in the presence of interference from other
the modules 25, 26, 29 and 30 of Fig. 3 on the other track circuits or from traction current. The increased da-
hand could be implemented in software in each case in ta capacity can also be utilised to provide for the transfer
a single processor. of other data from the transmitter to other receivers.
[0034] In the receiver 6, the incoming track signal is
complex heterodyned at the chosen carrier frequency 50
and filtered to remove higher frequency components. Claims
The resulting information is a complex representation of
the baseband amplitude and phase information of the 1. Railway track circuit apparatus comprising a track
track signal. A suitable synchronising function is used circuit transmitter and a track circuit receiver,
to locate the centres of the symbols, which allows a vec- 55 wherein the transmitter generates a Quadrature
tor quantity to be extracted for each symbol. The relative Phase Shift keying modulated signal that carries a
change in phase between consecutive symbol vectors digital message which is transmitted into the track
defines the data, which with QPSK gives four potential circuit and carries an indication of the identity of the

7 EP 1 314 627 B1 8

track circuit, which signal is detected by the receiv- ger nur anzeigt, dass der Schienenspurschaltkreis
er, the receiver only indicating that the track circuit frei ist, nachdem er ein durch Quadratphasenver-
is clear having received a Quadrature Phase Shift schiebungsverschlüsselung (QPSK) moduliertes
keying signal of amplitude greater than a threshold Signal mit einer Amplitude empfangen hat, die grö-
and carrying the correct track circuit identity. 5 ßer als ein Schwellenwert ist und die richtige Schie-
nenspurschaltkreisidentität aufweist.
2. Apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the Quad-
rature Phase Shift keying signal is constrained to a 2. Vorrichtung gemäß Anspruch 1, wobei das durch
narrow frequency band to produce a Quadrature Quadratphasenverschiebungsverschlüsselung
Phase Shift keying signal with a high form factor. 10 (QPSK) modulierte Signal auf ein enges Frequenz-
band eingeengt ist, um ein durch Quadratphasen-
3. Apparatus according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the verschiebungsverschlüsselung (QPSK) modulier-
Quadrature Phase Shift keying modulated signal is tes Signal mit einer hohen Formzahl zu erzeugen.
a differential form of a Quadrature Phase Shift key-
ing modulated signal. 15 3. Vorrichtung gemäß Anspruch 1 oder 2, wobei das
durch Quadratphasenverschiebungsverschlüsse-
4. Apparatus according to any preceding claim, lung (QPSK) modulierte Signal eine differentiale
wherein the receiver only indicates that the track cir- Form eines durch Quadratphasenverschiebungs-
cuit is clear having decoded the Quadrature Phase verschlüsselung (QPSK) modulierten Signals ist.
Shift keying signal and checked that the sum of all 20
phase coherent symbol amplitudes in the message 4. Vorrichtung gemäß einem beliebigen der vorange-
is greater than a predefined threshold. henden Ansprüche, wobei der Empfänger nur an-
zeigt, dass der Schienenspurschaltkreis frei ist,
5. Apparatus according to any preceding claim, nachdem er das durch Quafratphasenverschie-
wherein the data transmitted in the Quadrature 25 bungsverschlüsselung (QPSK) modulierte Signal
Phase Shift keying signal also carries internal trans- dekodiert hat und nachdem er geprüft hat, dass die
mitter information to the receiver. Summe aller phasenkohärenten Symbolamplitu-
den in der Nachricht größer als ein vordefinierter
6. Apparatus according to claim 5, wherein the internal Schwellenwert ist.
transmitter data indicates the current transmitter 30
output amplitude, which is used by the receiver to 5. Vorrichtung gemäß einem beliebigen der vorange-
determine signal attenuation along the track circuit. henden Ansprüche, wobei die Daten, die in dem
durch Quadratphasenverschiebungsverschlüsse-
7. Apparatus according to any preceding claim, lung (QPSK) modulierten Signal übertragen wer-
wherein data transmitted in the Quadrature Phase 35 den, auch interne Senderinformationen an den
Shift keying signal can be supplied to the transmitter Empfänger transportieren.
from an external system, transmitted along the track
circuit and received by the track circuit receiver 6. Vorrichtung gemäß Anspruch 5, wobei die internen
which outputs the data to an external system. Senderdaten die aktuelle Senderausgabeamplitu-
40 de anzeigen, welche vom Empfänger eingesetzt
8. Apparatus according to any preceding claim, wird, um die Signaldämpfung entlang des Schie-
wherein for, track to train communication, the Quad- nenspurschaltkreises zu bestimmen.
rature Phase Shift keying signal is also receivable
by a train-borne receiver. 7. Vorrichtung gemäß einem beliebigen der vorange-
45 henden Ansprüche, wobei die Daten, die in dem
durch Quadratphasenverschiebungsverschlüsse-
Patentansprüche lung (QPSK) modulierten Signal übertragen wer-
den, dem Sender von einem externen System zu-
1. Eisenbahnschienenspurschaltkreisvorrichtung, geführt werden können, das entlang des Schienen-
umfassend einen Schienenspurschaltkreissender 50 spurschaltkreises übertragen und durch den Schie-
und einen Schienenspurschaltkreisempfänger, wo- nenspurschaltkreisempfänger empfangen wird,
bei der Sender ein durch Quadratphasenverschie- welcher die Daten an ein externes System ausgibt.
bungsverschlüsselung (QPSK) moduliertes Signal
erzeugt, das eine digitale Nachricht transportiert, 8. Vorrichtung gemäß einem beliebigen der vorange-
die in den Schienenspurschaltkreis übertragen wird 55 henden Ansprüehe, wobei für die Schienenspur-
und einen Hinweis auf die Identität des Schienen- Zug-Kommunikation das durch Quadratphasenver-
spurschaltkreises enthält, wobei das Signal durch schiebungsverschlüsselung (QPSK) modulierte Si-
den Empfänger erfasst wird und wobei der Empfän- gnal auch durch einen vom Zug getragenen Emp-

9 EP 1 314 627 B1 10

fänger empfangbar ist. donnée vers un système externe.

8. Dispositif selon l'une quelconque des revendica-

Revendications tions précédentes, dans lequel, pour une commu-
5 nication entre la voie et un train, le signal en modu-
1. Dispositif de circuit de voie de chemin de fer com- lation de phase en quadrature peut aussi être reçu
prenant un émetteur de circuit de voie et un récep- par un récepteur embarqué au train.
teur de circuit de voie, dans lequel l'émetteur génè-
re un signal modulé selon une modulation de phase
en quadrature, le signal étant porteur d'un message 10
numérique transmis dans le circuit de voie et d'une
indication concernant l'identité du circuit de voie, le-
dit signal étant détecté par le récepteur, le récepteur
n'indiquant que le circuit de voie est libre que s'il a
reçu un signal en modulation de phase en quadra- 15
ture dont l'amplitude est supérieure à un seuil et
dont l'identité de circuit de voie qu'il porte est cor-

2. Dispositif selon la revendication 1, dans lequel le 20

signal en modulation de phase en quadrature est
limité à une bande de fréquence étroite de manière
à produire un signal en modulation de phase en
quadrature dont le facteur de forme est élevé.
3. Dispositif selon la revendication 1 ou 2, dans lequel
le signal modulé selon une modulation de phase en
quadrature est une forme différentielle d'un signal
modulé selon une modulation de phase en quadra-
ture. 30

4. Dispositif selon l'une quelconque des revendica-

tions précédentes, dans lequel le récepteur n'indi-
que que le circuit de voie est libre que si il a décodé
le signal en modulation de phase en quadrature et 35
vérifié que la somme de toutes les amplitudes de
symbole de cohérence de phase du message est
supérieure à un seuil prédéfini.

5. Dispositif selon l'une quelconque des revendica- 40

tions précédentes, dans lequel la donnée transmise
au récepteur dans le signal en modulation de phase
en quadrature comporte également une information
interne à l'émetteur.
6. Dispositif selon la revendication 5, dans lequel la
donnée interne à l'émetteur indique l'amplitude dé
sortie de l'émetteur de courant, cette amplitude
étant utilisée par le récepteur pour déterminer l'at-
ténuation subie par le signal le long du circuit de 50

7. Dispositif selon l'une quelconque des revendica-

tions précédentes, dans lequel la donnée transmise
dans le signal en modulation de phase en quadra- 55
ture peut être fournie à l'émetteur par un système
externe, transmise le long du circuit de voie, et re-
çue par le récepteur de circuit de voie qui sort la

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EP 1 314 627 B1

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