Intercultural Communication

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Manuela Jiménez, Sofia Castleford, Laura Graciá y Jose Manuel


Esic | Cross cultural management

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 2
PESTEL .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Political ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Economic ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Social ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Legal ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Environmental .............................................................................................................................. 4
Technological ............................................................................................................................... 5
CULTURE OF SPAIN ............................................................................................................................. 5
SUBCULTURE ..................................................................................................................................... 6
INTERESTING FACTS............................................................................................................................ 8
COMPARISON WITH BELGIUM COUNTRY ............................................................................................... 9
Individualism vs collectivism ........................................................................................................ 9
Power distance ............................................................................................................................. 9
Masculinity vs femininity ............................................................................................................. 10
Uncertainty avoidance ................................................................................................................ 11
Long vs short term orientation.................................................................................................... 12
Indulgence vs Restraint .............................................................................................................. 12
CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................... 13
PERSONAL ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................... 13
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................... 14

“Without memory, there is no culture. Without memory, there would be no civilization, no society,
no future.” (Wiesel, 2021). Culture is a combination of behaviors, beliefs, social forms, religious,
habits and ways of life that made up a specific society. The purpose of this report is to establish a
communication between two cultures, Spanish and Belgian, in order to understand the different
subgroups that each country has. In addition, understand through the Hofstede to what extent each
culture is more authentic, by identifying the behaviors of them in different areas.

As well, to better understand Spanish culture, it will be analyzed in greater depth through the Pestel
tool the Basque Country, and important data on Spanish culture will also be added to make a complete
comparison with Belgium.


Pestel analysis of Basque country.


Since 1959 in Spain there has been a struggle against terrorism in the Basque Country that pitted the
Spanish and French governments against the terrorist organization ETA (Basque nationalist terrorist
organization that proclaimed itself to be pro-independence, socialist and revolutionary and whose
main objective was the construction of a socialist state and independence from France and Spain).

This group was made up of 'etarras', who kidnapped, robbed, murdered and extorted money to achieve
this goal. Thousands of policemen and politicians were assassinated, there were attacks, thousands of
fatalities, events that have marked our country for life. The total disbandment of ETA took place in
2018. During this long period there has been a lot of controversy with and against the Basque Country
and a lot of repercussion that later served for the creation of the Spanish anti-terrorist legislation that
penalized those who acted under the directions of Basque terrorism.


As for the GDP of the Basque Country, it stands at €74,496m, which ranks it as the 5th largest
economy in Spain in terms of GDP volume. In terms of GDP per capita, which is a good indicator of
quality of life, in the Basque Country in 2019, it was €34,142, compared to the €23,690 GDP per
capita in Spain, so it is recognized as having a high quality of life.

In the second quarter of 2021, the Basque economy recorded a year-on-year increase of 18.6%, an
extraordinary value achieved by comparing the situation in that period with that existing a year earlier,
at the time of the greatest restrictions to control the pandemic.

The data for the first quarter of 2021 for the labour market in the Basque Autonomous Community
indicate that the number of unemployed people in the Basque Country is estimated at 115,700 people,
3,900 fewer than in the previous quarter, according to data compiled by Eustat. On the other hand,
the number of employed people stands at 929,200, which means a decrease of 4,400 with respect to
the previous quarter (-0.5%). (Eustat, 2021)

The primary sector has always been of great importance in the Basque Country.

Industry, however, has long been the driving force of the Basque Country's economy, especially in
the south. Along with industry, services are the most important sector of the Basque economy. This
is precisely the sector that has grown the most in the last decade of the 20th century.

Competitiveness in the Basque Country has undergone constant evolution in recent decades. The
different socio-economic situations that our country has gone through have spurred this
transformation, adapting the productive system to progress and better withstand periods of economic

The economy of the Basque Country has shown that it can hold firm in a period of prolonged
recession, with macroeconomic data above the European average and without significant changes
with respect to the European benchmark regions, according to the Basque Competitiveness Institute.

In this regard, the Basque Country was the Spanish region that recorded the highest level of GDP per
inhabitant in 2013, 34.5% higher than the state average, according to data from the National Statistics
Institute (INE).

At the same time, it is practically at the head of the most exporting regions in Spain.


The Basque Country is among the regions with the least time spent on work and commuting. As for
the decrease in the time spent on paid work, the analysis concludes that this type of work is sensitive
to economic cycles. In this way, the study relates the drop to the crisis that the country has suffered.
Compared to 1993, Basques have reduced their working day by 26 minutes and their weekend
working day by eight minutes.

The culture, language, traditions and even the genes of the inhabitants of the Basque Country have
notable and mysterious differences with the rest of Europeans.

The Basques have a unique language, Basque, which is not related to any other language in Spain, or
indeed the world.

Basque employees work 232 hours more per year than European employees but produce half as much,
according to a study presented by the Basque Minister of Employment and Social Affairs, Gemma

The Basque Government has launched a pilot project on flexible working hours to reconcile work
and family life, which "favours increased productivity". 40 percent of the workers have an intensive
working day, with flexible entry times for the split working day, among other things, in collaboration
with the workers.


The article 155 of the Spanish constitution stablishes that “if any autonomous community acts in a
manner that seriously jeopardizes the general interest of Spain, the Government, with the approval of
an absolute majority of the Senate, may adopt the necessary measures to compel such autonomous
community to comply with such obligations or for the protection of the aforementioned general
interest.” This means that even if the Basques want to split up with Spain, they can’t because it
jeopardizes the interest of the country. (CARPIO, 2017)

In terms of taxation, every region in Spain has different taxes, but the ones imposed in the Basque
country are by far the most competitive. In the present, the tax authorities are trying to fiscally
harmonize all the country, but they are not counting on adding the Basque country to the common tax

In the Basque Country there is a fixed tax called the 'Basque quota’, which Congress recently
approved the updating of the amount that the Basque Country has to pay each year to the State and
which has generated more controversy than ever.

This is the amount that the Basque Country pays annually to the state to finance all the services that
are centralized but from which Basque citizens also benefit, which are technically known as non-
assumed burdens. As the Basque Country collects its own taxes (not the Tax Agency, as is the case
with the Communities under the common system), it then has to pay its share of the centralized
services (both those corresponding to the Community and to the local corporations).

To calculate these non-assumed burdens, the expenditure made by the State is estimated for all the
autonomous communities and a coefficient is applied to see what part of the financing would
correspond to the Basque Country. This coefficient (called the imputation index) is the ratio of the
region's income to the total national income. In this case, it has been set at 6.24%. The result of this
calculation is almost 11.62 billion euros, which would be the estimated cost of the public services
financed by the State and from which the citizens of the Basque Country also benefit.


Nowadays, climate change is a controversial subject, and as it is going to affect the whole world but
what the Basque Country has proposed itself is to reduce by 30% the emissions of greenhouse gases
by investing 300 million euros in the next 4 years in order to impulse the energetic transition. This is
part of the sustainable project of the next 5 years’ time.

As for the environmental goals that have been set as a country, they are to guarantee clean and healthy
air, water and soil, responsible management of natural resources and waste, protection of nature and
biodiversity, territorial balance and mobility: a common approach, and limiting the influence of
climate change.

The Basque Country is a European leader in innovation capacity. Significant public investment in
R&D, a high percentage of the working population with higher education and researchers in the
business sector, as well as a very high number of companies with broadband Internet access, give the
Basque Country a greater capacity for innovation than even countries such as Sweden or Finland,
thanks to its solid business fabric, with numerous technology-based organizations and programmed
designed to promote innovation, especially in the private sector.

Moreover, it leads the rankings of values in three of the four components that make up the Altran
Index model: workforce with higher education, researchers in the business sector, companies with
broadband connection and employment in high-tech services.

The Basque Government has launched a new aid programmed to provide Basque companies,
especially SMEs, with access to the innovative and excellent scientific and technological capabilities
needed to meet the challenges of smart industry in the digital manufacturing environment. (Bilbao ,


In reference to the Spanish culture, I would like to begin with the thing that best describes us and
differentiates us from the rest of cultures, which is ¨La siesta¨. Spanish people, after having lunch,
take a rest after it, either before going to work, to school, or whatever and is by far one of the most
common traditions.

In addition, there are many different languages across the country. In the north we have 4 different
languages such as Galician, Aranese, Euskera and Catalan. We then have in the east Valencian in the
Valencian community.

What differs Spanish people from other countries is that we fight against the conservation of our
history and traditions with loads of passion. Each community, province and city conserves nearly
intact the legends and habits of past periods. Spanish take care of their history so much, that some of
the festivals and traditions that used to happen on the past, continue to take place in the same way.

Apart from this, depending on where we are on Spain, we have different traditions. For example, in
the South we have Andalousie, well-known for its festivals related to flamenco, a Spanish style of
music and dance. In other parts of Spain such as Valencia, we have ¨Las Fallas¨, in Navarra we have
¨San Fermines¨. Another important tradition is ¨Los toros¨, which is one of the most well-known
events in Spain.

(Pack Ocio Hoteles, 2021)

In relation to the traditional food, we would find plates such as ¨tortilla de patata¨, croquettes, bread
with tomato, ¨gazpacho¨, ¨paella¨, and the most common one would be the Iberic jam. Most of them
come from a particular place in Spain, but most of them belong to the entire country. Furthermore,
Spanish people tend to have lunch and supper at different times in comparison to the rest of the world.
We are used to eat from around 2pm to 3pm and have supper from around 9pm to 10pm.

(Sabores de hoy , 2021)

Furthermore, even though the rest of the world has modified its basic routines due to the new ways
of working and living, Spain is the only country that has maintained its habits, because of the stop in
between work shifts, making them eat at 2pm and allowing them TO TAKE a big ¨siesta¨ before
getting back to their late work shift. The night shift usually ends at 9pm, making them have supper at
around 10pm.


There is an existing subgroup in Spain known as Basques, which are literally the people from the
Basque Country, a small region located in the north of Spain. They are considered a subgroup since
they want to be independent from Spain; the origin of the conflict comes from years ago, but got
accentuated when the terrorist gang called ETA, justified its crimes to the fact that the Basque Country
(where they were stablished) wanted to split up with Spain.

(National Academy , 2021)

Obviously, they suffered the crimes committed by ETA, but since the gang vanished, they have
experienced continuous rejection from the rest of Spain because they still want to get out of Spain;
not all, but most of them. Within these rejections are the stereotypes they suffer, for example that they
are theatrical, they are very strong and usually very brute, they are also known because they waste
their money and above all, that they are rude and are very noisy.

(AIZPEOLEA, 2019 )

When it comes to sports and activities, soccer is by far the most popular among Basques, followed
by basketball, surfing, or cycling. But we can’t miss the incredible Basque rural sports, also known
as herri kirolak in the native language, are also popular and very relevant in the Basque culture.
Originally, these sports were performed in farms and very small towns, but it spread around all the
region with the pass of the years. These sports usually involve “feats of strength or endurance such
as carrying heavy stones or chopping wood”. These kinds of rural sports are usually performed in
festivals to show off that Basques are very strong.

Politically, they tend to be right-wing, and of course, we share a lot of common behaviors with them
since at the end of the day we all are Spanish, like they also do the siesta, they have a great
gastronomy, they are very opened and extroverts. Nevertheless, they are emotionally colder and one
thing to point out is that they have their own dialect called Euskera, which is nothing like Spanish.

In the matter of doing business, the north region, and the country itself are very different. For instance,
business in the Basque country is informal and non-hierarchical, the dress code is very relaxed, and
they are not impressed by your position. In Spain, it is way more polite and respectful, but it is also
true that Basques are usually closer to be on time, although they are not like British. In terms of
promises, Basques are known for always honor their word, and they like to trust as much as being
trusted. It is highly important to point out that in the Basque culture is not appropriate to mix business
with pleasure, although is very common to have lunch with business associates of clients, just like in
the rest of Spain, but as said before, business is not discussed on the table.

Belgium is split into two different regions which are Flanders and Wallonia. They are completely
different in terms of language, politics, economics, culture and its identity.

(Heitor , 2017)

Flanders provides 58% of the Belgium’s GDP, compared to 23% for Wallonia, whereas the Basque
Country provides around 7% of the Spanish PIB.

We will introduce some of the most interesting facts we have found and that have most impacted us

Belgium is famous for its wide range of beer flavors and its brewing processes. It is a tradition that
has been a way of life in Belgium since around 1400 ce. There are about 1500 different kinds of beers
and 261 breweries and Belgians drink an average of 70 liters per person.

And not only beer, but they are also well-known for its chocolate, waffles and its national football

In the city of Oostduinkerke (West Flanders) they still carry the tradition of horseback shrimp fishing,
and it is the only place in the world which continues to do so. This tradition is from 500 years back,
where the fisherman is dressed in a yellow raincoat and boots and get into the water at low tide.

In terms of ludo diversity in Belgium, the popinjay shooting, and feather bowling is highlighted.
Feather bowling takes place with wooden balls and the person that get the ball as close as possible to
the feather wins. Then the popinjay shooting is performed with archery equipment or rifles and its
objective is to knock as many artificial birds as you can.

We then find Falconry as a hunting method using birds of prey, through continuous training, instead
of normal weapons. This tradition is not only a hunting method, but a way of becoming connected
with nature.

Since the 14th century, Belgium, had the tradition of giants and dragons’ parade as which was related
to religious processions, and which continues to happen on the streets of some cities.

In Belgium, the carillon music, composes of at least 23 carillon bells, is what you are used to listen
at Mont des Arts in Brussels. This is a traditional music, which is performed during festival days in
many cities of Belgium.

In order to compare Belgium culture with Spanish culture we are going to use the Hofstede analysis.

(Hofstede Insights , 2021)


This variable is made up to measure how integrated is the country, if they used to do things by group
or if there is preference of making thing alone.

As we can see in the graph Spain has a middle score between individualism and collectivism, but
Belgium is individualism country. Comparing both we can conclude that in Belgium people usually
stablish their own goals without considering other needs in aspects such as work and family, and in
Spain people used to consider a little more about group interests than about themselves.

The Basque Country, the subgroup that we have chosen, are more collectivist than individualists, this
can be evidenced in that they think much more in a group, because wanting to become independent
they think of the general benefit of all its inhabitants and they are all trying to reach an agreement as
a group, they are not thinking about "i" they are thinking about "we". According to (Eaj pnv , s.f.)
people considered to be Basque and not Spain members, this means that they are a very strong group,
and they are all fighting to reach their collectivist ideas, this is shown when the ask for s referendum
in order to approve the independence.


This variable talks about how power and inequality are tolerated by a culture. If they want to maintain
the authority between the different government institutions or have different organizational structures
for all the institutions (decentralized).
Comparing these countries, we can conclude that Belgium has more power distance than Spain, which
means that in Belgium, citizens tend to accept more than one person is in a particular hierarchical
position and do not question the fact that it is there, they simply accept it.

A good example in order to understand how Belgium power distance works is that King Philippe has
all the executive power in Belgium, and there are not many movements against the monarchy.

(Belgian Monarchy , 2021)

As we know, the Basque country wants to become completely independent from Spain, that is, it is
not in favor of the Spanish monarchy, which means they have a lower score than Spain in this
dimension of the Hofstede. This is demonstrated by the fact that in 2020 the PNV said "We Basques
have no king" (Vitoria, 2020).


This dimension refers to preference of society against different life topics, such as: goals achievement,
sexuality equality and behavior.

Spain culture is having less masculinity than Belgium, this means that Belgium people is more heroic,
have a high expectation of material rewards and is a highly competitive model of society, usually they
use to do dedicate more time of their life to work. On the other side we have Spain that is a bit more
femininity than Belgium, so this culture is more collaborative, protects the week population and
search for quality of life.

A good example to understand this dimension of Spanish culture could be the nap time, which reflects
the way the Spanish work to live and not live to work, and that they prefer working fewer hours.
(ROBINSON, 2017 )

Focusing on the subgroup, we will have a different result because they are more "femininity than
masculinity" compared to the rest of Spain, this can be seen in that they have fewer hours worked
per year compared to the Spanish state. According to (Press, Europa, 2021) Basque country has
reduced their working hours in 4 hours a week in the last 4 years.


This dimension speaks of the extent to which people feel like a threat not knowing what will happen.
By comparing Belgium with Spain, Belgium has a big punctuation on this dimension. This means
that they have a high uncertainty avoidance that’s why they are usually not taking risk, so they made
up more restrictive rules and regulations. On the other side Spain has a less punctuation in this
dimension, this means that they are more relaxing and more tolerant, so they have more lax rules and
An example in order to understand how Belgium uncertainty avoidance works can be Meyboom. A
culture with a high punctuation in this dimension usually maintained traditions over time. Meyboom
is a tradition since 1308 and is still celebrated today on the same dates and with the same emotion.

(Skyfish555, 2014)
Focused on the subgroup, we were able to conclude that the Basque country has a low score in
uncertainty avoidance since they are not afraid of becoming independent and not knowing what could
happen in the future. Since normally in an independence process there is usually a lot of uncertainty.


This dimension describes how cultures use their past in order to orient the future. Based on the graph
of Hofstede. This dimension shows a wider gap between the two countries. Belgium has a punctuation
of 82, which means that it has a long-term orientation, so this culture is persistent and persevering.
On the other hand, Spain has a score of 48, which means that they want rapid results and less patience.

For example, in Belgium mortgages usually reach 30 years and in Spain up to 20 years.

With reference to the Basque country, they have a short-term orientation because they are not learning
from what happened in the past to apply it to the future. This is evidenced by the fact that young
people consider that they have not learned enough from the mistakes made with ETA and consider
that by not learning from history it could be repeated. (El país , 2021)


This dimension speaks of how cultures satisfy their desires, showing how people use to control their

According to the graph, Belgium is more indulgent than Spain. This means that Belgians used to
enjoy more life, have fun and used to think in s positive way. On the other hand, we have Spain that
is more restraint than Belgium, this means that Spanish people are more negative and pessimistic and
are used to control their desires more.

One area considered in this dimension is the number of police officers in the countries, because in a
culture of indulgence there are smaller police forces. For example, in Belgium, there are 13,000
(Police , 2019) and in Spain there are 70,000 (Health plan , 2020), they have more moral discipline.

Another example may be the percentage of happy people in each country, according to (Eurostat ,
2018 ) Belgium people that consider themselves as happy is of 76% and in Spain is 65%.

(Eurostat , 2018 )
Focusing on the Basque country, according to the surveys carried out, the happiness of its citizens is
7.6 / 10 on average, which means that they are more indulgence than restraint culture (NOLTE,
2018 )


To sum up with, it is important to point out that among the countries studied above, when it comes to
work, Spain is more collectivist and Spanish are more used to work in teams. On the contrary, in
Belgium they rather do everything alone. We can’t forget to mention that there is a notable difference
between cultures with the long/short term perspective. In Belgium they are more perseverant, and
they look for the future, when in Spain, the people are much more impatient and look for short term
satisfaction rather than long term, as in Belgium.

Throughout the analysis we previously made, we realized that these are the most noticed differences
among cultures, but there are much more similarities, for instance, the power distance, indulgence,
masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, etc. These facts prove that these cultures are not that different
after all, and there are more similarities than differences.


In our opinion, we believe that a subculture is created from a main culture, but that it can be
differentiated by different reasons such as age, ethnicity, sexual identity, ideologies, religion,
customs, etc. It is quite common for this subculture to define itself in opposition to the dominant
culture, which is what happens in the Basque Country.

As far as heterogeneity is concerned, we believe that it is good for society as it brings different points
of view, but to a certain extent, without coming into conflict.

As for the way of life in the Basque Country, it is quite like the Spanish way of life, except for political
issues, ideologies or some customs, but in general it is very similar to that of the rest of Spain.

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CARPIO, J. A. (10 de Febrero de 2017). RTVE. Obtenido de Declaración de Independencia de

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Police . (2019). Police Belgium . Obtenido de Local Police :

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Vitoria. (8 de Octubre de 2020). El Mundo . Obtenido de "Los vascos no tenemos rey", proclama el
PNV mientras Podemos agita en Euskadi el debate sobre la monarquía:

Wiesel, E. (2021). Brainy Quote. Obtenido de Culture Quotes :

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