Peer Group Assessment Form ENG

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Peergroup Evaluation form (ENG)

The individual reflective proces - Team Dynamics and group proces - 50%

2.8a. Individual reflection on your role in the team (Belbin role); your talents and allowable weaknesses - own perception.

2.8b. Individual reflection on your role in the team (Belbin role); your talents and allowable weaknesses - feedback from
2.8c. Individual reflection on your contribution to the group product - own perception in combination with feedback from

2.10. The professional demonstrates the ability to "sell" themselves, their ideas, opinions or proposals in a convincing, bold
and effective manner - own perception in combination with feedback from peers.

Peer feedback, zie Assessment form Hospitable HRM

Name group member (who gives feedback):
Name group member (who receives feedback):
2.8.b Insufficient / Moderate / Sufficient / Good *
Role (Belbin) group member in team
Peer feedback (explain score, incl. tips and tops):

2.8.c. Insufficient / Moderate / Sufficient / Good *

Contribution group member to
realization group product Peer feedback (explain score, incl. tips and tops):f

2.10 Insufficient / Moderate / Sufficient / Good *

The way in which the group member
presented his/her ideas/opinions in a Peer feedback (explain score, incl. tips and tops):
convincing way.

Insufficient = Group member didn’t succeed to deliver a meaningful contribution. Other members
were forced to do more. Without the contribution of this member the end result would probably
have been better.
Moderate = Marginal contributor: this group member contributed very little. Without this person, the
quality of the final product / process / teamwork would have been about the same.
Sufficient = This group member contributed clearly. Without this person, the quality of the final
product / process / teamwork would have been reduced.
Good = This group member contributed significantly. Without this person, the quality of the final
product / process / teamwork would have been significantly less.

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