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Business Partner B1 Extra activities

UNIT 2 Business sectors

Lesson 2.1 Japan’s economy

VIDEO A 2.1.1 Complete the extracts from the video about Japan’s economy using
the words and phrases in the box.

global players handheld innovative luxury goods

market share pioneered portable released reliable

1 When we think of , we think of France and Italy.

2 … many Japanese banks are .
3 They technological advancements in the use of robots.
4 The cars were cheap, and popular with consumers.
5 This meant domestic car makers in the USA and Europe lost .
6 Japanese electronics companies are known for producing small, well-designed and
often products.
7 In 1979, Sony the Walkman, a small and cassette player.
8 Nintendo is credited with producing the best-selling console in history.

Vocabulary B Complete the sentences to check your vocabulary from this lesson. The first
letters are given.
1 Another word used for car makers is the a industry.
2 Basic materials used to make products are also called r materials.
3 The industry of extracting minerals from the ground is called m .
4 A plant such as rice, fruit or vegetable that farmers grow is a c .
5 The c industry builds houses, offices, bridges, etc.
6 M is the process or business of producing goods in factories.
7 If you sell goods in shops to customers, you are in the r business.
8 A factory or building where an industrial process happens, e.g. making chemicals, is
ap .
9 The t industry makes cloth and clothes.
10 Agriculture forms part of the p sector.
11 The consumer electronics industry forms part of the s sector.
12 The tertiary sector is also called the s sector.

Business Partner B1 © Pearson Education 2018

Business Partner B1 Extra activities

UNIT 2 Business sectors

Lesson 2.2 The energy industry

Reading A Look at the words and phrases in bold from the article on page 20 of the
coursebook . Match them with the correct synonym or definition (a–j).
1 He went solar to provide backup power in a blackout.
2 Helping the environment was an extra benefit.
3 … making the biggest investment in renewable energy
4 The move was one answer to the growing threat …
5 … a long-term transition away from fossil fuels
6 Total is facing a critical choice.
7 … diversify into wind and solar power
8 … they stick to oil and gas
9 Their decisions will shape the future of the industry
10 energy supplies
a an advantage
b something you can use to replace something that does not work or is lost
c possible danger
d things necessary for daily life or for a particular purpose
e continue doing one thing and not change
f influence something and make it develop in a particular way
g money that is used to get a profit or to make a business activity successful
h start to make new products or offer new services
i important decision
j relating to what will happen in the distant future

Grammar B Look at the verbs in bold. Are they in the correct tense (Past Simple or Past
Continuous)? Correct any incorrect verb forms.
1 Silvia arrived while they had dinner.
2 It was raining so we were taking a taxi back to the hotel.
3 I had a job interview when my mobile phone was ringing. It was a bit embarrassing!
4 He was living with his parents when he was making his first million.
5 A: What were you doing at ten o’clock?
B: We were negotiating a new contract with the suppliers.
6 They were having coffee first and then they started the meeting.
7 He was breaking his leg when he fell down the stairs.
8 She was meeting her business partner while she was working as an intern.

Business Partner B1 © Pearson Education 2018

Business Partner B1 Extra activities

UNIT 2 Business sectors

Lesson 2.3 Communication skills: Dealing with interruptions

VIDEO A 2.3.3 Complete the product description using the words in the box. Then
watch the video again to check.

handheld glucose grams manage skin small

The Diabsensor is a 1 electronic 2 device that weighs

about 35 3
. It uses a sensor to read blood 4
or blood
sugar levels through the 5 . The sensor collects the data through
a patch on the skin and sends it to a remote monitor. The Diabsensor is a pain-free
way to 6 diabetes.

Functional B Match the sentence halves to make expressions for turn-taking during
language meetings.
1 What did you a let me just say …
2 I’d like to make a b please go ahead.
3 Well, if I could c more thing to say.
4 Sorry, I just have one d point here if I can.
5 Going back to e just finish.
6 Excuse me f for interrupting.
7 Before you speak, g what I was saying …
8 That’s OK, h want to say?

C Match the completed expressions from Exercise B with the functions below.
A Asking permission to interrupt
B Accepting an interruption
C Preventing an interruption
D Going back to an earlier point

Business Partner B1 © Pearson Education 2018

Business Partner B1 Extra activities

UNIT 2 Business sectors

Lesson 2.4 Business skills: Voicemail messages

Listening A 2.01 Listen to message 2 from Exercise 2A of the coursebook again.

Complete the information below. Information may not be given for all categories.


DATE/TIME: 12.3.17 / 22.30




TEL: 00
5 6


Functional B Look at the audioscript for message 3 from Exercise 2A of the coursebook
language (page 148). Follow steps 1–7 to rewrite the message and improve it. Use
expressions from the lesson.

1 Identified himself/herself
2 Stated the reason for the call
3 Requested action
4 Left his/her contact details
5 Offered an alternative communication mode
6 Provided a deadline
7 Finished the call

Business Partner B1 © Pearson Education 2018

Business Partner B1 Extra activities

UNIT 2 Business sectors

Lesson 2.5 Writing: Emails – Action points

Functional A Ext 2.01 Listen to a management meeting between Genna (Human

language Resources), Aiko (Purchasing), Filipo (Production), Sam (Customer Services) and
Nikolay (General Manager). Complete the action point email.

At the meeting today, we discussed the 1 we had last week and what
we are going to do about them. Here is a summary of the key action points which
resulted from the meeting.

Action By whom Deadline

look for 2
suppliers Aiko next 3

for new staff Genna this week

have 5 ready for Genna next 6

tell 7 what new 8
by tomorrow
equipment we need
write a report on customer Sam Thursday 10

complaints and recommend


Business Partner B1 © Pearson Education 2018

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