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Name: Katherine Grace A.

Year and Course: I - BECED
Date: September 10, 2022

PATHFIT Seatwork No. 1


Instruction: Based on the discussion, define and discuss the concept and importance of
physical education using the different information you've gained—minimum of ten sentences
maximum of 20.

Physical Education is important for the growth of the student’s confidence level,
along with capability and competence to participate in several physical activities.
P.E tends to become a crucial part of the student’s entire life. A good quality
curriculum of P.E ensures that the students can perform many types of physical
activities smoothly while enjoying at the same time.

It promotes physical activity, which develop students’ muscles, increase stamina,

and even increases the immune system, keeping them happy, energized and
in good health all the time. As we can see, physical education is really essential for
the students. They get to know about the importance of staying healthy. 

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