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Orbit is the skull's compartment containing

the eyeball, extraocular muscles, lacrimal gland,
ophthalmic blood vessels, and multiple cranial
nerves. The medial and inferior wall of the orbit is
particularly thin and fragile* that may play an
essential role in the compensatory "emergency"
decompression of the orbit in case of direct eye
* Brady S, et al. The diagnosis and management of orbital blowout

fractures: update 2001. Am J Emerg Med, 2001;19(2):147-154.

fissura orbitalis superior aditus orbitalis

ra o r b i ta li
m arg o s u p

p a r ie s s u p e r io r o r b ita e
m a rgo m e d i a l i s



p a r ie s la t e r a lis o r b ita e
m argo latera l

p a t ae

ie s ta e
p a r r o rb i
ri o
in fe lis
o r b ita
n fr a
ma rgo i
fissura orbitalis inferior

Anterior opening to the right orbit. Frontal view.

The list of terms:

Aditus orbitalis – Orbital aditus (opening to the orbit)
Margo supraorbitalis (aditus orbitalis) – Supraorbital margin (of orbital
Margo medialis (aditus orbitalis) – Medial margin (of orbital aditus)
Margo infraorbitalis (aditus) – Infraorbital margin (of aditus)
Margo lateralis (aditus) – Lateral margin (of aditus)
Paries superior orbitae – Upper wall of orbit
Paries medialis orbitae — Medial wall of orbit
Paries inferior orbitae — Inferior wall of orbit
Paries lateralis orbitae — Lateral wall of orbit
Fissura orbitalis superior — Superior orbital fissure
Fissura orbitalis inferior — Inferior orbital fissure

foramen ethmoidale posterius

foramen ethmoidale anterius
corpus ossis sphenoidalis

canalis opticus processus frontalis maxillae

la m in a o r b ita lis
a le

o s s i s e th m o id a lis
c r im
o s la

processus orbitalis ossis palatini

Medial wall of the orbit.

In terms of the skeleton, the medial wall of the orbit
is the most complex one. Note the orbital process of
palatine bone that forms a fraction of the wall, but is
a useful anatomical landmark for endoscopic
endonasal surgical approach to the orbit's medial

The list of terms:

* Gras-Cabrerizo J, Martel-Martin M, et al. Surgical anatomy of the

medial wall of the orbit in 14 human cadavers. J Neurol Surg B Skull

Base, 2016; 77(6):439–444.

Lateral wall of the orbit.

The list of terms:

Upper wall of the orbit.

The list of terms:

Lower wall of the orbit.

The list of terms:


First published: Feb/2020

Last update: 18/Nov/2020

Anatomy Standard, 2021

Jānis Šavlovskis & Kristaps Raits

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